Shura’s Wrath Chapter 748: Shura (贰)

Xiao Hui quickly ran to the place where Ling Chen threw away the fifth fragment of Shura Emperor Sword. After picking up the fragment to Ling Chen‘s backpack, he ran back to his feet and snuggled gently, rubbing him.

Ling Chen‘s left arm hooped over Leng’er‘s waist, gently hugged her, and put her right hand on Xi Ling‘s shoulder. The body still shook slightly due to the over-excited mood just now, but it was finally under control. He understands that without Xi Ling, Leng’er and Cai’er, he would have lost control many times.

Cai’er, sing for me.” He said in a very vague voice.

“Hmm.” Cai’er, once again scared by Ling Chen, nodded timidly, fluttered to Ling Chen, and chanted [Song of Peace · Yu Qing Qing Meng] with her ethereal voice.

The pleasant and quiet singing sounded in the space of Darkness, and it came out a long way. Gradually, the roar of fierce beasts that kept ringing around went down a little until it was completely quiet. Those fierce and beastly spirits all quieted down, listening quietly to the singing of Cai’er, and then slept peacefully one by one. Ling Chen‘s frantic heartbeat calmed down a bit, and his breathing was no longer disturbed. He kept his knees on the ground, clasped his hands around Leng’er and Xi Ling. After exhaling quietly, his eyes closed slowly.

Calm down, I must be calm down … Only when I calm down can I find a way out!

However, all the methods that can be tried have been tried, but none of them worked. At the beginning, Xiao Fengchen and Qi Yue both said that the only way to get rid of Lunar Sky Prison is Spatial Stone. The space Strength was leaked by hitting Spatial Stone. Spatial Stone‘s Strength is formed by nature and has the purest space Strength. The resulting space crack can ignore all forms of space barriers … If this is the only way, where should I go to find Spatial Stone? If it is Forgotten Territory, it can always be found even if it is scarce. But this is in Lunar Sky Prison. If there is Spatial Stone inside, how could these Powerful beasts be trapped for thousands of years.

Are you really … really stuck here forever?

If you ca n’t go out, Tian Tian, Shasha, Diewu will be cut off in the middle of a Tian Tian waiting, maybe they will endure more difficult and deeper despair than me; Mengxin, Su Er, Qi Qi will also Sad for me, Fei, Gui Ya, Bingyao, Ying, Xi … there will be no more stable moments in their hearts …

No! Must get out of here! Leave this place anyway! No matter how much it costs … you must leave here! !! !! !!

My grand Ling Tian, how can I just get stuck here!

How can I go out! Is there any other method I have not tried?

Even if I have to pay the greatest price, as long as I can leave here, even if all Equipment except Lunar Scourge, all Class and all Stats on my body disappear, I will never hesitate!

eyes closed is quiet. Although Ling Chen‘s mood calms down, in his mind, he still shouts aloud, exhausting all his wisdom and thoughts, thinking hard and searching. That kind of inner torment is not less than that when he was in “Paradise” … At least, in “Paradise“, he can bite his teeth desperately, can persist in desperately, and can not let himself be exceeded with his will and belief beyond his limits Death, but here, even though he has Powerful‘s Strength, Powerful‘s beliefs, Powerful‘s will and Spirit, there is nowhere else to go. He was trapped in a cage, but he couldn’t even find this “cage”, how could he get out of the cage.

What should I do … who will tell me what I should do! !!

The depressing roar echoed in the heart of Ling Chen, over and over again. These days, these voices have been repeated in his heart for millions of times. He thinks about this problem almost every minute and every second, making him more and more anxious, more depressed, and more crazy … …

Young Master, can you hear me?”

In the quiet, a soft and bonny voice suddenly sounded in the sea of ​​Ling Chen. Ling Chen opened his eyes sharply, and his body suddenly stood up with excitement … This is the voice of Qi Yue, because apart from Qi Yue in the world, No second person can make such a numb sound from the body to the soul instantly. He looked around and said “Qi Yue, are you? Where are you?”

“They are in Lunar Scourge …”

“But, aren’t you in the real world? How did you come back?” Ling Chen gritted his teeth and forcibly calmed down in a strong excitement. He has never been so excited because he heard the voice of Qi Yue like he is now. Although he is guarding Qi Yue from the bottom of his heart, it is undeniable that she has more information, experience and means in the 《Mystic Moon》 world than him. . Maybe, she can think of any way out of this Lunar Sky Prison, even if it is very extreme.

Qi Yue‘s voice came quietly, with a little worry and exhaustion: “Young Master hasn’t come out of the game for a long time, we are all worried and die. People guess that Young Master must be locked into Lunar Sky Prison, because there is only Here, Young Master can’t be offline for so long, so people have to spend a long time, using a very special method, to wake up the strand of soul remaining in Lunar Scourge to contact Young Master … It seems that people have a little guess Nothing is wrong, it really is Lunar Sky Prison. “

“Tell me, how long have I been trapped inside?” Ling Chen asked anxiously.

