Shura’s Wrath Chapter 14: Samsung Elite

The speed of the evil wolf is obviously better than the forest wild boar. Before it approaches, the fierce Aura already is coming. When approaching Ling Chen, the evil wolf’s speed suddenly increased, and it suddenly swooped on his chest.

Oh! !!

With the light side of Ling Chen‘s body, the fierce wind almost passed close to his face, making his half face painful. Ling Chen‘s eyes narrowed, and his right foot, half a step back, straddled halfway forward when sideways, Novice stabbed out flat and stabbed the wolf twice in a row.

-38, MISS.

The wolf is a typical high-attack and low-defense beast. Defense is worse than wild boars in the forest. But as long as it is not a fool, it will be more painful to be bitten by a bad wolf than to be hit by a wild boar in the forest. The attacked wolf screamed in pain, quickly turned around, but did not launch an attack. Instead, the wolf held his head high and raised a deep wolf howl.

Suddenly, within 30 meters of the surrounding, all the evil wolves stopped their original movements, and Yangtian made a general howl, and then simultaneously turned his head and rushed towards the direction of Ling ChenLing Chen glanced, There are one, two, three … six, seven … what counts on the wolf that is rushing at him, which is a total of eight! !!

The only player here is Ling Chen. No other player leveling here disperses the wolf pack for him, so a roar, all the other evil wolves will no doubt all come to him alone. In the face of this battle, even if it is a level 5 player … don’t say one, that is, a team of five or six level 3 players will be surprised to turn around and run, never naively think that they can resist eight at the same time. Concentrated attack of the evil wolf. Ling Chen‘s gaze swept through their positions, but instead of fleeing outside the territories of the evil wolf, they went directly to the first evil wolf.


The Dodge ability of the evil wolf is significantly higher than that of the wild boar in the forest. Coupled with the suppression by Level, at least three times of Ling Chen attacks are MISS. The painful evil wolf waved his claws to bite him, but only Puffed into the air, as early as its front paw Movement, Ling Chen accurately determined its Movement position with already, perfectly avoided it with a small shift just past Dodge, and then stayed after the evil wolf bite In the short flaw under the lightning shot, three ordinary attacks in a row cut into the evil wolf.

-37, MISS, -90! !!

After the big “MISS”, a purple injury floats gorgeously on the head of the evil wolf …

Critical Hit + Piercing Attack! !!

The probability of triggering Critical Hit and Piercing Attack at the same time is extremely small. With Ling Chen‘s current 5% Pierce Rate and 7% Critical Hit Chance, the probability of triggering Critical Hit and Piercing Attack at the same time is only three-thousandths. But once triggered, the damage caused is undoubtedly considerable. Under this “explosion” of Ling Chen, the evil wolf’s HP suddenly dropped more than half, plus two hits before, it has entered a state of residual blood.

The other seven wolves also rushed from different directions at this time, and then rushed to Ling Chen in the violent roar.

Ling Chen‘s ears sounded seven winds with different orientations, different strengths, and different strengths. His gaze could only look forward, but in his mind, the images of the eight evil wolves around him were clearly reflected. The wolf has a strong explosive power. The speed when it bites is quite scary. The frontal bite of a wolf is very difficult for ordinary people to avoid, let alone seven … and one will turn around and bite at any time.

Ling Chen‘s Spirit is fully concentrated, and his face appears a little cautious … and this is also the first time he really took it seriously after entering 《Mystic Moon》. With his keen perception, reaction, and judgment beyond human limits, when the seven wolves making a bite move got up, their movements, directions, and the trajectory of Movement clearly appeared in his In his head, his body was suddenly lowered, his right foot was kicked on the ground, and he rushed forward with an incredible angle of the body with that moment’s tapping force. Suddenly, two **** winds almost pressed against his back. Across. His left hand slightly touched the ground, and his body rolled with a light touch. All three evil wolves attacked from the left were also shot empty, and the last two evil wolves “banged” at the moment he flashed. Slammed into each other.

With a rush and a turn, Ling Chen stopped steadily in the position of Extremely Low, and stopped very accurately at the side of the first evil wolf he attacked.


It was discovered that the Ling Chen suddenly appeared on its side and the evil wolf quickly turned over. The wolf’s mouth widened and he bit his sharp Wolf Tooth towards his neck. But the movement of Ling Chen is much faster than it. The Novice sword passing through the body of the evil wolf has almost no pause after the “MISS”. It cuts backhand and passes through the body of the evil wolf again.


The bad wolves were emptied by the blast of the HP/Life slot that had just been hit by the “blast” just now, its movement stopped, and then it fell to the ground with a roar, bursting a white Wolf Tooth and two copper plates.

