Shura’s Wrath Chapter 387: Dwarf Clan !

Listening to Qi Yue, Ling Chen did not respond. After a short stay, it continued to move forward. Combined with the words that Mountain Giant said before, he can basically determine what “tribe” he is about to face. However, in any way, this kind of encounter is really amazing. Not long ago, the Fairy Clan, who took the initiative to escape, was found by accident. Now, he’s stepped into the hiding place of this forced race to hide … all too mysterious. They have been hidden for thousands of years and have not been found for thousands of years, but they have been found in a short period of time.

Ling Chen continues on. After dozens of steps, another stone chamber of the same size appears in front of you. Unlike the previous one, this stone room is very quiet. There are more than a dozen square stone tables and the same number of stone stools. When Ling Chen stepped in, a figure came right on the way.

This is indeed an individual, at least with all the characteristics of humans as Ling Chen knows. But his body is too short, his height is only one meter, his body is thin and his hair is scattered. Compared with his short body, his head looks a bit big, his skin is dark, his body is covered in tattered clothes that can barely cover his body, his feet * * As I stepped on the ground, my body faintly smelled of something burning.

Ling Chen and this dwarf almost collided head-on. The two stood there face-to-face with the wrong look of their faces. After a full three seconds from the big eye to the small eye, the dwarf turned back fiercely like a needle A jump, panic shouted: “You you you … who are you! How did you come in! Come here! Some foreigner came in!”

Although this man is thin and short, his voice is quite large. This panic roar sounded like a horse honeycomb. The original quiet Shishi was suddenly in chaos, and more than a dozen equally thin and short people rushed out, standing not far in front of Ling Chen, looking at his face in shock. Ling Chen is like looking at a monster that suddenly fell from the sky … the same is true. They closed themselves and haven’t seen other beings since birth. The emergence of Ling Chen, for them the concept is equivalent to aliens.

Looking at the dozen or so people who were no taller than 1.2 meters tall, black and small, but who were extraordinarily strong, there was no doubt in their hearts.

“Yes! It is indeed Dwarf! This is really a big surprise.” Qi Yue called out the answer confirmed by already in Ling Chen‘s heart, but immediately she wondered to herself: “Strange, Dwarf Although Short, but not thin, but they are obviously very stout. Why are these Dwarf all thin and thin like monkeys?

Dwarf Clan, a smart, proud, kind, hard-working race among the legend heard by Ling Chen. They are natural engineers, especially when it comes to forging, their Passive Ability is unmatched. But also because of their wisdom and Passive Ability, they have suffered numerous disasters … In the long distant past, the 《Mystic Moon》 Territory wars and the Equipment were undoubtedly a very important factor in determining victory. A large number of Dwarfs were captured, imprisoned, and forced to forge the best weapons for them … including humans. Because the Dwarfs do not have the Passive Ability to fight, they also have no resistance to humans. The greed and ugliness in human dispositions were barely displayed before the original Dwarf Clan

In the end, Dwarf Clan chose to hide, and went to a place that would not be found by any other race. A large part of their hiding is due to human origin. And with their concealment, for so many years, no one in Forgotten Territory can cast the Mysterious God device, even the born Heaven End device is rare.

“Hello, friends of Dwarf Clan.” Ling Chen naturally greeted them. It seems that all he can do now is to say hello casually.

For Ling Chen, encountering Dwarf Clan is a surprise, but for Dwarf Clan, encountering Ling Chen is a real shock. Because before today, this place has never been stepped in by outsiders.

“He … is a human!” A Dwarf pointed at Ling Chen and screamed in surprise.

Dwarf‘s faces are deeply panic-stricken. The people in their sights are indeed exactly the same humans in the records. It is also in the records that most humans are greedy and ugly, and they once wanted to enslave the entire Dwarf Clan. Now, a human broke into here, which means that their Dwarf Clan home has been found all year round! Meeting them may be the most terrible disaster! Dwarf Clan will be without peace.

“Humans … humans have found us!” a Dwarf shouted in panic.

“Hurry up! Patriarch!” Dwarf picked up a long iron rod, their faces were full of vigilance and vigilance. Obviously, they are not good at fighting, and they do not seem to have ever fought. Their posture is totally a subconscious behavior when facing Ling Chen.

