Shura’s Wrath Chapter 96: Ghostly land

The Effect distance of Lunar Shadow is equivalent to Level of Ling Chen. As Qi Yue said, if the Level of Ling Chen can exceed fifty levels, then the Effect range of Lunar Shadow can also be increased to more than fifty meters. Maybe the Fortune Cat is anchored beyond the 50 meters that Fortune Cat can allow to approach … Then, if the Movement speed at that time can punch more than 50 meters in five seconds, it can really catch Fortune Cat.

Ling Chen was so excited, seizing Fortune Cat, at least he could get at least one treasure on it. Grabbing Fortune Cat, which is said to have never been caught, is a very fulfilling thing … but on the other hand, Qi Yue also said that Fortune Cat never goes to crowded places, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see in their lifetime. Once, then, not to mention whether you can successfully catch it or not to see it again is a question.

“How can I find Fortune Cat?” Ling Chen pondered and asked.

Fortune Cat is not found. To meet it, you can only rely on luck. In other words, the higher a person’s luck value, the more likely it is to see it. Young Master can encounter it today, It shows that the luck value of Young Master is very good. Well, people can’t carry it, go to sleep first, here is a gloomy, you must be careful. “

Then Qi Yue was silent. Her current state determines that the time she can stay awake every day is very short, and the time of showing the entity is only ten minutes.

The higher the luck, the more likely it is? Ling Chen glanced at his current luck value-8 points. If Xiao Hui Level rises by eight levels, its luck value can increase to 10 points, a number that reaches the limit of ordinary players. If Xiao Hui rises to level 45, its luck value can reach 15 points … a rather scary luck value.

After covering the buried points of Mystical Red Sun Gold, Ling Chen re-calls Cloud Stepping Mare and continues to go east.

After half a Hour

Ding… you have entered the dark land.”

It is daylight, but here is like the evening when the night falls. The hazy gray smoke floats in the air, which greatly reduces the visible range. A cold and windy wind blows slowly. The disgusting rotten odor said, occasionally mixed with creepy ghost crying.

Yes, it’s a gloomy place … Slightly brave people set foot here, maybe they don’t have the courage to go further. Ling Chen silently thought, jumped from Cloud Stepping Mare, then retracted it, called out dual weapons, and walked towards the misty and hazy world, the alert also mentioned the highest point.

“Hum …”

“喋喋 喋喋 …”

“Hip-hop ha-ha-ha-ha …”

Various voices from the body to the heart come from all directions, which can make a courageous person tremble his teeth. The further forward, the more intense the rancid smell and gray smoke, the lower the visibility. Ling Chen‘s eyebrows were a little bit agglomerated, and even he was quite creepy in this environment alone.

100, 100, 100 …

Ling Chen‘s head, one after another bright red numbers float up, once per second, so that the HP of Ling Chen drops rapidly. After he noticed it, he quickly took out a bowl of rice porridge bought in Ping’an Town, and then drank all of it. The coldness of his body and the slight dizziness of his brain suddenly lightened a lot.

Ding… you used ‘rice porridge’, HP/Life recovered 10, and the influence of dead Aura was reduced within 10 minutes.”

10, 10, 10 …

It turns out that although the taste of rice porridge is not good, Effect is by no means covered, and the impact of death Aura is reduced to one tenth at a time. Effect is better than Ling Chen‘s surprise. He glanced at the Xiao Hui that was behind him. In the mist of death, it walked swaying, Spirit and status were no different from usual, and there was no HP/Life loss figure floating on his head … It was not at all affected by this. Impact.

Xiao Hui this freak! Ling Chen silently whispered, and then continued to move forward. After ten meters, his footsteps stopped.

Among the dim weapons in front, one after another slowly walking around …

[Zombie]: Type: Undead, Level: 15, HP/Life: 638. The body of the dead person is transformed into a Undead creature under the influence of death Aura. For HP/Life Aura and Despising, he will use his own hands to tear the HP/Life body in the form of arbitrary.

Passive Ability: Attack, Defense is high, Movement speed is extremely slow. Resistance 70% Darkness series attacks.

Attack Skill(s): Swing your rigid arm and hit target. Once hit, it will cause great lethality.

Slow after slow in the dark mist Movement Shadows follow HP/Life of Aura Towards Ling Chen Direction. Their bodies were in horrible turquoise and black, with tattered clothing hanging on them, and most of their bodies were already Completely rotten, and some even dangled their eyes. They walk extremely slowly, moving forward almost every two seconds Movement step.

Ghostly environment, horrible zombies. If such a map is found by players, I do n’t know how many people have the courage to step in. Ling Chen frowned, and rushed up, not yet approaching, two “Ling Tian Burst” hands, one to the left and one to the right.

Bang, bang, bang …

642,647,784,1292 …

The air waves released by Soaring Cloud and Zephyr Sword hit these zombies, but they make a dull sound like hitting a stone.