“One month,” Qi Yue replied.

“A month … a month …” This time does not seem to be too long, but it is not short at all. Lying there like a dead person for more than a month, Ling Chen imagined how much they should worry about Tian Tian.

Ling Chen squeezed his hands, bit his teeth, and said, “Qi Yue, tell me how can I leave here. You are so familiar with Moon God Clan, you must know how.”

Qi Yue‘s answer came quickly: “Method, the last time someone said to Young Master, it was Spatial Stone.”

“But I don’t have Spatial Stone on my body, and there is no way to have Spatial Stone in this place!” Ling Chen shook his head vigorously: “Is there any other way besides Spatial Stone?”

“No.” Ling Chen and others were Qi Yue‘s neat answer: “Spatial Stone is the only flaw in Lunar Sky Prison, and this flaw seems to have been intentionally left by Moon God Clan when it was cast into Lunar Sky Prison. In addition, there is no Anyone who can go out, even the three Moon Gods, can only seal the creatures and cannot release them. Since the casting of Lunar Sky Prison, except for the last time Young Master and Xiao Fengchen escaped with Spatial Stone, it seems that no creature can escape. , Including countless Fairy, Heaven End, Mysterious God beasts … even, one thousand years ago, there was another Saint Destroyer-class beast that was enclosed, and it never saw the day again. “

Ling Chen‘s clenched hands are a little tighter, and even the Saint Destroyer beast whose strength and status are at the top of the entire 《Mystic Moon》 world cannot escape from it. Is it really possible that there is not even a trace of escape from Spatial Stone? Ling Chen shook his head, biting his teeth and said lowly: “I don’t believe it! There must be other ways! There is no” absolute “thing in this world! Qi Yue, you must also know other methods, as long as you can leave here, what methods do you You can say everything! “

“…” Qi Yue was silent for a long time. It seemed hesitant. After a while, it slowly said, “Young Master, you have been trapped here for so long this time. You should have been walking in this Lunar Sky Prison for a long time. But I haven’t been able to see the end or the edge, right? “

Ling Chen: “…”

Qi Yue continued: “This Lunar Sky Prison seems strange and mysterious, but its true structure is worthless. The entire Lunar Sky Prison is actually a sub-dimensional space.”

The term “sub-dimensional space? What do you mean?” This is the first time Ling Chen has heard this term.

“The sub-dimensional space is the secondary space in the gap between the normal space. It cannot be seen, cannot be touched, has no size, no weight. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is impossible to detect and cannot be found. Its existence. Maybe I can say this: cut a normal space with a strong horizontal Strength, and then create a space in the space crack, and then fill the crack, then the created space will be The repaired space crack is covered by it, and it becomes a sub-space that no one can access, that is, a sub-dimensional space. Lunar Sky Prison is such a sub-dimensional space. Ask Young Master, such a sub-dimensional space, an ordinary method, how is it possible? Leaving? “

Ling Chen‘s lips moved, and his face was startled.

“It is extremely difficult to cut a space crack. With the unparalleled attack ability of Young Master, it is impossible to repair it. It only takes a very brief moment to repair a space crack, and it is necessary to create another one at this moment. Space, it sounds impossible at all. Even today’s three Moon God teaming up is absolutely impossible. And this Lunar Sky Prison was made tens of thousands of years ago by the supreme relic of Moon God Clan, the highest Moon God of Moon God Clan at the time. [Moon Heart] Completed with the Strength of the mysterious relic [Lachesis]. Less than three years after casting, the Moon God died due to the complete depletion of Strength, and the relic of the **** Lachesis has since been silent. Below, there is only [Moon Heart] cast into the Lunar Sky Prison structure. “

Lachesis? You said Lachesis?” Ling Chen‘s brow jumped.

“Yes! Oh? seems to know Young Master knows the name. However, although Lunar Sky Prison‘s casting is partly from Lachesis‘s Strength, but now that Young Master does have Lachesis, it cannot be separated from it. Because Moon God Afraid that Lachesis will fall into the hands of the wicked after her death, and then use Lachesis‘s Strength to destroy Lunar Sky Prison and release the banned innumerable beasts and evil spirits. If it happens, the consequences will be disastrous. Therefore, she let Lachesis set in Lunar Sky Prison With a special rebound mark, as long as the Strength of Lachesis touches Lachesis, it will be immediately ejected. This rebound mark cannot be released by Lachesis. So, except for Spatial Stone, Moon God Clan is the highest [Moon Heart] and the relic of the **** [Lachesis 】 The Lunar Sky Prison built together can be said to be flawless.


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Look at the chapter name, do you know why I use (贰) instead of (2)? It ’s just to tell some children ’s shoes that they do n’t need to be too confident.


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