Catch Wolf Tooth by hand. Behind him, three winds came at the same time, Ling Chen did not turn back, and the squatting body lay down instantly, while his right hand was raised, and a “full blow” was cut upward.

Oh! !!

Three gray wolf shadows rushed over the upper body of Ling Chen, and the middle one was cut to the belly with a full blow, but it was a big “MISS”. Ling Chen quickly got up, and in the process of getting up, all the other evil wolves’ attacks were completely avoided, and then the gap was found, and it was stabbed in one shot.

The pack of wolves is frantic and restless, carrying a patch of sand and dust between the bites, accompanied by the terrible long crickets overlapping each other. Ling Chen‘s body is like the same unreal shadow, and Movement, which is left and right, moves forward and backward among the dense gray shadows of the seven evil wolves, sometimes moving to the left and right, and sometimes looking for death. The group rushed up …

His movement seems to be totally unspoken, as if he is totally at will, and if a player stands here at this time, he will be stunned by the swaying figure of Ling Chen, as if watching a foreigner that cannot be measured by common sense. Star guest. Because every time the Ling Chen moves, the stepping point will be the short-term vacancy that just appears in the next instant, and the next position will be the next vacancy, and the previous vacancy was covered at the same time by the violent evil wolf. .

Under the calm appearance, no one can imagine how many pictures of his high-speed brain stagger.


In one second, he turned four positions in a row like magic. When his toes landed, already in front of him was a fragile wolf pack. He rushed to the one where he had been focusing his attacks. Only a fierce wolf stabbed away with two “full blows” in a row.

MISS, -58!

A blue Piercing Attack damage figure floated on the evil wolf, and the second evil wolf fell to the ground in a roar, bursting out a Wolf Tooth and a bottle of red potion.

Surrounded by packs of wolves, from outsiders’ perspective, his Dodge is extremely thrilling every time, and he will be buried under the evil wolf paw with a slight difference. But in such a dense group of enemies, his attack frequency is not low at all, and he takes shots every three seconds on average, and every flash of the gap will be his precise shot timing. And every time he hits, he will hit the same target until it falls. He not only attacked the wolves in Dodge, but also created their flaws in the process of Dodge, holding them in check.

To the extent that he can do this, there are only two of the people he knows … that is “Eve” and the Instructor Hell-“hell” that should be already dead.

With the fall of the second evil wolf, Ling Chen is much easier to deal with. The evil wolf attacks are more fierce than once, but no matter how strong their explosive power is, they cannot touch the shadow of Ling Chen. Instead, Under his restraint, he was dizzy and turned, biting his fellows frequently.




With another “full blow” falling, the last evil wolf fell at the feet of Ling Chen. The entire process took less than five minutes. Ling Chen picked up the eighth evil wolf’s teeth and put it in his backpack. already clearly understands the disadvantages of killing monsters and adding extreme points. The sharpest performance is Hit … On average three out of five attacks are “MISS”. If Hit can be high enough, his efficiency in killing these fierce wolves will be greatly improved. But let him add free Stats points to Agility, he is really unwilling. He now wants to rise to the fifth level as soon as possible, widen the Level gap with the evil wolf, and then increase the steel bracers of Hit by 2 points on the Equipment. At that time, the efficiency of killing these evil wolf does not know how many times.

In the afternoon, Ling Chen stayed on the cliff of the evil wolf, killing the evil wolf here. It takes 100 Wolf Tooths to complete the blacksmith’s mission, and 1000 to complete Wang Ji’s mission. There are a total of 1100 Wolf Tooths. Based on his current killing of speed and the time that he can stay in the game world every day, it is estimated that it will be tomorrow night to complete these two tasks.

Ding… congratulations your leveled up, now level 3, HP/Life + 10, MP + 10, get 5 free Stats points.”

Kill the evil wolf all afternoon, the time already is approaching the evening, and Ling Chen has finally reached the third level. He finally paused to kill the wolf, and sighed on the rock on the top of the evil wolf cliff. Then he opened the Stats panel at will. Suddenly, he rolled his eyes and almost plunged into the cliff behind him.

The experience value required to upgrade from Level 3 to Level 4 is actually 5 times more than that from Level 2 to Level 3.

This Nima …

Slightly hesitated, Ling Chen still chose to point all the free Stats points on the Strength value, then cleared the amount of Wolf Tooth in the backpack, and looked at the time again, then ran down the cliff, he was ready First handed over the task of the blacksmith, and then offline took care of Shuiruo.

At this moment, an extremely desolate roar came from behind him. Ling Chen stepped back and quickly turned around. He suddenly noticed that at the position he had just stayed, a giant evil with a height of more than two meters. The wolf was yelling, and three golden stars shone on its head.

Samsung Elite! !!

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