Rome Must Fall Chapter 170: The thoughts of women in Segestica


Chapter 171 The Thoughts of the Segestika Woman

With Tolerugo’s helpless scolding, everyone burst into joyful laughter, and the atmosphere became even more lively.

“If I am promoted to the level of baron or above and can get some food for a few or a dozen households, then I don’t have to do anything and can live comfortably until I grow old, and I can also let Do the children enjoy many benefits?” asked another centurion.

“When you are promoted to baron or above, the food the tribe gives you can indeed make you live very comfortably, but your land tax must still be paid on time and truthfully. And Chief Maximus said that the higher the title, the more you will bear. The responsibilities will be greater. You may be required to lead an army to expand territory, or you may be sent to take charge of a town or a piece of land.

If you do not do well, or even make a big mistake, you may be demoted and punished; your child can indeed inherit your title, but he will inherit a title downgraded by one level. If he cannot make new achievements and contribute to the tribe, he will have to continue to be demoted when he passes the title to your grandson…

So, neither you nor your descendants can rest on their past achievements and just enjoy themselves, otherwise they will become ordinary people in a few generations. ”

Oh, it turns out there is a rise and a fall… Everyone was secretly alert.

Another centurion stood up: “You just said that the purpose of collecting taxes is to make the tribe stronger, but now you use the collected taxes as food to give to people with noble titles. If you go back and forth like this, the tribe will become stronger.” Aren’t you going to have no money?”

“Thank you for your concern for the tribe.” Vargius said seriously: “I have raised similar questions to the leader before. The leader told me that now our tribe has less than 20,000 people, and there is no real We have a piece of land of our own, and everyone is an ordinary citizen. But by the time barons, viscounts, earls, dukes… appear, the Nyx tribe may already have dozens or millions of people, occupying a vast land , then the rewards given to the meritorious tribesmen are only a small part of the huge tax revenue, and will not weaken the tribe’s strength at all.

The leader also told me that as long as all the tribesmen work hard to contribute to the tribe, the tribe will develop rapidly. Only when the tribe develops and grows can it be able to reward its meritorious tribesmen with sufficient titles and titles. The two complement each other.

Vargius saw this in his eyes and continued: “There are more than 3,000 women in our tribe who belong to Free Italy, and there are only more than 3,000 special cases. But having more land is not necessarily a good thing. 100 acres of land requires It is not easy for two people to cultivate 100 acres of land. If you cannot pay the taxes that should be paid on 100 acres of land, you may face the penalty of downgrading. Therefore, the tribe can give you another option – —”

As soon as these words came out, the crowd was in an uproar, especially those soldiers who were still single. They were particularly shocked. Even if there were beautiful Skodisci women or Segestica women sitting next to them, they suddenly had no intention of striking up a conversation. After all, those comrades who already have rebel lovers will own twice as much land as they do.

The team officers continued to ask questions, and the questions they asked were also of concern to the soldiers, but Anfil finally couldn’t help but stood up and said dissatisfiedly: “Why are only you men allowed to ask questions? We Can’t women mention it?”

Only then did Tolerugo realize that he had overlooked this point, and quickly said: “Of course you can also ask, please ask questions now!”

“Anfil is right. We have made sacrifices, but some people still say it’s unfair! Who said that? Stand up and we will have a good discussion with him!” The women from the kitchen team said one after another The loud noise made the soldiers afraid to speak nonsense.

It immediately aroused enthusiastic responses from others, and the cheers continued for a while before being ruthlessly interrupted by Tolerugo.

“That’s a good question Anfil! That’s what we want to ask!” The women expressed their support one after another.

Vargius paused, looked at Anfil, and said softly: “After you get married, you can not give up the 50 acres of land, but choose to promote your husband to one level and become a second-class citizen, and get 10 The reward of acres of land… This is a special benefit given to you by the leader. You don’t have to make a decision now. You can go back and think about it carefully first, and then make a choice when the land distribution actually begins.”

“If we get married, what will happen to the land assigned to us?” Anfil glanced at Tinibazus next to him and asked.

After more than a year of fighting, not only the soldiers from the lower class have become brave warriors through the test of blood and fire, but these female slaves who are accustomed to obedience have also become tough and independent in the ordeal, and really got angry. , the soldiers didn’t dare to provoke him.

These words made the audience even more excited. Suddenly someone shouted: “Long live Chief Maximus! Long live the Nyx tribe!”

The leader also said-” Vargius suddenly raised his voice: “He expects that with your unremitting efforts, the Knicks will gradually develop from a newly established small tribe into a powerful tribe. , and then become a kingdom, or even a big country like Rome and Persia, so that each of you can enjoy the glory of a citizen of a powerful country! ”

“As long as you marry an ordinary member of the tribe, your family can be allocated 100 acres of land——”

Anfil’s eyes widened: “We are not fair! We have worked hard to make food for you, sew clothes, and take care of you. Our efforts are no less than yours. We deserve these 50 acres of land. Of!

But after we get married, you can continue to be promoted through meritorious service, but we can only work at home and take care of the children. We will always be ordinary citizens. Is this fair? ! ”

“Great! So what the boss said is true!” The women cheered.

“Since it is everyone, of course it also includes you women.” Vargius said seriously: “Before I came, the leader specially emphasized that you, as a member of Free Italy, have made a huge contribution to our success in getting here. Contribution, so each person must be allocated 50 acres of good land. But except for you, women who join the tribe in the future will generally not be allocated separate land——”

The leader really guessed it! … Vargius remembered the many instructions of Maximus before he preached the decree, and couldn’t help but admire him, so he said loudly: “Who said you women can’t make meritorious deeds and will always be just ordinary citizens?! The leader said, if you choose to do a good job Do housework and take care of the children, so that your husband can go to the battlefield with complete peace of mind and perform meritorious service. After he is promoted, of course, he will have half of your merits!

