Rise Chapter 448: Also six

In the early 4 minutes of the game, the system’s female voice was the first to hear the kill announcement on the road.

One click is two prompts in succession.

“FirstBlood (First Blood)”

“An-enemy-has-been- (an enemy hero was killed).”

The jungler of the blue and purple sides almost came to the top at the same time. The blind jungler of the Guangzhou Telecom Association team of the blue side has to be a step faster, cooperating with their top solo girl to put Zhang Hao on the top lane first. Rambo knocked out a bit of blood.

But then Zeng Rui’s jungle prince arrived in time, and the two blue heroes in EQ’s second consecutive double held the flight control.

Rambo, under the control of Zhang Hao, opened the Q skill “Arson Feast” against the opponents with more crippled health. The solo girl scorched wildly. After the red temperature, he continued to level the output of A, and finally surrendered with the limit of residual blood. Flashed to escape.

But the opponent’s jungler blind monk was also a flash to chase him up, tying A twice to take away Rambo’s head and blood.

The solo **** the blue side also flashed with residual blood to escape, but was also flashed by Zeng Rui’s prince again and hit her face twice with a steel spear.

The heads were taken by the junglers of both sides.

“Haozi, you just cooperated with me to kill the blind man first.”

Zeng Rui’s voice sounded in the voice channel of the purple team.

Zhang Hao is a little upset:

“Well, I know, I was a little anxious just now… I just hit Sword Sister first.”

Indeed, if you can kill and take away the head of the blind man on the opposite side, you can also get rid of the double buff on the blind man, which will obviously make you more profit.

Of course, it’s not a loss for someone like this to change their heads.


On the down road, the double line combination of blue and purple is getting more and more fierce.

The supplies on the ADCs and auxiliary heroes of both sides have been eaten up in the previous waves of blood exchange, but the line of soldiers still stays in the central area near the mouth of the river, and no one can easily choose to advance. Back to the city.

If this happens once, and the opponent definitely pushes the **** line over immediately, it will cost a full two waves of **** line experience and economy.


Neither ADC players on the court intend to let go first.

Controlling his revenge spear to retreat in a small step backwards, a Q skill “penetration” spear played by pressing the Q key unexpectedly was evaded by the small cannon, Lin Feng squinted slightly, Rao Looking at the blue ADC cannon not far from the other side with interest:


“That guy, he played well on the line.”

He hasn’t made his way for a while recently, and the feel is still adapting and recovering.

Also, the ADC player Seo, who is on the opposite side of the Guangzhou Telecom Association representative team, is indeed an ADC with a fairly good level he has encountered since this time.

“Well, of course it can’t be compared with Amo…”

Lin Feng said in pieces:

“It is much worse than the old history of the year.”

The two people who are here for comparison are both professional ADC players at the top level in the national service of the year. However, Lin Feng is also a top ADC who has seen more of that level. A Seo is in his eyes, really That’s nothing.

“Hanging in minutes!”

Lin Feng made the announcement with a vow.

At the same time, Seo in the competition room of the Guangzhou Telecom Association representative team on the opposite side could not hear Lin Feng’s declaration. His eyes were coldly looking at the opponent’s ADC revenge spear, his eyes flashing with spiteful light and faintness. But with a trace of fear that he hadn’t even noticed.

The guy opposite…

The level of ADC’s strength seems to be really stronger than their original ADC girl.

He just pressed the Tab key and glanced at the number of fills, the opponent Calista’s fills has actually been quietly ahead of him by 5 knives, close to the number of soldiers, and this is still the opponent has been online. Jump up and harass the results after poke all kinds of strong.

Even in the previous ranking of Hanbok Kings, Seo rarely encountered opponents who could hold him down like this.

Sweeping his eyes on the minimap, the cold light in Seo’s eyes flashed:

Let you…

Arrogance won’t last too long!


The game time is just over five minutes.

On the lower side, the soldier line is still deadlocked near the mouth of the river.

Looking at the opposite side, it seems that there is still no intention of pushing a wave of soldiers and choosing to return to the city to supply supplies. Looking at the eye position where the grass at the mouth of the river has disappeared, Lin Feng has a thoughtful look on his face:

“Tangtang, be careful, the blind man on the other side may come over.”

