Rise Chapter 680: It’s time for me

One game, 9/5/4 record data, for an ADC is actually considered excellent.

But in fact, it’s not that a good KDA record can explain a player’s strength.

If your teammate is in the thigh, or you can mix well enough, and if you are lucky, you can also achieve this kind of record.

As an aid to “Lin” in the game just now, Autumn has a clearer and thorough view on the strength of his ADC explorer teammate.

Quite general.

The ability to line up is quite satisfactory, and the reaction speed is good, but it is far from amazing.

The performance in team battles did not even reach the pass line.

Autumn knows very well that in the previous game, if it weren’t for his own auxiliary bull’s head to start the team twice, and the blind jungler of ET007, he wanted to win Victory in the next game will definitely not be so easy.

If Autumn knows that the teammate who just played the ADC position is just an ordinary high school student and has nothing to do with professional players, maybe he will give the last evaluation of “playing a little bit agile”.

But the problem is that he doesn’t know the truth.

So if the level of professional…even first-line professional players is used as a measure of evaluation, then the performance of “Lin” just now is absolutely unqualified.

(How could Thirteen invite such a newcomer into the group?)

This thought flashed through my mind, but then Autumn shook his head, leaving this little thing behind.

It has nothing to do with him.

Every administrator in the secret war MSN group has the right to invite a newcomer into the group unconditionally. Now that Nian Shisan has made such a choice decision, he has nothing to question or criticize.

For him, the more important thing about his current mind and energy should be on his next battle.

This time the Nightingale’s dark warfare is crowded with strong people, even as the Four Emperors, he can’t take it lightly.

Autumn frowned slightly.

According to the previous rules, there must be an admin in charge of watching the OB in every secret match. Yesterday, only four admins, including him, were responsible for this task, but they also need to participate in the battle. It’s impossible. Put all your time and energy on OB.

Speaking of…

The other two administrators in the group should also show up today.

He has already contacted one of the remaining two administrators and got a confirmation reply from the other side. As for the other one

After thinking about it, Autumn opened the MSN chat window and sent a message to Seven:

“Have you contacted Axe.”

Seven’s message was quickly replied:


“He will take over the work of OB from tonight.”

Autumn nodded, with a calm and indifferent expression, a strange light flashed in his eyes:

“Will he be on the court himself?”

After a while, Seven’s message came back again:

“I asked, it seems that Axe has no plans to play for the time being.”


At around 3:40 pm Beijing time, the first round of the first round of the nightingale’s dark battle on the second day of the A and B match has ended one after another, and the match following the second round is also quickly starting to allocate and arrange groups. .

Lin Feng looked at Zeng Rui who was sitting next to him:

“Azeng, are you coming?”

Although Zeng Rui had already refused after experiencing entanglement and struggle before, but after watching Tang Bingyao’s game, the former obviously couldn’t help but feel a little emotional, and Lin Feng clearly saw this situation in his eyes. .

Zeng Rui had a dry throat, and subconsciously swallowed his saliva. The expression on his face was struggling again:

“Really… let me come?”

Lin Feng waved his hand proudly:

“Don’t think about it! The opportunity is rare, just go there!”

Then he quickly found Nian Shisan on MSN:

“Hey, old thirteen!”

“Come out!”

I replied to the message on reading thirteen, and the tone was a little burnt: “Big brother, what are you doing? I’m very busy!”

Lin Feng: “Can I report another support position here? Another classmate of mine also has to play a round.”

A long series of ellipsis was sent on reading thirteen, and I felt like vomiting blood:

“Can you stop messing around like this?”

“Really let your two classmates play one by one!?”

Lin Feng replied confidently: “Yes, it was an ADC game played by my classmate just now. You can check the KDA data by yourself. It’s pretty good!”

Nian Shisan didn’t even have the strength to roll his eyes: “Forget it, just do it with you, the next round is a support, right? I’ll see if I can adjust the group…”

I have to say that the work efficiency of Nian 13 is still very reliable. Although there are all kinds of complaints and complaints, I have helped arrange the corresponding groups again in the blink of an eye

So Tang Bingyao stepped back from the seat in front of the computer, replaced it with Zeng Rui, who was nervous and cramped, and sat on it.

