Rise Chapter 940: My ID

Some things can’t be installed, and some things can’t be hidden.

Just like a professional e-sports player, perhaps after retiring in many aspects of comprehensive abilities, including consciousness slipping, it may be difficult for people to make judgments when playing in the passersby qualifying round. This is a former professional. Players; but on the other hand, as long as something is only shown in ordinary passerby games or some matches, you can definitely see that you used to be a professional player.

Because some rhythm and awareness control, even some very detailed operating habits, are by no means a passerby master who has never played a professional.

So at this point, after such an afternoon training match, Dawn Chenxing was able to make a judgment on Lin Feng with great certainty.


It’s precisely this point. After getting someone’s acquiescence, it has become the biggest source of confusion for Dawn Chenxing.


Since someone really used to be a professional e-sports player, how could he have never heard of the former?

If the strength is as strong as Lin Feng’s level, Xiaoxiao Chenxing will not believe that he will be unknown in the national service professional gaming circle. What kind of joke is such a big national service, even his own half-step four emperor level existence? Already ranked first in the national uniform, someone’s strength is only stronger than his own, even in a bad professional team, it is impossible to be buried in brilliance.

Then, there is another possibility:

That is, when someone used to be a professional player, their strength at that time may not be as amazing as they are now.

This is also a relatively reasonable guess, because there is indeed such a type of people in the e-sports circle. They may have been mediocre when they first came into contact with LOL until they waited for an opportunity to suddenly enlighten and break through the bottleneck. Soaring, if this is the case, then there is a reasonable explanation for someone’s lack of reputation as a professional player.

It’s just…

This kind of explanation does not seem to hold true for someone.

There is only one reason–

Xiu Xiao Chen Xing’s gaze subconsciously glanced towards No.1 not far away, who was now casually talking with her beautiful fiancée who came down from the field in an intimate and intimate conversation, Around him, the members of their own God team looked at idols in admiration and admiration.

Originally, the second guess might be the most reasonable explanation that fell on someone.

But this kind of speculation is possible, and there is one of the biggest fatal injuries.

The light flickered in the eyes of Dawn Chenxing;

That is…

The existence of two seniors like No.1 and No.5.


It’s really a very simple and crude and direct truth, but it is easy to break the possible guess just now, making it completely impossible to stand on the heels.

If someone used to be just an ordinary third-rate and fourth-rate professional player…

Then why can we get the favor of the two most legendary figures in the national service and even the world’s professional gaming circles, like No. 1 and No. 5?

It can be said that it is due to the character. Some time ago, Dawn Chenxing carefully noticed some conversations between Lin Feng and No.1 and No.5. That kind of familiarity can never be a short time. What can be cultivated is completely the relationship between the elders and the younger generations who have been together for many years.

Then a guess can be basically drawn–

Perhaps when someone was still playing professionally, he had already met the legendary seniors No. 1 and No. 5. On the other hand, if there was not enough outstanding talent and strength, it would be impossible to let this happen. Legends are treated differently.


Perhaps at that time, someone had already received some guidance from such a few legendary seniors.

I have to say that Dawn Chenxing’s thoughts are extremely rigorous and meticulous, almost as if he is pulling out a lot of things step by step, and even getting closer and closer to the truth, but even at this level, the cloud of doubt in his mind But it has increased unabated and become more intense.

Because the core issue is still not resolved.

A professional player who already had enough amazing talent or enough strength…


Including him, the entire national service professional gaming circle has never heard of it?


Lin Feng couldn’t help but scratched his hair again, feeling a little big.

Really…I was forced to a dead end.

I made it clear that the classmate Xiaoxiaochenxing in front of me was determined to figure out his old story, and he was obviously in a posture of swearing to give up if he didn’t figure out the truth, so I confessed it halfway, and seemed to hide it again. There is no chance of luck.

“Hey, the ID back then…you may not have heard of it.”

Someone still intends to make the last effort to try to let Xiaoxiaochenxing get rid of his thoughts, and this is correct, although Xiaoxiaochenxing is already a relatively old group of professional qualifications in the national service professional e-sports circle. Players, but someone like someone who is the hardest player in the S1 season is still remembered by many people.

It’s just that such an attempt to persuade has no effect on Dawn Chenxing. The former did not say a word, still staring at Lin Feng, waiting for an answer.

Lin Feng has no choice but to raise his hand to surrender:

“Okay, okay…just tell you.”

“Oh, but it’s best if you can help keep a secret, after all, it may be a little troublesome if you say it out—”

The words are still nonchalant.

But Dawn Chenxing, who had already begun to prepare psychologically, couldn’t help but twitch his eyelids, a little trouble, this kind of word has made him vaguely aware of some unusual things that might exist behind someone’s ID.

Taking a deep breath, Dawn Chenxing nodded solemnly:

“Don’t worry.”

“I promise!”

The words have already said this, Lin Feng has finally made a decision not to hide from Dawn Chenxing, and looks at the first mid laner in the national uniform of the God team in front of him:

“Anyway…you may not have an impression after saying that, because I was still very early when I played professionally, it was in the S1 season-probably you haven’t even started contacting heroes at that time. Alliance.”

Xiu Xiao Chen Xing couldn’t blink his eyes, and continued to stare at Lin Feng.

S1 season…

This point made him feel a little flickering~IndoMTL.com~ but it was not too unexpected, because it is indeed from the S2 and even S3 seasons, but it is a little bit famous in the national server professional e-sports circle. It’s impossible for him to have no impression of the players, and only the information he knows about the oldest S1 season is not much.

In other words, it is the entire national server today, and the first professional season that has been gradually buried in the dust has been gradually forgotten.

It’s just that, as if following someone’s slightly erratic words…

Some things that were buried in the history of the year are finally being recollected slowly at this moment, in such an evening when the dusk is falling.

“In the case of ID–“

“The ID I used when I was a professional.”

“It’s called Maple.”

The answer to the truth that made Dawn Chenxing think hard for a long time and desperately wanted, was said lightly in someone’s so concise and concise words.

There is no sudden wind outside the window that is too dramatic.

There is no such thing as a sudden shock.

It’s just plain and plain.

As if the ID name of Maple spit out casually from a certain population, it also seemed to have no weight.

Xu Xiao Chen Xing was stunned, and there was a little blank in his mind:


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The update is sent, and then scroll away to continue the codeword. . . See if I can make another chapter.

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