Shura’s Wrath Chapter 106: Xi Ling (Sat)

Another place.

Xi Ling already appeared under a mountain as soon as the fire-red shadow flashed. In front of it was a Darkness plant with a dead gray color.

“I found it!” Xi Ling whispered joyfully, she crouched down, carefully lifted the dead black weeds with her hands, and then opened her hands with her palms facing up …

Hoo …

A strange breeze rang, and the sound of the wind, Xi Ling Suddenly above his right hand jump There was a cluster of red flames. The flames were small, short, and not bright, but they released a scary scorching heat. The air waves carried by this scorching heat drove away the surrounding stones. . And her other hand released a suction, which absorbed the surrounding Darkness Aura In a short while, a small black ball of light was formed on her white palm.

“For the sake of Elder Brother, we must succeed …” Young Lady shouted at himself, and then brought the left and right hands that flashed the black light and the flames gently together, and after a while separated, what appeared was A light ball mixed with black and red. Slowly, she moved the light ball close to the plants of Darkness with the smallest movement, and gently covered the land where they were. After a while, she completely integrated into the land.

“Hei Yan Cao, grow up quickly!”

Xi Ling clenched two small fists, Jing Jingliang’s eyes eagerly looked at the Darkness plant in front of her. Under her gaze, the Darkness plant suddenly danced without wind, all twisted chaotically, and quickly twisted, scattered, and grown in the twisting, gradually becoming thicker and taller …

When it was finalized, it appeared to be a black flame. Originally, a few ordinary Darkness plants were like black flames burning on the ground.

“Success!” Xi Ling shouted happily, she stretched out her hands, carefully collected all the black sage grasses, one, two, three … seven … ” More, but it should be almost enough. Send it to the big Elder Brother as soon as possible. “

Holding seven black grasses in his arms, Xi Ling quickly trot back to the direction where Ling Chen is.


Ling Chen‘s body is terrible cold, just like an ice sculpture in a flash, his teeth are shaking, his body is shuddering like weak grass in the wind, rows of cold sweat from his body One part was left in a strand, from head to toe, wet all his Equipment … This is not simply fear, but the instinctual reaction of the body under the horrible suppression of Aura.

The sky is getting darker and darker, Ling Chen‘s head is slightly raised, and the dark eyes stare at the dark cloud slowly over Movement. Apart from the instinctual trembling, the body can no longer perform any other actions, because The dark Aura already that seemed to cover the whole world locked his body, making him feel like he was pressed on his body by a high mountain heavily … Every part of the body completely lost action under this terrible suppression. ability.

This is … what Strength! ?

Is this … this is … what Qian Gungun calls a “horrible guy”?

After entering the 《Mystic Moon》 world, he faced Powerful‘s Fairy Boss Giant Greedy Toad when he was only 5th level. That was his most difficult battle so far. The difference between his and Giant Greedy Toad‘s strengths is so different. But at that time, he did not run away, or even give up, but raised his sword to play against it … Under the strength of his Powerful and Spirit, nine Hours persisted and he won …

But this time, the Aura covering his body made him clearly taste what despair …

This is a Powerful beyond his imagination, Powerful to Aura which makes it impossible for him to have even a trace of resistance. This Aura is dark and evil. He has no doubt that the person who issued this Strength Aura will only leave a trace of his destruction if he gently moves his finger. Ling Chen has faced countless enemies of Powerful in this life, and experienced countless hardships that ordinary people cannot imagine. But … it has never been under such terrible Strength suppression.

This is … Mysterious God-class Strength! ?

Strength‘s Master didn’t appear, but Strength Aura alone made Ling Chen bear a complete despair, so that he could not give birth to the slightest resistance, and even the body’s Movement could not do already. His Spirit is as powerful as Powerful, but after all, the Strength he owns is still too cowardly. In front of such Strength, he feels as small as a grain of sand in the desert, and the other party needs to flick between his fingers. And he didn’t even have a trace of struggle.

“You … who … who!” Ling Chen gritted his teeth and spit out three words from the gap between the teeth. He knew that it was always at Lonely Spirit Ridge that the terrible person who had just left before came back. Its existence killed countless masters of Forgotten Territory within Lonely Spirit Ridge, and no one has ever been spared. Among them, there are countless super-masters of Territory. The current strength of Ling Chen is only at the bottom of the Forgotten Territory Strength hierarchy. In the face of such an Strength, there is no luck at all. He knows that already is a mortal death today, but at least he is Resurrection better than the luck who died here before. Even if it had to be reduced to zero level … he now has only thirteen levels of Level, which is not high, so it is not so difficult to accept. But before he died, he had to know at least some of the details of this terrible man.