Lin Feng patted Zeng Rui on the shoulder and encouraged:

“Azeng, come on!”

“Just relax your mind, just play it casually, it doesn’t matter if you win or lose!”

Zeng Rui took a deep breath and smiled bitterly:

“I, I will try my best.”


In the second round of the dark fight, Zeng Rui was assigned to Group A, in the blue side.

Look at the blue and purple lineups of this group of games. Although they are not as gorgeous as the teammates Tang Bingyao encountered in the previous game, they are also world-class first-line professional players.

On the blue side, Zeng Rui’s ADC teammate chose a holy gun ranger Lucian to play.

Zeng Rui himself carefully selected the stable support Bloom.

Soon a game started.

But the situation is the same as before Tang Bingyao. Just entering the laning stage in the early stage, Zeng Rui clearly felt the tremendous pressure from his opponent.

On the opposite side is the bottom lane combination of Jinx and Thresh. In the first few minutes of laning, the opposite duo played quite strongly and aggressively

Jinx’s Q skill weapon switch masters the rhythm very well, the operation switching between poke and the knife is smooth and flexible, and the position is flexible. Several times Zeng Rui’s auxiliary Bron tried to use the Q skill to consume, Both were easily dodged by the opponent’s position.

What’s even more daunting is the opponent’s auxiliary Thresh.

The auxiliary Thresh player on the opposite side of the purple side can’t recognize the origin of his identity temporarily by looking at the name of the vest ID, but he is definitely a first-line professional auxiliary player. The angle of the hook several times is extremely tricky, and the second time the hook is forced hard Out of Zeng Rui’s ADC teammate Obama’s flash.

Wait until the third time.

Thresh flashed and opened it first, and when the E skill shot, he suddenly interrupted Obama’s E skill displacement from halfway. A W skill lantern quickly pulled up the jungle teammate behind him, and then another post was posted. Face Q

The result was that Zeng Rui’s support Bron and teammate Obama were double killed.

The rhythm of the bottom lane immediately entered a situation of extremely passive disadvantage.

When the time of the game came to the middle of the game, the rhythm of the whole game also tilted towards the blue side a little bit.

Finally, in the 29th minute, the Purple Army surrendered directly behind the economy by 12,000.

On the internet bull and internet cafe, in front of the computer screen in the box, the eye-catching “defeat” emblem pattern slowly emerged in the center of the screen, and Zeng Rui sat down on his seat somewhat dejectedly

I lost.

Lin Feng looked at Zeng Rui:

“Are you coming?”

He himself didn’t feel that losing a game had anything to do with it.

The expression on Zeng Rui’s face changed for a while, and finally he refused to admit defeat. He gritted his teeth and said fiercely:

“Let me have another game!”

When the third round of the game began, Zeng Rui was a bit willing to take it after he made up his mind. He chose an extremely aggressive auxiliary robot in seconds. As a result, a 30-minute game was played in Zeng Rui. After the fierce plan, he really played a big role. The first few key team battles were the first to accurately hit the target, and finally helped his team win the victory. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

After playing two games in a row, Zeng Rui’s whole body was almost collapsed, and he couldn’t move even when he sat down in his seat.

It’s not just psychological pressure.

A top-notch game of this level… it’s still too difficult for a player of his level.

Almost desperately can barely keep up with the rhythm of other teammates.


Finally won a round.

Zeng Rui was a little relieved. Although the KDA record data of his auxiliary robot in this round is still not satisfactory, he finally did not kneel for two consecutive games. It can be regarded as a qualified account~IndoMTL.com~Lin Feng is still alive. Follow up:

“Hey, Zeng played well in this round, is he coming yet?”

Also! ?

Zeng Rui’s face turned pale when he heard it, and he shook his head desperately and almost got up from the seat in front of the computer screen:

“No more! Two games are enough!”

Let him play another round, it is estimated that even his old life will be lost.

“That’s it… alright.”

Lin Feng touched his chin, his eyes began to light up slightly:

“Then next game”

“Just let me go.”

The update is sent, and I just finished with the customer. I drank some wine and felt dizzy… Go to rest and go to bed early, my friends~

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