Rome Must Fall Chapter 169: Reading out the new decree


Chapter 170 Reading of the new decree

Vargius said emotionally: “Article 1, we will settle here as a tribe. The tribe will be officially named Nyx. From now on, we can declare to the outside world that we are Nyx people! Before The dragon flag you raised when you fought with the Pannoni is the flag of our Nyx tribe.”

“Knicks, this name sounds easy to hear, what does it mean?”

“Can we no longer call it Free Italy?”

“So the monster on the flag is called a dragon?! The painting is so good, it looks like it’s alive, it looks scary!”

“Don’t you know, that was painted by the leader himself.”

“Ah?! The leader can also draw?!”


Everyone started talking about it.

“Why are you making such a fuss! Please calm down and listen to what Vargius has to say before you ask again!” Tolerugo roared, and the rest area became quiet again.

This is the “tithe tax” that Vargius specifically mentioned when talking about the responsibilities of the Ministry of Finance. It came from Maximus’s prior instruction, just to test everyone’s reaction.

In the past, the vast majority of soldiers focused more on personal matters such as food, housing, weapons and equipment, and did not care about the changes in power at the upper levels of the rebel army. Except for their leader Maximus and his immediate superiors, they actually don’t care much about the changes in other senior leaders of the rebel army. They have not developed a sensitivity to politics after being at the bottom of society for a long time. Maximus often assigns a person to Whatever you lead them to do, as long as it is not too troublesome, they will usually obey silently instead of asking first.

“In the third decree, the Nix tribe established 9 departments to manage various affairs of the tribe. The first department, the Agriculture Department, is responsible for managing the tribe’s farmland allocation, planting, and animal husbandry… According to Maximus The leader discussed with other leaders and finally appointed Volenus as the director of the Department of Agriculture; the second department, the Department of Public Works…” Vargius introduced the functions and chief officers of the nine departments in a clear and fluent manner. To the audience here.

But in fact, anyone with political literacy should know that there are two completely different concepts between a leader who relies on prestige and convention and a leader who is appointed by law and whom the people must obey.

But this time things are a little different. Most people still don’t care much about the appointment of chief officers of these departments, but the women from the kitchen team raised a question: “Why can the female battalion captain Karina be the chief officer of the Ministry of Personnel Affairs, while our head “My son (referring to Arconis) is not included in these appointments?”

The night accommodation of these women was under the jurisdiction of the female battalion captain Karina. In the past, they were also under her command during the march. Karina’s management was strict. They had been reprimanded more or less, and they must be dissatisfied with her. Besides, Carina was originally Aconis’ subordinate, so it’s no wonder they raised objections.

Not only did the soldiers and women present have no objections to this decree, but they were a little strange: Everyone has been following Maximus for a long time, why do they have to mention it specifically?

In fact, when this decree was discussed, some department heads had the same doubts. The reason given by Maximus was: The Nix tribe will gradually grow, and more and more people will join the tribe. The more they do, the more they will no longer be familiar with each other like we did before. In order for them to obey orders and obey authority as soon as they come in, instead of doing their own thing, they must know who the leader of the tribe is from the beginning? Who is the head of each department? ……,

The reason why this second decree was quickly passed by the department chiefs was not only because of the prestige that Maximus had accumulated, but also because of the third decree.

Based on his own experience as a slave girl, Anfil certainly believed that Akonis made the best choice. No position would be better than directly serving the leader.

“Article 2 Decree——” Vargius continued: “The leader of the Nyx tribe is Maximus. He needs to make the final decision on all matters within the tribe before they can be implemented. No one is allowed to provoke him. Authority, otherwise you will be punished according to the seriousness of the case!”

The women who were making noises, led by Anfil, immediately stopped.

We are going to settle here and will live alone. Several of the departments established by the tribe are closely related to them, so they are more concerned about it. They asked some questions, the most frequently asked of which was: Why do we need to collect land tax?

Vargius only gave two explanations: “Arconis has been appointed by Chief Maximus as the head of the house, responsible for managing the chief’s family affairs.”

Women are even more so.

A few days ago, Maximus had originally asked the heads of various departments to let his subordinates know about the “tithe tax”, and also asked them to explain to those who reacted violently.

The promulgation of this decree caused waves among the crowd.

Perhaps it is for this reason that even though everyone kept asking questions after the official announcement of the matter, they were still able to control their emotions.

So, Vargius used a more euphemistic tone to explain the explanations Maximus had made to the chief officials of various departments, and finally said: “… Chief Maximus said, These taxes come from you and will be spent on you. He will soon enact a decree so that you can send someone to supervise where these taxes are used every year to avoid corruption…”

Vargius’ words made everyone hesitate.

At this time, Torrelugo said loudly: “If you have any questions, please wait until after the decree is over. Vargius, you have to hurry up. We still have 5 brigades of the Second Army waiting for you!” ”

After he said this, although the rest area became quiet again, many people were a little distracted.

Vargius cleared his throat and said loudly and energetically: “Article 4, twenty titles! Starting from tomorrow, all tribesmen in the tribe will have twenty levels, with the lowest level being The reserve subjects are, in order, ordinary subjects, second-rate subjects, first-rate subjects, knights, third-rate baron, second-rate baron, first-rate baron, third-rate viscount, second-rate viscount, first-rate viscount, and third-rate Earl, second-class earl, first-class earl, third-class marquis, second-class marquis, first-class marquis, third-class duke, second-class duke, and the highest is first-class duke.

The new people joining the tribe these days are reserve tribesmen. Their lives and safety are protected by the tribe and no one may infringe upon them. Food, clothing, accommodation, and daily necessities are all provided by the tribe, but they must obey the tribe’s arrangements. , do things for the tribe, and if you perform well within three years of joining the tribe, you can be promoted to an ordinary citizen.

