Shura’s Wrath Chapter 190: The way

“It’s a little bit fun now.” Yun Feng‘s fingers were pinched on his chin, and he stayed for at least ten seconds before widening his eyes and slowly speaking a word. For the first time in his life, he saw such a terrible expression on Long Tianyun. It took such a long time, and it took such a large amount of capital. The first second was leaping with excitement, and the next second, I found that I became a “dog” who was turned around in front of everyone. Even if he is Long Tianyun, he cannot afford such a big stimulus.

Xiao Qiufeng frowned tightly and whispered: “That person, it seems that he has a huge Hatred with Long Tianyun. Yan Huang Alliance has made a big move, and the number of people and forces that have offended these years has been countless, but no one dare to retaliate . Can get two Guild Creation Token at the same time, but also have great resentment against Long TianyunYun Feng, who can you think of? “

In the face of all players, the humiliation and humiliation are severe. The target is Yan Huang Alliance‘s Chief. How much hatred it is! Yun Feng pondered for a while, and said, “Can start two Guild Creation Token directly before Yan Huang Alliance. Only the top ten Guild can have such ability, but including Skyfall Dynasty which dare to face and Yan Huang Alliance bid, there should not be any silly To do such a behavior without consequences. Otherwise, if Long Tianyun knows who it is, no one can afford it. If it is personal ability, the strongest person is of course the person on Heaven Ranking … Oh, add one more Ling Tian. But the people on Heaven Ranking and Long Tianyun have such a degree of Hatred, it seems that they have not heard of it. As for Ling Tian, he has just appeared for a long time, and should not be connected with Long Tianyun, let alone Hatred … I Can’t think of it, but at least it is certain that this Peter Pan … “

“Pawn,” Xiao Qiufeng said indifferently.

“Before finding that person and destroying that Guild, even if Yan Huang Alliance gets Guild Creation Token, it will definitely not be registered, otherwise it will be a joke,” Yun Feng whispered. As an affiliate of Yan Huang Alliance, when he said these words, his expression didn’t mean to be insulted at all, but there was still a little bit of gloat that didn’t hide.

Regardless of who calculates it, whether it is good or bad, whether it is male or female, but Long Tianyun can make him eat so much, he is definitely the first! This guts, this courage, this insidiousness, and the ability to get two Guild Creation Tokens … Yun Feng really wanted to find that person, and then praised it: “Admire Ah!!”

“Wow! Wow! Wow Oh! !!! It’s so fun, my wife is exciting !!! hahahaha …”

Xiao Qi leaned forward and back with a very elegant smile, and even bounced back and forth twice in place. If it was in the hall, she would be wise to keep silent like everyone else, but no one could see it. I ca n’t hear her VIP box. Of course, she can do whatever she wants. Because of Yun Mengxin, she was extremely dissatisfied with Long Tianyun, but even if she was dissatisfied, there was no other way than to join Heart’s Dream to help Yun Mengxin. , This world can surpass Long Tianyun, except his dad, really can’t find it. But witnessing that he spent a billion gold coins to buy some humiliation, he was so comfortable that he was about to fly to the sky.

Elder Sister Mengxin, that guy named Peter Pan is really amazing. You can play like this with Long Tianyun. You can see that Long Tianyun‘s face has become the same as the liver of a pig … Well? Elder Sister Mengxin, don’t you feel very deflated ? Elder Sister Mengxin? “

Yun Mengxin has been fainting, being pulled by Xiao Qi several times in a row, she just returned to her mind and said quietly: “Although the means are cruel and extreme, it is indeed a great person.”

Just …

Looking at the VIP box where she is now, thinking of the words “Never let anyone know that we have entered this VIP box” when Ling Tian just left, she couldn’t calm down at all.

Only the VIPs admitted by the auction house can enter the VIP box. What kind of VIPs can they be … For the auction house, it is natural that they can send items to the auction house to obtain huge profits. The final auction of this auction is Guild Creation Token.

From the beginning, she wondered if Guild Creation Token was sent by Ling Tian. She is one of the few people who have seen Ling Tian in person and the strength of Xi Ling around him. If only one person can get Guild Creation Token at present, then in her heart, it will only be Ling Tian.

If it was really sent by Ling Chen, plus what he said before … is it all in front of me …

Is he angry for me?

No … this kind of kill Long Tianyun Difficult to accept Yan Huang Alliance The shame all involved, only with Irreconcilable Hatred Revenge will be made. Ling Tian Correct Long Tianyun Understanding, or through her introduction, it seems that I have never heard of it before Long Tianyun this person. and, Ling Tian Do things very calmly, very wisely, and not very high-profile. The real appearance has not even been shown to them. Obviously, they are concerned about the safety of themselves or those around them, and do not want to be remembered. Yan Huang Alliance An unwise act of revenge. He won’t know Yan Huang Alliance How powerful is his power, if detected, no matter the game world or the real world, even if he is ten times and one hundred times stronger, it will be an escape. Tianya Cape, it is impossible to escape.

