Shura’s Wrath Chapter 629: Revenge of Ling Tian City

Looking at Forgotten Great Emperor and the others‘s almost embarrassing departure, Greenwood closed her eyes and sighed: “Envy is indeed the source of all original sin. Even the human emperor is inevitable.”

He sees clearly that if it wasn’t for the strength revealed by himself and the emergence of Mountain Giant that deterred them, the furious Forgotten Great Emperor would never leave so easily.

Ling Tian, Ling Tian City‘s development plan should be changed. The current Ling Tian City has a great impact on the city of Forgotten. It is no wonder that Forgotten Great Emperor will come in person, and it will also lose the imperial power. If Ling Tian City continues to develop like this, Forgotten The city will never be silent. The last sentence of Forgotten Great Emperor is true. This is always Forgotten Territory, and Ling Tian City is just a player city that has not established a foundation. It is not qualified to compete with the Territory imperial city. “Yun Mengxin was a bit worried. Said.

After Forgotten Great Emperor left, Ling Chen‘s gaze fell cold. He stared straight at the position before Forgotten Great Emperor, and slowly shook his head: “In fact, this morning, Xiaoxue specifically mentioned it to me. It is necessary to appropriately slow down the development momentum of Ling Tian City, otherwise, the city of Forgotten will respond. A player city far exceeds the system imperial city. This is extremely abnormal and should not happen. It is likely to affect the entire China. The development of the district caused unforeseen negative effects. I also agree with it, but now … ”Ling Chen sneered:“ Since this Forgotten Great Emperor came to challenge and find fault, and threatened our convergence, then we want to show him arrogance! ”

Mengxin, told Xiaoxue that the major industries originally scheduled to delay opening will be fully open within five days, and all industries must completely crush the city of Forgotten as the basic target. Hidden Class transfer tasks are reserved, while letting seven Great Elder is open for regular Class transfers, and each transfer player is given a 50-point HP/Life cap and a 50-point MP cap during the transfer. This can be easily done with the greatly diluted Fairy spring water. A large number of settings are open to players in the city , The difficulty of the task is slightly lower than the average difficulty of the Forgotten City task, but it must not lack challenges and excitement, and the reward should be far better than it. Set a few hidden tasks with special rewards from time to time.

“In addition, the plan to expand Ling Tian City must be acted on immediately, and strive to make Ling Tian City exceed the Forgotten city in the shortest time!”

target in the short term means that players basically forget the existence of Forgotten City.” Ling Chen said calmly and stunned, “Even the human emperor of Forgotten Territory, dare to threaten me and Ling Tian City, There is a price to pay. “

If Ling Chen, let Yun Mengxin, Greenwood, Diluo be stunned.

The city of Forgotten, as the human imperial city, has a history of thousands of years. And Ling Tian City has just opened the city, then, Ling Tian City can really compete with the city of Forgotten?

The answer is yes!

Because the background and sediment of the city of Forgotten is only for humans of Forgotten Territory. For players, it is a simple game emperor city. There is no belief in them, no memory of them, and no belief in it. Even its name has been known for less than a year. All they need is a transfer, better equipment, and a more comfortable gaming environment and gaming experience. In these aspects, whoever can give them better, they will focus on where it has nothing to do with the status, heritage and history of a city.

Therefore, if Ling Tian City really does what Ling Chen said, then Forgotten City will undoubtedly become the first imperial city in the history of virtual games that is gradually ignored by players and Forgotten. With the help of Fairy and Dwarf, Ling Tian City has such strength.

“Okay!” Yun Mengxin nodded and agreed: “Since this is your decision.”

Anyone will feel uncomfortable, because if Forgotten‘s inheritance is really forced to that point, anyone will make some radical actions, and the dog will jump over the wall when it is anxious. But since this is what was said from the mouth of Ling Chen, no matter whether Yun Mengxin, Greenwood, or Diluo is inappropriate, there will be no objection.


The strong rise of Ling Tian City and its beauty City Master have become the most talked topic for all players in the world in the next time, and frequently appear on the headlines of major media around the world. Although this is a player city, it completely subverts all players’ perception of the player city, and also completely overturns the original concept of the player city. This is not only a city, but a milestone in history. The name of her beauty City Master is also known by people all over the world. Her City Master status is still second, but her appearance as a celestial person makes her almost the most famous person in the world overnight, countless people. When she saw her face, she exclaimed that this is the beauty that should not be existence in the world. Her appearance and appearance began to appear in every corner of the world, and more and more people were deeply astonished at what is the ultimate beauty of women. The size of her fan group is also within a few days, so large that it is difficult for the world’s super front-line stars to shoot.

