Seven Evil Slips Chapter 159: End


It was too late to go back, so I took Yi Wan to the town hospital for a plaster cast, and stayed there that day, because there were still many things to do, and no one really wanted to sleep—so I only needed a room.

With the addition of Qingshan and Yafeng, the seven people are full, and it feels cramped to turn around in the room.

Qingshan, who was away from the fierce Jane, had dull eyes and looked a little stupid. Cao Yanhua scolded him from the sidelines, posing as a big brother, and from time to time he would give him a hard time.

“Do you know what you are doing? What is your relationship with this woman?”

Yafeng was still tied up, she was different from Qingshan, she kept silent, but sneered—this is why Luo Ren did not agree to untie her, he had an intuition that as long as this woman was released, she would be a trouble .

After receiving Cao Yanhua, Qingshan bowed his head, looked at Yafeng, and couldn’t help saying: “Brother Dadun, don’t tie him up, Yafeng is not a bad person.”

What position is this? Cao Yanhua was furious, and slapped him on the back of the head again: “What did she make you do?”

13,000 reclined on the sofa, holding his plastered arm in a daze, like a banner of honor: “Da Duner, don’t ask him, your cousin is a puppet at best, the key is It fell on this woman.”

Cao Yanhua thought it was right, but after a second thought, he suddenly woke up: What did Brother Sansan just call him? Da Duner? Did you hear me right?

Standing on the side, Luo Ren poured the water from the water bag into the basin, and said, “This woman’s mouth is hard to pry.”

As if in response to him, Yafeng sneered twice.

Luo Ren’s face turned cold, he dropped the water bag, walked up to Yafeng, and picked up her collar: “However, I have plenty of ways to make you speak.”

Yafeng paused every word: “I won’t say it.”

Luo Ren smiled: “Now there are more methods, and torture is not necessary to make people tell the truth.”

Speaking of which, he moved closer to Yafeng’s ear and lowered his voice: “Inject Veritaserum, or hypnotize, I’ll pay as much as you have.”

Yafeng’s pupils contracted violently, Luo Ren sneered and threw her back on the sofa.

Qingshan yelled: “What are you doing, what do you want to do, you can’t treat Yafeng like this…”

Cao Yanhua couldn’t bear it anymore, he pushed Qingshan back to the sofa and tied him up. To prevent him from yelling, he sealed his mouth with tape.

Luo Ren frowned.

This was the first time this happened. After the fierce Jane left, Yafeng was still hostile, and Qingshan was brainwashed to protect Yafeng.

What is the reason?


Kiyo and Yan Hongsa were washing clothes in the bathroom, the sink was too small, they each kept a basin and squatted facing each other, washing the wet clothes that Luo Ren and Yi Wansan had changed.

Seeing that the dust on the fifth evil slip was almost settled, Yan Hongsha felt a little relieved, she rubbed the clothes very vigorously, and small bubbles flew in front of her.

Suddenly thought of something, he bumped Muyo with his elbow: “Huh?”


“You and Luo Ren have been in the cave for several days.”


“Nothing happened?”

Kiyo’s heart skipped a beat and he said, “No.”

She lowered her head and continued to rub her clothes, while Yan Hongsha was beside her thinking thoughtfully, talking to herself.

“This is not very reasonable, a man and a widow are alone, and there is no one around, so no matter what, it should be… ah!”

She was startled, and came over mysteriously: “Kiyo, Luo Ren is not a problem, right?”

Kiyo couldn’t laugh or cry: “What’s the problem?”

“There must be a problem. Let me tell you, men think from the lower body. If he doesn’t seize such a good opportunity, there must be a problem!”

Yan Hongsha was worried: “Muyo, let me tell you, it’s been said in romance novels, in fact, the tall, mighty and handsome man is not necessarily directly proportional to that aspect…”

The more you talk, the more you get lost, Kiyo leaned towards her: “What do you want to say?”

Yan Hongsha said: “Everyone is an adult, in the new era, we must face up to this problem. Although I also think that Luo Ren is very good, if he is not good, I still don’t recommend you to be with him… “

Just as he was talking, he suddenly realized that Kiyo’s eyes were directly aiming at the ground.

What are you aiming at? Yan Hongsha lowers her head, and sees a figure slantingly reflected on the ground.

She had her back to the door, and at this moment, her back felt cold, and she asked Kiyo, “Who is it?”

“Look for yourself.”

Yan Hongsha whispered: “Quickly tell me it’s not Luo Ren.”

Kiyo rubbed the clothes in his hands slowly: “I’m not good at lying.”

It’s over! Yan Hongsha felt her heart shatter with a bang.

At the same time, Luo Ren put his hand on her shoulder: “Come on, Hongsha, let’s come out and talk.”

Yan Hongsha looked back tremblingly, laughed dryly and said, “I’m… busy now.”

Luo Ren also smiled at her, and suddenly changed his face while smiling, he wrapped his arms around her waist with one hand, picked her up and dragged her away, Yan Hongsha screamed: “Molested! Kiyo, your boyfriend molested, you Why don’t you say something?”

Kiyo raised his head and wiped the foam from his hair: “I am very opposed to Luo Ren’s rough behavior.”

After finishing speaking, he bowed his head again, rubbing his clothes as motionless as a mountain, and heard Yan Hongsha wailing and howling outside, and heard 13,000 come over and ask: “What are you arguing about… Yan Erhuo, don’t hug my legs! Let go! !Let go!”

