Rise Chapter 739: Clue

Within less than three minutes of the start of the match, a headshot broke out in the middle.

Such a result is almost beyond the expectations of everyone on the court, including all other players on the blue and purple sides.

However, after calming down the shock and calming down and thinking about it carefully, everyone subconsciously felt awe-inspiring. They looked at the purple side’s “sparring” duo in the middle of the field and couldn’t help but happen. It has changed a bit.

These two people…

These two so-called “sparring exercises” seem to have the strength that cannot be underestimated!

The precise control line of the fox at the start.

A sharp E flash.

There is also the timing of the widow Evelyn’s turn around, and the speed of the hand to avoid Xerath’s face E appears to the limit.

Not much else to say, but even if it is only in the middle of this wave of one-blood kill operations, whether it is the purple single fox or the jungle widow, the strength shown is indeed not an ordinary passerby master. What can be easily possessed.


Hand speed.

Cooperate with tacit understanding.

All have reached the professional level!

The KG club leader who stood by and watched the game took a slight breath: “This strength… is it really a newcomer who has not yet belonged to the club team?”

There was a shock that was hard to conceal in his tone.

Even the head coach Tony couldn’t help showing a look of appreciation, turning his head to look at the number one and number five:

“The two… juniors.”


It is very rare to be able to give such an evaluation with his critical eyes. However, both No.1 and No.5 reacted ordinary and ordinary, No.1 just shrugged, and No.5 smiled slightly:

“Don’t worry a few of you.”

“This is just the beginning.”


“Agui, are you okay in the middle?”

On the side of the blue legion on the field, the voice of old C as a jungler excavator sounded in the voice channel of the team, also a little annoyed: “Damn, I just watched you start to press the line. , I didn’t have a chance in the past, so I continued to fight the wild, who knew that the opposite widow was such a thief!

The demon who had just resurrected from the spring water of the base took a deep breath, and the ancient witch spirit that controlled him bought a true eye and continued to return to the middle road, while gritting his teeth:

“No way.”

“The counterparty is quite 6, I am careless.”

“Don’t come to the middle road. There is no chance. Let me grow up awkwardly.”


At the start of the game, he lost a lot of blood. Regardless of grade or economics, he has already been opened up by the opponent’s mid laner fox. At this time, calling his teammates to help gank the game is not a suitable choice, only let him First seize the time to make up for your development.


In this way, his Xerath can only passively resist the pressure on the middle route, worrying that the existence of the widow on the opposite side cannot continue to press the line as strongly as before, so he cannot use it as originally planned. The line of soldiers to contain the opponent fox, on the contrary, it may be harassed and suppressed by various foxes.

It was just a wave, and the situation in the middle was immediately reversed.

There is a touch of regret in the demon’s heart, and you shouldn’t underestimate the opposite Nakano at the beginning, or you won’t fall into such a passive position.

Taking a deep breath, the eyes of the main single member of the KG team became calm again.

Same error…

As a qualified professional player, he cannot commit two consecutive offences.

He was careless before.

But then, he will slowly and patiently look for opportunities to bring the rhythm back!


When Lin Feng controlled his mid laner fox to push through a wave of troops and prepare to return to the city to replenish the equipment, he just saw the blue mid laner Xerath, who was not far away, had returned to the line. Began to retreat under the tower very steadily.

Nodded, as if thinking for a while, Lin Feng issued a reminder in the voice channel of the team:


“You should develop first.”

“Central, don’t rush over again.”

In the blink of an eye, someone changed the original plan.

It was originally intended to cooperate with the 11th jungler and widow in the middle to catch the opposite Xerath, and directly let the opponent’s mid laner completely collapse in the early stage of the game, but now I think about this kind of thing again. Too optimistic.

The current opponent…

After all, it’s not just the passersby who I met before, or just the second and third-tier professional players at the ordinary LSPL level.

Even if they don’t reach the level of world-class professional powerhouses like the Four Emperors and Seven Kings, they are still the main players of the top first-line teams in the national service, and they have even reached the S series world finals several times. Consciousness, mentality, operation or experience, all still have unique abilities.

Too underestimated–

The same will still suffer.

In response to Lin Feng’s instructions, Li Shiyi nodded without hesitation:


The hero of the widow is not like a blind monk. Although it is said that the wandering gank in the early stage is also very capable of catching people, but the jungler like the blind man is almost a pure pre-mid-term hero, unable to play rhythm in the beginning. Later, it will be abandoned, but the widow is different. Even if she only develops in a stable field in the early stage, as an AP Assassin hero in the middle and late stages, she can still exert the power to make the enemy fearful in team battles.


For the next one or two minutes, the rhythm on the scene seemed to ease slightly.

In the middle, someone’s purple mid lane fox has the economic advantage of a single head, level experience, and he is also ahead of rival Xerath in terms of level experience, but the ancient witch spirit under the control of the demon on the blue side is returning to the line. After going up, the operation was extremely cautious, and he didn’t give the opponent more opportunities at all, and Xerath’s skill range advantage also kept him from getting too much impact on the supplementary knife.

It can be said that the middle side is at least stable.

However, in comparison, the upper and lower lanes at this moment are both the advantage of the Blue Army.

Aside from the mutual restraint characteristics of the heroes themselves, even in terms of the strength of the lineup on paper, the blue team is basically the main player of the first team, but the two players in the purple team are just The team’s second team and even the substitute, even if the opponent’s blue side is a combination of Big Mouth and Morgana, which is not strong in the early stage, in terms of fill-ups, it is still Big Mouth leading the purple side’s ADC ice shooter.

The KG club leader watching the game next to him nodded subconsciously, with a satisfied look on his face:

“The konjac has a great mouth.”

“If you can take the lead in the early stage, it means that it is already an advantage.”

Head coach Tony also agrees:

“Konjac, recently, great progress has been made!”

Even No. 5 nodded slightly and laughed and commented: “The basic skills of the line-fixing operation are indeed the most basic and most important ability of ADC now.”

The current version of the game ~IndoMTL.com~ is actually very unfriendly to the heroes in the ADC position.

Whether it is the rise of the Assassin League that has made the ADC’s living environment extremely bad, or the ADC hero’s own attribute data including the lack of power after skill modification changes, ADC players feel powerless in the game.

But recently, in the last two updates before the end of the S6 season, ADC heroes like Big Mouth and Mouse seem to have re-emerged. The early laning ability is not strong, but as long as they slowly develop to the middle and late stages, they can Exerting the powerful harvesting ability, finally let the ADC players re-see some hope.

Such an ADC…

It seems to be stupefied to recall the first two seasons of S1 and S2 that year.

In the version at that time, the ADC heroes were able to harvest and carry the audience in the middle and late stages of development.

And then–

In the era of ADC, there was also the most dazzling ADC king in that era.

It seems to be thinking of someone, with a slight regret on No.5’s face, turning his head to look at No.1, and speaking softly: “Is there no news from him at all?”

Number One paused slightly, and then slowly shook his head after a long while: “Not yet.”

“For now?”

“Well, but… there may be a little clue.”

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The update is on. I’m going to work again tomorrow, and I’m sad to get away and prepare to rest. By the way, tomorrow will be three watchers!

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