However, Yun Mengxin‘s appearance in front of the world has brought a lot of negative effects. Of course, these negative effects are not on Ling Tian City. It is said that since the day of the Kaicheng Grand Ceremony, China has seen countless couples break up. There are countless men shouting Yun Mengxin‘s name every day like crazy, and there are countless men rushing from all directions and even countries Jinghua City, I just want to see Yun Mengxin in person … but it has not been heard yet. Now, this beautiful woman City Master will be committed to that man, and it has become the topic that China men pay most attention to. There are rumors that if the beauty of Ling Tian City, City Master, is released with a boyfriend on that day, that day will become the day with the highest number of suicides in China countries.

Players who want to join Ling Tian City are naturally incalculable. In particular, after countless players witnessed that Ling Chen City had a huge patron saint, the news came out that the number of players who wanted to join Ling Tian City increased dramatically.

Ling Tian City‘s fierce development momentum has not weakened over time. On the contrary, with the successive opening of major industries, facilities and functions, Ling Tian City has completely crushed Forgotten in almost all aspects. city. No matter transfer, shopping, catering, entertainment, leisure, Guild facilities, residential facilities, etc. Compared with one, the city of Forgotten is simply unsightly. Nowadays, if players are transferring or shopping in the city of Forgotten, they feel that they are a super silly fork.

The most profitable housing industry finally opened. The building from the hand of Dwarf is nothing short of ingenious, surpassing human imagination in all aspects. In addition to the reserved part, the limited player house was sold out in a very short period of time, and the player house price of the better players was even speculated to be more than one billion, but it was still a bunch of money. Flower’s super big brothers grabbed their blood, and also triggered several large-scale battles. And some rich people who did n’t grab the money looked at the dreamy sky courtyard, crying at the entrance of the reception center …

The number of Guilds settled in Ling Tian City is also increasing. Although it has undergone close scrutiny and consideration, only two weeks have passed. The Guild area of ​​Ling Tian City is full of already. Spike Yan Huang Alliance. As a veteran Guild plus hero, Skyfall Dynasty is now proud. Even the lowest-level players who burst out of their Skyfall Dynasty identity anywhere will attract a variety of envious eyes around them. Although the Three Heavenly Kings were busy getting up early and greedy for the dark, one by one, all the teeth of Lele laughed all day long. As the veteran Guild who participated in the defensive battle, it was definitely not the same as other Guilds that later joined. Thinking of the fact that Distrusting had entered the Ling Tian City in the Confederation, they hated to be able to fan their own ears … Grandma, their brains must have been kicked by the donkey and then squeezed by the door panel.

Of course, not all players can enjoy everything that Ling Tian City brings. At the beginning, those Guild players who participated in the siege battle could not buy anything on Ling Tian City. And their characteristics are also obvious, and they can be easily recognized everywhere … yes! The body does not even have Gold Grade Equipment, it is definitely those Guild who are involved in malicious siege! Whenever you see these players, people will focus on despising and gloating eyes-let you greedy to attack the city maliciously, it’s time to deserve it! Make a retribution! So crooked!

The people who belonged to each Powerful Guild used to be prestigious everywhere, but now they feel inferior everywhere … including Yan Huang Alliance members. Coupled with the huge gap in equipment, their strength in the same Level players already is at the bottom of the China players. Including the strength of Guild belongs to the relative decline.

The consequences of this are also obvious. These Guild players have started to withdraw a lot, and more and more. When those players who exited Guild went to Ling Tian City and changed their gold equipment, Zhigao reappeared with satisfaction. Even the original most loyal players all started to shake, and then they were scattered in large numbers.

With the loss of heart, these originally world-renowned huge Guilds were trembling, all the leaders were frowning all day long, and they regretted their participation in the siege because of greed. During this time, they went to Ling Tian City more than once, bowed their heads to see Yun Mengxin and wanted to be summed up, but none of them could see Yun Mengxin, and they were all kindly bombarded away.

Since the first day of Ling Tian City‘s opening, they have made silent and cruel revenge on these Guilds for already. Without spending a single soldier, let them step by step towards the edge of collapse.

But with Ling Chen‘s must-report personality, Ling Tian City‘s revenge doesn’t stop there. After the new city fully established its foothold, the long-established Dark Night finally launched and launched a brutal assassination against all the Guild seniors participating in the siege outside the Yan Huang Alliance.

Dark Night is all dispatched, this is the first time in history. The horror of Dark Night also made all players feel terrified again in this large-scale assassination operation.

Eighty-tenths of the top Guild are the strong among the strong. After they travel, they are also followed by a large number of master players. It can be said that it is extremely difficult to assassinate them.

