Shura’s Wrath Chapter 578: The return of Ling Tian

In front of Long Tianyun, Yan Ying ran with sweat. Before he approached, Long Tianyun asked coldly, “Have you found it!”

Yan Ying quickly lowered his head and was ashamed: “Young Master, this time we dispersed more than a thousand people, and turned around several times around the edge of the battlefield, but still did not find any array of unique item and players.”

“No?” Long Tianyun‘s face went down suddenly: “A bunch of waste, I can’t find even a trace of it for so long!”

Young Master please be angry.” Yan Ying said quickly: “The place we are looking for is the most edge of the formation method detected by the most Advanced hunters, but really … no matter whether it is an array player or unique item, it is basically Can’t find it. Young Master, is there such a possibility, will this matrix method be used by a certain player … manipulating … I mean … “

“You mean, these formations are the Skill of a player?” Long Tianyun glanced at him.

“Yes.” Yan Ying nodded … though he also thought the idea was really ridiculous. However, no player or unique item could be found on the edge of the formation. He couldn’t think of other possibilities.

“It’s extremely stupid.” Long Tianyun said coldly: “Do you know how big this area is? It is nearly 20 kilometers long. If it is Mysterious God or Saint Destroyer, the ultimate NPC may be possible, but our players The war between NPCs cannot intervene and interfere … You tell me that these twenty-kilometer formations are released by a player? I really want to know if there is any more stupid conjecture in this world. “

Yan Ying was said to have red ears and red ears, and he didn’t dare to speak down. Thinking of the huge battlefield, he also had to admit that what he had said before was utterly exhausted.

“To form such a large battle array, and still have several consecutive formations, at least thousands of players and thousands of formations unique item are required as the fulcrum. They will be uniformly stationed at the edge of the formation, Form a standard circle, as long as you find them and kill them, the formation will completely collapse! Hmm, such a large formation, Skyfall Dynasty is really a big deal, I did not expect that Skyfall Dynasty is still hidden With such a hole card, it is no wonder that the guts allied to dispatch against us. Before they had been hidden in the dark, they didn’t show up in the dark, but they set up the battle … with such great thoughts and material resources, they laid this array down again How could it be easily found by us. The edge of the formation you detected is most likely just Skyfall Dynasty‘s blind-eye method, and immediately ordered to expand the search range … Those who cast the formation and unique item are likely to be located farther away Maybe, already penetrated into the territory of Advanced monster. “

Yan Ying‘s eyes lighted, and he nodded quickly: “Yes, it’s still Young Master wise, I’ll arrange it right away … For Young Master, this matrix method is unpredictable and bad for us. Our loss already is too big. Do n’t evacuate for a while, wait until you find a spot, and destroy it … “

“Then let the whole world know that our coalition of Yan Huang Alliance and thirty Guilds were turned out to be Skyfall Dynasty and Battle Spirit Alliance Knockback?” Long Tianyun‘s face was as dark as a cloud.

Yan Ying A jerk, I realized how stupid a proposal was. The crying father who had been tortured by the opponent’s formation has suffered heavy losses, but he has not been able to find a destructible position. It is a wise decision to evacuate temporarily … but this is a five times his own The war is the first Guild combined with thirty Powerful Guild battles and there are only two Guilds opposite to each other … If you retreat, what a joke. Not to mention other Guilds, the invincible Yan Huang Alliance will become the first laughingstock in history, and even if Skyfall Dynasty is destroyed after that, never think of raising your head in front of the Three Heavenly Kings.

More people are scattered to the edge of the battlefield to find the support points of the formation, but they can never find it. Because they would not think that the most unlikely and stupid conjecture is exactly the fact.

This Powerful battlefield covering 20 kilometers is controlled by Su Er alone.

The celestial battle is still going on, and the clothes of Su Er have been completely soaked with sweat, and their complexion is as pale as white paper, but the star dust in their hands has never stopped waving.

Li Xiaoxue‘s eyes have never left the battlefield, and every second is analyzing the current situation and the next moment. In this state of war, Su Er contributed greatly, and she also contributed. Su Er‘s heavenly array Powerful is incomparable, and she has used the power of the Su Er array method to the extreme.

Yun Mengxin stood beside Su Er, and constantly reached out to wipe the sweat Bead on her forehead and face. In the introduction of Tianji Juezhen that I have seen before, it is clearly stated that the display of Tianji Juezhen not only consumes a lot of MP, but also consumes a lot of energy … When the energy is not enough, it must not be used for action. As for What are the consequences, not stated above.

Nanian Dongtian, Baili Binghan, Yun Feng, Against the Heavens, and Heavens Wrath have long been unable to join the battlefield. The men on the observation deck are left with only two top leaders, Heaven Destroyer and Xiao Qiufeng, who cannot die. Watching the team they led created The miraculous results of the battle, their blood boiled completely, and their throats were already shouting, but with every sound, they still exerted all their strength.

Su Su, how are you? Are you feeling really tired?” Xiao Qi stood on the other side of Su Er and looked at her distressedly. Her current state shows how exhausted she is at the moment.

Dust dancing, the formation is changed again, and the battlefield of millions of people is turned upside down by her simple action. Listening to Xiao Qi‘s words, a pale smile appeared on her pale face: “I’m okay, I’m just a little tired, I have nothing to do with it.”