“Woo ~~~~” Xiao Hui stood in front of Ling Chen, and it was usually very mild at the moment, showing a terrible cricket. Obviously, it can more sensitively feel how terrible this danger is, and how evil and evil this Aura is.

“喋喋 喋喋 …”

A sudden burst of laughter sounded from above, and seemed to come from all directions at the same time. It seemed extremely horrible in this dark and silent Lonely Spirit Ridge. Ling Chen‘s heart beat with this laughter a few times, his face faintly pale … He never knew that the laughter could be so terrible … terrible enough to almost tear his internal organs.

Ling Chen, who has wandered on the edge of countless lives and deaths, would not have feared death for a long time, and his fear at this time is a kind of instinctual soul trembling in the face of Strength that is too Powerful. Now he already can beat the beast Fairy with Level, but it can never be beaten with the beast Heaven End with Level … And this Strength Master, he is at least Mysterious God level strength, and it is very Advanced, and maybe even Max Level Mysterious God!

“I didn’t expect that this demon was just leaving for a while, but a poor lamb who didn’t know how to live or die came in … well, you humans are really interesting animals, and I can’t count already killing in these ten thousand years How many humble human beings who can’t help it, there are still people who want to break in constantly to die. This time, it is still a weak person who is not even as good as an ant. It’s ridiculous … oh, ha ha ha ha … … “

Every burst of laughter and every gloomy note are hitting Ling Chen‘s body and Spirit severely. The Strength covering him at this time is the most Powerful and the most terrible Strength he has ever suffered in his life-no suspense. In the past game world, he has never encountered enemies of this level, and it is impossible to meet them in the real world. The Ling Chen, who can calm down for the first time no matter what he is facing, now finds that his heartbeat cannot return to normal, and his cold fear pierces his body like a knife and cone.

He knew that he would die, but at the same time, he hoped that all of this would end immediately. In that case, he would not need to endure the suppression of Strength that made him completely collapse at any time.

In the wild laughter, the dark cloud above the sky suddenly shot a bunch of dark radiance. Heimang landed more than ten meters in front of Ling Chen … It was a kind of profound The extreme black, black without any trace of impurities, makes people even believe that there will be such a pure Darkness in the world. The black radiance was turbulent and distorted in the sight of Ling Chen, and gradually faded into reality … A huge black shadow, four or five meters high, appeared in front of Ling Chen.

Ling Chen: “!!!!!!”

The huge body has the same body shape and limbs as humans, but there is no trace of human skin. The surface of his body was covered with a thick and black armor, and even the entire face was firmly wrapped with black heavy armor. Only two eyes that released the red black radiance were exposed … such terrible eyes as beasts , Scattered the cold eyes that make the soul cold.

What kind of monster is this? ? He is like a man wearing a black stomach, but he is definitely not alone, because normal people cannot have such a huge body, nor can they have such a dark and evil Strength. He just called himself “the demon” … isn’t it. It’s a magic! ?

The crimson eyes glanced at Ling Chen‘s body with contempt, as if looking at a humble ant, he smiled spookily, and the horrors released by Strength Aura stopped the surrounding air like fear Flow: “But this is also good. At least, it can make Benmo have a little more fun occasionally. So, how do you let you die? Is it to make you directly disappear into the air, or to cut your body first and throw you back? Forgotten Territory, still torture your Spirit first, so that the demon enjoy the pleasant screaming sound for a while, oh … hahahaha … “

“Battle … devil … beast !!!”

In the wild laughter of Ling Chen eardrum rupture, the voice of Qi Yue suddenly came to Ling Chen‘s mind. She had been asleep, and had to wake up under the shock of this terrible Strength Aura. The moment she woke up, she was in shock and shouted the name of this terrible man directly.

“Battle … devil … beast?” Ling Chen gritted his teeth, murmured in his heart, and remembered the name. He suddenly realized that he didn’t seem to hear the name for the first time. Not long ago, he must have heard the name.

Where have you heard of it …

《Mystic Moon》Azure Dragon CityNovice VillageNovice Village

Ling Chen suddenly realized that when he left Novice Village, he asked the village chief Forgotten Territory the most Powerful and the most terrible creatures. The village chief mentioned to him the top ten Demon Beast … ten must not touch The terrifying beast that touches and provokes …

Among them, there is a battle Demon Beast! !!

And this terrible monster, he just called himself “the demon.”

Did this be the Demon Beast that the village chief said was one of the ten Demon Beasts with Mysterious God Strength?

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