Shura’s Wrath Chapter 612: Meet Gu Qinghan

Aloof family background, extraordinary appearance and figure, shrewd mind, unparalleled temperament, coupled with the world-renowned identity of the first heir of Li Family, Li Xiaoxue as a woman’s capital will never belong to anyone in China. However, facing Qi Yue, it was just a few seconds of gaze, she had to admit that she had lost.

The eyes of this woman, she can’t understand, can’t see through, this woman’s face and figure perfectly suffocate her, and the temperament she exudes makes her inexplicably have a sense of depression … body For the Li Family big Young Lady, her position has always been far higher than ordinary people, but in the face of Qi Yue, she clearly felt that her pride was being silenced in front of her to nothing.

From birth to now, this is the first time Li Xiaoxue has felt this way when facing a woman.

But, after all, she is Li Xiaoxue. No matter what the situation is, how can she show any signs of frustration. She ticked the corner of her mouth and naturally pulled Ling Chen‘s arm lightly, smiling: “Ling Chen, when did your family have such a beautiful big Elder Sister, why haven’t you heard of it? Yes, it seems that I still listened to her calling you Young Master, huh? “

Ling Chen didn’t hesitate at all, pulled Qi Yue and walked to the side of the car, no longer giving Qi Yue a chance of trouble, and said vaguely: “She is the maid I found … don’t care about her. Take me right away. Go see Gu Qinghan. “

Elder Brother, do you want to go out with Xiaoxue Elder Sister?” Tian Tian trot over, opened his palms to Ling Chen, and put a white hair in his palms: “This is Shasha‘s hair, Elder Brother will help Shasha take one Come back for Gaming Device, Gaming Device of Shasha seems to be missing. “

“… Okay.” Ling Chen hesitated and chose to nod. Shasha comes out of the game and does not belong to the earth. However, she was taken to the real world as a complete person, and maybe she was really compatible with Gaming Device.

Young Master, can you take someone out with you? I heard that there are so many beautiful clothes to choose from, and they only have such a simple and simple clothes now, I’m embarrassed to go out.”

The Qi Yue in a tulle cover said pitifully. Although her dress is not transparent, it is really exposed, and it is completely different from the dress style on the earth … but this is not the point! Let Qi Yue appear here. already is enough to make Ling Chen frightened and take her out … Ling Chen shook her head and couldn’t think of it. She said, “I will let Chuo Ying Chuo Xi help you buy clothes back … Xiaoxue, we are now Just leave … Shadow, Xi, protect them. “

The car was launched, and it flew away in the wild roar of the engine. Ling Chen was relieved. If you let Li Xiaoxue and Qi Yue get closer, you may not know what trouble Seductress is making. Things come.

“You know what I want to ask.” Holding the steering wheel, Li Xiaoxue said indifferently. It doesn’t look like she’s in a particularly good mood right now.

Ling Chen leaned his head on the seat and said weakly: “The situation is more complicated, and there is basically no way to explain it clearly … Do you want to hear the truth or the truth?”

“… I allow my men to have their own secrets, and that woman is so jealous that I ca n’t even eat it. I ca n’t imagine that there would be such a perfect woman in this world, even more incredible. The truth is, you can hide it so tightly. It stands to reason that a woman who has brought disaster to the country to such an extent is useless, and she should be famous by her appearance alone. ”She had already driven out of Zhuhai Wonderland and the car stopped. In front of the red light at the first intersection, Li Xiaoxue said rather stupidly: “Not to mention that you are not a man who belongs to me alone.”

Ling Chen agrees with Li Xiaoxue … but the truth is, Qi Yue is not a person in this world at all!


Su Hang, Gu Family.

Ling Chen wears a cap that is too wide and slightly exaggerated. Without lowering your head, the entire face has been covered. After all, he is a wanted person for a long time throughout the country. His appearance is estimated that most of the China people are already familiar with it, so it can only be so. The Li Xiaoxue around him was holding him intimately, and when entering Gu Family, many Gu Family people were shocked on the spot.

It’s the first time they’ve seen Li Family big Young Lady and a man of the same age so closeness.

Li Xiaoxue came to the door in person, Gu Family will naturally not neglect, nor will he rudely ask Ling Chen to take off the cap. When the VIP living room was introduced, someone already hurried to report to Gu Qinghan.

“The big Young Lady, Li Family big Young Lady arrived, and also brought a strange man. The man looks like Li Da Young Lady, with a peaked cap, can not see his looks, because it was brought by Li Da Young Lady, so We didn’t dare to question it, but it seemed that Li Da Young Lady was very close to him … “

Gu Qinghan stood up and called, “Where are they now?”

Gu Qinghan, who was still quiet at any time, suddenly made such an exciting move, which made the person startled, and said quickly: “Just a VIP living room …”

Gu Qinghan no longer said one more word, turned around and rushed out of the door. Because he was too hurried, he was tripped over by a door line protruding slightly from the ground when he rushed out of the door, and almost fell. The person who came to the notice stared blankly at the door, and did not return for a long time.

This is the second time that Ling Chen saw Gu Qinghan. It still made him shine. He knew that Gu Qinghan had reached middle age, but on her face, she could not find any traces of the years. Time has not damaged her face, but has accumulated a strong and luxurious temperament.

Only, when she entered the living room, he hurriedly surprised him, or incomprehensible. And after she entered, her eyes fell on the Li Xiaoxue for the first time, but on him … I remember the first time I met Gu Qinghan, her eyes were like water, she didn’t squint, she didn’t look at him. But at this moment, her eyesight was clearly trembling violently … that was only when the mood was out of control, and the gaze appeared.