Su Su, if you are tired, stop and rest, and don’t hold on.” Every time a drop of sweat flows from Su Er, Yun Mengxin will be distressed. She looked at this 16-year-old girl silently … I haven’t seen her for a few months, but she is still the closest Su Su, but already has really grown up. She used to be as soft as water, she was timid to talk to strangers, and used to rely For others, she is now using one person to control a battlefield of ten million levels, supporting the common hope of so many people.

The War Emperor returned from the battlefield at this time, and once again entered into a restful repose. Looking at the returning Sword Emperor, Li Xiaoxue‘s eyebrows jumped a bit, Sword Emperor needs to rest because her Sword Intent is supported by Spirit, and the natural array controlled by Su Er also needs Spirit consumption. With Powerful of Sword Emperor, it has run out of fuel, so Su Er, which took longer than her …

Looking at the pale face of Su Er, Li Xiaoxue took a long gasp, quickly picked up the interphone, and connected to the outside world.

“Ying, Xi, haven’t heard of Ling Chen yet?”

“No. Tian Tian has been standing by his side and has been motionless. How is the situation over there?”

“… I don’t know how long it will last.”

Unable to put down the talker, Li Xiaoxue‘s face suddenly appeared, a miracle opportunity again and again, plus the final hole card, this already is the longest time you can win … Ling Tian, why do you Not yet back, where are you?

If Su Er collapses, Tianjizhen disappears, and Ling Tian still does not appear, then all efforts will be wiped out.


The world of Darkness.

With the Little Angel companion of Shasha, on the way back, it didn’t seem dull and boring at all. After Shadyska got into his arms, he sometimes leaned up, sometimes slumped, and sometimes hung, just refused to come down, and was pleasant. Let Ling Chen smile all the way.

The light path in front of me still extends to the endless distance. Nearly ten Hours are running. Looking at the unchanging scenery, his vision is finally tired. He bowed his head and asked Shadyska lying on her chest: “Shasha, do you know I do n’t know how long can I get to the exit? “

“Want Ling Chen to go back soon?” Shadyska asked with a raised cheek.

“Of course, nothing can be done here, of course I want to leave early.” Ling Chen said with a smile.

“That’s it … there are only me and Ling Chen here. No one will come to disturb us. I am very quiet like like/happy. However, since Ling Chen wants to go back so much, it should be coming soon.” Shadyska smile Yingying.

As soon as she finished speaking, a white aperture suddenly appeared in the sight of Ling Chen‘s eyes.

Ling Chen‘s eyes suddenly turned to the past: “That’s it?”

“Wow! It seems to be an exit! Hey, I’m not mistaken, it will be here soon.” Shadyska smiled proudly, and then lay back on the Ling Chen chest, lazily did not want to get up.

I can finally be relieved, I hope that the exit can really let me go back to where I was before … Ling Chen slightly tightened his arms holding Shadyska, and hurriedly stepped towards the aperture. He thought that the aperture was far away, but somehow he just took a few steps, and that aperture quickly grew unknowingly. In a flash, his already stood in front of the aperture.

Ling Chen hesitated, stepped into the aperture, and at the moment when the white light flashed, the white-haired girl in Ling Chen‘s arms quietly opened her eyes and glanced at this black world, which will permanently leave.

Walking into the aperture, the strong white light blocked the sight, making Ling Chen close the eyes subconsciously, and the next second, the surrounding air suddenly became cool, and the Shasha “wow” came from the ear. Shout.

Are …

Ling Chen opened his eyes immediately … the world in front of him was no longer black, right in front of his body, and it was as if he had been forcibly sucked in before him—the mysterious door!

Bang! boom! boom!

With the emergence of Ling Chen, Lingxi, Sky Rhino and God Slayer Insignia, which were originally embedded in the mysterious gate, fell down at the same time, fell on the cold ground, and turned into fragments. It seems that they have fulfilled their mission and come to an end now.

“Wow! Where is this, the air is cool, is this the world where Ling Chen is?”

Shasha fluttered her big eyes and looked around excitedly. When she looked up to see the gorgeous ice crystal layer, it was another cheer.

Yes, Ling Chen already returned to the place where he stepped into the mysterious gate-also the peak of Godchild Peak.

Wait … Godchild Peak! ?

Ling Chen Suddenly a girl excited and hugged the girl in her arms, but looking at the girl’s ruddy complexion and full of joy and curiosity, he froze and asked: “Shasha, don’t you … feel cold?”

This is the peak of Godchild Peak. It is a terrible place to be cold. Even the Qi Yue in the state of soul must be self-closed in such an environment. Countless Mysterious God strong men have no ability to reach this place … but from Shasha, he was shocked and did not see any unusual response.

“Cold? It’s a little bit, but it’s not cold, it’s cool, it’s very comfortable and cool.” Shadyska said while opening his hands to flick the air around him, closing his eyes, and twitching his tender lips. , Very intoxicated look.

Ling Chen was silent and couldn’t help but think of … Shasha was white as Bai Xue (white snow). Is it snow-formed Fairy? So I wo n’t be afraid of the cold …

[PS: These days, the small black room is locked with 7000 words (do n’t think about it before you finish writing, eh? Reinstall the system? Then when I did n’t say …), because of the code Words are very slow. If you accidentally arrive in the early morning, you can only change in the early morning-a very unpleasant update time. I will try to adjust Xia Ha tomorrow. 】

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