Ling Chen stood there without action and did not move on. The response of the Dwarfs was unexpected, and the closed residence that has been stable for more than 10,000 years has actually entered a foreigner, and a chaos is normal. As he wondered what to do to stabilize the emotions of these Dwarfs, a thick voice sounded: “Don’t be alarmed, he is a guest given to us by our patron saint.”

The noise sounded, and the rioting Dwarfs suddenly became quiet. The crowd was separated. An elderly Dwarf wearing a black robe, holding a cane, and gray hair and beard walked under a large group of Dwarf. In the process of progress, he has been looking at Ling Chen, but did not show panic like other Dwarf. Dwarf gave way one by one and respectfully stood aside.

The elderly Dwarf stopped five steps before Ling Chen, and said positively, “Hello, a guest from the outside world. I am the current Patriarch Diluo of Dwarf Clan. Although you broke in, you are welcome Here. “

Although this Fairy Clan Patriarch is pale, his eyes are not cloudy at all, and his eyes are full of wisdom. Ling Chen nodded and politely replied: “Hello Patriarch Diluo, my name is Ling Tian, sorry to disturb your peace.”

“You are our first guest in Dwarf Clan for ten thousand years. But you are a guest permitted by the patron saint, I believe you will not be a villain.” Diluo Neutral said.

The patron saint in his mouth should be Mountain Giant. The original Dwarf Clan knew the existence of Mountain Giant. Just now, it should be Mountain Giant through what method did they tell this Dwarf Clan Patriarch. Thinking of this, Ling Chen really said: “Dear friends Dwarf, please rest assured that I am not here to have any malicious intentions, and I will not tell anyone about this here unless I have your consent.”

I heard that Ling Chen is a “patron saint” approved person. The nervous Dwarf all relaxed their expressions, apparently they have a deep trust in Mountain Giant.

“So, human friend, what is your purpose here?” Diluo asked.

“I’m looking for something.” Ling Chen simply answered.

“Find something?” Patriarch Diluo frowned: “What do you want to find?”

Ling Chen thought for a while and said, “It’s a round Bead-like thing. I can’t describe its name, but it’s almost certain that it’s in a temple in your clan. Just let me in and you’ll be right away. Found. “

“Sorry, guests from the outside world, I have to refuse your request.” After hearing Ling Chen, Patriarch Diluo immediately shook his head: “The temple is the most sacred place of our Dwarf Clan, and our ancestors warned us, unless They are the closest friends, otherwise foreigners must not be allowed to enter. Moreover, the things placed in the palace are the most precious works or collections of my tribe, and even the members of my tribe cannot be taken away at will. “

Ling Chen: “…”

As soon as Ling Chen is about to finish speaking, Qi Yue suddenly made a noise at this moment: “Hee hee, Young Master, don’t worry, listen to someone tell you some secrets of Dwarf Clan.”

“The secret of Dwarf Clan? What secret?”

Young Master knows … What are the two hobbies of Dwarf Clan?”


“One, it ’s forging. Every Dwarf, they have been frantically pursuing other forgings of Advanced. They have that ability and Passive Ability, but they often lack Advanced materials that can complete Advanced forging. If there is more than Advanced The forging materials are in front of them, and they will even get excited and be willing to give up all the principles and persistence. If they can get super Advanced materials and perform other Advanced forging, the whole process, they will enjoy the continuous * * General pleasure. “

Ling Chen: “…”

After listening to Qi Yue, Ling Chen knows what he is suggesting … Advanced and other materials. I do n’t know if the ones I found through Xiao Hui are considered Advanced.

cough cough,” Ling Chen was right, and said calmly and sincerely, “Patriarch Diluo, please rest assured, I will not forcibly do things that make you unpleasant. I came naturally this time with enough Sincerely, I hope to be your ‘closest’ friends of Dwarf Clan. “

At the same time, Ling Chen flipped his backpack for a while, took out two bright and colorful stones and took them in his hands.

The two stones are magnificent in texture and crystal clear, but they are faintly releasing seven-color radiance. In the first second after Ling Chen took out these two stones, all the Dwarf eyes focused on it, and they could no longer be removed.

