Shura’s Wrath Chapter 692: Dark God Cannon

When Underworld King appeared, the momentum was like the stormy sea that covered the sky, swept away the Powerful gas field of Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger, and Forgotten Great Emperor and White Eagle Black were almost given by this unbeatable Underworld King interest Shoot in the air. In their horror, Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger suddenly heard the word “Underworld King“, and all of them suddenly fell into the ground.

Underworld King! ? Is this person Underworld King?

What is Underworld King? He is the king of Underworld, the ultimate existence standing at the pinnacle of the entire 《Mystic Moon》 world. No matter the strength or status, he is at the same level as the top three goddesses of Moon God Clan! Even for them, the supreme Moon God Representative, is inferior to him. The emperor of the human world, Forgotten Great Emperor, didn’t even count a fart in front of him.

For the highest-level humans like Forgotten Great Emperor, seeing Moon God Representative in person is a blessing in life. As for seeing characters such as the top three Moon God and legend Underworld King, he would never even think about it. The word “Underworld King” was shouted from the mouth of Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger. How could there be false? The gas field when this Underworld King appeared was even more shocking than the Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger. Forgotten Great Emperor is in awe and horror. Looking at the king of Underworld in legend, do n’t talk, even the atmosphere is afraid to breathe, and I wonder why this superman in existence in legend suddenly came to this little one. The small Forgotten city, and it looks like he is still angry … And what does “son-in-law” in his mouth mean?

Ling Chen is also a mouth wide open, some stunned looking at the huge body of Underworld King … Aimed at Mi, how come this cheap old man came here? This is the rhythm of something big Ah!

“Yes, Lao Tzu is Underworld King!” Hearing Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger shouting his name, Underworld King glared directly at her with a big glance, and said, “Look at this dress, you girl should be a Moon God Clan person, right?” “

Dare to call Moon God Representative directly as a “girl doll” and shout out such words as “Moon God Clan people” so that there are few people in the entire 《Mystic Moon》 world. In front of him, the momentum of Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger has converged, and the voice has to be relaxed as much as possible: “The Underworld King name is like a thunderbolt. I am honored to see you today. I wonder why Underworld King came to this place today with condescension?”

“What do you say !!! The son-in-law of this Underworld King has been bullied to the head, can I not come out!” Underworld King was unceremonious, and after speaking, he suddenly stared and shouted at Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger : “Since you are a Moon God Clan person, the person who just shouted to seal the Underworld King son-in-law into Lunar Sky Hell is you!”

“Your … son-in-law?” Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger suddenly blinked, his eyes suddenly fell on Ling Chen, his eyebrows bounced … Did the son-in-law in his mouth turn out to be … no! Absolutely impossible! How could a player from a different world be the son-in-law of Underworld King! What’s more, these players have come to this world for less than a year at best!

But I saw Underworld King turning around, patting Ling Chen‘s shoulders, and yelling, “Wife-in-law! Wasn’t she a girl who yelled to seal you in Lunar Sky Hell! Boldly say, I’ll take the shots for you! His uncle, This Underworld King is only quiet for thousands of years, a little Moon God Representative dares to bully Lao Tzu’s son-in-law’s head! This is simply not the case! Today, the three women of Moon God Clan have arrived in person, Lao Tzu must also be fair !!!!

When Underworld King shouted the word “son-in-law” to Ling Chen, Forgotten Great Emperor‘s body shook and his face became pale. If it was not supported by Heisha and Baiying, it is estimated that already would collapse directly there. Now Forgotten Great Emperor is really about to cry … Your sister’s Ling Tian Ah!! Why do n’t you have a big backer like Underworld King? I knew that you were the son-in-law of Underworld King. Even if I knelt down and begged me, I wouldn’t dare to provoke Ling Tian City … Isn’t this something Ah!?

Forgotten Great Emperor‘s intestines are all blue. Looking at the tragic situation of the Forgotten city below, he almost wants to cry. Before the emergence of Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger, he was also very proud, thinking that not only would the Forgotten city crisis be lifted, this Ling Tian would also be subject to severe punishment. But I did not expect that there was a backer of Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger on my side, but a Underworld King came out of Ling Tian. Moon God Representative of Powerful can be said to be scum in front of Underworld King. Even the entire Moon God Clan is not necessarily willing to turn around with Underworld because of a Forgotten city.

If there is a regret medicine in this world, Forgotten Great Emperor will buy a bottle even if it is ruined.

“… He is a player from a different world. How could he be your son-in-law of Underworld King. Will you be … recognize the wrong person?” Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger was shocked. A player would be a son-in-law of Underworld King, which makes She simply couldn’t believe and accept it. And it seems that this son-in-law still has the favor of this Underworld King, for he actually appeared in person … In her memory, Underworld King, but already has not set foot in Forgotten Territory for thousands of years.

“I recognize the wrong person? Fart! Are you an idiot? You can even recognize your own son-in-law!” yelled Underworld King. The extremely high decibel sound was mixed with the momentum of Underworld King, and the surrounding space almost shattered. .

Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger calmed down and said in a calm voice: “I dare not question the words of Underworld King. However, you can see that your son-in-law led the million Undead army to invade the Forgotten city below, and burned the city with Phoenix God Heavenly Flames Has brought a huge disaster to the city of Forgotten … “

“Because of such a bird city, you have to enclose the son-in-law of this Underworld King into Lunar Sky Hell !? Who gave you the courage!” The loud voice interrupted the words of Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger rudely, and Underworld King‘s beard was upright, obviously already was furious, He swayed his right hand, the black light flashed in front of him, and a dark thing as high as his body appeared in front of him. It turned out to be a cannon barrel without a gun stand. Underworld King made this look ordinary. The gun barrel is directly under the ribs, and the dark muzzle points to the city of Forgotten below: “Believe it or not, now I have no residue left in this bird city !! You have sealed Lao Tzu into Lunar Sky Hell Ah!!”

