Shura’s Wrath Chapter 647: Great harvest

Three high Level Heaven EndBOSS allows Ling Chen‘s Level to complete the leap from level 57 to level 60 in just a quarter of an hour. Xiao Hui‘s Holy Spirit’s Gift has also risen to level 4, with all the improvements of Ling Chen up to Max Level Skill.

[Holy Spirit’s Eye]: Current LevelLV5, Max Level. With the power of Holy Spirit, the eyes are condensed, and all the hidden hidden things are pierced. The higher the Level, the greater the ability and scope of peeping. Effect: You can visit the detailed information of arbitrary target and Weaknesses, and share it directly with the Master. You can detect the hidden scene and hidden objects within two hundred meters around you, and you can find the stealth in the form of arbitrary.

[Holy Spirit’s Aura]: Current LevelLV13, Highest Level: LV20. Level: Level 65 required to upgrade to LV14. Seek Nature’s Protection with Holy Spirit Aura, which has no evil and filth, and improve Passive Ability ability of itself and all partners. Effect: itself and its Master, as well as all Pet partners luck13, Comprehension13, Effect is also existence in the non-call state.

[Holy Spirit Orb]: The current Level: LV2, Highest Level: LV3, Level: Level 70 required to rise to LV3. Holy Spirit Beast is a special Orb condensed by its own unique Holy Spirit power. It contains endless aura of auspiciousness and the blessings of nature. For every level 1 upgrade, one can be condensed. When Holy Spirit Orb acts on a certain Skill , You can increase its Level upper limit by 20% (if it is greater than 1, round down, if it is less than 1, it is 1), and direct this Skill to leveled up to Max Level.

[Holy Spirit’s Shield]: Current Level: LV4, Highest Level: LV5, Level: 80 level required to rise to LV5. The invisible shield around the body of Holy Spirit Beast at any time can forcibly offset 60% of arbitrary damage. When HP is higher than 40%, it will not die after a fatal attack, but HP will be forced to remain at 1. HP/Life recovers 10% per second. After death, Resurrection can be recovered directly in place. HP/Life is fully restored without any loss. It can be Resurrection up to three times a day.

[Holy Spirit’s Gift]: Current LevelLV4, Highest Level: LV5. Level required to upgrade to LV5: 80 levels. Bless the Master with the power of Holy Spirit and upgrade all of its Skill Level. Effect: All Skill Level4 of its own Master (invalid for Skill that has reached Max Level, and it will take effect directly on the new Skill that appears later). Effect is the same as existence in the non-call state.

Xiao Hui ’s [Holy Spirit’s Eye] rose to Max Level. Not only does the detection distance increase, but there are no restrictions on the detection of target. It means that no matter what Level, Grade target, it can detect the complete information of the other party! The growth of [Holy Spirit’s Shield] Level increased the self-insurance ability of Xiao Hui again, and the upgrade of [Holy Spirit Orb] and [Holy Spirit’s Gift] all benefited Ling Chen greatly. [War God Secret Art] rose to level 11, [Broken Shadow] rose to level 9, and [Vanishing Shadow] rose to level 9. The two longest and most practical battle tactics [Heaven Wind Technique] and [Item Manipulation Technique] following Ling Chen have finally been upgraded to Max Level, and the super stealing technique [True Lucky Hand] from Fortune Cat also goes directly to Max Level.

[Heaven Wind Technique]: Current LevelLV10, Max Level. Ancient warfare skills can greatly improve the ability to control arbitrary weapons after practicing. Effect: When using arbitrary weapons, the damage caused is increased by 50%. Do not stack Effect with other weapon mastery.

Max Level ’s [Heaven Wind Technique] increases damage by 50%, and it is aimed at the damage caused by arbitrary weapons. Whether it is Effect coverage or Effect Energy, it is far better than ordinary weapon mastery. This ancient war tactic from the greedy beast Tao Tie has been a huge help in Ling Chen battles from beginning to end. He then looked down and looked at [Item Manipulation Technique], also from Tao Tie. According to the Effect increase after the previous upgrade, Ling Chen already can determine that the [Item Manipulation Technique] of Max Level will definitely ignore the Equipment Level limit of level 10. In this way, level 60 He can directly go to [Slasher] and [Stone of Resentment] at level 70 on Equipment. But when he read the Skill description of Max Level [Item Manipulation Technique] casually, his eyes widened suddenly.

