Shura’s Wrath Chapter 41: Spirit Backbone (Part 1)

“Uh ah ah-”

“Ah ————”

“Ahhhhh Ah! !!!”

The painful roar, instead of becoming weak, was louder than louder. Bubble-book_bar. 8.) Every roar of Ling Chen will cause a violent shock to the black space. The shock on the woman’s face was getting bigger and bigger, and even her eyes were filled with fear.

Lunar Scourge … shuddering!

It’s soul power cannot defeat and occupy his Spirit. This human Spirit not only struggles and resists … Now, instead, he wants to defeat his soul power in reverse! !!

It’s impossible … how could this happen! ? how is this possible! !! !!

In this world, how could existence be able to resist the creatures of Lunar Scourge Strength! !! It is the evil Ah! that even Demon God fears!

“AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHWHWHWHWHWHWHHHWHWHWHHWHHHWHHH” WHHH “H” HHHHH “(” HWHH “”)

The black space oscillated again. It was more violent than any previous time. The black space suddenly penetrated a hint of light, just like this black space was broken into a slender crack. .

The soul power of Lunar Scourge … is losing ground! !!

The woman in black couldn’t believe her perception at all. The weak Strength of the young man in front of him is simply vulnerable. If he hadn’t been invaded for so many years here, Lunar Scourge would even disdain to devour his Spirit and make him a puppet. However, it is such a very weak human being Strength. Under such terrible torture, he did not give up the struggle from beginning to end, did not collapse, and did not flinch. Instead, his struggle and resistance became more intense …

This is something that has never happened before … The creatures that Lunar Scourge wants to control, even gods and demons, cannot resist!

Why is this human …

Even though Lunar Scourge is completely separated from Sansheng Bead and Twelve Divine Orbs and Strength is reduced to a minimum, the soul power is also huge and it is not Ah! that humans can resist at all!

Lunar Scourge The consequences of the failure of Spirit to devour human beings are extremely clear to her-if it cannot defeat the Spirit of target, then its soul power will be defeated and the consequences …

It will be controlled by this human! !!

Thinking of it, the black woman’s face flashed a moment of fear. At this moment, she began to really look at this young and distorted face with already face under pain. In her twenties, she had a resolute face and cold star-like eyes, but other than that, there was nothing more to look squarely on the outside. * * Bubble! book. Bar * his Strength Aura is not even the lowest level, and the equipment on his body is unsightly. Such a seemingly bland person, even a humble human …

Why is he such a terrible Spirit force that can compete with Lunar Scourge! !!

This man … where is he sacred! Is he really just an ordinary human? Still, everything on the surface is just an illusion! !!

“Uh uh uh uh Ah! !!!”

Boom! !! !! !!

Darkness‘s space shakes violently again, more light permeates. The woman in black looked at Lunar Scourge … the inky radiance it released was trembling, weakening little by little …

Lunar Scourge … lost … it’s shaking and shrinking! It has failed! !!

This kind of thing, how can we allow it to happen!

A breath of suffocating and suffocating lightly swept across the tip of Ling Chen‘s nose. The woman in black stood in front of him, only five steps away from him. Her open red lips are enough to charm the lazy notes floating from her between lips: “Little brother, do you really want to resist so much? Why don’t you listen to Elder Sister obediently … asleep, All the pain will be gone. “

“Ah ————”

Her voice is indeed a terrible weapon. An ordinary man will easily ecstasy under her charming voice, willing to be her subordinate, and to die for her. However, her voice apparently had no effect on Ling Chen. In his another painful and hoarse roar, Lunar Scourge‘s radiance was dim again. The eyes of the woman in black were suddenly turbulent, and the look of horror flashed, but then, a soft smile burst into her lips.

“Little brother, look here … look into the eyes of Elder Sister …”

Her voice is a magical temptation. Ling Chen, who is in the severe pain and struggle of Spirit, totally raised her head subconsciously, looking at the Seductress in black. As she approached, he could see her face more clearly. At that moment, Ling Chen‘s expression appeared extremely stagnation. This face is so beautiful and even better than the still young Shuiruo. From this face, he saw an inscription that was engraved in his bones, which was totally innately charming. This coquettish can’t come out and can’t hide it. This is a kind of extreme charm that can make people’s souls know how to burn. Women with beautiful faces can be seen everywhere, but they can naturally be charmed to this extent. Ling Chen has never been seen before.

