Shura’s Wrath Chapter 366: Breakthrough (on)

Ling Chen opened his eyes and lowered his eyes, calmly watching Shuiruo‘s body touched the water surface, and the ripples suddenly rose. The Shuiruo‘s sleeping body sank little by little in the center of the ripples until it reached the spring. At the end, she lay there quietly. She fell asleep so peacefully, like the enchanted sea of ​​Princess, waiting for his prince to wake her up.

Lunar Shadow‘s Effect disappeared, and the anchored elemental arrows all disappeared at the same time. Ten Great Elder restored freedom, quickly stood in one place, shocked, and then all glared at Ling Chen, his face gloomy to the extreme. Although they are anchored, vision and hearing will not be blocked. This human, already, put another human into their Fairy Fountain, which is sacred by Fairy Clan and must not be defiled by foreigners.

Everything has happened and it can’t be undone. Since Fairy Fountain existence so far, it has been touched by creatures other than Fairy Clan for the first time. And the whole body sinks into Fairy Fountain. Fairy are completely angry. As the most kind and peace-loving race, they are rarely angry. What Ling Chen did, already completely trampled their bottom line and even belief.

Ling Tian … you … you … Greenwood‘s face sinks like water, his eyes are burning with raging anger never seen before, his hands are tight, and there is almost bleeding between the fingers. He was most afraid, and it was Fairy Clan‘s most feared thing, but it actually happened in front of him at this moment. When he heard the sound of Fairy Fountain‘s spring water touching, he felt like he was hit by five thunder, his brain was dizzy, and endless anger almost exploded his chest open. He fingers Ling Chen, already can’t say the whole thing in anger. He wanted to give an order to kill this human at all costs, but even if he was killed, already could not change the fact that Fairy Fountain was touched by a foreign body. Even if he killed tens of thousands of times, it would not change anything, let alone vent him, and Extreme anger of all Fairy.

Ling Tian, do you think it will work as you wish? Do you know … what have you done! Greenwood was trembling in anger. As Fairy Clan Patriarch, he was unwilling to fight and was not willing to kill, but facing Ling Chen, his heart was filled with the biggest killing idea in his life.

I know what I’m doing, but I will give you the corresponding compensation for Fairy Clan. Ling Chen said resolutely.

Compensation? Greenwood sneered: Fairy Fountain is the lifeblood of our Fairy Clan. Once Fairy Fountain is polluted, Fairy Clan is also destined to decline and perish! This is the supreme ancestor’s motto that our family has never forgotten! And you … and you …

Ling Chen glanced at the Fairys. These Fairys were all angry, their eyes even beating fierce light that should not belong to them. As long as Greenwood orders, they will rush to kill him at all costs. He still calmly said, “Whether your rise or fall is really a matter of mere ponds?” Before today, Fairy Fountain has never been touched by foreign creatures, but your Fairy Clan has not faded again and again. With your Fairy‘s reproductive ability and the absolute closure of this world, even if the Fairy Fountain is ten times larger, it will be pure. One hundred times … the Fairy of your Fairy Clan will only be less and less, and it won’t take many years, it will completely decline … or even perish! These, aren’t you more clear than me! ?

Greenwood‘s eyebrows are upright, but it is impossible to refute, and the anger of Fairy is also deeply worried by these words. The current status of Fairy Clan, they know clearly, these people, they all fully understand in their hearts, usually no one wants to mention. The words of Ling Chen undoubtedly revealed the scars they were most reluctant to touch.

I don’t deny your words. But my Fairy Clan is born of nature and also bears Nature’s Protection. I believe that my family will never have an extinction day. Whatever the situation is, you don’t need to worry about it as a human. The tone of Greenwood has become rude. If he is not violently angry, he would have rushed to completely crush Ling Chen: but it is true that you commit my biggest taboo of Fairy Clan … no matter what your identity is, this matter, all Never forgive. The person you put in the water … must disappear immediately!

Greenwood finished roaring, quickly stepped forward, ten Great Elder followed closely behind. How could they allow a human to really fall asleep in Fairy Fountain.

You … dare!

In the ear, Ling Chen‘s originally calm voice suddenly became gloomy, the footsteps of Greenwood and TenGreat Elder stopped at the same time, and the whole body suddenly became rigid. Because they felt that an extremely cold Aura enveloped their bodies suddenly, making them as if they had fallen into icy purgatory, and their whole body was cold … murderous qi! A big murderous qi that made them creepy. They looked up and looked at Ling Chen standing in place. At this time, the eyes of Ling Chen completely changed, and those eyes are now like the eyes of a dead fish, motionless, as if already would not rotate. Under the gaze of these eyes, the whole body of these Powerful Fairy with at least Heaven End strength stunned uncontrollably.

They have lived in Fairy Realm since birth. There are no natural enemies, no fights. murderous qi is something that has almost no chance or possibility. At this time, this horrible feeling of convulsions and chills in the spine and bones made them clearly understand what the real murderous qi is. The strength of this murderous qi is huge and already is beyond their imagination!

