Shura’s Wrath Chapter 705: Nightmare

For Ling Chen, the worst thing in the world is Isrock Virus. Because that year, he fell into Abyss because he was infected with Isrock Virus. If he was not brought into “Paradise“, he would have died. Shuiruo‘s parents, and his father-in-law and mother-in-law, both died of Isrock Virus and Shuiruo. The reason is because of Isrock Virus,

Almost all nightmares in his life come from Isrock. “Isrock” is a symbol of the devil, and it is the most terrible nightmare in his soul. Deep down, he deeply desires that after Shuiruo, these four words will never appear in his HP/Life.

When Qian Mo on the phone shouted the words “Isrock“, Ling Chen was as if it were clear. The dark shadow brought by this terrible virus enveloped all his mind for a moment.

“It’s impossible! It must be wrong! Mengxin she has no reason to contract this virus! She was born in Yun Family and must have been injected with the highest Resistance drug!” Picking up the phone from the ground, Ling Chen roared out of control . No one knows the horror of Isrock Virus better than him. And once infected with Isrock Virus, it means inevitable death … This is a terrible common sense that the whole world knows.

Master, you must be calm.” Gui Ya‘s voice also appeared turbulent, and of course he would not understand what it means to be infected with Isrock Virus. Beside him, Yao Ying and Qian Mo were pale with this result. They sweated and re-discovered the current state of Yun Mengxin, hoping that their judgment was just a false alarm, but …

“It is Isrock Virus without a doubt. Moreover, it is a highly active Isrock Virus, and the infection time should not exceed 24 Hour. The way of infection cannot be discriminated …”

Ling Chen‘s hand holding the phone was a little tight, and the last glimmer of hope in the heart completely disappeared. How can he not understand the capabilities of Qian Mo and Yao Ying. The diagnostic instruments they have, but from that terrible Madman, are the highest-end medical equipment on the planet, and they have never made a mistake. At this moment, he heard the voice of the girl in his ear suddenly swelled:

“Wait! If it’s just infected, Isrock Virus shouldn’t show such a high level of activity. Unless … unless …” This is the voice of Yao Ying.

“Unless these Isrock Virus are artificially cultivated to the most active stage of maturity through special hormones! This active Isrock Virus, even the highest vaccine in the world, cannot prevent its infection at all! And because it is too high Activity will be extremely easy to spread on a large scale! “

Ling Chen: “!!!!!!”

“Tell the Xiao family immediately, and let them all stay away from Mengxin! Qi QiQi Qi? Did she touch Mengxin just now?” Ling Chen said pantingly, his face dark and scary.

“The Xiao family Princess is in the game and has not touched Yun Mengxin. We will close this room immediately, Xiaofei already will inform Xiao family Young Master, and we should know Yun Feng soon.” Yao Ying said worriedly. .


A slight audible sound came, and this sound was a reminder when communicating between Correct Reaper. Qian Mo on the phone answered the call, and a more frightening scream sounded: “What did you say!”

“What’s wrong?” Gui Ya turned his head sharply, staring at the panicked Qian Mo.

“The news came from the ghost hand, Su ErSu Er came back home, suddenly fainted, pale … probably … probably …” Qian Mo‘s voice was a bit cramped, how could the second half be impossible? Talk on.

“Why … what !?” Gui Ya was startled.

Ling Chen heard all this from the phone is a whole body shock … Yesterday Gui Ya reported to him that Su Er went to Yun Family with her father Su Hongcheng to participate in the birthday party of Father Yun, but after the birthday party did not follow Su Hongcheng Go home but stay in Yun Family and sleep in a room with Yun Mengxin


The phone slipped to the ground again. Ling Chen‘s body seemed to lose all its strength in an instant. heavily sat on the chair behind him, his eyes completely lost focus.

How could this be … this is reality … or a nightmare …

Is this the “bad thing” vaguely perceived by Su Er? But why is it so cruel! I would rather Ling Tian City be destroyed again, even if it is destroyed so that there is no brick or tile, it is thousands of times better than this desperate disaster.

Elder Brother, what happened?”

Ling Chen!”

Hearing the unusually heavy sound when Ling Chen sat down, Tian Tian, who was packing clothes together in the room, trot over with Shadyska, coming from left to right from Ling Chen, watching Ling Chen‘s decadent look, they were scared A big jump.

Ling Chen shook his head and wanted to make a smile at them, but he could n’t laugh any more. He gently caught the two girls, his voice was dry: “Tian Tian, Shasha, stay here with me, never just casually Running around … there will be no bad people, no danger, no virus … “

Elder Brother, what happened to you? What happened? Elder Brother …” Tian Tian‘s heart suddenly lifted, and tears already began to spin in the eyes. Because except for the time when Shuiruo left, she had never seen him show such a somber mood.