This is a goblin that is really enough to scourge the country and the people!

Capturing the momentary sluggishness on Ling Chen‘s face, Seductress smiled and smiled, her eyes waved slightly, white teeth bit her red lips, and drew a pair of intriguing glamorous eyes. She moved forward slowly, getting closer and closer to the Ling Chen. As she walked, the rich and delicate body curve under the black clothes also bulged, making the original enchanting lines even more thrilling.

The black Seductress walked until it was only half a step away from him. The distance was so close, the curvy body curve was even more irritating, and the huge **** were in front of Ling Chen‘s eyes. His trembling eyes involuntarily wanted to stare. At this moment, Lunar Scourge‘s weak radiance suddenly became stronger. The arc of the lips of the black Seductress becomes slightly larger, her eyes seem to be covered with a mist of water, and she looks at him with a smile of intoxicating ecstasy eyes: “Little brother, do you say … Elder Sister beauty?

This is a woman with a magical voice and a magical body. Of all the women Ling Chen has seen, no one can match her demon-like body curve. The black dress on the chest was soaring, and I was about to burst. I can imagine what a pair of giant snow peaks would be under the black dress. The hips under the black skirt are round and plump, which makes one can imagine its amazing softness and elasticity. But she had only a slender ribbon around her waist, and her waist was as soft as a willow. In combination, release is a temptation sufficient for the fall of all demons.

Witch … Seductress! !!

So much pain, he obviously should have no mind to think about and care about anything else, but his eyes fell on the body of the woman in black completely out of his control, how could he not leave. His will, Spirit, conviction … also slowly became weak under this charm … Relatively, radiance of Lunar Scourge became strong again.

“Uh ah ah ah ——”

The pain hasn’t stopped, just bearing the pain has put him on the verge of collapse again and again, and now he is facing a test of temptation. Extreme pain, extreme temptation … The pressure-increasing Spirit suddenly shook. He screamed in pain, trying his best to close his eyes.

“Who … also … don’t think about … ruin me … Spirit … ahh Ah! !!!!”

Bang! !!

Lunar Scourge‘s radiance fainted for a few minutes, and began to be penetrated by light into the space. There was also a faint sound of something breaking.

The eyes of the woman in black are turbulent again. The toughness of this young man’s Spirit was beyond her imagination again, and in the flickering of her eye waves, she bit her lips slightly.

哧 …

With the sound of a tear in the cloth, the black coat worn by the woman in black slowly slipped along the curve of her body, all the way to her feet. There was only a thin translucent black veil up and down the whole body, which was another slightly tight black gauze. The translucent veil was close to the body, making her extremely enchanting curves reveal. Even the bright red on the chest and the pale color between the stocks were half-visible. This instant temptation is enough to make all the men in the world go crazy instantly.

The unexpectedly Ling Chen‘s eyes widened suddenly, and the Spirit, who was instantly lost, was suddenly hit by a heavy hammer, making him make a more painful scream.

“Giggle.” Seductress‘s looming perfect body laughed, and the charming laughter was like the worst nightmare to Ling Chen, eroding his struggling Spirit in pain. She covered her front plaques with both hands, slowly lowered her body, and squatted directly in front of Ling Chen. Her **** were huge. Her **** were not far from his face. She smiled softly, and her hands on the front were suddenly released to both sides at the same time.

哧 …

It was another tear. With the separation of Seductress‘s hands, the thin black gauze was completely torn, two huge meat **** bounced out at the same time, and the white milk muscles were suddenly uncovered. Su Shi was completely exposed in front of Ling Chen. Her giant peaks were not only plump, but her **** were perfectly round. White and delicate. Just like a pair of bright and flawless full moons perched on the chest, the shape is beautiful. At this point, the body suddenly exposed, and the delicate and smooth skin appeared a little frightening, but the creamy skin was more shiny and jade, and it could be broken.

The Ling Chen, which was almost defeated by Lunar Scourge, suddenly burst into Spirit just now … The temptation at first was so beautiful, so beautiful that no man could resist, but for him at this time, it was better than The scariest devil in the world is horrible. The moment Spirit fell under this huge temptation, he felt that his Spirit seemed to be severely hit by two extremely heavy sledgehammers at the same time.

“Little brother, is Elder Sister‘s body good-looking? Do you want to touch Elder Sister with your hand?”

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