The release of this murderous qi is just a 20-level human. They could not imagine that a human being so small could give them such a shuddering feeling.

Hum! Greenwood said coldly snorted, which dispelled most of the impact of Ling Chen‘s sound murderous qi, but was still deeply shocked. He looked directly at the gloomy eyes of Ling Chen without concession, and said in a deep voice: Do you think it is up to you to stop us? No matter how strong you are, in our eyes, it is still vulnerable.

I can’t stop you. Ling Chen‘s body and eyes are motionless. Only the lips of the whole body are moving. The murderous qi like Shinigami is entangled in the space around him, making the air flow chaotic: But if you dare to move me Younger Sister, if I Younger Sister because of you, even the last hope is gone ……… I will make your persistent Fairy Fountain become the dirtiest quagmire in the world! You can kill me, but in this world, I can have unlimited Resurrection. Your bewildered array of nature is just a sham to me. I want to come and come. I can put a person into the Fairy Fountain today, next time, I can put other things in too, next time, I can still do it! You kill me a hundred times, I will Resurrection a hundred times, pollute your Fairy Fountain a hundred times … You guys, although you can try my Younger Sister, see if I can still, dare or dare not! !!

You! Greenwood finger Ling Chen, complexion complexion, but never dared to move forward.

The terrible speed of Ling Chen and the various Esper forces released by them, which already saw with their own eyes. Today, he brought people to Fairy Fountain under the common guardianship of ten Great Elder and a large number of Powerful Fairy. Even if he is unwilling, he can’t deny that he has the speed and ability, and if they do it again, they are also difficult to stop. And Ling Tian is the identity of the player, can be unlimited Resurrection, which can also be unlimited harassment, unlimited times …

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth secretly, and frowned. In any case, how can he Greenwood, and the entire Fairy Clan, be fooled by a human who violates their biggest taboo.

Okay, don’t be noisy. Things already have reached such a point, it is useless to say anything, calm down.

An old voice came slowly. Hearing this voice, the anger of the Fairy people dissipated a lot in a moment. Sincere respect was shown on their faces. Even the look of Greenwood became softened. Holding a walking stick towards Zheng, I don’t know when he came to Grandma Deadwood behind him.

Mother, we are useless, we have not stopped this human being. already has polluted the spring of Fairy Fountain … What should we do now? Greenwood sighed. Fairy Realm has been quiet for Neutral for countless years. Today, this is the biggest thing in Fairy Realm these years, which makes him angry, but he doesn’t know how to deal with it.

It’s done, let’s go. Everyone is gone. Grandma Deadwood said. Her words stunned all Fairys, and even Ling Chen, already‘s worst plan, was stunned.

Forget it? How could that be forgotten! For the sake of his own self, he tarnished the entire Fairy Fountain, which is an unforgivable mistake! Fairy Fountain, but Ah! Greenwood, the lifeblood of our family, shouted unacceptably. Grandma Deadwood in Fairy Realm has far more prestige than his Patriarch, what she said, he Patriarch will always listen to it. But Grandma Deadwood forgot a sentence, making him completely incomprehensible.

Grandma Deadwood looked up slightly, a pair of old eyes have become turbid, and Neutral like a thousand years old well: “Ling Tian, for the loved ones, does not hesitate to use the weak Strength and my entire family as enemies. Although extreme, it almost made a big mistake, but one piece The heart of the child is admirable and sighing. In addition, you don’t need to be alarmed. The spring of Fairy Fountain has not been polluted. Have you not noticed any kind of Aura from the girl? ”

“Not polluted? Mother, what do you mean …?” Greenwood froze. They all watched as Ling Chen put a human girl into the spring, and under the anger, they still had no intention to explore the Aura on that human girl.

Grandma Deadwood didn’t speak, her sloppy body straightened slightly, the crutch in her hand flickered, and suddenly a green radiance fell from the sky, wrapped all the Fairy and Ling Chen standing over Fairy Fountain, radiance flashed, Ling Chen found herself and Greenwood them already was transferred to the edge of Fairy Fountain. In front of the eyes, the tree vines that originally covered Fairy Fountain quickly withered until they completely disappeared.

Fairy Fountain‘s spring water is too clear, as clear as not existence, everyone can fully see a corner of Fairy Fountain arbitrary. In the center of Fairy Fountain, a human Young Lady lies quietly. Even the Fairy Clan with the highest aesthetics and the most perfect appearance, has to admire the exquisiteness of the girl … Yes, it is exquisite, even the most discerning person in the world. It was completely impossible to find any flaws in her face. She is too quiet, she has no signs of HP/Life, but silently, let all Fairy quietly sprout closeness and protect her **, witnessing her quietness, and even involuntary pain … That kind of needle stick pain.

And around her body, she was surrounded by a circle of whiteness, with a little light green radiance.

“That … that’s …” Seeing that circle of radiance, and the faint Aura, Greenwood and ten Great Elder all changed their faces and shouted in surprise. Ling Chen is also a solitude … What’s going on? How can this layer of light appear on the body of Ruoruo!

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