Shadyska flashed his pupils, silently looked at Ling Chen for a while, then approached his body, nestled on his shoulder, and whispered softly in his ear: “Ling Chen, you ca n’t do this. I believe everything will be okay. The bad guys can be defeated, the danger will not appear, the virus is not terrible at all, I know there are many ways to remove the virus. “

Ling Chen moved the corner of his mouth, but still could n’t laugh, looking at the eyes of the two people. Full of worry and tears, trying to comfort his girl, he closed his eyes and silently put Tian Tian and Shasha Hold fast …

“There is a way to get rid of Isrock Virus.”

Qi Yue‘s voice sounded from behind Ling Chen, which made him stunned by Spirit. He stood up suddenly, looking straight at Qi Yue who was standing there somehow, his excited lips were shaking. He wouldn’t be so excited if anyone said the same thing. But Qi Yue is different. She is not a person of this world. Her experience is at least a few hundred times his. She said that she might really know how to solve Isrock Virus: “Qi Yue! Are you sure? ? That’s Isrock Virus. Do you really know how to solve it? “

During the call just now, Qi Yue was apparently overhearing, and the ears were so sharp that they could hear everything on the other side of the phone. This hearing was obviously extremely abnormal. But now, this is not something that Ling Chen needs to consider at all. He stared at Qi Yue … Although this Seductress is dangerous, the words spoken by her experience, ability and mentality make him difficult to question from the bottom of his heart.

Qi Yue nodded and looked at Ling Chen‘s eyes quickly with a hope: “It is not important whether or not Isrock Virus, this method I know can purify any kind of negative virus, any kind.”

In the face of Spirit‘s extreme depression, this Seductress is still full of peach blossoms. Obviously, he didn’t take this matter at all, or Isrock Virus in his heart. Ling Chen calmed down and asked with aura: Me, what’s the method you said! “

“This method, I told Young Master only yesterday, did Young Master forget it so quickly?” Qi Yue didn’t answer directly, bending his eyes and hooking his lips, said charmingly.

“Yesterday?” Ling Chen hesitated, and immediately, he thought of something, his pupil trembled slightly: “You mean … Fairy Fountain spring water?”

Young Master is so smart. I remembered it as soon as I was reminded.” Qi Yue smiled lightly, and Waner said, “I told Young Master yesterday that the spring of Fairy Fountain has strong purification ability. The poison on Shuiruo Younger Sister is more overbearing than Isrock Virus. Can be easily purified, let alone Isrock Virus. “

“The spring of Fairy FountainFairy Fountain …” Ling Chen thought quickly. Fairy Fountain is the fountain of the game world. I am afraid anyone will be disappointed when they hear Qi Yue. But Ling Chen will not. Even Qi Yue and Shasha can come to the real world. Even Shuiruo‘s body can enter the game world. It is also possible to bring Fairy Fountain spring water into the real world.

“As long as you bring the spring of Fairy Fountain here, you can save Mengxin and Su ErQi Yue! You must have a way to bring things from the 《Mystic Moon》 world here, right?” Ling Chen looked up sharply and looked Qi Yue.

“Well, it can be done.” Qi Yue did not deny, “As long as you give your two little lovers the spring water obeying Fairy Fountain, all the viruses in their bodies will be purified in a short time, and the skin and The face will become whiter and tenderer. Even when they are 40 or 50 years old, they will not age, and their life will be extended a lot. “

Listening to the conversation between Ling Chen and Qi Yue, Tian Tian looked blank, while Shadyska‘s small eyebrows moved slightly, and he lifted his cheek to look at Ling Chen.

“Go back to the game with me right away!” Ling Chen grabbed Qi Yue‘s hand and said eagerly. My heart is full of excitement, and I am also very sentimental … If the world of 《Mystic Moon》 can be unlocked earlier, the method mentioned by Qi Yue can be realized, then Ruoruo will be fine. It’s just time, but it can never be reversed …

Qi Yue is not in a hurry, using her soft, slender hands to wrap around Ling Chen‘s arm, and whispered charmingly: “If people bring Fairy Fountain spring water, how can Young Master reward others?”

“What reward do you want?” The answer from Ling Chen was unambiguous. If Qi Yue really resolves this crisis, then he will owe too much to this Seductress.

The pink lip is close to the ear of Ling Chen, and the sound of Qi Yue‘s fine mosquito is introduced into his ear with infinite beauty: “This month, I have to sleep with everyone every night.”

Ling Chen: “…”

With Tian Tian and Shasha, Ling Chen obviously cannot respond to Qi Yue. He grabbed Qi Yue‘s hand, and rushed back to his room, then locked the door and activated Gaming Device. With the release of his consciousness, Qi Yue‘s body disappeared there as if fogged.

“Well … what did Elder Brother and Qi Yue Elder Sister just say? Shasha, do you understand?” Tian Tian, who still did n’t quite understand what happened, dragged the corner of Shasha.

“It’s nothing.” Shasha smiled, and then turned to Ling Chen‘s room, his eyebrows frowned again quietly, and he whispered something that only he could hear: “That method … impossible … Because here is a dirty earth. “

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