Shadow Hack Chapter 1: The magical shadow

   “Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Want to really… live, yes or no?” In a small cozy room, Li Yunmu was turning on the computer, and suddenly a dialogue popped up on the screen.

   “Hmm…” Isn’t this a pre-dark age game marketing method? I don’t know how many predecessors have used it, and now there are idiots who have come out to attract people?

   Li Yunmu clearly knows that, no matter if you click to choose yes or no, there will only be one result, that is, he has successfully fallen into the other party’s trap.

  The computer may pop up some inexplicable game promotion links, or it may be directly cloned into a Trojan horse virus, and then the computer will crash.

   However, Li Yunmu is such a boring person. He neither wants to delve into the meaning of life, nor does he care whether he understands it or not. Anyway, as an ordinary person in the new dimension era, he does not need to delve into it. The deeper level of life.

   To put it bluntly, from the beginning of his birth, his family, his blood gene, his background and heritage have basically been doomed-he is just an ordinary person.

   If there is no accident, his offspring will always live ordinary and ordinary, unless they encounter a miracle!

  In the New Dimensional Era, innate fate determines everything. Ordinary people like him have so many, so many people are accustomed to numbness, too many to make a splash.

   “For the sake of your hard work, I will reluctantly see if there is any fun.” So even if Li Yunmu knows he won’t be fooled, the most important thing is… he is really boring, so he gently With one click, suddenly, the picture on the computer screen changed drastically.

   “Ding, find a new compatible creature, whether to bind%… The system is scanning, and the fit is 71%, which meets the minimum threshold binding requirements.”

   “Do you want to gain superior power? Do you want to understand the true meaning of life? Do you want to stand on the top of the universe? If you want, then drop the blood to bind the system…” Old and broken As always, a seductive sound came from the small computer speakers, and Li Yunmu almost sprayed a mouthful of old blood on the screen.

   “Fuck, who is this prank, is it really my stubborn brain?” Now Li Yunmu is excited.

   “Interesting, interesting, this is a new idea, playing to a new height, but who would be so stupid that would really cut his fingers and drip blood on the display?”

   Even so, Li Yunmu’s next move fully reflects how idle he is, which is simply a pain in idleness.

   He smiled, and gently tore the band-aid on his thumb. After a closer look, it was okay. In the morning, he cut a small cut from the fruit, and now there is still a trace of semi-coagulated blood.

   Suddenly he didn’t even think about it. He actually gently pressed the wound on the belly of his thumb on the strange icon that popped up on the screen. In the next moment, the whole screen shone with golden light.

  ”Congratulations, you have successfully bound the Super Shadow Hangup System. You are the only binding person in the current system.”

   “Ding, it is detected that the world information and the system data are too far apart, and the map for on-hook training cannot be searched. The system will import the updated data of the real world map.”

  ”The Abyss of Warcraft, Barbarian Cow Cave, Well of Gods and Demons, Jiulongpo, Dark Tiger Gorge, Moonlight City, Town Demon Tower, Hell Forbidden Zone, Heavenly End Holy Land, Ancient Road, Heavenly Sword Tomb… etc. hang up The map has been deleted, and the system reproduces a new map based on the real data information of the current world…Please be patient.”

   “Huh?” Now Li Yunmu is a little dumbfounded, what kind of super shadow on-hook system? What the **** is this broken thing, it seems that this kind of on-hook leveling plug-in should be an old antique thing?

   Now who else would play these upgraded exercise games again, if it weren’t for his family background is not rich, he would have put on a dimensional helmet and entered the dimensional virtual world to pass the time.

   Is this broken computer really authentic from the Dark Age? Thinking of this, Li Yunmu’s heart was in full bloom!

   You must know that this dilapidated computer is still an old product he bought from “Antique Street” yesterday. Of course, the price he paid was only 13 four-dimensional coins.

   Li Yunmu understands that what looks like a genuine old antique is actually a high imitation product obtained by a bad dealer. After all, if it is really an old product of the Dark Era, how can he only sell dozens of four-dimensional coins, genuine The Dark Age computer, it started with the five-dimensional currency as a unit; for an ordinary person like him, he is not qualified to have access to the federal five-dimensional currency, okay?

   A few minutes later, the computer speaker “ding” sounded a voice that made Li Yunmu gradually serious: “The system update is complete, should the host use shadow on-hook to level up now?”

  ”Yes.” Li Yunmu didn’t hesitate, he studied enthusiastically, and immediately chose a hang-up location, and clicked OK.

  ”You have selected the advanced map “Suburban Road Restricted Area” as the leveling location. Because you have selected the advanced off-hook map level, you are considered suicide because you are weak to the level of scum. It is proposed to choose a lower-level “community garden” as the hang-up point and hope to adopt it.”

   At the computer prompt, Li Yunmu is completely speechless. What else is there for a bunch of terrifying real-world offline So you can’t play all of them? Fool me, or fool me!

   “Community garden?” Damn, what is this, can’t there be monsters in the community garden? With Can Nian in his arms, Li Yunmu didn’t choose himself at all, and clicked OK cruelly.

  ”Super shadow start, hang up location “community garden”, hang up monster type-ant level 1, flea level 1, ladybug level 2, caterpillar level 3, moth level 3, bee level 3, butterfly level 3 , Spider level 5, warning: try to avoid dimensional mutant insects…”

   “噗”. Li Yunmu saw a row of hang-up prompts that popped up on the screen, and another mouthful of old blood spurted: “This, this is the game played by the ancestors of the Dark Age? All monsters are insects like ants and bees?”

   I have to say that at this moment, Li Yunmu has deeply mourned for the ancestors of the Dark Age, how worrying the quality of their life and entertainment.

   But the next moment he screamed in surprise, watching under his eyelids, his shadow suddenly came back to life.

   Realization! ?

  Yes, the shadow under the light was activated. It shrank into a one-centimeter individual. Under Li Yunmu’s horrified gaze, the little shadow took a step forward, from slow walking to running, and gradually accelerating…

  ”咻.” With a click, I ran out of the bedroom, passed through the room and the small hall without obstacles, and then ran for thirty-six floors in a row, to the community garden downstairs; entered the grass and started In order to automatically find monsters, at this time, a series of on-hook texts and voices appeared on the computer screen.

  ”Automatically enter the designated on-hook map… Automatically start looking for monsters… Found a first-level monster ant… The super shadow on-hook killing mode is officially launched…”

   sluggish, Li Yunmu was stupid at this moment!

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