Rise Chapter 696: Presumptuous?

No. 3 is just a casual conversation in a normal tone. .

The audience was stunned.

All the members of the Hayami team looked at the number three dumbly. They didn’t turn their minds, and they didn’t understand the meaning of the phrase “coming” at all.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it.

But the point is the familiar and natural meaning revealed by the phrase “coming”.

Should be such an attitude only when the relationship is familiar enough with friends or elders to treat younger generations.

Suddenly an unbelievable thought can’t stop rising from the minds of the Hayami team members. Is it possible that Senior No. 3 knew the two friends that Shi Hang had brought?

But as soon as this idea came up, it made people’s minds completely chaotic–

Wait, wait a minute.

How is it possible!

On the one hand, there are seniors with a mysterious identity that is so big that even the big bosses of their clubs must be treated respectfully, and even the president of the Hai E-Sports Association must personally invite them. On the other side are only two brought by their teammate Shi Hang. Friends or even strangers shouldn’t be in the professional gaming circle.

Such two people…

How is it possible to know each other?

And how could the relationship be so familiar! ?

At this time, Chen Ze’s expression also changed a little, and the smile that he had just piled up at No. 3 to please his face was stiff at this moment, and his heart subconsciously gave birth to an ominous premonition, and the brain alarm bell seemed to be It started to rang, and even his back began to feel a little cold.

Something’s wrong.

This rhythm…

It’s completely different from what he originally expected.

But even at this time, Chen Ze still did not give up hope, and still did not want to believe the truth of the answer that Xin Yin had already appeared. It was impossible, impossible, how could it be so coincidental, how could it be such a coincidence, and how could he It’s just so bad luck, it won’t!


At the next moment.

Faced with the casual and ordinary question of No.3, Lin Feng, who was under the focus of the crowd’s eyes, also scratched his head:

“Oh yes.”

“Come here for a while.”

This sentence alone may not have enough power.

But the next sentence of someone is to completely make the brains of all the people present suddenly fall into a blank and crash state.

Someone complained to number three like this:

“Who knows, Senior Three, you are still rubbing around in the training room on the second floor. Eleven and I have been waiting downstairs for a long time.”


If the sentence of the previous number three is just to make everyone present can’t help but speculate secretly.

Then this sentence of someone is completely like a deep sea torpedo bomb and a huge boiling wave that detonates almost all the Hayami team members present in the scene.

Even though they were like the main players of the Hayami team, they couldn’t believe their ears at this moment, and stared at Lin Feng in amazement——

This little brother…

What to say! ?

How dare you complain to Senior Three in person like this?

Grave! ?

This is really going to make people almost shocked. Who gave this little brother the courage? Whoever meets senior No. 3 in their clubs will not even dare to breathe for fear of something wrong. Talking or failing to do a good job makes the seniors dissatisfied, but this little brother has obviously disturbed Senior 3’s coaching and training mood tonight, so he dare to go the other way around?

This, this, this, this is just looking for death, okay?

How unbelievable this is! ?

Chen Ze was also dumbfounded, but the next second he reacted, he was immediately ecstatic. This kid was looking for death on his own. It was simply giving him a chance. He immediately screamed at Lin Feng without waiting for the number three to speak. Shouted:


“Do you know who this is!”

“What are you waiting for? The coach No. 3 gave special training to our members of the Haysumi club. It is your turn to say something like this? If you think of yourself as a big man, you dare to say such things, give me Xiang San Coach No. apologizes!”

It was a stern voice, but it seemed to be a little bit unconcealable.

It’s completely fake.

The other Hayami players nearby couldn’t see this clearly, but they couldn’t point out any problems, because they also couldn’t understand and accept that such a student-like kid actually faced Senior Three. He said nothing.

Lao Shi, where did he bring such a friend? He is a pitted teammate.


Everyone at this time had already determined that someone’s words would definitely irritate No.3, and even began to sympathize with Li Shiyi and Shi Hang, who were next to them, and felt that these two would be totally involved together.

No one noticed that at this time, whether it was Li Shiyi or Shi Hang, their expressions barely changed when they heard someone complain about this.

As if…

No worries at all~IndoMTL.com~ At the same moment, the expression of No.3 who heard Lin Feng’s complaint did not change.

But it seemed to be the silence that was suppressed before the storm.

Under the worried and nervous gaze of almost all the Hayami players, and under the eager and anxious expectation of Chen Ze, the deputy leader of the Hayami Club, No. 3 raised his eyebrows slightly and said:

“Has it been here for a while?”

“Can’t you come and say hello earlier?”

“Tell me early, I don’t have to waste time in the training room, didn’t I come downstairs early-you kid didn’t think about it, so you are embarrassed to complain?”

The tone was a bit unpleasant accusation.

Such a situation…

It does seem that he was slightly upset by someone’s complaints.

The words that could be spoken made everyone present, including Chen Ze, dumbfounded once again.


This is completely different from the anger of the Miyoshi predecessors they originally expected!

Even if there is dissatisfaction, it is not the kind that is irritated at all. Instead, it is the lesson of dissatisfaction with the younger generation of the seniors. Moreover, listening to the content of the words, Senior No. 3 seems to be blaming someone who should have told earlier What happened to him himself?

To give them a team of main players in the training room to give them a 1-on-1 actual combat training phase, going downstairs to meet with Shi Hang and the others seems to be even more important! ?

A member of the Hayami Second Team subconsciously reached out and pinched his arm, with a dull expression:

“What did senior three or three say?”

“Am I right?”

The other Hayami players next to each other just felt that their brains were messed up into a cloud of chaos and trance.

For the complaint of that little brother…

Senior number three, it seems that he is really not angry?

Instead, he took the initiative to explain! ?

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