Rise Chapter 563: Be hit up!

Several members of the defeated Stigma Internet Café team left with regret and complicated feelings.

And Lin Feng, who has won the five-game winning streak, and Lin Feng of the Internet Café resident team, finally enjoyed a hot take-out fried rice with peace of mind. After filling their stomachs, they refreshed themselves and continued. Go back to the ring area and start interacting with the players and guests in the Internet cafe.

At this point, it happens to be the time when the business and popularity of Internet cafes are the hottest.

For today’s Internet cafes, the atmosphere in the lobby is even more attractive than usual because of the two major gimmicks that attract attention, the “Fighting Cup” Internet Café Cycling Challenge and the Solo Challenge. Hot and hot.

Looking at the hustle and bustle in the Internet cafe hall and the enthusiastic Internet cafe guests, Qian Lu finally found a little balance in his heart

The money is always spent not being wronged.

And after Lin Feng and a few people passed the three Internet cafes that challenged them in succession, at the time of 7 or 8 in the evening, several Internet cafes challenged the team to come to the door one after another.

Of course, there is no suspense in the result.

2 to 0.

2 to 0.

Another two consecutive BO3 wins.

In the lobby of the Internet cafe, the cheers of the crowds around the ring area have long been crowded among the crowd.

After the defeat of the several Internet cafes that came to the challenge, they all left with an unacceptable expression of chagrin.

They did not recognize the identities of Lin Feng’s backers.

So they even killed them and couldn’t understand why a group of ordinary high school students would have such amazing strength

This level is definitely considered first-class or even top-notch in the semi-professional?


It was almost half past nine in the evening, and the first day of today’s “Fighting Cup” Internet Café Challenge came to an end for the time being.

The results of the five-member Lin Feng, who are the resident Internet cafes and Internet cafes, on the first day of this event are enough to make all other participating Internet cafes stunned.

Seven sets of BO3.

Seven consecutive victories!

A simple calculation means that the final record of today’s online cattle and Internet cafes is 7 wins and 0 losses, and the winning rate has reached an outrageous 100%!

This record win rate…

Even if you don’t check the results of other Internet cafes teams today, they will definitely be the first one!

This is the rhythm of going to heaven!

The audience and guests in the entire Internet cafe hall were excited and gave the warmest applause.

Even Qian Lu, whose wallet was bleeding heavily today, couldn’t help but laugh from ear to ear:

If this goes on…

This time in the “Fighting Cup” Internet Café Cycling Challenge, the winner of the “Stable as Tarzan Award” is definitely their Internet bull and Internet cafe!

Of course, Qian Lu did not forget to go online to check the situation on the official website of the organizer of the Fighting Cup

In this event, the results of all participating Internet cafes will be recorded in real-time statistics and included in the results list on the official website, and each Internet cafe team will be ranked from high to low based on the current results of each Internet cafe team.

This is also to better encourage those Internet cafes that are temporarily behind to be able to develop fighting spirit and courageously catch up; at the same time, the Internet cafes temporarily ranked at the forefront of the list dare not slacken their efforts and continue to challenge to maintain their ranking results.

The list page opened at one point, and there was a heartfelt exclamation from the audience in the lobby:

On the list of the “Stable as Taishan” award, their online bull and Internet cafes are far ahead of the team, and they are indeed ranked first in the list with a record of 7 wins and 0 losses without any suspense. on!

“Fuck, nice!”

“Hahaha, first first!”


“We are on the Internet, the Internet cafe Niu B has a big deal!”


The Internet cafe guests celebrated with a beaming high five, with constant praise.

Many Internet cafe boys have already worshipped Tang Bingyao and An Xin as goddesses. They are so beautiful and temperamental. They even played 6 games like this. Oh my god. Is it the LOL goddess they dream of! !

There are also a few girls in the crowd who just came to the Internet cafe today to play games, and now they are all attracted by the games here, and they all look at Lin Feng with a little admiration. Light

This boy named “Lin Feng” is so strong!

They look good too!

The kind of big-hearted and sunny type, people can’t help but feel close.

There are even a few girls who look good, blushing and boldly came up to Lin Feng to ask for a friend in the game, or wrote a small note on it with their game ID and The contact information was squeezed into Lin Feng’s hands.

Lin Feng himself is so thick that he doesn’t feel anything at all.

But the next moment…

Immediately, two pairs of eyes fell on him.

An Xin raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Lin Feng with a sweet smile:

“Not bad, did you still receive the contact information of the girl?”

The close to Keren smile was very dangerous, and then the girl stretched out her hand to someone: “Let me see?”

“Ha, I seem to be very popular!”

Lin Feng laughed, and handed a few small pieces of paper to An Xin with a nonchalant expression on his face:

“Here, let’s take a look!”

The note was handed to An Xin’s hand.

The girl glanced briefly at a few pieces of paper, and then divided two more into Tang Bingyao’s hands:

“Tangtang, look at it too~”

Tang Bingyao also reached out and took the two pieces of paper over, looking at the contact information written by the Internet cafe girls in their graceful handwriting, her face looked a little wrinkled and unhappy.

Lin Feng: “Have you finished watching, please pay me back after watching~”

An Xin put her hand holding the note behind her back and smiled and replied: “What anxious, you always lose everything. Be careful and lose the contact information of other girls. I will keep it for you first~”

Tang Bingyao nodded vigorously to agree, and at the same time she secretly hid the two pieces of paper in her hand in the back pocket of her pants.

Obviously, it is also a resolute appearance that I do not intend to hand over.

Lin Feng scratching her hair:

“Oh…it makes sense, then you can keep it first, and I will ask you for it later.”

It was so honest that Zhang Hao and Zeng Rui couldn’t listen anymore. They looked at someone with great sympathy and compassion:

This note is in the hands of Tangtang and Baozi…

You can get it back to have a ghost, right?


On the other hand, Qian Lu was about to laugh out of his mouth. He didn’t expect that when he first signed up for the competition, he really didn’t expect their internet bull and internet cafes to achieve such beautiful or even perfect results, and look at it. At the bottom of the list, even the second-ranked cybercafe defending team is only 6 wins and 2 losses, losing two games.

This gap is huge!

One is 6 wins and 2 losses, and the winning rate is only 75%.

One is 7 wins and 0 losses, and the winning rate is 100%!

The realm is obviously different, is there?

On the side, Zeng Rui noticed another list on the stats page of the Guild Cup match results.

As the resident team of internet bulls and internet cafes, they are listed at the top of the “Steady Mountain” list.

Beside this list, there is another “Sweeping Armies” list, and the record data of the team that ranks first is also very eye-catching.

9 wins.

0 loss~IndoMTL.com~ is also an amazing winning rate of 100% so far.

Even in terms of wins, it has two more games than their online bull and Internet cafe resident team.

Zhang Hao was a little surprised: “Damn, there is something stronger than us? Nine sets of BO3 consecutive victories in one day!?”

Zeng Rui nodded with a slightly solemn expression:


“There are still strong teams in this game.”

“Can’t be careless.”

As far as his eyes can be seen, Zeng Rui took a deep look at the name of the Internet cafe team ranked first in the “Sweeping a Thousand Army” list, and silently wrote down the name of the Internet cafe team

72°Internet cafe club team.

The update is sent, before 10 o’clock in the next chapter, thank you for your subscription and support~

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