[Item Manipulation Technique]: Current LevelLV10, Max Level. Ancient warfare: After practice, wearable Level requires more than Equipment of current Level. Effect: Ignore the Level restriction of arbitrary Equipment completely.

Upgrading from level one to level nine, [Item Manipulation Technique] For each level, Equipment Level1 will be disregarded, but [Item Manipulation Technique] of Max Level does not ignore the Equipment Level limit of level ten, but … totally ignores arbitrary Equipment Level restrictions! !!

This means that Ling Chen with Max Level [Item Manipulation Technique] can wear Equipment of arbitrary Level at will, not to mention level 70, even Equipment of level 80 and level 100 can directly Equipment! And even if he now drops to level 0 on Level, as long as [Item Manipulation Technique] of Max Level is still there, he can still wear 100 level Equipment directly!

The Ling Chen was amazed, this Effect is really Against the Heavens Ah!

The [Slasher] Equipment just arrived, and the [Stone of Resentment] around the neck are also effective for already. Ling Chen is looking forward to [True · Lucky Hand] of Max Level.

[True Lucky Hand]: Current Level: LV5, Max Level. [Lucky Hand] Advanced Skill, a wealthy magic skill from the treasure spirit beast Fortune Cat. With this skill, it will have the world’s most powerful and horrifying pickpocketing ability. When it is displayed, it can steal the arbitrary body of target as it pleases. The extreme power of legend can be taken away from target in an instant, without leaving any inch, but it is extremely difficult to repair it. It is rumored that even Fortune Cat failed to perform the power of extremes. Single Target Stealing nearby, stealing up to five arbitrary objects from target at one time. The theft success rate is related to the counterparts Level, Grade, and luck. The basic success rate is (luck value × 5)%, and the known success rate of theft is increased. It is 50%. The probability of not being discovered when stealing is related to the counterpart Level, Grade, luck, and the basic probability is (luck value × 5)%. MP Consumption 10 points, Skill Cooldown time 5 seconds. [Note: The Skill comes from the treasure spirit beastFortune Cat” and the Level reached by “LV29 for” Fortune Cat “is not necessarily the limit of” True Lucky HandLevel. The “True Lucky Hand” of Fortune Cat ended at level 5 six thousand years ago and cannot be upgraded again. LV5 is also very likely to be the final Level of “True Lucky Hand“, so the “Extreme Power” in legend may not be existence. . 】

This introduction of [True Lucky Hand] Stats, which has been marked “Max Level“, is quite intriguing. Ling Chen looked a few more times, and then looked at the [Broken Shadow] and [Vanishing Shadow] upgraded by Effect, and the two main Skills of Xi Ling power enhancement, remembering their new Stats. At this time, Xiao Hui had picked up all the blue Undead wolf burst, and also gave birth to the new Holy Spirit Orb, which was directly transferred to the Ling Chen backpack.

Holy Spirit Orb, which can increase the Level limit of Skill and directly the Against the Heavens of Max Level. The first Holy Spirit Orb was used by Ling Chen on [Soul Death], making [Soul Death] the most terrifying Skill currently owned by Ling Chen, especially using On PowerfulBOSS, how can one get abnormal. How is this second Holy Spirit Orb used on which Skill?

Ling Chen took another look at all of its Skills. After considering for a while, it was not used immediately. Instead, it collected Holy Spirit Orb and began to count the loot from the blue Undead wolf. One of Demon Skeleton Dragon and Eighth Fiend exploded Mysterious God Ring, and one exploded Heaven End pendant. How could the blue Undead wolf explode?

4000 pieces of Underworld Coin(s), 19 pieces of ice Stats Wolf Tooth, two pieces of disposable Skill Scroll that can release the blue spirit Undead wolf move [Extreme Blue Radiance], and seven Equipment: one Silver Grade, 4Gold Grade, 2Fairy Grade. One of the two Fairy Grade Equipment is Shoes, and the other is the relatively rare Cloak, but what makes Ling Chen extremely depressed is that there is no Equipment above Fairy!

[Ice Soul Cloud Boots]: Type: Shoes, Grade: Fairy, Equipment Requirements: Level 70 and above arbitrary Class. The gorgeous Shoes made by Unknown material is crystal-clear like a diamond, faintly flashing the luxurious and cold light blue radiance. It seems to be injected with some mysterious Strength, which is unexpectedly light.

Stats: Defense260, Constitution35, Agility70, Movement speed25, Water Resistance8%, can prevent slipping when walking in snow and ice environment.