When this dark gun barrel appeared, Forgotten Great Emperor and Baiying Heisha didn’t feel anything, but Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger had a sudden change of look. Extremely horror appeared on the calm face, and even the sound shuddered: “Hey … Dark God Cannon !!!”

Hearing the words “Dark God Cannon“, Forgotten Great Emperor and Baiying Heixa shuddered, their bodies were soft, and they almost lost their incontinence at the same time.

The name “Underworld King cannon”, Forgotten Territory knows very few humans, but as human emperors and the most powerful men, Forgotten Great Emperor and Baiying Heisha know them clearly. It is a taboo weapon, it is the ultimate killer with the title of “Gun artillery” and the most powerful destruction ability recognized in the history of Forgotten Territory. The power of one shot is enough to destroy the world, to blast a mountain into a plain, and to make True God deeply tremble. If the city of Forgotten is bombarded, the entire city of Forgotten will completely disappear, and even a **** will not be left.

The comprehensive strength of Underworld is far inferior to Moon God Clan, but Moon God Clan never violates Underworld, because even the strongest Moon God Clan is extremely afraid of Dark God Cannon of Underworld. If it really annoys Underworld, a Dark God Cannon will blast Moon God Clan. The whole Moon God Clan will suffer a huge disaster.

Now, this Underworld King not only highlights the ultimate killer that True God is afraid of, but also it is heading towards the Forgotten city. Don’t say Forgotten Great Emperor, even Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger‘s face is pale, and the body subconsciously moved to retreats a few positions … Underworld King she can barely fear, but can’t help but fear the Dark God Cannon in his hands.

I have heard that this Underworld King is extremely short-protected. I never thought that it would be so short. For a son-in-law, not only appeared in person, but Dark God Cannon appeared! !! Madman! !! It’s simply Madman! !! Both of them are Madman! !!

Underworld King is angry, we are reluctant to offend your family, and dare not provoke you.” In the face of Dark God Cannon, Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger has to be subdued and has to be subdued, almost begging and saying: “Please take back Dark God Cannon first , This matter … I will naturally give you a satisfactory explanation. “

“That is, Lord Father-in-law, you are so impulsive this time. We are civilized. We must serve people with morality. Rudeness and violence cannot solve the problem!”

Ling Chen came out very “just in time”, stood beside Underworld King, and said with a look of compassion, while keeping looking at Dark God Cannon in the hands of Underworld King … This is the Dark God Cannon in legend? This form is too sorry for its reputation! I couldn’t even make a **** like this.

Are you civilized? Do you serve people with virtue? Your rudeness and violence cannot solve the problem … don’t say that Forgotten Great Emperor, Forgotten Goddess’s Messenger can’t help but spray him with shit. Who just caused the city of one million Lord Undead to smash Forgotten? Who sprinkled the sky Phoenix God Heavenly Flames in the city of Forgotten! Who is clamoring for the whole Forgotten city to be buried with Fairy who died of Ling Tian City! How thick is Nima’s skin to say such a word, I am!

In fact, Ling Chen did not intend to really destroy the city of Forgotten from the beginning, otherwise, he would not let Ling Tian City send only one million players, otherwise the Phoenix God Heavenly Flames that was just sprinkled would not be so sparse. If he wants to destroy the whole city, let Xi Ling release any one of [Glorious world lotus], [World Burning Heavenly Flames], [Nine Suns Heavenly Fury], and he can do it directly. However, the city of Forgotten has too many innocent people, after all, he is unwilling to let himself and Xi Ling suffer such sins. If he is alone, it will be destroyed, but there are countless players behind him who are Ling Tian City and Ling Tian City. If the city of Forgotten is really destroyed, it will definitely cause Moon God Clan rage, and it will be the entire Moon God Clan rage. Ling Tian City.

However, nineteen Fairy cannot die in vain. Therefore, what he has to do today is to give a serious warning and cruel revenge to the city of Forgotten, so that they will always remember this nightmare day, and let them know that they violated Ling Tian City. as a result of. Let them no longer have the guts to approach the Ling Tian City half-step … even, if possible, kill the culprit Forgotten Great Emperor directly! Killing the emperor, Moon God Clan will not anger the entire Ling Tian City.

Now that Underworld King appears, Ling Tian cannot let Underworld King destroy the city of Forgotten because of itself. Because that will make a big gap between Moon God Clan and Underworld, maybe there will be the possibility of tearing the face. Annoying Moon God Clan is extremely unwise after all.

However, Underworld King not only appeared in person, but also took out Dark God Cannon to deter Moon God Representative. As Underworld King, he naturally knew very well that this might lead to the consequences of tearing his face with Moon God Clan, but he still did so, which made Ling Chen impossible. Unmoved by heart, he had not spoken at Underworld before, but at this time he willingly shouted “Master Father-in-law …” to become a title, anyway, it is not loss.

The “Master Father-in-law” was shouting Underworld King, and the anger was mostly dissipated. He straightened his waist and yelled, “What are you going to do, that son-in-law? We can’t just be bullied for nothing . “

Are you bullied? Forgotten Great Emperor is really about to cry this time … Who is bullying who is Ah! in the end! The city of Forgotten is all over here, but your son-in-law didn’t even hurt Ah! at all! !!

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