If the reserve tribesmen perform meritorious service or make outstanding contributions to the tribe within the three-year period, the three-year period can be shortened. Anyone who joins the tribe in the future will start as a prepared tribesman. ”

Are there any Preparatory people in the audience?

Of course, there are those newly joined Skodisqi female slaves, but they have just escaped from the oppression of the Skodisqi people. After joining the Nyx tribe, their lives are already completely different from before, which fills their hearts. Their gratitude prevented them from raising any objections.

“All members of Free Italy, who followed leader Maximus to defeat the Romans, and those who came here after a long march, are ordinary people of the Nyx tribe! The tribe will give every ordinary people Allocate 50 acres of good land, which can be passed down to descendants and owned from generation to generation, but buying and selling is not allowed…”

The rest area suddenly became excited: I didn’t expect the rumors in the past few days to be true, 50 acres! How big a piece of land would that be? ! How much wheat can be harvested in a year? ! This is an extravagant wish that they could not even dream of in the first half of their lives, and now it is about to come true!

Not only the ordinary rebel soldiers were extremely excited, but even Captain Rufus, who was once a Roman citizen, was also excited.

You must know that although Rome has legal provisions that Roman citizens cannot rent more than 125 hectares of state-owned land, in fact most Roman farmers do not rent more than 7.5 hectares of land, and there are few plains and many mountains in Italy, so Roman civilians Most of the land allocated was mountainous.

Roman veterans like him were allocated less than 20 acres of land on the Campania plain because they followed the dictator Sulla. How could it be compared with the 50 acres of good land declared by the tribe. Rufus has seen with his own eyes the land on both sides of the Kupa River. It is truly fertile black soil, and it is truly his own private land. It is protected by the tribe and will not be seized by the powerful like his land in Lucelia. Let’s go…

“In addition to enjoying the rights granted by the tribe, ordinary people must also fulfill their obligations, pay taxes on time, conduct regular military training, obey orders, and send troops to fight…” Vargius said with emphasis: “If in a fierce battle, During the battle, if you kill an enemy wearing armor, you will be promoted to a second-class tribesman, and the tribe will allocate another 10 acres of good land…”

Initially, the condition for promotion to second-class citizens was to kill an enemy. Later, when discussing the twenty-nobility system, most department officials believed that the weapons, equipment, and military skills of their tribesmen were far superior to Panno’s. Ni, it is too easy to kill those Pannoni light infantry in battle, which makes it easier to be promoted from ordinary people to knights. By then, everyone in the Nyx tribe will be a knight, which is not a good thing. , so the benchmark was changed to killing enemies wearing armor. After all, it is not easy to kill and injure Pannoni heavy infantry.

However, for the rebel soldiers who have developed a high degree of self-confidence through continuous victories, killing a soldier is not much different from killing an ordinary enemy. What excited them was the Some of the rumors turned out to be true. 50 acres of land is just the beginning. Through continuous meritorious service on the battlefield, you can obtain more rewards and fields from more tribes, and continuously improve your status to win the favor of other ethnic groups. Respect and become someone everyone looks up to!

So a strange phenomenon occurred at the venue. Everyone was listening carefully, but whenever Vargius said the promotion conditions for the next level, they would cheer in unison, as if they had been promoted. Same.

When Vargius finished preaching about the twenty knighthood system, everyone’s questions hit him like an avalanche. Torrelugo roared repeatedly, but he couldn’t make the rest area quieter.

In the end, he simply pulled Vargius and walked out, which allowed the overly excited people to regain some composure.

“You guys, ask me questions one by one! If you still can’t keep quiet, I will immediately take Vargius to the next brigade!” Tolerugo threatened loudly.

Everyone finally shut up, but everyone’s face was flushed, and their hot eyes were focused on Vargius, enough to roast him.

“Let the centurion ask questions first according to the team number.”

As soon as Tolerug finished speaking, Tinibazus stood up: “Excuse me, if I kill the enemy in battle, how will the tribe know that I killed it and give me a clan promotion?” What about the civilian level?”

“There are two methods.” Vargius replied: “One is to cut off the left ear of the enemy who was killed, and the other is to pick up the helmet that killed the enemy and hand it over to the Ministry of War who is responsible for counting the merits after the battle. and officials from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and they will also go to the battlefield to verify your merits, and ask your commanders and comrades who were fighting on your left and right at the time. Only after the final determination is made, will it be reported to the tribe, and only after approval by the leader will you be promoted Ethnic level and give due rewards.

Please note that if your reported military exploits are found to be false, you will not only be punished by military law, but also your ethnic level will be please do not ruin your status in the tribe because of greed for merit. future. As for how to prove that you have achieved meritorious service in the battle, there are actually some ways. The commander of the Torrelugo Corps also participated in this discussion, and he will tell you in more detail later. ”

“That’s right!” Tolerugo immediately responded: “Others should stop asking similar questions, save time, next one!”

“In addition to the reserve tribesmen and ordinary tribesmen, are there other ranks in our tribe now, such as knights, barons, viscounts, etc.?”

“No.” Vargius responded affirmatively: “Everyone is an ordinary tribesman, including your legion commander. Leader Maximus once said that now everyone in the tribe is a reserve tribesman. , ordinary people start to get started and obtain higher levels based on their own abilities.

The Nyx tribe does not have nobles now, but in the future you can become the new nobles of the tribe with your own efforts. This kind of nobles is not obtained by blood and birth, but because of your contribution to the tribe, you can win over the tribe. our respect! ……

So please work hard. Maybe one day you will get a higher title than your legion commander. When the legion commander meets you, he must salute you first. ”

(End of this chapter)


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