Bonus Skill(s): [Blue Blessing]: release the water-blue radiance to cover the whole body, make the Equipment person increase Water Resistance by 40% within 30 seconds, and Resistance [Frozen] state. MP Consumption40, Cooldown time100 seconds.

[Ice Soul Crystal Cloak]: Type: Cloak, Grade: Fairy, Equipment Requirements: Level 70 and above arbitrary Class. The magical Cloak that is clear and crystal-like, but soft and light like silk, will be sprinkled with gorgeous radiance like stars when dancing, which contains incredible lightness.

Stats: Defense160, HP/Life600, Agility230, Movement speed20, Water Resistance5%, Resistance Movement speed, Magic Attack Power falling state.

Bonus Skill(s): [Ice Crystal Snow Dance]: Dancing Cloak, sprinkle a large amount of flying ice and snow to contain the enemy, make all target within 10 meters around, Hit and Dodge drop 30%, MP Consumption30, Cooldown time 100 seconds.

Compared to Demon Skeleton Dragon and Eighth Fiend, this Ice Soul Undead Wolf has a lot of keys, but fortunately, both of these Fairy Grade Equipment are available for Ling Chen. He has all Equipment in his possession. Suddenly, four pieces of ice series Equipment were in his body, making his whole body ice crystal sparkling, gorgeous and dazzling.

Three beasts whose Level are higher than their Heaven End originally made Ling Chen have a nine-death consciousness, but he completely miscalculated his strength. The three beasts not only did not pose any threat to him, but gave away. He has a lot of experience, SP points and Equipment. And the high-end Equipment that they burst out are the most suitable for him, allowing him to change the whole Equipment almost. So far, in addition to the [Fairy’s Blessing] Earrings and Grade that Ying Xue gave him, the lowest is Fairy. Heaven End Equipment has reached as many as five. There is one more, but it is Ring of Mysterious God Grade.

Ling Chen carefully counted all the Equipments available on the body, and finally focused on [Lachesis’ Tear], trying to find out if this Ring would have any special hidden capabilities. When looking at its Stats again, Ling Chen‘s gaze stayed on its “Equipment Requirements“, and there was a doubt in his eyes.

Equipment Requirements: Unknown.

But he wears it directly on his finger, and the additional Stats also takes effect directly.

Does this so-called “Unknown” not mean Equipment Requirements? Or something else …

After a brief doubt, Ling Chen didn’t think too much, took a look at as many as 100,000 Skill points, and raised [Vanishing Shadow] and [Broken Shadow] to Max Level. With Heaven’s Jealousy, the Skill points required to upgrade any Skill are doubled under normal conditions, while the Skill of Ling Chen is excessively Powerful, and the Skill points required for the upgrade are already very large. Therefore, at the beginning, even with the powerful assistance of Xiao Hui Holy Spirit’s Gift, he still lacked Skill points more than anyone. The Skill points are mainly obtained from various bosses. At this time when he can easily kill Fairy and Heaven EndBOSS, the number of Skill points obtained has also increased by a geometric multiple. In addition, Xiao Hui Holy Spirit’s Gift has reached level four, and Skill points are no more Not in short supply. In the future, it is very likely that there will be a large number of overflows, which will not be used directly.

[Broken Shadow]: Current Level: LV10, Max Level. Wind Dust Sect is one of the ultimate escape techniques. After the launch, if there is a ghost, there is no trace, even ghosts and gods are hard to catch up. Effect: Movement speed900%, Dodge900%, lasts 30 seconds, and can be used seven times a day.

[Vanishing Shadow]: Current Level: LV10, Max Level. Wind Dust Sect is one of the ultimate stealth techniques. After launching, it becomes nothingness, no shadow and no trace, even the ghosts and gods can hardly detect its existence. Effect: Stealth, can not be recovered and attacked during the stealth process, otherwise the state will be cancelled immediately. When under arbitrary attack, the state will be cancelled immediately. Skill consumes 5 MP per second during the continuous process, which can be continued indefinitely and interrupted freely. arbitrary cannot be used again for 30 seconds after the reason is interrupted.

Max Level‘s Broken Shadow not only lasts for 30 seconds, but it can be used up to seven times a day! On top of this, a total of 210 seconds per day can take effect. Max Level‘s Vanishing Shadow does not have a duration limit. Once launched, it will remain in a hidden state unless it is released by itself or passively. It is a perfect hiding technique! If you must find the flaw, you ca n’t launch it again within 30 seconds.

[Is it easy to reduce to 3999 words? 】

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