Shura’s Wrath Chapter 407: East meets

Ling Chen walked all the way, less than half a Hour time, came to the Sunrise City West Gate, and then went in unobstructed, the city guards in front of the city gate did not even look at him. There was no obstacle on the way, and smoothness made him a little dazed.

Is this going too smoothly? What happened at the moment was surrounded by a large group of players, or blocked by a large group of defenders.

To NPCs, players are one type of person, no matter where they come from. As long as they don’t do anything that offends them or seriously violates the rules, they will not interfere. At the same time, the Equipment in the 《Mystic Moon》 world is strange, and it is simply impossible to identify from which theater a person comes from the Equipment style. Unless Ling Chen reveals his name, looks, or unique Equipment, even if he walks by a group of players in the East, he will not be recognized.

So, Ling Chen entered Sunrise City in such a big way. There are countless players of Tomorrow who pass by with him, but none of them knows that the invader Ling Tian, which caused them all disturbances, is beside them.

Since the prompt of Ling Tian invasion, Sunrise City has fallen into extreme uneasiness, and there are angry yelling and yelling from players in Dongyao everywhere. The target is naturally Ling Tian. Ling Tian not only invaded, but also made all of their players’ experience value and Fame drop. It is simply an unbearable shame!

“All players unite! Dig three feet to find Ling Tian !! Never let him stay on our land for more than a day!”

“It is too cheap to kill him! He must be caught alive! Hang on the city gate to show publicity! Let the whole world know the end of the crime against me!”

“I heard that all three major leagues have started to take action. already, I think they will definitely compete in killing Ling Tian. Alas, if Ling Tian is eliminated, it can be a spit for all our players , Will certainly greatly enhance their prestige. The three major leagues shot together, even if this Ling Tian has a hundred wings, don’t want to go back alive. “

“Dare to offend me! He will regret it all his life!”


Ling Chen goes all the way, almost all players are talking about him, and the entire Sunrise City is also noisy. Ling Chen sneered secretly, and at the same time looked coldly at this ** East player. Their outfits are similar to those of China players. Each one is full of anger and indignation, as if Ling Tian killed their dad, but until walking to the center of the city, no one can recognize him as Ling Tian. .

Ask an East NPC NPC about the direction of Sunrise City Marketplace, and Ling Chen walked straight ahead.

Item Shop, Equipment shop, tailor shop … the contents sold are similar to Azure Dragon City. Equipment has different names, but Stats is basically the same. As for potions and crystal, it is exactly the same. Ling Chen walked into the corner of the pawnshop and ran into dozens of low-level Energy Crystal. During the transaction, he talked with the pawnshop owner a few words, and then asked casually: “Sir, I have a question, I want to go A place full of cherry blossoms, I wonder if the old man knows such a place.

Dozens of crystal were collected at a low price, and the pawnshop owner was in a good mood. The player got crystal by himself. It is not enough, and those who do n’t use it will be consigned on high prices. He is the first one who encounters generosity and directly tens of low-level Energy Crystals. Hearing the words of Ling Chen, he immediately smiled and nodded and answered, “Oh!, you asked where the cherry blossoms bloom? Young man, you must be a romantic person like me, then. Cherry blossoms are the most beautiful flowers in the world. Whether they are white or pink, looking at their petals, they feel that their hearts are being washed. In many places of East Ocean Continent, cherry blossoms are even the flower of the soul in the minds of many residents … “

When it comes to “cherry blossoms”, this age seems to be a bunch of old men at least 70 or 80 years old, Ling Chen patiently listened, and then politely said, “Then please ask the old man to give pointers to bloom Where are the cherry blossoms. “

“That would be too much.” The owner of the pawnshop replied: “In large areas where cherry blossoms are planted, there are hundreds of places in the entire East Ocean Continent. There are countless more in small areas, like Kumayama, Fuji, Snow cherry forest, Yunyingdu, Rainbow Canyon … The cherry blossoms in these places are all different. Young people, you can see that you are like like/happy cherry blossoms like me, so if you have time, you must go to these places If you leave, you will regret it all your life. “

I like/happy Your uncle’s cherry blossoms! Ling Chen After secretly pouting, this pretended to be a moment of contemplation, and then asked the question: “It seems that the old man really knows Sakura. By the way, I heard that East Ocean Continent There is a high mountainous place, where there is snow all year round, and there are many cherry trees growing, oh … And now the cherry blossoms there seem to be already It’s all open. Does the old man know such a place? “

Oh?” The pawnshop owner showed a puzzled face: “Is there such a place? Isn’t it … Cherry blossoms are generally open in early spring, and they like to be warm but not hot or cold. If it is snow all year round, then It should be a cold place. Normal cherry blossoms in such places are impossible to open. “

