Shura’s Wrath Chapter 25: Giants under Abyss

Hold your hands together on the smooth skin of Shuiruo, your fingers are slightly pinched, and an invisible force permeates like airflow, soothing every inch of her body from the outside to the inside.


When it is finally finished, the outside light already dims. The time already is in the evening. The clothes already on Ling Chen were completely soaked with sweat. He retracted his hands and breathed a long breath. In front of his eyes, Shuiruo already fell asleep, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his quiet sleeping position was beautiful. Ling Chen pulled the blanket over her, lightly walked, opened the door and went out.

Close the door of the room, Ling Chen just began to pant with unbridled mouthfuls, and his deep deprivation made him lean against the wall beside the door. Every time he finishes for Shuiruo, he will. That is by no means a simple massage. Shuiruo has been able to persist from three years ago to now, and it has a great relationship with his approach.

Outstretched hands, silently looking at his flushed palms, Ling Chen squinted and said to himself in a low voice: “hell, I hated you in the past, and wanted to treat you every second Thousands of swords. But now it seems that I want to thank you more … at least without you … I was already dead a dozen years ago … “

“Died by Isrock …”


Ling Chen, which has been exhausting a lot of physical energy, woke up several Hours before waking up, and then hurriedly bought them later, for fear of starving Shuiruo. After a long time inside and out, already fell completely at night, showered Shuiruo, hugged her back to bed, and after a while, Shuiruo had fallen asleep with a sweet smile, and wrote on the cheeks in her sleep Full of longing for the future.

Ling Shuiruo After falling asleep, Ling Chen adjusted her posture and entered the “《Mystic Moon》” world.

“Welcome to the world of 《Mystic Moon》, Ding…, I wish you a happy game.”

Ling Chen appears in the fourth area of ​​Correct Forgotten cave, facing the entrance to the black hole in the fifth area.

Take a step forward. When you are about to touch the area of ​​the fifth area, a strong sense of crisis strikes as before. This time, Ling Chen gritted its teeth and examined its current state and backpack. All the unique items in it have stepped in. He only has the way forward, no matter how hesitant hesitating will only be a waste of time. No matter what is ahead, he can only choose to face up.

Booming …

When entering the fifth zone, the rear stone door was closed tightly, and an extremely dangerous Aura was suppressed on the body and mind of Ling Chen. He stared straight ahead. This is a circular space the same size as the previous areas, with a diameter of about 50 meters. Unlike the previous space, this space has an extra seven or eight meters. Tall, black-and-black irregular objects …

Go …

Go …

The moment stone door was closed behind, it seemed as if something was awakened. The strange and horrible cry sounded in the ear of Ling Chen, the source …

A huge object ahead.

Go …

Go …

Goo! !! !! !!

During the dull cry, the blue-black object squirmed and then jumped high. Ling Chen stepped back subconsciously, raising his head, his narrowed pupil staring at the giant beast in the air, he saw two huge His claws are sticking out, and the black and black claws are full of crickets, which makes people just feel a scalp. As it flipped in the air, an extremely ugly body fell in front of Ling Chen, and two huge eyes filled with the fierce Aura radiated extremely terrible cold light and horrifying oppressive force.

This is a toad … a huge black and black toad in front of Ling Chen! !!

[Giant Greedy Toad]: Type: Beast, Level: Level 10, Grade: Fairy, HP/Life 😕 ? ? ? ? A giant toad of unknown origin.

Under Scan, this giant toad’s Primary Attribute appeared in his mind, letting him take a deep breath.

This giant toad is actually a Fairy beast of level 10! !!

No wonder there are such strong warning signs before entering here. He never imagined that he would be a ten-level Fairy beast! Fairy, a level of existence that exceeds LordBOSS. Although it is only a level difference from LordBOSS, its strength is very different from Lord. Although LordBOSS is strong, as long as the players have sufficient personnel and equipment, they can be defeated with concerted efforts. However, FairyBOSS’s Powerful is almost impossible to compete with Level players. To defeat a beast of Fairy at level 10, even if there are a thousand players at level 10, there is no chance of success. A 50-level FairyBOSS requires a large number of 100-level players to team up to have hope of victory. As for heads-up, it’s basically the same as Tian Fang Ye Tan. Especially in the Novice period, rookie players with incomplete Class, Skill, and Stats are even less likely to confront FairyBOSS. At the same time, FairyBOSS would not have appeared in Novice Village.

But in front of Ling Chen, it is a real FairyBOSS!

Footsteps backwards again, Ling Chen only saw the words “Unbeatable”. 10 level Fairy beasts … How can Fairy level BOSS appear in Novice Village! This is simply counterintuitive! Such a monster, even if it is an extreme Strength plus, silver weapons in hand, it is basically impossible to break its Defense. With its Hit ability, even if it can break open its Defense, it is almost impossible to hit it. FairyBOSS’s Attack Skill(s) is richer than LordBOSS and Powerful is too much, he can never deal with this Fairy beast like an ordinary monster or Lord.