When Muyo went out with his clothes on, Wan San was dragged down by Yan Hongsha, the two of them complained to each other and fell into a ball, Luo Ren stood by the side and smiled, when he saw Muyo, he had no deep meaning Glanced at her.

Kiyo blushed when he saw it.


Cao Yanhua brought the water basin to the tea table, and several people sat on the sofa nearby, or turned their heads or looked at the water basin.

The water shadow did not appear immediately.

Luo Ren said: “Wait a minute, when it’s time to come, it will always come.”

Just wait, there is no rush.

The room was quiet, after all the troubles, everyone was somewhat tired, Muyo leaned against Luo Ren, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, Luo Ren stroked her hair, and said, “Go to sleep first .”

Muyo hummed, closed his eyes and lay down on Luo Ren’s lap. He was in a daze when he heard Cao Yanhua yelling and water splashed on his face again. When he opened his eyes anxiously, he saw Cao Yanhua and Yan Hongsha stood up, and Cao Yanhua grabbed Yafeng, his face changed with anger.

Kiyo was at a loss, Luo Ren wiped the water off her face with his hands, and said: “It’s nothing, Yafeng wants to knock over the basin.”

To be exact, I didn’t want to knock over. At that time, Yafeng, who was sitting in the corner while watching everyone relaxed, suddenly stood up with all her strength, and planted her head in the pot——Luo Ren felt that she I want to drink the water.

Fortunately, both Yan Hongsha and Cao Yanhua, who were close, moved quickly and picked her up—only bumped into the basin, and a few drops of water splashed on the sleeping Kiyo’s face.

Don’t dare to take the risk of letting Yafeng sit close, Cao Yanhua almost carried her to the farthest corner of the room and threw her down, Luo Ren looked at Muyo: “Are you still sleepy, let’s sleep again.”

Kiyo didn’t speak immediately, she stretched out her hand and caressed the place where the water had just splashed on her face, a little dazed.

Luo Ren saw that something was wrong: “What’s wrong?”

What’s wrong? Just now, the moment the water splashed on her, something seemed to appear in front of her eyes.

It’s not just the picture, it seems that the environment in which we live has changed.

Kiyo stared at the water basin, the sway was still there, and the water inside was still rippling slightly, she bit her lower lip, paused and put her hand into the water hesitantly.

Luo Ren’s first reaction was to stop him, but after thinking about it, Ji Jian would not attach to them.

Sure enough, Kiyo closed his eyes lightly, and the moment his fingertips touched the water, his whole body seemed to tremble, and the other hand pulled him: “Luo Ren.”

Luo Ren understood, glanced at Yan Hongsha and the others, nodded, and stretched out his hand.

Yan Hongsha and 10,000 and the others looked at me and I looked at you, one after another, they did the same.


I can’t describe the feeling.

The moment Kishiro’s fingers touched the water surface, the scene around him suddenly changed, the blue sky, the beautiful sun, and the gentle wind, but not complete, like a sudden scene.

Until Luo Ren and the others followed suit, the scene fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Not only could they be seen, but they could also be heard and smelled.

Kiyo opened his eyes and saw that Luo Ren and the others were all there. A few of them were at a loss, standing on a piece of green grass with passers-by passing by. With big braids.

Qing Dynasty? But they seem to be transparent, and those passers-by seem to be unable to see them.

In the private school nearby, there was the sound of reading loudly, and through the half-opened window sill, one could see half-grown scholars inside, with braids hanging behind their heads, holding books and shaking their heads.

“The heavens and the earth are mysterious and yellow, the universe is prehistoric, the sun and the moon are full, and the morning and night are listed…”

On the desk in front, sat an old master with glasses, the bridge of the mirror resting on his nose, holding a ruler in his hand, whenever he felt that the student was not angry, he would knock on the table with a bang, so The jagged reading sound suddenly became louder.

What do you mean? Kiyo was at a loss.

At this moment, a girl came out of the private school. She had an oval face, double pupils, shiny braids, and a light green pipa double-breasted gown. The cuffs and hem were rolled with black cloth. A large food bowl, stirred with a wooden spoon, walked to the green grass in the middle of the yard, and the wooden spoon knocked three times on the edge of the food bowl.

With the sound of tinkling bells, a dog with a ring around its neck trotted out of the bushes, ran to the food bowl in three or two steps, lowered its head and rattled in the bowl, the girl giggled, He reached out and stroked the dog’s head.

The dog raised its head, but its eyes were fixed on Kiyo.

Kiyo let out a horrified cry, and the scene around him quickly faded away, and he reassured himself that he was in a hotel room, Luo Ren and the others were all there, and his expressions were not very good-looking.

The lingering fear in Kiyo’s heart still persisted, so he hesitated and asked, “Have you all seen it?”

Should have seen it all, Cao Yanhua’s back felt a little cold, and muttered in a low voice: “It’s another dog, no matter how much you go around, you can’t get around that dog?”

In the silence, Yan Hongsha suddenly called out tremblingly: “Luo Ren.”

Everyone looked at her, only then did they realize that Yan Hongsha’s expression was very abnormal, not to mention pale, even her forehead was covered with sweat.

“I’ve seen this woman before.”

See you? Luo Ren’s heart trembled: “When?”

“When I was in Wuzhu Village, I had a dream. In the dream, my uncle’s body was supposed to be cremated, but on the CCTV image, a burned woman appeared in the furnace mouth.”

Her voice trembled a little.

“That woman is exactly the same as the woman feeding the dog that I saw in the private school just now.”


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