Is he … or not …

Hope, not him …

But who else besides him …

Yun Mengxin is completely messy inside.

The entire China area has exploded with already, and there are countless foreign players watching it lively, but the auction hall is silent, facing the anger of the children of Yan Huang Alliance Chief and Long Family, no one dares to alarm the current Long Tianyun Become his angry vent.

Young Master, calm down first, that … that’s just a clown who wants to borrow our Yan Huang Alliance‘s reputation. We can immediately pick that person up and destroy the Guild … or let him dissolve, and then We Yan Huang Alliance will still be number one. As for that person, leave it to Young Master. “Cang Yan stepped forward and said quickly.

After all, Long Tianyun‘s city hall is very comparable. Although he is still panting and his face is slightly twisted, he has calmed down as fast as possible with the extremely fast speed. He squinted his eyes slightly, and his eyes narrowed like a poisonous snake. All the people swept by his gaze couldn’t help but turn his head cold, and no one dared to look at him: ” Very good … really good … It seems that my Yan Huang Alliance has been low-key for too long, and already began to try to challenge our dignity, very good … “

Every word of Long Tianyun is squeezed out from the gap between the teeth, which makes people feel trembling inside. He slowly glanced at every corner here, and seemed to want to use his eyes to directly pinpoint the corpse he hated. The creator of the game: “I would like to know now who is the friend who gave me such a great gift. This is really the greatest gift I have received in my life at Long Tianyun. I sincerely wish this friend from today From the beginning, I can sleep peacefully every day, ha ha ha ha … “

Long Tianyun is laughing, but his expression is still so dark and terrible. Everyone can imagine how terrible anger was boiling under his appearance at this time.

Cang Yan wiped the sweat on his forehead, suddenly thought of something, turned back suddenly, and shouted to the lively Fuye who was watching the stage, “Fuye! Didn’t you say, this is the first Guild Creation Token?” !!! What is going on now !!! “

The focus of his eyes suddenly turned to Fu Ye.

Fuya crooked his mouth, straightened up, and said unhurriedly: “Yeah, what you have taken is indeed the first Guild Creation Token Forgotten Territory from your players. In order to confirm before the auction, We also went to identify it. If you do n’t believe it, you can now take the Guild Creation Token to the Azure Dragon City Center Notary Office to witness. If that is not the first one, my auction house is willing to pay ten times the auction gold right away! “

“Why are there other Guilds established before us now!” Cang Yan roared.

“Oh, what does that have to do with us? I only know that we are auctioning the first Guild Creation Token, and the ghost knows that in addition to this first one, already was the second and third one. Of course, also said Maybe just when we were auctioning, the second piece was unfortunately blown out, and then used to build Guild. It doesn’t seem to make sense to put the responsibility on our auction house. ”Fu Ye said casually.

This matter is indeed nothing to do with the auction house. Established as a non-player, but affiliated to the official central auction house of Azure Dragon City, there is no need to doubt the fairness and honesty. To be counted, they are only the party that is used. In addition, Fuye really did not know what happened, and did not know that another Guild Creation Token already appeared.

If this is an auction house run by a player, Yan Huang Alliance will be used to vent grievances or find trouble, but the auction house that belongs to Azure Dragon City, even Yan Huang Alliance, has no guts. Cangchen gritted his teeth and shouted, “It’s really no wonder your auction house, but at least you must tell us who auctioned Guild Creation Token !!! Who sent the Guild Creation Token?”

“Sorry, unless the sender agrees, we will never commit the dishonest act of disclosing the sender’s information.” Fuye sneered.

“You!” Cang Yan burst into anger, but he couldn’t send it out at all.


With a loud snoring, Long Tianyun shakes his hand and walks quickly towards the exit of the auction hall. He just wanted to leave people’s sight immediately, and then find out the originator of all these things at the first time, making him worse off.

The angry Long Tianyun wears a terrible evil spirit. People approached the place where he was close, but when Long Tianyun was five steps away from the exit door of the auction hall, one stepped out from the side. He turned around and stood in the middle of the gate, facing Long Tianyun, and blocking his way.

People suddenly widened their eyes and looked at the person who was blocked by Long Tianyun with incredible faces … Long Tianyun was upset at this moment. Whoever ate the ambitious leopard dare to block his way at this time.

When you see who that person is, Yun Feng suddenly got stabbed on the buttocks, “brushed” and stood up, his jaw almost shocked to the ground: “Ling Ling Ling Ling … Ling Tian !!! He he He … what he is going to do! “

In the “Ah!!” box, Xiao Qi, Su Er, Shuiruo, Mengxin, and a yell at the same time.

Because, the person who stands in front of Long Tianyun and holds his chest with both hands, Correct Ling Chen!

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