Shura’s Wrath Chapter 251: Greenwood

Fairy Forest is very large. It is simply impossible for Ling Chen to find the exact place before entering Fairy Realm. But he has Xiao Hui. Under the guidance of Xiao Hui, Ling Chen took a shorter distance than the last time and came to Fairy Realm before … to be precise where nature is lost, and then said to Cai’er: “Cai’er, ahead It should be a mystery of nature hiding your Fairy Clan. You should know how to get through? “

Cai’er looked at the front with a confused look: “I know that nature is lost. Grandma said that when nature is lost, people who are going to our Fairy Clan direction will be led to other places and will always find Not to us. But … I don’t know how to get through. “

Cai’er has never been Fairy Clan. It is not surprising that I do n’t know how to get lost in nature. Ling Chen had thought that this puzzle might not be effective for Fairy.

“All right. I can only take you in, come, follow me, remember to keep holding my hand, and never let go.”

Out of Fairy Clan, the rules that have always been strictly adhered to have been almost forgotten. Cai’er, who could not get in touch with the male, naturally got into the arms of Ling Chen, holding his clothes tightly with his hands.

Xiao Hui is ahead, repeating the route and actions taken when entering for the first time. It didn’t take long for me to successfully pass through the bewildered nature. As the prompt of “Enter Fairy Realm” sounded, The sea of ​​flowers and grass is once again presented.

“Well, you already go home.” Looking at the beautiful world in front of her, Ling Chen sighed again. Cai’er marvels at the human world, and if humans are here, why not be more amazing. Touched on the head of Cai’er: “Go home quickly, they must be worried that it is broken, and I should leave immediately, otherwise I would be hit if I get caught by your father and Elder Sister.”

As he touched his head like this, Cai’er didn’t avoid it at all. She looked up and looked at the Ling Chen close at hand. Slowly, her eyes were wet: “Big Elder Brother, although … you brought me I went out, but today, I am having a good time today, and it is the happiest day of my life. Thank you, and you let me know that humans and the human world are not terrible at all. I … I would think You will miss Elder Sister. “

Speaking, Cai’er already started to sob, she was really reluctant.

“Haha,” Ling Chen smiled: “Do n’t cry, or let your family see it, thought I bullied you, maybe chased me back and beat me up.” The voice paused, he He said softly: “Cai’er, I’m gone. In the future, maybe I will come here to play with you again.”

“Really?” Delighted in the eyes covered with water Bead, she stood in front of Ling Chen, and stretched out a small finger: “Well, you have to talk.”

Ling Chen stunned, then stretched out the tail finger, and gently hooked her tender little pinky finger: “Well, speak well. The next time you come, maybe you will be with your Elder Sister.”

“Hmm!” Cai’er nodded happily: “Be sure to come to Oh!, I will be here, always waiting for you.”

“I’m gone.” Looking at Cai’er‘s reluctance, Ling Chen was also slightly reluctant. He picked up City Return Scroll in Cloud River town and gently squeezed it.

Ding… you are in a special closed map, you cannot use City Return Scroll.”

Ling Chen: “…”

“Big Elder Brother, what’s wrong?” Cai’er whispered, watching him for a long time without holding Scroll.

“It seems that City Return Scroll is useless here, I can only go back through the bewildered nature. Cai’er, bye, remember to say hello to your loved ones on behalf of me and Elder Sister.” Ling Chen beckoned and walked backwards go with. In the front is the world of flowers and plants, and in the back is the forest. If you walk straight in, you should enter the bewildered nature again, and then go out.

“Ah, big Elder Brother, be careful.”

“Woo !!!!”

After taking two steps, a sudden cry of Cai’er came from his ear. At the same time, the Xiao Hui at his feet suddenly stopped, and a warning sound was issued. Ling Chen was surprised, his steps slowed, but his body, and ” He banged on a hard object and was caught off guard. He was struck back two steps, raised his hand to cover his forehead, and stared forward with wide eyes.

Twenty meters ahead is Forest Plains Region, but at the position where I was hit by myself, there is nothing at all! He shook his head, stepped forward cautiously, then reached out and touched forward, his arm half-stretched, and his palm touched an extremely hard object.

This is … a colorless barrier! ?

He quickly touched the surrounding position, and whether it was left or right or up, he firmly blocked the solid barrier without any color, but real existence. It’s like a piece of transparent glass blocking the front.

“What’s going on? What’s holding up here?” Ling Chen turned and asked Cai’er.

Cai’er looked at him for a while, and his face suddenly collapsed: “Woo … I, I actually forgot, there is a barrier around our Fairy Realm that completely blocks our Fairy world. This barrier can only enter, not out … Inside this barrier, unless you use the ring of nature, you can’t go out anyway. “

Ling Chen: “………”

The Ring of Nature is the Fairy called Ying Xue who transmitted itself thousands of miles away?