The bodies of these zombies are indeed quite hard, but even if Ling Tian Burst of Ling Chen does not trigger Critical Hit and Piercing Attack, they can still just kill them. In the sound of cries from hell, all the zombies within five meters in front of him fell down. Each of the fallen zombies exploded … a copper plate.

Xiao Hui immediately ran, picked up all five copper plates into the Ling Chen backpack, and stood next to the corpses … After standing still for two seconds, retreats took two steps again, and walked back to Ling Chen in depression, these The shape of the zombie makes Xiao Hui really have no desire to devour.

Zombie attack and Defense are very high, but speed is really too slow. With the attack distance cut by Ling Chen, none of these zombies can be killed by him. Ling Chen carefully moved forward while cleaning up the zombies, step by step.

15, 15, 15, …

Ling Chen‘s loss of HP/Life accelerated as he deepened. Ling Chen glanced over his head, speeded up his pace slightly, and moved a few hundred meters away. The gray smoke reduced the visible distance to within ten meters, and the HP/Life loss per second of Ling Chen increased to 30 points per second … …

If there is no rice porridge, now maybe 300 HP/Life will be lost per second, three seconds will kill him.

Fill a big bowl of rice porridge again, Ling Chen takes a deep breath, and in front of it, there are all the figures that are emitting green smoke …

Zombies: Type: Undead, Level: 15, Grade: One Star Elite, HP/Life: 1500, Lethal Poison zombies are derived from excessive body decay, and HP/Life Aura and Despising will be torn up with their own hands HP/Life form of arbitrary.

Passive Ability: Attack, Defense is high, Movement speed is extremely slow. Darkness is a 70% Darkness attack. Any attack with a 30% probability will add a “Poison” state for 10 seconds. After Poison, 30HP/Life will drop every second. If you touch the body of the poisoned zombie, it will be 100% Poison.

Attack Skill(s): Wield a rigid arm and hit target heavily. Once hit, it will cause great lethality.

The appearance of poisoned zombies made Ling Chen feel uncomfortable in the stomach for a while. The only difference between them and ordinary zombies is that they are infected with Lethal Poison, and their resistance to attack has also been significantly improved. However, what makes Ling Chen have to be concerned is that all the dozen or so shadows appearing in front of them are all poisoned zombies … In other words, these are all one-star elites! !!

One star elite appearing in groups!

Reducing the nausea in my chest and chest, Ling Chen Actively rushed up … Although the bodies of these zombies were poisoned, but Movement speed Just like a normal zombie, yes Ling Chen There was no danger at all, he rushed to Ling Tian Burst Quick sweep, two superimposed Ling Tian Burst Hit all poisoned zombies within the attack range to the residual blood, Critical Hit Seckill, then, second round Ling Tian Burst , All poisoned zombies within the attack range will fall down.

Ding…, you successfully killed one star elite‘ Immunized Zombie ’, Fame + 15, SP points + 15.”

Ding… You successfully killed the one-star elite‘ Immunized Zombie ’…”

Ding…, you successfully killed one star elite‘ Immunized Zombie ’…”



Each kill of a poisoned zombie is 15 Fame value and 15 SP points. The speed of Ling Chen is unambiguous. One-star elites appearing in groups, which is enough to surprise any player to get out of control. Watching the fall of poisoned zombies, Ling Chen suddenly thought … If the poisoned zombies appeared here as ordinary monsters, they would refresh like ordinary monsters after death …

Willn’t you be able to brush Fame and Skill points indefinitely here? ?

The idea is wonderful, but obviously, this kind of thing won’t really happen. When the thirteenth poisoned zombie fell, except for the murmur of wind around, already could not find the shadow of the poisoned zombie. Ling Chen stood in place and waited for a full five minutes, and no new poisoned zombies were re-brushed out. On the ground, the bodies of those poisoned zombies did not disappear after five minutes.

Do n’t the zombies here disappear … but after a certain time, they will stand up again under the death Aura?

Ling Chen‘s conjecture is completely correct. All creatures in the Ghostly Land will not disappear after being killed, because they are originally dead creatures. In this dead environment, after a certain period of time, they fall down. The body will stand up again.

Ling Chen didn’t stop anymore and continued to move forward. Destroyed 30 poisoned zombies, he got 450 Fame values ​​and 450 SP points, which is a very big harvest, completely content.

At this moment, he passed half a Hour from the already he stepped into, and already crossed the Plains Region in the middle of the hell. According to the people in Ping’an Town, none of the people who stepped into the dark place and near the entrance of Lonely Spirit Ridge can come back … he is now getting closer to the location where everyone talks already .

What’s in the depths of the dark land …

50, 50, 50 …

Under the death Aura, the speed lost by Ling Chen HP/Life is getting faster and faster, but his footsteps are getting slower and slower, Spirit, also tense tightly.

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