Shura’s Wrath Chapter 774: Star Divine Orb

“You are the Emperor!” Ling Chen looked at him in surprise.

“Yi Emperor?” This farewell for thousands of years, almost all his Forgotten‘s name did not make him react violently, just grinning: “What Ye Emperor … Ye Ye Clan has long been dispersed, where? What other night emperor … I’m just a waste that can’t do anything, nothing can be changed, waste … “

Ling Chen was moving for a while. From the information obtained from Xiao Hui, he not only knew the identity of the old man, but also the origin of the Night Demon clan and the monotonous and bitter past of the Night Emperor. It turned out that the Night Demon family did indeed come from Moon God Clan, but the real name “Happy Gate” was just an independent Moon God Clan, and there was no Hatred with Moon God Clan, but the Lunar Scourge who saw the day again did not know for some reason to swallow the Night Emperor ’s daughter and let Night Emperor His daughter became the instrumental soul of Lunar Scourge. From the perspective of time, it happened exactly Forgotten Territory Shura’s Disaster ten thousand years ago.

After Shura’s Disaster was finally eliminated, Lunar Scourge also fell into the hands of the three Moon God. But Yedi ’s daughter is still in Lunar Scourge. He is not allowed to destroy Lunar Scourge by three Moon Gods at the same time. At the same time, he is struggling to find a way to save his daughter from Lunar Scourge. However, three Moon Gods of Lunar Scourge are obviously not so patient. When the night emperor finally found the way to rescue, the core of Strength of Lunar Scourge had been broken up by the three Moon God, and the subject was sealed in a world outside.

After learning that all the Night Emperors were completely angry, they vowed to be at odds with Moon God Clan, and the Night Demon family was born. However, the Night Devil can never defeat Moon God Clan. After repeated defeats, the Heaven’s Secrets Sect, Wind Dust Sect, and Dishamen, which belong to the Night Devil, have all been separated. The Night Emperor Ye Wuya has also disappeared from here … Outside of the world, I hope to find a place where Lunar Scourge is sealed.

However, he didn’t know that this 49554 Novice Village, which had been dwelling for decades after fruitless despair, is exactly where the Lunar Scourge body is sealed!

Qi Yue said that she has been existence in Lunar Scourge for 10,000 years, so she knows a lot about Forgotten Territory 10,000 years ago.

So, she must be the one who was devoured by Lunar Scourge ten thousand years ago, the daughter of this night emperor!

However, even if Ye Wuya is in front of Qi Yue, it is impossible for Qi Yue to recognize him, not to mention that the two have been separated from each other for 10,000 years.

Ling Chen now comforts: “Emperor, you don’t need to be so pessimistic. If your daughter is the instrumental spirit enclosed in Lunar Scourge, then I have seen your daughter at already, everything about her … also Well done. “

Ye Wuya is a stimulus all over, holding one step forward, clutching Ling Chen‘s shoulder tightly with both hands: “Really … really? Did you really see my daughter? Where is she now? Right … Yes … she is in Lunar Scourge. Can you … let her come out and let me have a look at her … “

After that, Ye Wuya was already excited. Looking at him, Ling Chen sighed in his heart, this night emperor, he is undoubtedly a true-tempered man, and a great father. Against the Moon God Clan for his daughter, and for thousands of years for his daughter, it is because of his daughter that he has fallen into this picture in despair. With his strength and identity, he can completely enjoy the world and enjoy all the glory, but all of this he has abandoned, only for his daughter, even after a full 10,000 years have passed, he still does not let him forget his identity as a father.

Although he is dismal now, Ling Chen cannot help but respect him.

Ling Chen thought for a while and said, “You can rest assured that her condition is much better than you think, but she is not in Lunar Scourge right now, because although I don’t know the specific reason, in some ways, she already has an independent body. “

“Not in Lunar Scourge? Having a body … is this … really? So where is she now? I want to see her, I look forward to seeing her, already looks forward to more than 10,000 years!”

Ling Chen groaned and said, “You wait here for a while, I will bring her right away. It won’t be long, it won’t take more than five minutes.”

“Okay! I waited for 10,000 years for already, and then waited for a few minutes. What else?” Ye Wuya nodded with excitement.

Ling Chen nodded, then chose offline and disappeared in front of Ye Wuya.

Back to the real world, Ling Chen went straight to Qi Yue‘s room, opened the door, and surely saw Qi Yue lying on his bed and sleeping on the side. Her sleeping posture is extremely seductive, I do not know whether it is intentional or dozing off. She had a slightly low Upper Body neckline wide open, and the two perfect white hemispheres were exposed, squeezing a deep in her side lying posture. Bottomless Gully.

Ling Chen Upon entering the door, when he saw Qi Yue for the first glance, he felt an uncontrollable surge of blood to the tip of his nose. He pressed his nose subconsciously, and he forcibly shifted his attention to the Qi Yue bed. Wake her up before: “Qi Yue, come back to the game with me immediately, there is a very important thing.”

“Hmm …” Qi Yue, who was awakened from her sleep, opened her blurred eyes lazily, her voice soft and soft: “Don’t you know that Young Master, beauties need a lot of sleep … Ahh … … “After that, Qi Yue yawned for a long time, and closed her eyes with laziness.

Ling Chen said straightforwardly: “Is your previous name Ye Yue? Is your father Ye Wuya?”

Qi Yue‘s recently closed eyes suddenly opened, and the drowsiness in the beautiful eyes almost disappeared. She looked at the Ling Chen for a while and opened her lips and said, “Have you seen him?”