Can’t go out, City Return Scroll is unavailable, originally did not want to contact other Fairy, so as to avoid troublesome Ling Chen can only helplessly said: “It seems that you can only call your Elder Sister, let her use the ring of nature to send me again Go out. “

She didn’t say anything about sending herself out, she should be eager to send herself away.

“But … but …” Cai’er tears are about to fall out: “Ring of Nature, only Elder Sister can be used, and … it can only be used once in a hundred years.”

Ling Chen: “…”

Ling Chen: “Why … what !!”

It can only be used once in a hundred years!

I used it at noon today. The next time I use it, it will take a hundred years! ?

Me! @ # ¥ @ # ¥% ……

What international joke!

Seeing Ling Chen‘s face twitching suddenly, knowing that he made a big mistake, Cai’er quickly said, “Don’t worry about big Elder Brother, I’ll go to grandma and dad right away, grandma and dad are great, they must know Other ways to get out. “

Ling Chen is a mess in his heart now, he took out various City Return Scroll and tried it all, none of them can take effect. The surrounding barrier, listening to the meaning of Cai’er, is to completely block Fairy Clan without any gaps to go out. Ling Chen could only sigh in silence, saying, “Well, let’s go find your father and grandma together.”

Fairy‘s houses are really different from humans. Most of these houses are relatively small, some are made of wooden boards, and some are directly inlaid under or in huge trees. Although the locations are different, it doesn’t look cluttered, but looks pleasing to the eye. This is a Aura with fresh smell everywhere and no smell.

“Grandma, Dad, Elder Sister … I’m back !!”

Coming to the Fairy residential area, Cai’er shouted loudly. In the silence, her voice was enough to make it far away, and Ling Chen stood by her, thinking about various scenarios that might happen. Immediately, a white mang flashed in front of them, and a fairy-like figure appeared. Ying Xue, which was only seen before Correct, saw Cai’er, and her face was surprised: “Cai’er …” But immediately, she saw Cai’er again. Ling Chen around me, the expression freezes instantly.

At this moment, a cyan radiance flickered ahead. Instantly, an energetic middle-aged man appeared beside Ying Xue, and when he saw Cai’er, his expression excited: “Cai’er, you … you are back Great! But it worries us, we’ve been thinking about how to treat you … Oh?

The middle-aged person’s voice was interrupted, his eyes fell on Ling Chen, and he looked briefly, he said at Neutral: “You are the one who took Cai’er away … Human?”

“Dad!” Cai’er quickly blocked in front of Ling Chen and said anxiously: “Big Elder Brother he is not a bad person. Although he took me out, but … but he was very good to me and took me in the human world. I played a lot of interesting things, ate a lot of delicious things, and gave me back. Dad must not blame him. He is really not a bad guy with a big Elder Brother. “

The look of Cai’er made the middle-aged man smile gently: “Haha, Cai’er, when did I say I should blame him? I can see at a glance that he sent you back. Just because of this, Dad not only will Blame him and thank him. Oh, hello, this guest from the human world, welcome to Fairy Realm. I heard that the little girl Ying Xue has done rude things to you before, and I hope you do n’t blame me. Thank you for Cai’er And took her back personally. My name is Greenwood. It is Fairy Clan‘s current Patriarch. You can just call my name. “

Being directly stared at by this middle-aged man, although mild, it gives him a feeling that every inch from the inside to the outside is completely seen by him. Based on this, it is enough to prove that the strength of this middle-aged person is extremely horrible, at least, it is more terrible than Ying Xue with Heaven End strength. At this time, I heard that he turned out to be Patriarch of Fairy Clan. Instead, he was relieved. Although surprised by his too mild response, he responded silently and politely: “Patriarch, you are welcome, I enter the world of your Fairy Clan without permission This is not the way it should be. It is even more wrong to take away Cai’er. The large number of Patriarch makes me feel ashamed. “

“Hahahaha,” Greenwood nodded with satisfaction: “Cai’er is not only safe, but also so happy, it seems that all my previous concerns are superfluous. Dear guests, you don’t need to blame and restraint, treat this here as Your home is just fine. “

Thousands of question marks popped up in the heart of Ling Chen … no matter from the reaction before Ying Xue or the Cai’er‘s complaint, Fairy is afraid, Distrusting is human. When he first came here, Cai’er was scared when he saw him, and then took out a weapon to attack him, trying to scare him away. Ying Xue throws him away thousands of miles without saying a word. Visible Fairy resistance to humans.

But this Patriarch has a mildly excessive response to him.

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