Rise Chapter 509: Not suitable

As the afternoon approached about five o’clock in the evening, the training base of the Alpine Team Club was still empty and there were few people.

Today is the weekend.

In addition, this season’s lspl professional league is basically over. After the team’s relegation is successful, the whole club is a relaxed atmosphere, without other more tasks and pressures, from the club manager, team leader, coach, to the club manager, team leader, and coach. The ordinary players of the team, one by one, have relieved their burdens and can’t wait to have fun everywhere.

So recently, the daily operation and maintenance of the club training base has been almost broken. At most, only the cleaning aunt will come to do the cleaning work every day. At other times, even the team members are not in the base. Staying in the dormitory, going out to hook up girls, meeting a few buddies for dinner and singing all night long, anyway, doing everything is more fun than staying in a cold and meaningless base.

As for the continued daily training

Is it funny?

Damn, their high mountain team has been successfully relegated, and there are no more matches to play next. The new season of s7 is far from coming. The previous training is already annoying enough, and now it’s hard to take a big vacation. Isn’t it stupid to still be training in the training base?

So like the training room in the club base, it has been abandoned for a long time.

However, in such a deserted atmosphere, today’s base training room faintly heard a crisp mouse and keyboard hitting sound, accompanied by the game-playing sound from the computer audio system. Sound effects are moving.

Papa Papa

One library! ! !

Huh! !

Following the sound and movement of the camera’s perspective, pushing through the lobby of the mountain team club base all the way towards the training room, pushing the door of the training room open, what you see is an empty indoor scene.

The rows of computer machines were left unused. Today, as always, no team members of the first and second teams stayed in the base for training, and they all went out to have fun. They seemed deserted and deserted.

However, only in the corner of the training room, there is a computer screen that is on.

Li Shiyi, a substitute member of the Gaoshan team, is sitting in front of the computer, moving and controlling the mouse and keyboard intensively, staring at the game screen on the computer screen in front of him, his expression is extremely nervous and focused, his forehead is slightly slightly Sweat is oozing.

It seems that the current game is not very easy.

Or say…

It is very difficult and stalemate.

In the game screen on the screen, the number of heads of the blue and purple sides on the field is currently 8 to 19. The blue side is almost in a great passive disadvantage, and the outcome is very different. The purple side is especially the top laner. The Rambo and the jungle excavator, the record data is a 5/0/3 and a 7/1/4, almost all of them are super-smart rhythms.

In contrast…

The blue side jungle blind monk under Li Shiyi’s own control, at this moment, the record data is only a bleak 1/6/7.

It is extremely reluctant to say that this is a positive record.

A blind jungler, unable to play the advantage in the early stage is almost equivalent to abolition, and his current record data does not talk about the advantage at all. It can almost be said that the whole game is ganked, but the rhythm of his teammates is changed. It collapsed together.


At this time, the player on the blue side of the team’s chat bar on the side of Sword Ji was also very annoyed and cursed:

“Blind man is a brain disabled?”

“I don’t know what the **** did you choose a blind man to do.”

“I used to play with Rambo in the early stage of the road. No advantage. Anyway, it is a balanced game. You **** came three times to send three times. Now Rambo has no solution and fat, how do you let me play!?”

Several other passerby teammates also complained in the chat column:


“Are you blind from the other side of the road under such pressure?”

“Just now I signaled in the middle, you came and squatted and killed it. Instead, I was ganked by the opposing excavator.”

“If you lose, you lose on the jungle.”

“There are so many opportunities to dig on the other side…”

Several messages came into view, and each of them was like a sharp and sharp steel knife, and ruthlessly plunged into his heart. Li Shiyi’s right hand holding the mouse couldn’t help but tremble tightly. The expression on his face also turned pale because of his teammate’s cursing.


But weak.

Because these are facts.

In this round, it is true that his blind jungler has not been able to play the role that a jungler should have. Compared with the jungler digger on the opposite side, his blind man has been completely beaten.

Whether it is the success rate of gank or the control of wild resources.

He all lost.

More importantly, the jungler on the opposite side is not a top passerby jungler at all, and only has one drill 3 in strength.


The passers-by ranking in this game is just about the average level of the diamond segment.

Looking down, Li Shiyi’s eyes couldn’t help but a trace of pain flashed.

Since when…

He has played so hard and passive even in the ordinary diamond passerby game of the national service?

As an active professional player, he was beaten by an ordinary 3-stage jungler in such a passerby game. This reality is almost so cruel that his heart is repeatedly tortured and ashamed. , Sorrow, desolation, anger and various emotions are mixed together, but in the end only a pale feeling of powerlessness remains.

This account of his own.

After such a whole season of desperate efforts to rank up points, it is now only a three-level drill.

Even after losing this game again, he is about to fall to drill 4.

This trance reality even makes Li Shixi feel an indescribable sense of comicality and absurdity. In the s1 season, he could easily surpass the rank of 2400 points in the national server, almost able to At the top of the national service, at least squeeze into the top ten.

But now…

Is it so reluctant to even maintain a diamond segment?

The contrast is ridiculously ridiculously funny.

At the same time, it is so ridiculous that it gives birth to a kind of desolation deep in the bones.

The year.

Back then!

Li Shixi bowed his head weakly~IndoMTL.com~Now he is still qualified to talk about the past, and he can’t even think about it, because as long as he remembers it, the rest is just endless shame And pain.

But even so, he still can’t help but recall the scene that took place in the lspl competition venue a while ago

Unexpectedly reunited with the former partner without any mental preparation.

The call that almost made him tremble so much that he couldn’t control his emotions.

That sound…


Even now, recalling the scenes at the time, Li Shiyi couldn’t help but tremble a little, and his eyes suddenly became a little red at some point.

He didn’t look back at the time.

Berring your heart, gritted your teeth and replied, “You admitted the wrong person.”

But who knows?

Who can understand that he was shaking and trembling so much that he was almost uncontrollable, and who could understand that at that moment he was almost screaming in his heart and how much he wanted to turn his head to respond to that call, how much he wanted to rush Stepped forward to embrace the partner teammate who hadn’t seen in a few years, and told the pain and miss of the past few years.


No way.

He can’t do this.

On the computer screen game screen at this time, his blue teammates have already voted to surrender. They all agreed with four votes and passed directly. Li Shiyi bowed his head and clenched his fists, knuckles. The whiteness and the nails almost pressed into the palms to cause a heart-like tingling. The pain made his lips pale and trembling, but none of this could compare to the extreme pain he felt at this moment.

He is now…

At all.

I don’t deserve to face Fengzi again.

Send it, the next chapter looks like around twelve o’clock, continue the code word!

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