Shura’s Wrath Chapter 648: Minghuo

Ding… Your PetXiao Hui‘ successfully devoured ‘Ice Soul Undead Wolf‘, HP/Life600, MP350, Defense200.”

The last beast Ice Soul Undead Wolf was finally swallowed up by Xiao Hui, and three high Level beasts were swallowed in succession. Xiao Hui undoubtedly enjoyed the most luxurious meal since birth, and the harvest was particularly huge. The higher the target Grade Level that is swallowed, the more Stats will be promoted.

After swallowing, Xiao Hui stood still for a while, radiance flashed on the corner, and three small round Beads were spit out in a row. The round Bead is only the size of a thumb, crystal clear, and seems to be made of glass.

Is it Energy Orb again? Ling Chen picked up and looked at the Stats of the three glass balls.

[Body Guard Bead]: The guardian Orb formed by the core of Ice Soul Undead Wolf Strength, once the Strength in it is excited, it will release the most extreme guardian power of the ice system. When you touch the armor with it, the protector Bead will automatically adsorb on the armor. When the user is fatally injured, the protector Bead will instantly break, completely canceling the fatal damage. effects have been activated disappears permanently after one time.

Not Energy Orb, but three life-saving Bead that can offset fatal damage!

A Psychic Heart Bead can offset one fatal injury, and three can offset three times. Bringing them to your body will undoubtedly add three lives!

Ling Chen immediately picked up one, and tried to touch the chest position of the Cold Crystal Warframe, only to hear the “ding” sound, the soul of the soul Bead has been firmly absorbed on the Cold Crystal Warframe, The same ice system, but also the same crystal, several integrated with the cold crystal battle armor.

Ding… You have successfully attached [Blood Protector Bead] to [Crystal Warframe], and [Blood Protector Bead] is triggered at exactly the same time as [Evil God’s Mask]. Please re-arrange the starting order. If you do not make a selection, the default [Ice Guardian Bead] is triggered first. “

There is no need to consider this at all, Ling Chen directly answered: “Trigger [Evil God Mask] first.”

The system responded with a “ding”.

Evil God’s Mask‘s Effect can be triggered once every ten seconds. If Ling Chen is fatally injured within ten seconds of cooling, then it will definitely die. At this time, with [Body of Heart Bead], you can once again have three layers of protection for Ling Chen in the ten-second cooling of Evil God’s Mask cooling!

Unless you encounter Mysterious God-level enemies this time, it’s really hard to die.

Go back to the end of the Ice Prison again, the three-color barrier already that originally blocked at the end position completely disappeared, and a gray exit appeared in front.

Road of Yin, Road of Darkness, Ice Prison … After that, you can reach the final destination this time-Blood Underworld Heavenly Pond, through the final Fire Prison!

After coming out of Ice Prison, there is a narrow channel of Darkness. The passage is not long. After less than half a minute of walking, already saw the end. At the end, there is a tightly closed stone door and stone door, with three large characters in dark red:

Fire Prison!

The front Xiao Hui also stopped at this moment, and the gray radiance was suddenly released in the corner above the head, and became more and more intense. In the end, it was so strong that it covered most of the body of Xiao Hui.

Ling Chen‘s footsteps stopped, wondering at the strangeness of Xiao Hui. In addition to the Soul Devour state of Xiao Hui, only when the danger is detected or the treasure and the hidden scene are detected, the corner above the head will suddenly glow. However, before this moment, Ling Chen had never seen the radiance released by Xiao Hui‘s corners so strongly.

Xiao Hui, what did you find?” Ling Chen asked in a low voice.

Xiao Hui issued a long “wow” sound. As the radiance in the corner became more intense, the hair on its entire body suddenly turned upside down, and the entire body also arched downward, almost sticking to the cold ground. Ling Chen instantly understood that this was a gesture that it would appear only when it detected that there was a huge crisis ahead, and it was also a serious warning of Ling Chen.

And in front of him, it is a prison of flames.

The strength of Ling Chen, Xiao Hui is the most obvious. It will make such a gesture, there is no doubt in telling Ling Chen that there is a danger he cannot resist. And from the perspective of gray light, the danger of existence ahead is the most terrible one that Ling Chen will ever encounter!

Xiao Hui looks scared. Is there anything terrible in front of it?” Cai’er floated to the side of Ling Chen, said with a doubt and worry.

Ling Chen‘s eyebrows gradually tightened, and Xiao Hui‘s detection ability was the world’s Peerless. Its warning was not wrong once. This warning is telling Ling Chen strongly that if you continue to move forward now, it will be like Abyss that is approaching death.

Before entering here, from the mouth of that Undead Warrior, he also learned that existence in the prison of fire is holding an extremely terrible thing, which made the eight Underworld God up to Mysterious God deeply afraid.

But since already is here, how can it be retreats! In order to find all the Scourge’s Orb, even if it is Abyss in front of Purgatory, he must jump down, and absolutely cannot retreat.

Holding a breath, Ling Chen clenched his weapon, and slowly approached the entrance to the front of the prison of inflammation. When he reached the position of Xiao Hui, the quiet Xiao Hui suddenly rushed at him, opened his mouth and bit his trousers. Pull back hard. It’s just that it’s too small and doesn’t have any Strength. It can’t drag Ling Chen by half a minute. It looks up at Ling Chen, its little eyes are full of warnings, and even a little pleading.