Go …

Go …

Goo! !! !! !!

Every dull call will make the heart of Ling Chen jump wildly. Finally, Giant Greedy Toad is no longer quiet, and the whole body jumps up in the call, swooping towards Ling Chen. Giant Greedy Toad has a huge body, but its jumping ability is extremely amazing. This jump jumped more than 20 meters directly from the center of the space to the location of the Ling Chen. The huge body fell like a hill.

Ling Chen The eye pupil shrinks, and swift to the side with the fastest speed … If this is a monster of the same size, he only needs to find the direction Movement one side or even half of the body before the opponent lands. You can avoid the distance and then counterattack, but this Giant Greedy Toad body is seven or eight meters wide. He must shift a few meters to completely avoid it … if it is slightly touched by its body. With FairyBOSS’s Powerful, there is no doubt that he will be spiked directly without any luck.

Ling Chen‘s speed was released to the maximum. He ran to the side while Giant Greedy Toad was falling … Although he tried his best already, Giant Greedy Toad already was getting closer and closer. The huge shadow in the corner approaching told him that although his already was the first time Dodge, but when it hits the ground, it will still be hit directly … Its range is too large!

No more choices! !!

Electric light flint, a bottle of potion was suddenly poured by Ling Chen.

Ding…, you used‘ Wang Ji ’s special speed potion ’, Movement speed + 20, Effect lasts 1Hour.”

Boom! !! !!

The fall of Giant Greedy Toad ’s body, heavily, shook the ground for a while, and caused the running Ling Chen to shudder. He almost fell to the ground. He did n’t have time to think, and he did n’t dare to stay. The fast speed ran towards a position away from Giant Greedy Toad. He just clearly felt that the moment the Giant Greedy Toad landed, the huge claw was only a few centimeters away from his back.

If he didn’t take the speed potion, his already was stepped under his claw.

Running to the other end of the space far away from Giant Greedy Toad, Ling Chen panted heavily, cold sweat on his forehead, and clenched his hands holding the sword of mood.

In the face of FairyBOSS … What should I do?

Get away? There is no way forward, retreats has no door, where can I escape?

Overcome it? A level 5 player with only apprenticeship Class, what to use to defeat a level 10 FairyBOSS!

Give up, return to Novice Village after being killed by it! ?



Isrock failed to take my life …

In a place more terrible than hell, they died one by one … only I am alive … even there, they did not take my life, did not destroy my will, did not distort me Spirit

Even the man named “the scariest man in the world” died under my hands …

What else has the right to let me yield and die! !!

Ling Chen‘s eyes gradually became cold. Facing the direction of Giant Greedy Toad, he slowly raised the knife of state of mind.

How terrible despair, no one can take away my HP/Life … An ugly toad, what qualifications make me die! !!

A piece of white Scroll was taken out by Ling Chen, crushed for Giant Greedy Toad … “The Detective Scroll” given by the head of the Novice Village village, which can detect the details of the monster.

[Giant Greedy Toad]: Type: Beast, Level: Level 10, Grade: Fairy, HP/Life: 80,000, descendants of the wild Ancient Large Frog family, which should have become extinct in a long time. I do not know when to appear under this Abyss, never left since appearing, it seems to be guarding something. Huge body contains indelible greed nature, with Powerful Defense and soil attack ability.

Passive Ability Stats: Earth Element Resistance60%, the body Defense is extremely high, and the state of chaos, poison and petrification is Resistance .

Attack Skill(s):

[Flick]: Jump high and hit the enemy with a huge body. When falling, it will cause a small range of ground vibration, causing the surrounding target to lose balance or even vertigo. Usage Frequency: High.

Tongue stabbing: Suddenly spit out the giant tongue and hit all the targets in the 12 × 1 range in front. speed is extremely fast and has no precursor. Usage Frequency: Higher.

[Big Stone Impact]: The boulder will condense with the element of earth and impact target. The monolith will collapse when it falls to the ground. The broken stone will cover the 5 × 5 area with an attack judgment. Usage Frequency: Medium.

[Gravel rain]: Jumping high to shake the ground, make all target out of balance within 20 meters, and then summon the sky flying stones with the earth element within 20 meters around itself, the flying stones hit the belt There is a stun judge. The high density of flying stones makes it difficult to escape. After launching, he fell into a rigid state for three seconds, Usage Frequency: Low.

[Voracious Acoustic Wave]: Release dangerous infrasound waves to interfere with target Spirit, and make all target100% within a range of 50 meters into a chaotic state for at least 5 seconds. Usage Frequency: Low.

[Earth collapse]: All soil elements Strength are unreservedly released to impact the ground, causing the soil elements within 30 meters to run away, attacking all targets without discrimination, and stun judgment, there is no evasion within the envelope. In the gap, after launching, it fell into a rigid state for 8 seconds, Defense dropped to 0 within 30 seconds, and soil elements Strength and Usage Frequency: HP were not used within 30 seconds. It was launched at most once a day.

Weaknesses: Wind Stats resistance is 30%, and the head Defense is relatively low.

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