Tang Bingyao nodded seriously and asked:

“Are you going to take a look?”

The yellow jewelry eyes on her assistant Bron just finished cooling down.

Lin Feng shook his head quite simply:

“No need.”

After a pause, someone smiled:

“If the other side is coming…”

“Just hit it!”

It almost came to an end. Just after the two talked for less than four or five seconds, the auxiliary Thresh on the opposite side had already begun to press forward, and then a W skill “Lamp of Soul Induction” was quickly launched. Throwing behind him.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows:

“Oh, I came directly from behind”

In the next moment, the blind jungler of the opponent’s blue side was quickly driven out from the outer tower of his home, stepped directly on the lantern and was pulled up.

At the same time, the Thresh of the Guangzhou Telecom Association team decisively struck forward!

The E skill “Pendulum of Doom” is swept out!

Slow down and control the spear of revenge!

Another Q-skill “Death Sentence” sickle and chain flicked the shot, but this time it was Calista under the control of Lin Feng and then played a backhand with a flat A small move and moved to the thrilling dodge.


Su Xue’s eyes suddenly lit up at the commentary.

At this distance, I didn’t use flashing, but instead moved to avoid the Thresh hooks by using Calista’s passive skateboard shoes. It was an operation that was too self-confident!

But Fengyun on the side has already spoken in a deep voice:

“Not yet!”

“Blind man Q’s skateboarding shoes!”

Indeed, although Lin Feng’s spear of revenge avoided the hook of the opponent’s Thresh, the blind jungler who was pulled up on the opposite side took the opportunity to hit Calista’s body with a Q skill “Tian Yinbo”.

The second stage of Q, instantly connect and catch up!

On the blue side, Seo’s ADC cannon is a decisive W skill, “Rocket Jump”, which suddenly shifts and jumps to chase and kill!

However, it was at the same moment when the second stage Q of the blind monk rushed to halfway.

There is a smile on Lin Feng’s face:

“Huh, are you so impatient?”

The Summoner skill key on the keyboard was struck and pressed like lightning at almost the same moment the Blind Monk 2nd Q started!


Kalista’s figure flashed to the edge of her defense tower’s range.

Forcibly brought the opponent blind monk in, and because this backhand operation came too fast, the blind monk member of the Guangzhou Telecom Association team even had no time to react or halfway used W to touch the eye to cancel the second stage of Q The rush.

So when the second stage Q of the blind monk landed, the light on the top of the tower outside the purple Fangxia Road lit up.

Hate lock.

A bullet of energy from the defensive tower flew down towards the blind monk.

Lin Feng directly locked the opponent’s blind monk mark with extremely quick operation:


Tang Bingyao controlled his support Bron to understand, unambiguously backhand a Q skill “Winter’s Bite” and hit the blind monk to slow down and control the target.

At the same time, the spear of revenge under Lin Feng’s control quickly began to output.

Level A, walk and cut forward.

A again.

The “penetrating” spear of the Q skill whizzes and shoots!

A again!

The blind monk who passed [Flashing] on the road can only run away with his legs, but Tang Bingyao’s assistant Bron quickly put a [weak] on the blind man.

The Calista controlled by Lin Feng completely ignored the auxiliary Thresh and ADC cannon that was hurriedly catching up from the opposite side, and continued to hit the blind man with a flat A spear wholeheartedly.

Forcibly hunt down all the way!

Trigger the effect of Bron’s passive skill and stop the blind!

Take a tie A again, and after calculating the damage, Lin Feng decisively hit the E key on the keyboard.


A snorting sound like a tearing soul~IndoMTL.com~ The blood bar on the blind monk’s head plummeted to zero.

“You-have–an-enemy (You killed an enemy hero)!”

The announcement of the system female voice killing sounded.

All in one go.

It’s simply a beautiful counter-attack that is straightforward and impeccable.

Off the stage, there was an extremely warm and boiling applause from the audience!

Sun Ruinian from the Zhejiang team subconsciously took a breath:

“This guy’s spear of revenge…”

“Such 6 too!?”

The update is here. I was a little bit painful to accompany the customer for a drink last night, so I asked for a little leave and changed twice today. In the next chapter, I will try to get around 6 o’clock.

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