This is the first time that Xiao Hui made such an overwhelming response in the face of danger, which also shocked Ling Chen. His face changed for a while, then squatted down, patted Xiao Hui‘s head, shook his head and said, “Relax, even if it is dangerous before, I still have to save my life and escape. When I was only thirty, , But even Snow Cherry ca n’t take me. No matter how powerful the enemy in front is, it ca n’t be more powerful than Snow Cherry? ”

Xiao Hui is still biting on Ling Chen, the body is dragging backwards desperately, a posture that does not let Ling Chen advance anyway. Its ability to perceive is not only the Powerful of the enemy in front, but also the degree of crisis it will suffer once it moves forward … and this time, the picture it perceives is a piece of Darkness! Darkness without any impurities. This indicates that if Ling Chen enters the prison of inflammation, the result will be infinitely close to …

However, even if the Xiao Hui behaves so aggressively, it cannot stop Ling Chen at all. Even if he knew that there was a huge crisis ahead, he would never choose retreats. After being silent for a while, he patted Xiao Hui‘s head again, then reached out and carried it on the back of Snow Cherry, and continued to walk towards the entrance of the prison of inflammation. Xiao Hui also understands that he ca n’t stop this tough character at all. In order to save the hope of Shuiruo, Master will be desperate. He can only pull his head furiously, then stare forward, his hair is still upright .

Tap … Tap … Tap …

Dozens of steps in the quiet, Ling Chen finally stood in front of the entrance of the Fire Prison. In front of it is a tightly closed stone door. From the tiny door gap, a little radiance is shaking. Ling Chen reached out and pressed on the stone door. At that moment, an extremely depressing feeling suddenly appeared in his heart, and it was a depression that made him unable to breathe for a long time.

This is a strong crisis warning that will appear only when he is about to encounter a huge crisis!

Forward … what exactly is hidden! Why did it bring me such a terrible sense of crisis! This feeling is clearly … if you take one step forward, you will step into death Abyss completely!

Ling Chen‘s body freezes there, his face shows unprecedented dignity, the response of Xiao Hui, and the crisis warning from Spirit, he finally resigned … But this retreat only appeared for a moment, He was severely obliterated. Retreating in distress is never his style. Scourge’s Orb relates to the only hope of rescuing Shuiruo, how can he allow himself retreats!

Boom …

As Ling Chen slammed his hand, the heavy stone door was easily opened by him, and the fire behind the door shone out, making the dark channel connecting Ice Prison and Fire Prison light up.

The world in front of Ling Chen is a world of flames.

The ground is completely covered by flames, with no trace of white space. Although these flames are connected as a whole, they burn very unevenly, some are small and quiet flames, and some are boiling fires. The place where the flame is low is only a dozen centimeters, and the high one reaches to a height of four or five meters.

The strangest thing is that the color of these flames is not the common red or orange, nor the hotter blue or purple, but a kind of weirdness that Ling Chen has never seen before. It is weird … grey! Moreover, with such a large sea of ​​fire in front of me, Ling Chen stood on the edge of this sea of ​​fire, but could not feel the warmth that it should have.

Xi Ling, how could the fire here be gray? There is still gray fire in this world?” Ling Chen asked without frowning, frowning.

Xi Ling wings spread out and turned into Young Lady form in flashing red light. After looking at these gray flames for a while, she moved her eyes, and finally found something, and said, “This is the underworld! It is still a very pure one.”

“Minghuo?” Ling Chen was the first time I heard the name.

“Although it is also called ‘fire’, in essence, it is not a real fire at all.” Xi Ling continued, and her body gathered the flames of Golden Crow, Vermilion Bird, Phoenix, which is a well-deserved fire supreme, the world The fire is second to none: “This is the highest Death Qi, with a very high density, so it is no longer invisible and colorless, but has a substantial form. When they flow, their state is like The burning flame is called ‘Minghuo’. The place where there is a mourning fire is Paradise of Undead, but the conditions under which the mourning fire appears are extremely harsh, and it should be only in this place called Underworld. “

Minghuo is called fire, but it is not fire, but Death Qi, which is extremely rich and rich, only has the appearance when the flame burns.

If it is true fire, Ling Chen will not be afraid of it at all. Because Mysterious God level Xi Ling grants himself and all Pet partners [Fire Wall] ability, Resistance all Fire Element damage.

Since it is Death Qi, it will not hurt him in theory. Underworld is full of Death Qi, but because of the relationship between Leng’er, he and Pet partners have never been affected by the death from Aura. The same fire of Death Qi should not affect them.

At this point, Ling Chen finally moved forward, stepped into the “burning” underworld, and completely entered the range of the Fire Prison.

When you are in the fire, there is no discomfort. Some people just feel a little moved by something invisible, and there is no sign of HP/Life falling on themselves and all Pet partners. This let Ling Chen breathe a sigh of relief. At this moment, a heavy muffled sound came from behind him, he turned his head suddenly, and saw that the wide-opened stone door was automatically closed in such an instant, and the closing was strict and solid.

Ling Chen has a big frown, and quickly reaches out to pull stone door. However, the stone door, which was pushed away by him just now, suddenly weighed millions of times. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t move it halfway. Ling Chen immediately stepped retreats, raised cold star and Twilight, and roared, two [Heavenly Destroyer Strike] hit stone door.

Oh! !!

Flaming light, the sound of deafness was deafening, and the impact of the rebound made Ling Chen take several steps of retreats in succession, almost sitting on the ground and numb arms. On stone door, there was only a very shallow dent, and the next second, this dent disappeared like a thin water trace without any trace, as if it had never appeared.

Scorpio Orb is in the body. Ling Chen attacks all have a powerful force to destroy Stats. The previous attack could easily smash a hard rock, but it was unable to cause any trauma to this stone door.

Unable to open the stone door that I entered, it means … that he was completely cut off from retreats!

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