“This luster, this feeling … this is … that’s right! This is Seven-Colored Agate Ah! that only one out of every 300,000 agate stones of Seven-Colored Agate Ah! can use. With such agate stones, you can cast and carve the most gorgeous decoration in the world. Good! “An Dwarf stared at the Seven-Colored Agate stone in Ling Chen‘s hand, his zealous eyes were about to ignite, and the excited voice was shaking.

This voice instantly awakened all the Dwarf. Suddenly, the blockbuster Dwarf seemed to be attracted by magnets. Hula rushed to the front of Ling Chen, staring at the agate stones in the hands of Ling Chen. Some Dwarf even drool Flowing down, even Patriarch Diluo has a facial twitch, and the eyes glow.

Is this a Seven-Colored Agate excitement? Ling Chen poked his lips. Among the various stones found in Xiao Hui, Seven-Colored Agate seemed to be the most useless thing. Ling Chen turned it around and put away Seven-Colored Agate, and took out the Spatial Stone that made him detach from Lunar Sky Hell.

Wow! !!

At the moment when Spatial Stone appeared, it seemed like a thunderbolt, and the Dwarfs directly exploded the pot. These Dwarfs with high forged Passive Ability, longing to know all kinds of strange stones, recognized Ling Chen at a glance What’s out.

“Oh my **** !!! Spatial Stone !!! That’s Spatial Stone Ah!!”

“This mysterious space Aura, this kind of taste that makes people want to be completely crazy … Yes! That must be Spatial Stone that I dare to dream !!!! I actually saw the real Spatial Stone!”

In the face of Spatial Stone, Dwarf are all excited like a group of children, holding their bodies desperately, trying to get closer to Spatial Stone.

And Spatial Stone was withdrawn by him for only a few seconds in Ling Chen. His wrist was doubled again, and Mystical Red Sun Gold was held by him. A touch of golden light was reflected in the eyes of each Dwarf.

At that moment, as if the whole world was frozen, each Dwarf‘s eyes were glared to the maximum, almost to the point where Bead would burst out, the muscles on the face were jerking violently, and the eyes were shocked and incredible … and the madness that can get out of control at any time.

“Red … Red … Chiyang … Xuanjin !!”

The trembling voice came from Patriarch Diluo. He pursed his lips, and the voice was trembling hard to hear.

A word awakened all the stunned Dwarf, the scene was out of control for a moment …

A Dwarf rushed into front of Ling Chen with speed exceeding his lifetime limit. One fell short and went directly to his knees. He did not wait to stand up and hugged the thigh of Ling Chen. He cried: “Mystical Red Sun Gold! Mystical Red Sun Gold Ah! Please give me this Mystical Red Sun Gold to forge … I will promise you whatever you ask, and you can let me be your cow or horse … “

“No! Human friend, give me … give me Ah! here I have the best forging ability … as long as you are willing to give me that Mystical Red Sun Gold, I will use it to forge any Equipment you want for free, All other materials come from me … Believe me, you must choose me … “

“… As long as you are willing to give it to me to forge, I will be your personal forgeman in the future. What do you want me to do?”

“Stand away … Ah Ah! human friend, my admiration for you is endless, as long as you are willing to give me that piece of Mystical Red Sun Gold to forge … You will be my dear in the future ~ ~~~ “


Ling Chen: “! @ # ¥% ……”

In the face of Mystical Red Sun Gold, these Dwarfs are like crazy all of a sudden, everyone’s eyes are burning, staring at him fiercely, as if he can’t wait to swallow him. These Dwarf‘s craving for Advanced forging materials completely exceeded his expectations.

“Shut up! Shut up all! What kind of system do you have! Lose no shame!” Patriarch Diluo yelled. After he yelled five times in a row, the crazy Dwarf finally calmed down, but a pair of eyes Still staring at the Mystical Red Sun Gold in the hands of Ling Chen, he did not move away for a moment.

The roared Patriarch Diluo strode forward to Ling Chen, staring at him with radiant eyes, and straightening his hair from looking at Ling Chen: “Friend! Human friend Ah! You are indeed our closest friend of Dwarf Clan, as long as If you wish, you can enter our temple at any time … Ah no no no, I will take you there myself. “

Ling Chen: “…”

[It’s half past seven. amount. There are only four chapters in the night, which is a bit of a failure. Wash it up, eat something, it’s time to go to work. Amitabha …】

[Thank you all for staying with me overnight, hehe! 】

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