“Isn’t there such a place?” Ling Chen showed doubts and surprises … He also knew about the nature of Sakura, and it was exactly the same as the old man said. But the Su Er message “Snow and White Peaks Under the Cherry Blossoms” clearly describes a place where cherry blossoms bloom, snow is everywhere, and the mountains are winding …

“Wait!” The old pawnshop man suddenly thought of something, and his body was agitated. He sat up from the chair and looked at Ling Chen with a pair of old eyes: “Young man, what you said would not be … Celestial Cherry Valley, right? “

Celestial Cherry Valley? What is that place? Hey … Mr. Old, you should know that I am just a player, I just arrived at East Ocean Continent, so many things are unfamiliar.” Ling Chen said sincerely. Looking at his response, Ling Chen was determined … It seems that there is such a place. Moreover, it should still be a pretty remarkable place. Otherwise the old man’s response would not be so exaggerated.

The old pawnshop stared and stared back, “It’s no wonder. If it were a resident of East Ocean Continent, no one would not know the place Celestial Cherry Valley. Celestial Cherry Valley is located in the extreme north of East Ocean Continent, where the climate is cold and the ground Covered by snow and ice all the year round. Moreover, the Celestial Cherry Valley is full of cherry trees. The cherry blossoms there are snow-white. In the cold climate, they are open all year round and never fade. Only Celestial Cherry Valley can fully meet your description. . “

“The cherry blossoms there never fade. How is this possible?” Ling Chen said in amazement, this time the surprise was not disguised. Any flower has its own flowering period. As far as he knows, the flowering period of cherry blossoms is very short, and the longest is not more than ten days … It is only necessary to open it in cold weather. It is impossible to open it all year round.

“This is true.” The pawnshop old man nodded, his solemn expression on his old face: “Because, Celestial Cherry Valley is the place where the great Cherry Blossom God Representative lives. Her existence, let her Divine Strength affect the cherry blossoms there. Let them not only open in the cold, but also never wither … Bai Xue (white snow) is full of flowers in the snow, such a scene just feels like the heart is melting.

“Where is Celestial Cherry Valley? I must go and see such a place!” Ling Chen said excitedly.

The pawnshop old man glanced at him, but shook his head: “Young man, is such a beauty what we mortals can enjoy. The great Cherry Blossom God Representative is a sacred messenger from Moon God Clan. She is Powerful, pure, beautiful, loving , Yan Ming, just as the most beautiful cherry blossoms are not stained with ordinaryness. The Celestial Cherry Valley she lives in is a sacred place in the hearts of all our residents of East Ocean Continent, and it is definitely not a place to be offended. If anyone enters there and offends Cherry Blossom God Representative, Cherry Blossom God Representative The punishment is small, and it will also cause anger of countless residents of East Ocean Continent. Maybe it will be expelled. In addition, I heard that the cherry blossoms in Celestial Cherry Valley were born under the influence of Divine Strength of Cherry Blossom God Representative. In the cherry blossom forest there, all nearby creatures will be attacked by them … So, young people, no matter how much you love cherry blossoms, do n’t approach there. I know that as a human in your other world, even if you die The spirit of the cherry blossoms there will also be Resurrection, but if you accidentally offend Cherry Blossom God Representative, the consequences will be really unthinkable. “

“Oh.” Ling Chen nodded slowly, looking regretful, and firmly remembered the name Celestial Cherry Valley.

Out of the pawnshop, Ling Chen went straight to Item Shop and bought an East Ocean Continent map.

Of course, the map bought in the unique item store cannot be as detailed as the map bought from Qian Gungun, but fortunately, Ling Chen saw the words “Celestial Cherry Valley” on the map at a glance. At the extreme north of the map, there are only a few places marked with names.

Ling Chen visually checked the distance from the map. From Sunrise City to the far north of Celestial Cherry Valley, the straight line distance is about four or five hundred kilometers. Even if the road is smooth, it will take a long time to get there.

Celestial Cherry Valley … Hope, that’s where the Su Er message points to, otherwise this long road will be a vain run!

Ling Chen Close the map. Without stopping, you must head north. Just then, a loud announcement sounded over the sky.

Ding… player ‘Fan Chuan Nei Ku‘ launched the whole area of ​​the East Rim Theater: Fan Chuan Nei Ku invaded my East Rim’s China Ling Tian here! Time is 12 noon at Sunrise City Plaza Center! Fair showdown, fight against the male and female, raise me to the East Shenwei. If the first master of China is just a cramped turtle, then don’t come, hahahaha.

Ling Chen pauses, his lips sneer slowly rising.

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