“Aunt Gu.” Li Xiaoxue stood up and said hello politely.

“Hello, Gu Family, meet for the first time.” Ling Chen also stood up and said humblely.

“He … is …” Facing Li Xiaoxue, Gu Qinghan asked with depression and excitement.

Li Xiaoxue nodded silently.

At that moment, the changes in the look of Gu Qinghan were complicated beyond description … Excitement, joy, sadness, confusion, pain … Emotions that should not have appeared at the same time, but they appeared in great chaos on her face. After beckoning, his voice was dry: “Everyone goes out and closes the hall door. Without my order, no one is allowed to approach here within 50 meters.”

Gu Qinghan‘s words have supreme authority in Gu Family. Her voice dropped, and the people behind her immediately answered, and then left quickly. Immediately afterwards, the hall door was closed tightly, and the sound of footsteps quickly sounded outside the hall.

Gu Qinghan sat down in front of Li Xiaoxue and Ling Chen. Instantly, her expression had returned to calm and elegant. She looked up and down Ling Chen, slowly Movement‘s eyes swept through every part of Ling Chen‘s body, and then said gently: “You It ’s Ling Chen. Take off the hat. You can take this place as your home without any restraints.

Gu Qinghan‘s eyes make Ling Chen feel awkward, but her voice gently penetrates his heart, leaving him with little strength to refuse. He took off the peaked cap in accordance with the words and revealed his real face. Looking at Gu Qinghan: “You can call me Ling Chen, Ling Tian is fine. Yesterday’s city battle, thank you for your help of Gu Family.”

Ling Chen opened the door and clearly wanted to introduce the purpose of today’s arrival as soon as possible. Gu Qinghan is not impatient, or in other words, she did not understand the point of Ling Chen at all. She looked at Ling Chen with a quivering eye, and did not leave for an instant: “The master named Gu Family is too talented, and you are the same as Xiaoxue, shout My aunt Gu. “

“Aunt Gu.” Ling Chen was also not restrained, he shouted directly.

“Yes.” Gu Qinghan smiled, she breathed a little calmly, and said quietly: “Ling Chen, before talking about today’s topic, can you talk about some other things first, because I’m really curious about you. Of course. , I wo n’t tell anyone about you for a while.

Before Ling Chen said, Li Xiaoxue said, “Of course, you can ask whatever Aunt Gu wants to ask.”

Then wink to Ling Chen: “Do you know, Aunt Gu can be like/happy you, you are the only young man that Aunt Gu has seen so many years, this is your honor.”

“… So, what does Aunt Gu want to ask me?” Ling Chen had no choice but to answer. Facing Gu Qinghan in person, he began to feel that she was very different from the rumors … The Gu Qinghan he knew was always Mask frost, no matter who she spoke to, she was dignified and ruthless, and she never heard that Never laughed. But in front of him, Gu Qinghan is as gentle as the breeze in terms of eyes, voice, and expression. This is not the majestic posture of the highest-ranked person in the rumor, but rather a gentle mother facing his son.

legend is wrong? It was still Li Xiaoxue and she was too familiar with it … neither seemed to be scientific.

“Because I was curious about you, I tried to investigate you very hard. Could you tell me, who are your parents …?” Gu Qinghan leaned forward and asked a little urgently. Then I found myself asking too bluntly, adding: “I’m just a little curious about what kind of parents can give birth to such an excellent child.”

For this issue, Ling Chen does not resist, and said lightly: “I do n’t have a father. Although he is still alive, in my heart, he is already dead, which is like never having existence. As for my mother … she already Dead. “

“Dead?” Gu Qinghan froze.

“I was dead when I was born.” Ling Chen replied expressionlessly: “So I have never met her. The only thing she left to me was only one name.”

“Heaven … Ya?” Gu Qinghan murmured softly.

“Yes.” Ling Chen nodded. Li Xiaoxue can find his name in Long Family that year, Gu Qinghan will know, and he is not surprised.

“But you haven’t seen your mother, why did you decide that she was dead? Maybe … maybe her death was just a lie made by someone else, maybe she didn’t die, but just left you for some compelling reason? That is … is … Have you ever thought that your mother might be alive now? “Gu Qinghan said excitedly, and immediately, she realized that she had some radical reactions, and then explained:” I just think , If one thing is only heard but not seen with your own eyes, never assert that it is true. Not to mention such a big thing as flesh and blood. “

Ling Chen froze for a while … The mother wasn’t dead. It’s possible he never thought about it. Because from his memory, he was told that his mother died the year he was born, and he was given the name “Tianya” before his death. Growing up under this “truth,” how could he think of other things when he was young.

But immediately, Ling Chen smiled indifferently: “Aunt Gu is right, not seeing it with your own eyes, never assert, maybe Aunt Gu said the situation is really possible with existence. But whether it is or not, It ’s not important to me, or meaningless. When I was very young, I would envy other children to have a mother. As I grew older, I got used to the concept of ‘mother’, Also already faded completely from my mind and HP/Life. She gave me HP/Life, but in my HP/Life, no matter whether it was happy or sad, she did n’t have her existence. Even if she is still alive, me and her The only connection between them is the bloodline … Simply put, it is a stranger with a bloodline connection.

“Also, I should have died when I was nine years old. My current HP/Life comes from my own thirteen years ago, and the convictions given to me by Diewu. In other words, I am completely understandable as No parent, no mother. “

During these words, there was no expression on Ling Chen‘s face, and the peace was terrible.

While Gu Qinghan, already is full of tears.

Li Xiaoxue kept talking and ended up choosing to keep quiet, only sighing quietly.

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