But if the assassin is Dark Night

In a week, a total of thirty Guild leaders and various high-level officials, each suffered no less than ten assassinations, and each time ended with their death, no one was able to escape. Even if there are countless expert players around them, even if they disguise themselves, even if they have done the best preparation and defense work, as long as they go online and out of their Guild territory, there will always be a death sickle cut to their throats, and most of the time, When they died, they didn’t even know how they died. And those players who were guarding them were too late to react, and could only see a sudden glance of the shadow and the corpse that was falling.

The shadow of fear has covered all the high-level hearts of these Guilds. Since the second day of Dark Night revenge, they have lived in the trenches, and the tormented turtle has shrunk in its own Guild station, with almost no guts to step out of half Step, some even dare not go online. Naturally, they can’t shrink like this forever, but wherever they go out of their Guild station because of a last resort, even if only for a short time, death will suddenly come in Darkness. Among them, the most miserable is the Black Flame Alliance‘s Yan Yan Zephyr. The Black Flame Alliance master of this high-ranking leaderboard was killed more than 30 times in seven days. Level fell directly to the poor 20th level, and all the hard-working superb Equipment also fell out … After that, he was extremely good every day. Honestly shrunk in the Guild station, dare not appear again and again.

The revenge of Dark Night also made these Guild people more worried, more and more people quietly separated, and went to Ling Tian City.

This time, the leaders of the major Guild have no place to cry. If they were given another chance, even if others kneeled and begged them, they would never participate in attacking Ling Tian City again. In the end, Golden Age Alliance‘s general alliance, Mo Gulin, could no longer bear it. He personally took all the seniors to Ling Tian City, met Yun Mengxin with his humblest attitude, offered to apologize to Ling Tian City for the original attack on Ling Tian City, and gave Ling Tian City sufficient compensation. .

After they bowed their heads in front of the gate and waited for more than one Hour, Yun Mengxin finally gave a reply: Golden Age Alliance compensated Ling Tian City for one billion yuan at one time, and will provide the league with 20% of the net income of the game world each year in the future. Ling Tian City, and the right to dispatch the entire Golden Age Alliance once a year when Ling Tian City needs it! If Golden Age Alliance agrees to these conditions, Ling Tian City will reconcile with Golden Age Alliance, no longer assassinate, and remove the Ling Tian City restriction on Golden Age Alliance players, and allow Golden Age Alliance to enter Ling Tian City development … no bargaining is allowed.

This answer, Yun Mengxin is very clever. It can be described as encouraging, which not only controls Golden Age Alliance invisibly, but also makes Golden Age Alliance overjoyed.

This result is indeed enough to make Mo Gulin overjoyed, Golden Age Alliance also shouted up and down to accept it. Although it is necessary to pay a lot of compensation and pay tribute every year, and at the same time lose all dignity, but it can completely remove the Golden Age Alliance from the situation that is about to fall apart. already is the ideal result.

Golden Age Alliance accepted immediately and paid compensation the next day. Once the restriction was lifted, Golden Age Alliance‘s millions of players happily entered Ling Tian City and began to arbitrarily equip. Although some “bereavement and disgrace”, it made Golden Age Alliance reborn within a day, and they were even grateful for Yun Mengxin.

As soon as this precedent came out, other Guild leaders who participated in the siege were unable to sit still, rushing to Ling Tian City, agreeing to apologize for compensation and enshrining every year, etc. Yun Mengxin is also a “compassion” and “tolerance” heart The visitors refused to collect the compensation and the right to mobilize once a year according to the size of Guild, and then completely lifted the assassination action and the restrictions on them.

In this way, the major Guilds are happy and the pressure has plummeted, and Ling Tian City has taken advantage.

If the situation continues as before, these big Guild who participated in the siege will undoubtedly be destroyed, but their destruction will not benefit the Ling Tian City except for the Ling Tian City to deflate. Maybe it will also invite revenge. Today’s approach not only receives a large amount of compensation, but also can use these huge Guild Strengths at any time. It also virtually eliminates many enemies who may jump off the wall at any time, and by the way bears the reputation of “forgiving”. Why not? .

But none of this involves Yan Huang Alliance. Dark Night did not assassinate Yan Huang Alliance, and Ling Tian City did not lift the restriction on Yan Huang Alliance, as if already had forgotten existence of Yan Huang Alliance. And with the character of Long Tianyun, it is absolutely impossible to look at Ling Tian City with a sullen face.

With the rapid development of Ling Tian City this month, the comprehensive strength of Yan Huang Alliance is declining with extremely fast speed. But even in the heyday of Yan Huang Alliance, already has no threat in the eyes of Ling Tian City today.

Yan Huang Alliance has also been silent during this time, and Long Tianyun has never appeared again. No one knows what the first person in this game world was thinking or was planning.

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