Rise Chapter 72: Visitor

As the chairman of the World Telecom Association Headquarters, in fact, he does not need to participate in the daily tedious work of all kinds of big and small things on weekdays, and he is more only responsible for the control of a general direction and the final decision-making.

But this does not prevent him from seeing the overall situation of the world’s professional e-sports circle today.

The same…does not prevent him from seeing the turbulent undercurrent hidden behind the surface that seems calm and gentle right now.

The seven-member meeting of the World Honors Advisory Group held in Manchester not long ago was approved and approved by Lance. After the meeting, Martin Bode returned to the London headquarters and also reported to him the process and results of the entire meeting. In front of the table.

So, combined with that meeting, it is naturally more convenient for Lance to see the situation in front of him.

It is more convenient for him to see at a glance the seemingly risky decisions and the hidden difficulties behind the press release in his hand.

Lance smiled slightly, and turned the subject away gently:

“Speaking of which, 001 and I haven’t seen each other for a long time.”

“That one… is also a little missed.”

One is the most powerful person in charge of the headquarters of the World Telecom Association.

The other is the only true legend in the professional gaming circle for two generations before and after.

The number of encounters and intersections between each other in the past few years is not that many.

But as far as Lance is concerned, he has enough appreciation and respect for the chief adviser of the World Honors Advisory Group.

The expression on Martin’s face remains rigid:

“According to the regulations, the honorary advisory board meeting is held every year. Your Excellency Lance, if you wish, you can meet with that 001 at this time about next year.”

Speaking of this, the old man paused again and added blankly:

“The premise is that if that person can attend the meeting as scheduled.”

Although the tone is still serious and rigid.

But I can clearly hear a bit of dissatisfaction.

Lance laughed: “Yes, 001’s temperament is still a bit lazy. I can’t stand the constraints of our telecom association… I wanted to put the title of honorary consultant on him. , It took a lot of effort, right? But I think he should not be lazy anymore during this period of time.”

Martin looks a little slower:

“Of course.”

“Since it is the LPL division who wants to take the initiative to make such a huge innovation change, it is impossible for him to get out of it.”

“As a legend in the Chinese e-sports circle, I should have assumed the corresponding responsibilities and obligations as I am now.”

Lance nodded:

“If he personally takes charge of the operation, I must be more confident about the LPL system innovation this time.”

“The battles of the new season next year… should have more chances of winning.”

This is the benefit of being able to see the big picture from the highest point.

Perhaps many professional e-sports commentators praised the second press release officially released by the National Service, and saw the huge benefits that the innovative changes in this press release can bring to the LPL Division.

But for Lance, not only sees the benefits, but also sees the truth behind the reasons.

Such a bold decision…

In fact, it is also a forced last resort.

The countless challenges of the new season. At present, especially the project that is not yet known to the public, but was ranked as the ninth motion in the honorary advisory board meeting, is too important for the current LPL division. , So important that they never allow them to miss.

That’s why there is such an innovative move.

Even if you pay a huge price for benefits, you must forcibly speed up the pace, mobilize all the forces in the entire LPL division, dig out all the good seeds from it, gather and select the strongest team, and go to the world of the new season next year. The major competition areas are competing against each other.


“Still difficult.”

Martin gives a rigid and objective evaluation:

“Even if Europe and North America are not considered, the SSK team in Korea should be close to invincibility.”

“Theoretically, even if the LPL region mobilizes all personnel, the hope of finding a team comparable to SSK is still very slim.”

Lance nodded in agreement, but sighed again:

“Yes, to be able to achieve the dominant level of strength, this Korean team is even stronger than it was in the past.”

“That little guy… is called Han Shihao, right?”

“Perhaps, after 001, he will be the second new legend standing at the apex of the generation.”

“It’s just that e-sports, if only one of the best, it would still make people feel a bit regretful, Martin, don’t you think so?”

Martin still looks serious:


“From my point of view, this can only show that the young players of other teams are not good enough. If you are too weak, you can’t blame others for being strong.”

Lance smiled and shook his head:

“Your Excellency Martin, it is still as strict as ever.”

Immediately, as if thinking of something, the current Chairman of the World Telecom Association patted his head:

“Speaking of—”

“Can compete with that Han Shihao player in strength.”

“If I remember correctly, there was a teenager from the LPL division in the S1 season, didn’t it?”

Martin listened for a while, nodded and spoke:

“You have a good memory.”

“It’s been many years ago, I didn’t expect you to still have an impression.”

Lance laughed:

“Of course.”

“At that time, some small accidents happened because of that little guy. You and I… are all witnesses.”


Smart people are always in the minority.

After the two official press releases have caused a shock to the entire world e-sports circle, some people have gradually slowed down and began to study and speculate the contents of the two press release documents more carefully and speculate from them. Get more useful information.

Even if it is not possible to stand at the height of the chairman of the World Telecom Association and get an overall view, after careful study time and time again, some people indeed found more valuable clues from the drafts of these documents.


This is the second draft released by the official national service.

In the beginning, even the professional e-sports commentators of the national server, based on the surface of this document, admired the courage and determination of the high-level decision makers, and evaluated that such system innovation can serve the country. Serve the LPL competition area to bring greater vitality.


Soon ~IndoMTL.com~ but there are ordinary players and netizens, from which they discovered an even more amazing truth.

In the morning, it’s 9:15.

In a popular post bar related to League of Legends on the Internet, a post was posted by an ordinary netizen.

Then, in just half an hour, the number of hits exceeded 500,000 and the number of replies soared to 8,000.

Set off a sensation for the entire post.

“Don’t lie, I found the hidden secret in the second draft of the document! 》

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The update is on. There is only one update today. I am also working overtime tonight, ah, tired.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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