Shura’s Wrath Chapter 342: Unknown tomorrow (on)

Shuiruo‘s departure is pierced deep into their hearts like a sharp thorn, making them feel heartbroken. Whether for Ling Chen or Tian Tian, this pain will last for a long time … or it will never disappear. Fortunately, Ling Chen already wakes up, and they accompany each other’s side. Even if it hurts, they will not be despairing again. They will follow the previous agreement, with the common thoughts of Shuiruo, Together Forever accompanied each other.

Ling Chen ’s amazing Constitution made him recover quickly after waking up, and his wounds healed more quickly. Originally there were more than a dozen traumas on his face, which were totally disfigured, but now he is seven or eighty-eight without any scars left. This is more than a monster, and the monster’s self-healing ability has made him escape from countless times. Those injuries that were normal enough for countless deaths and injuries, in his body, only a few days, already began to approach recovery.

Yanri goes west, and in the afternoon, Ling Chen already is out of weakness and has the strength to act. He moved his body for a while, except for the hot pain in his body, there was no other discomfort, which also made him completely relieved. He reached out his left hand, and the five blood holes pierced by the jackal in his hand were almost healed by already. In a few days, the mark should disappear.

During his recovery period, Tian Tian had been relying on him, holding his clothes firmly with both hands, for fear that he would disappear if he let go. He reached out and stretched over the weak body of Tian Tian, and said gently: “Tian Tian, what happened after I left that night … tell me what you know, please tell me in detail?”

His last two memory faults, one was holding the Long Tianyun‘s throat, but fell down weakly, the consciousness dissipated, the other was awakened by Mu Bingyao, and then coma again. In the meantime, there are future events, and he has no idea at all. But he could guess that it was Gui Ya and they stormed into Long Family and rescued him. However, Powerful guarding Strength with Long Family, they must bear extremely heavy losses to achieve this level …

He remembers that Mu Bingyao told him that Gui Dao is dead … maybe, there are many other companions who died in Long Family to save him. When he woke up, he couldn’t see anything other than Mu Bingyao, but only Tian Tian … Obviously, it was pursued behind him, Mu Bingyao stopped, and then Tian Tian took him away …

He couldn’t imagine how the Tian Tian used his thin body to take him so far, and they went to Long Family and Gui Ya where they had never found it. The blood on her shoes hurt his heart like a steel thorn.

For Tian Tian For those who died to save him, he simply already There is no reason to go to selfish death.

Tian Tian nodded, leaning more heavily on the body of Ling Chen, watching him wake up, she was finally not so scared, she could let go of everything and rely on him, “I suddenly saw Elder Brother missing that day, everyone All are anxious, Gui Ya Elder Brother said he knew where you were and took everyone to find you, leaving only Elder Sister Mu to protect me, and after they left, I and Elder Sister Mu wanted to accompany Elder Sister, but found that Elder Sister already was missing It’s over. “

The quietly listening Ling Chen suddenly became agitated all over his body, breathing became instantaneous. He subconsciously grasped the small hand of Tian Tian, and asked in a panic: “You said … Ruoruo is gone? What does it mean? Why does it disappear? Missed? “

“I don’t know, I don’t know anything at all.” Tian Tian shook her head in fear, thinking of the Elder Sister that suddenly sounded that night, and she was still helpless: “When Elder Brother left, Elder Sister was still there. We all saw it. But after they left Gui Ya Elder Brother, Elder Sister … disappeared. I and Elder Sister Mu looked around for a long, long time, but they didn’t find it. It was like … it suddenly disappeared. I And Elder Sister Mu were scared at that time, but no matter how they were found, they couldn’t be found at all. “

“… How long has it been since you found me absent and you found Ruoruo missing?” Ling Chen asked anxiously. Ling Shuiruo‘s departure was enough to make him fall apart. Now, after hearing the news of her body disappearing, how can he calm down. Does his Ruoruo not even sleep?

“Total … less than a minute in total.” Tian Tian recalled, whispered.

In less than a minute …

At that time, Gui Ya and Bingyao must be all there, and they must be very close to each other. He is familiar with their abilities, and normal people will be aware of them as soon as they are within 50 meters of them. He could leave quietly under their noses, but he could silently take away an immobile body under the close range of so many people. Even him, it was impossible.

Who is it? What exactly happened? Is it true that he suddenly disappeared from the world …

Unexpectedly, Ling Chen can no longer be stable. He stood up and looked in the direction of Jinghua. Both his eyes and his body were shaking violently.