He is a baron, and you are the baroness; he is an earl, and you are the countess, and you will enjoy the respect of other peoples! If you don’t want to stay at home and want to do things for the tribe, just like Aconis and Karina, you can pass the assessment of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and become an official of the tribe. As long as you perform well, you can also get promotion. !

For another example, if you have special talents, invent something that is beneficial to the tribe, or make some suggestions that are beneficial to the tribe, the tribe will also promote your level based on the size of your contribution…”

After Vargius said this, the crowd was in an uproar again, and some people were muttering: “This is unfair!…”

“Then I’ll ask.” Anfil asked without hesitation: “First of all, I want to ask, since you just said that all people in free Italy are ordinary citizens, do we women count? If so, Then will you allocate land to us?”

When the women heard this, they all became excited.

Anfil asked: “If I am a viscount in the future and my husband is a baron, how will the tribe reward my family? Will our children inherit my title? Or my husband’s?”

The crowd burst into laughter.

Vargius laughed and said: “Anfil, you are thinking too far!”

Rufus couldn’t help but patted his embarrassed right-hand man on the shoulder: “Tinibazus, I’m a little worried about you.”

Vargius had always responded fluently before. Faced with this question, he didn’t know how to answer it. He thought for a while and then said: “Uh… the leader and the officers have not discussed this issue yet. , but I believe that when a situation like what you mentioned occurs, the tribe will have formulated relevant laws and regulations to solve this problem.”

Anfil finally sat down with satisfaction.

But the questions continued, and everyone’s enthusiasm became even higher…

Pucilola, the Segestika woman that Anfil mentioned just now, like the other Segestika women present, seemed out of place in the entire lively rest area.

She sat far away and watched quietly.

Vargius’ decree was first spoken in Latin, and then repeated in Illyrian, mainly to take care of the Skodisci women present, but also to make Pusilola understand. .

Although the subsequent questions and answers were all in Latin and she couldn’t understand it, she could see the excitement and joy on these people’s faces, especially when the women laughed and screamed, which made her also I felt envious.

Pushilola should have hated these people, because it was these people who killed her husband, ruined her happy life, and made her a prisoner… But she could only bury her hatred deep in her heart, Because…

Her hand caressed her abdomen. In the past few days, she felt like vomiting whenever she smelled the fishy smell. She knew she was pregnant, but she didn’t dare to tell her. Although these enemies treated them fairly well, far better than the Segostikas treated the Skodisci slaves, and far better than the Skodisci treated them in the past (she was also treated by the Skodisci when she was young). enslavement of the Si Qi), but she dared not risk it.

She originally hoped that the big leader Andres would lead his army to defeat the enemy and rescue them safely, but the big leader suffered a disastrous defeat and instead made more tribesmen prisoners…

Now she no longer dares to have too many extravagant hopes about returning to the tribe. Looking at the cheering enemies in front of her, thinking of the decree announced before, she can’t help but feel worried for her tribe.

At the same time, a thought suddenly appeared in her mind: Maybe I should quickly find an enemy to marry and give birth to the child safely…


At this dusk, the preaching of the new decree was not limited to the Second Legion, but took place throughout the temporary camp.

In the baggage camp, it was Capito who was personally preaching the new law, and he focused on how the craftsmen could advance to the next level of their tribe.

“…The system of twenty titles is most beneficial to the soldiers, that’s for sure. After all, we have to settle in this strange place. There are powerful enemies around us that threaten our safety, and we need soldiers to follow them. Fight, defeat them, and seize more land. They are fighting with their lives, so they should get more benefits.

But this does not mean that you do not have a better chance of getting promoted. In fact, as long as you work hard enough, you may get promoted faster than the soldiers.

So, how to get promoted faster? I asked Chief Maximus and he told me, and I’m telling you now! You are craftsmen, blacksmiths, carpenters, stonemasons, masons, charcoal workers… Of course you must start with the skills you know.

The first method is to invent. Suppose the blacksmith invents a weapon that can better kill enemies, the carpenter invents a farm tool that can help the people cultivate the land better, and the stonemason invents a stone that can Build a stronger house…etc.

The tribe will give you different rewards based on the importance of your invention to the tribe and the tribe. It is even possible to promote you to two or three tribe levels at once.

The second method is improvement. For example, improving the iron ore smelting process can produce better quality pig Another example is improving the house building method so that the built house can be more suitable for this place. environment, and the construction time is shorter…etc. As with the previous method, the tribe will give you different rewards based on the importance of improving your method.

The third method is to actively participate in the tasks assigned by the tribe. You have all seen that now that we have defeated the Segestica people one after another, we will soon move away from here and head to the village in the east. By then we will need Build roads, build bridges, build docks, build houses, build temples, build statues, and even build palaces. If the building is completed in advance and is well built to satisfy the leader and the people, then the craftsman will perform very well in it. It is very likely to be promoted.

Another example is that the tribe urgently needs a batch of armor to equip its soldiers. If you blacksmiths build it on time and in quantity, then those who perform well may also be promoted…”

Capito spoke seriously, and the audience was excited.

Sititus not only listened attentively, but also clenched his fists from time to time and banged on his thighs, as if he was forging iron.

“How about it? Now it’s time to believe what I say. Free Italy will allocate land to each of us, including you.” Kedessos’s voice came to his ears.

(End of this chapter)


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