The reaction of Qi Yue made Ling Chen‘s last suspicion completely dispelled. He nodded and said, “Yes! I saw Yedi Ye Wuya. Just now I was still talking to him. His biggest wish is to see himself be Daughter sealed in Lunar Scourge. And you have been sealed in Lunar Scourge from 10,000 years ago. Obviously it is the “daughter” Ye Yue in his mouth … After all these years, you should also be very eager to see him? So, right away Follow me back to the 《Mystic Moon》 world, he is waiting there, you and father and daughter will meet soon. “

Listening to Ling Chen, the complex radiance flashed in Qi Yue‘s eyes, but it was never mixed with joy, excitement, nostalgia, or even sadness. Then, she slowly shook her head: “Young Master, I do n’t talk to you Go back because I don’t want to see him. “

“Why?” Qi Yue‘s response surprised Ling Chen, puzzled: “He is your biological father, separated for more than 10,000 years, don’t you want to see him right away?”

Qi Yue sighed quietly, but there was no speech, I wonder what she was thinking.

“Perhaps you are resentful that he failed to save you from that year and never let you suffer … Lunar Sky Prison‘s Darkness and loneliness for a month almost drove me crazy, but what you endured was full 10,000 years of Darkness and loneliness. Among them, there must be pain that cannot be described in words, so you may hate your father, Moon God Clan, and even the world. But he is your biological father after all, Moreover, he is the heir of Moon God Clan, but he has turned his head against Moon God Clan because of you. For ten thousand years, he has traveled all over 《Mystic Moon》 Territory in order to find you, and he has not given up today. It was not his fault that year, even if it was His fault, he did so much for you, he persisted for 10,000 years, and you have no reason to not forgive him. “

“No, I’m not unforgiving him.” Qi Yue slowly shook his head, eyes closed said: “It’s just that Ye Yue ten thousand years ago has a gentle temperament Ruoshui, and his relationship with his father is extremely deep. However, already is a full ten thousand years. Thousand years of Darkness and loneliness are enough to distort the character and soul of any living being. The current Qi Yue is no longer the Ye Yue of that year. The personality, temperament, mood, and city hall are completely different. Even the feelings for his father, It was completely faded, to the point that there was no sense of joy and expectation when he heard him appear. This kind of standing in front of him not only did not surprise him, but made him feel like facing a stranger. … abandoning everything, looking for a daughter who has been found for 10,000 years, but extremely strange, that would be a cruel blow than despair. “

Ling Chen: “…”

After struggling through the eyes of Qi Yue, she finally said, “Although I can’t see him now, tell him to let him wait another three years because I need three years to reshape my body. I am now His body can only appear in this world, not in the 《Mystic Moon》 world. Give me three years of preparation time and I should know how to face him. “

Ling Chen frowned, what Qi Yue said made him very incomprehensible, and even the last reason was far-fetched. It wasn’t like a reason, but rather a temporary make-up in order not to meet Yedi immediately. Excuse. But the decision of Qi Yue, Ling Chen has always been unable to change anything, and this matter has nothing to do with himself. He did not insist on anything, nodded, and returned to his room.

After Ling Chen left, Qi Yue was completely sleepless. She sat up from the bed and gently gathered up Upper Body, which barely wrapped her chest. After looking out the window for a while, you quietly whispered: “Okay … I hope you Don’t blame me … “


Ling Chen returned to the game and reappeared in front of Ye Wuya. Facing the hope of Ye Wuya, he could only shake his head: “Sorry, I couldn’t bring her here because she said … I can’t see you now.”

“Can’t see me … can’t see me?” Ye Wuya froze. The expectation in his eyes seemed to be ruthlessly drained by a basin of cold water. His body was weak and took a step towards retreats. He said, “Why not? See me … is she hating me … hate me for being incapable of saving her and suffering her for so long … “

“No,” Ling Chen shook her head: “She didn’t want to see you, but … But she said that already has passed 10,000 years, her character already has changed greatly, and she is afraid of making you feel strange and hopeful, meanwhile And because she does n’t have a body, I ’m afraid you ’ll see your heartache … So, she hopes you can wait three years, and after three years, she can have a complete body, and at that time, she can formally meet you. ”

The words of Ling Chen restored the eyes of Ye Wuya again. He said destitutely: “Is this … is she really saying that? Three years … three years … well, I’m all looking for already Waiting for more than 10,000 years, how can I not wait for these three years. As long as she is willing to see me, don’t say three years, that is 300 years, 3000 years, I will wait. “

Ling Chen nodded: “Rest assured that after this 10,000 years, her personality has changed a lot. Since she said three years later, she will never break her word. But you can just borrow these three years. Restoring the style of your night emperor, you certainly don’t want to let her see you now when you meet your daughter, right? “

Ye Wuya glanced down at himself, and smiled sourly: “Yeah, yeah … young man, your eyes are deep, but also very clear and sincere. I believe every word you say, In short, thank you. Although I do n’t know how you got Lunar Scourge, and it seems to have become Master, it ’s not that this is not what I want to care about, I only know that you have at least saved my daughter and made me have and The opportunity for my daughter to reunite, I hope that in the future, I will have the opportunity to repay you. “

While talking, he slowly extended his withered right hand. In his hand, it was an Bead child with the same size, shape, and radiance as the moon Divine Orb. Only a star imprinted in the center: “Young man, inheritance With the Strength in the Moon God vein, I know how hard it is for people other than Moon God Clan to return to this extraterrestrial world from the 《Mystic Moon》 world. You must come back at no cost to find it … you have Lunar Scourge, this should be It belongs to you, and now I return it to the original owner. Lunar Scourge Bye bye, what scourge will be caused by the day has nothing to do with me, I just hope that this star Divine Orb will help my daughter regain her completeness soon after returning to Lunar Scourge Body. “

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