Rise Chapter 868: That’s it?

After playing the match, it is natural to continue the analysis after the match, point out the defects and malpractices of the players on the field, and then make up for it.

This is also an essential part of the daily training of any team club.

It’s just that, unless a serious problem is suddenly exposed in a certain game during training on weekdays, in general, the coaching team that watches the game and analyzes the players’ performance will wait until the end of a whole round of training games. Then we will have a unified meeting for analysis and discussion and research.

And now–

It seems to fit this special case.


There is a very serious problem.

Of course, from a certain point of view, the five main players of God’s first team from the Blue Army in the early to mid-term of this game should have played without the slightest fault and nothing to be blamed. They were on the line. The cooperation of the team battles from the operation to the team battle is also quite tacit and perfect, which is the normal level that their God team should have.

It can be…

The ending is placed before everyone’s eyes like this.

The blue side was defeated.

The five main players of the God team’s first team lost to their own three second team members plus two temporary sparring partners.

The worst point is that even Dawn Chenxing and Huang Xueyege of the Blue Legion on the field have not been able to fully understand how they lost.

It was as if the last three minutes of this matchup were like illusory dreams.

I watched the other side advancing like a bamboo.

Take the dragon.

Highland 0 exchanges 5 regiments and destroys.

Remove the crystal.

Not to mention the “authorities” who are the main players of the God team on the field, even the coaches of the God club coaching team who are “bystanders” are still a little confused.

How did you lose?

Yes, if you just lose a match, then maybe it’s not a serious problem, but if you think that your team is performing well and there is nothing wrong with it, but in the end you lose somehow Competition…

This is where the problem is really serious.

If there are defects or shortcomings, just find out in time and try to make up.

But if you don’t even know where you are missing, then the so-called complement and improvement are impossible to talk about, and the most terrifying heart palpitations are precisely this point–

The dignified God team, the club recognized as the number one in the national service, hasn’t been able to do so for so long, whether it is top professional players such as Dawn Chenxing and Huang Xue Ye Ge or the most professional and systematic coaching team in the club. Perceive the existence of a certain “fatal problem” in your own?

Thinking of this, the faces of several coaches including the leader of God changed a little.

Originally, they were just holding the same mentality of training in the afternoon as in the past few days, but now it is completely different. They are almost frightened and afraid, and then give birth to unstoppable happiness.

It’s okay.

Fortunately, this problem was discovered this afternoon.

Fortunately, two special coaches, No. 1 and No. 5, were present to see the problem.


Let their God team fight the S6 World Finals without knowing its own fatal flaws, and only then expose its flaws and weaknesses to the powerful opponents in the world like hungry wolves——

The leaders and coaches of a lot of God clubs shuddered at the thought of this place, and they almost got goosebumps, and they were cold to the bones.

They couldn’t even imagine that kind of scene would happen.


At this time, the gaze of No. 1 has fallen with interest on the main members of the God team who has just retired, waiting patiently for their own queries to be answered from them.

The other God players around heard this question from Number One but couldn’t help but a low commotion.

Any thoughts?

At the end of this game, I was completely confused and confused.

Who wants this kind of result?

No matter how you look at it, it’s impossible for the blue side to lose.

“The opposite is luck, what else can I think…” A God substitute couldn’t help but whispered and complained. He didn’t understand the situation at all, and he was also the main player of his own team. We are not convinced by our defeat.

But as soon as the words were spoken, they were knocked on the head by other teammates nearby:

“Speak down!”

“Just what can you do?”

“Luck is not luck, can’t seniors No.1 and No.5 see this?”

“Yes, and if you don’t look at the faces of Brother Star and their faces, if you just lose luck, what will happen!?”


The main players of God’s team who heard the inquiries of No.1 leisurely looked very heavy and solemn. If they really lost the game because of luck, they would definitely not. The reaction is so.

Number One continued to wait patiently as if in no hurry.

Finally, after a long period of silence, there was a voice from the five main players of the God team:

“It’s mainly a question of the previous wave of my Dalong regiment.”

It is Dawn Star that speaks out loud.

At this moment, his expression is heavy, and his tone is also a little low, but he is still trying to analyze and judge his mistakes in the game from the most objective and rational perspective:

“That wave…”

“I shouldn’t flash back. Even if I drag Yasuo for a few seconds, it won’t be the situation later.”

This is indeed the truth.

Because I’m trying to think about it now, the situation of the battle at that time actually changed in an instant. If at that time, the mid laner male swordsman of Dawn Chenxing did not choose to retreat for stability, but directly continue to chase and kill. Enter, then even if you end up swapping heads with Yasuo or even being killed by Yasuo——

At least, holding Yasuo for a few seconds is enough for their blue legion to completely defeat the other four opponents on the front battlefield in front of the F6 field.

It sounds like Dawn Chenxing’s male sword indeed became the key to losing this game.

But No.1 nodded and shook his head:

“That’s right.”

“But it’s not all right.”

Then his gaze fell on the other main players of the God team, and raised his eyebrows slightly:

“Where are you?”

“Is there anything else?”

The other main God players looked at each other, followed by the top laner Kenan who hesitated and said: “The last wave of the highland group, I made a mistake in my position and ate Thresh’s Q.”

Waiting for Huangxue Yege, I can’t help but admit my mistake:

“My policewoman had a problem with her position. At the time, she was a little anxious, and she moved too far forward and was directly sent by Thresh. Otherwise, if we find the output environment, the opposite side shouldn’t be able to wave us so easily— —”

The rest of the support and junglers also continued to speak out~IndoMTL.com~ analyzed and judged their own mistakes.

Then he stood in a row with his head bowed like a schoolboy, waiting for No.1’s instructions.

This kind of picture…

It is extremely rare to happen to the main lineup of the God team.

But even after hearing such sincere confession and self-blame words from the main players, it still seems that No. One cannot be satisfied. Instead, he raised his brows again:


“That’s it?”

The surrounding God players were in a low commotion, and the Dawn Star and Huang Xue Yege standing in front of Number One also raised their heads in a daze to look at their legendary senior coach again.

Lin Feng, standing next to him, secretly pulled Li Shi’s clothes and whispered:

“Hey, eleven.”

“Senior is going to get angry.”

Li Shiyi couldn’t help but feel excited: “Get angry?”

Someone nodded sharply:

“Yes, yeah, every time the senior makes this expression and speaks this tone of voice, it is a sign that he is going to get angry.”

Then he paused, looking at the main players of the God team and couldn’t help showing some sympathy:

“These guys… are going to be miserable.”

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The update has been sent, and the fever has not yet returned. . . Go to work tomorrow morning. . . . Hurry up and go to bed. Good night, everyone.

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