He wants to know what happened and wants to find Shuiruo right away. Although she does n’t have HP/Life in already, at least … but at least let her sleep peacefully, instead of disappearing so vaguely, she will encounter all kinds of unexpectedness after death …

Tian Tian knows where he is looking. She panicked, rushed to hug him behind her, and cried again: “Elder Brother! Don’t go … Don’t! There is so dangerous now, I don’t want you to have another accident … You just promised me that I would Live well and never leave me … Elder Brother … not high … wow … “

The clothes behind him soon came with a clearer and clearer moisturizing feeling. Ling Chen closed her eyes, her hands clenched slowly, and there was almost bleeding between the fingers. He imagined that now he must be already wanted by the whole country. With his ability to be exposed in the Long Family compound, Long Family will never allow him to survive, especially in Jinghua city. already is bound to set up for his appearance If he now goes back, there is no doubt that he has thrown himself away.

But … but …

Ruoruo … where are you … what should i do … tell me what to do …


“No … you can’t die !! We managed to save you, they didn’t even want to save you, how can you die … Do you know, Gui Dao escaped to cover us, he Detonation of ** …… If you die, who will avenge him and all the dead brothers and sisters! Don’t you forget how Ruoruo died? Don’t you want to avenge Ruoruo! Live, live Ah! ! “


Master … We know that Ruoruo is gone, you are distraught, we are equally sad, and painful Ah! but … without Ruoruo, you and me … and us! and Tian Tian! We will always be with you With you, I will be with you all my life, even if you drive us away, we will never leave !!! Are you really willing to us, willing to Tian Tian! Especially Tian Tian, her already lost the most like/happy Elder Sister, you want her Even you have lost, become helpless, lonely? Are you dead, who will take care of Tian Tian, Tian Tian, how should she survive! “


Elder Brother … Take good care of Tian Tian, let Tian Tian be with you instead of me, and take it along with the happiness that belongs to me, okay …”


Elder Brother … don’t leave me … we said yes, we need to live … together … no one can leave anyone … Elder Sister is gone, I am so sad … Elder Brother is so sad … However, I still have Elder Brother, Elder Brother, and me … I will listen to Elder Brother in the future, I will try to do as good as Elder Sister … don’t leave me … I don’t want Elder Brother to die … I don’t want Elder Brother Something … wow … “


The shout of Mu Bingyao, the whisper of Shuiruo, the cry of Tian Tian … echoed alternately in his mind. Silently, he took a soft breath, turned around, and hugged the body of Tian Tian with his rehabilitating hands, clasped on his body like holding a doll, and then headed for Jinghua The opposite direction of the city: “Do n’t cry at Tian Tian, I only checked with Tian Tian, how can I do stupid things. In order to take care of Tian Tian forever, I will always be safe, do not do anything dangerous, do not do anything Dangerous place, OK? “

Tian Tian‘s crying ceased, holding Ling Chen tighter.

“So, what happened later? What happened later?” Ling Chen asked in the direction of the sound of flowing water.

“Later … we couldn’t find Elder Sister, I cried in fear. Then, many people approached our house, Elder Sister Mu took me away and kept taking me away for a long, long, long time After that, I got to a place that was very dark and quiet, and there was no one else. Then Elder Sister Mu put me next to a big tree, and let me wait for her there, she was going to save Elder Brother … “

Ling Chen: “…”

“Then I waited there and waited for a long time … I heard Elder Sister Mu calling me, and then I saw Elder Brother. At that time, Elder Brother was motionless, the whole body was covered with blood, and I was scared. They almost died. Elder Sister Mu tells me that Elder Brother is okay, let me take Elder Brother, the farther the better, I ca n’t stop, I ca n’t look back. Then, I picked up Elder Brother, walked forward, walked … I don’t know how long, how far, and then, after dawn, the sun rose, and I desperately went forward. Finally, I fell … woke up, this place … ”

Ling Chen: “…”

Ling Chen quietly listened to Tian Tian‘s narration, but did not speak. Soon, a stream appeared before him, and the water was crystal clear. The water that Tian Tian feeds him these days is from here. Ling Chen stopped, put Tian Tian on a fast flat rock near the stream, gently wiped the tears on her face with her fingers, and then gently stroked the shallow scratches on her face, softly Says: “Does it hurt?”

“No pain, no pain at all.” Tian Tian shook his head vigorously. After entering the new home given to her by Ling Chen and Shuiruo, she did not even hurt a little finger. In just a few days, she had too many scars on her body. All these scars were left for him.

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