Rise Chapter 447: Another way

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   Latest URL: After training at the God club base, Lin Feng privately approached the God team’s coaches and team leaders to discuss and request some things.

  The matter is about some of the work arrangements of the God team during the LPL regular season.

   often after entering the regular season of the new season, in addition to the daily game, the team will also return to the base after the game to do various replay simulations and deductions. Often this aspect of the work is partly handed over to the club. Analyzing the team and the coaching staff, the other part is that you need your own second team and substitute players to come in handy.

  What Lin Feng requested was that he hoped that several members of his own decisive team could also participate.

   He hopes that when the God team is doing analysis and deductions, a few members of his own team will be able to attend the court, and if there is a need for replay simulation, they can also help the decisive team—that is, continue to serve as a training partner. jobs.

   of these two requirements, the latter is easier.

   For the God team, even if its own second team and reserve players are already rich enough, it does not exclude other teams that can bring them more different perspectives. After all, things like sparring objects are always Not too much.

   As for the former, it is relatively troublesome.

  Because this is related to the issue of whether the tactical system of your own team will be leaked, generally speaking, tactical analysis and review meetings are often tasks that each team club needs to keep secret.

   However, since it was Lin Feng’s request, it can be discussed a bit more.

   On the one hand, because someone and the decisive team have established enough friendship with the God team club in the past period of time, they have also helped a lot in the preparations for the previous finals, and they have some points. Thank you for your kindness.

   On the other hand, considering someone’s identity, as well as the number one, number five and other national legends who can endorse him, there is no need to worry about any leaks of their own tactics on the God club’s side. .

  Of course.

  There is another crucial point.

   That is, the current decisive team is only a rookie team of LSPL for the time being, and God-Hand of God, which is an active LPL team, does not have a direct competitive conflict.

   If you really want to say that you become an opponent, at least that will be the future.


   Do a little bit of help, within the limits of one’s ability, and can further consolidate the friendship between the two teams, after all, it is an uncompensable business.

   Therefore, after a brief consideration of the exchange, the coaches and team leaders of the God club gave a positive answer to Lin Feng’s request:

   “No problem.”

   “If you want, we are also welcome at any time.”

   It is the chief leader of the God club, Zhang Ge, who is a little bit concerned, and asks Lin Feng more:

   “However, your own LSPL schedule for the new season will be very full by then, and you will have to come to us to participate in the LPL analysis and review. Can you take care of your time?”

   Lin Feng showed a big smile:

   “It’s okay.”

   “Squeeze time, it must be enough!”


   After leaving the God club training base, the five players of the winning team also bid farewell to each other and left.

   Of course, I still made an appointment for the meeting time and place tomorrow.

   Back to the magic city, the next daily training will be picked up again. Today, I will train for the God team. Tomorrow, I can pick another one between Hayami and KG, and then pick the rest the next day. Next…

   Time must be used wisely, and not be wasted.

   Sitting in a taxi, Lin Feng first sent Tang Bingyao home, and then when he walked back to his home community, he did not forget to call Senior One again.

   On the phone, he opened the door and asked directly about the next itinerary of the seniors No. 2, 3, and 4.

  The number one on the other end of the phone immediately guessed someone’s thoughts:

   “Ask them for help, right.”

   “Smelly boy, he is also smart, knowing that he wants to make the best use of everything.”

  ”Your senior on the number three side, there should be no big problem. I will ask him to come back early and contact you later.”

   “However, your predecessors No. 2 and No. 4 may have to stay in North America for a while longer-there are still some things they need to take care of over there.”

   Lin Feng was a little disappointed:

   “This way…”

   But it can also be understood. After all, the two seniors No. 2 and No. 4 are in charge of the North American Telecom Association. The new season is about to start. Naturally, there are many trivial matters. It is impossible to really satisfy their juniors. The needs of you, you can come back after you talk about it.

   But soon, the number one on the other end of the phone smiled and added:

   “But it’s okay.”

   “Although people can’t come back for the time being, it’s okay to let them spend some time on the Internet to practice with you.”

   Lin Feng surprise:

   “That’s great!”

   “If you don’t bother seniors No. 2 and No. 4, they–“

  Online practice, although not comparable to offline teaching in person, it is already a very good compromise. After all, as long as it is a senior at the level of No. 2 and No. 4, even if it is only through the Internet to give pointers, it is enough They benefited a lot from a decisive victory over several members of the team.

   Number one on the other end of the phone laughed:

   “The trouble must be a little troublesome.”

   “But I still said that, as long as you little guys are willing to work hard and work hard—”

   “No matter what other needs are, we people will try our best to help you meet them.”

   sounds like just a light and polite sentence.

   But Lin Feng can feel the weight of that promise.

   “Senior, thank you.”

   Lin Feng spoke seriously and sincerely.

   The number one on the phone seems to wave his hand:

   “Thank you early.”

   “A good performance is the best return to us old guys.”

   Lin Feng nodded vigorously:



   When I got home, it happened that Su Da explained that it was rare to have a rest tonight. After a long absence, the two siblings happily ordered a takeaway snack and sat in front of the coffee table in the living room.

  While chatting, Su Xue asked about Lin Feng’s reason for coming back so late tonight, and it was a little fuss to learn that someone had just left the airport in the afternoon and went straight to the God club base for training:

  ”This is too much, right?”

   Immediately after hearing someone’s plan and arrangements for the next six months, she opened her eyes even more:

   “You are… you are going to kill everyone in your team!”

   Lin Feng nodded:

   “If this is not the case, there is no chance of winning against the world’s top teams in the second half of the year.”

   then he couldn’t help frowning again:

   “It feels like this is not enough…”

   Su Xue was shocked:

   “Is this not enough?”

   Lin Feng let out a “hmm”~IndoMTL.com~ began to worry.

  Looking at the current planning and arrangements, it seems that the time has been fully arranged, but there are still one or two months before the new season officially starts. Before that, that is, during the period of time from now. , If you just do some ordinary daily training, I always feel that something is still lacking.

   Moreover, even if you continue to play against God, Hayami, and KG, there are still limitations.

  If you can find an opportunity to train with the top teams in other regions, it will be of greater help to their current decisive team.

   But this kind of thing is hard to think about.

   At present, it is not easy to get in touch with the three teams of LPL.

   As for the top teams in other regions-even if there are some old acquaintances and opponents of his, it is impossible to get an appointment casually.

   Hearing Lin Feng’s distress, Su Xue who was eating chicken drumsticks at night replied unintentionally:

   “Hey, speaking of it, it’s not completely out of chance, right?”

   “Huh?” Lin Feng suddenly raised his head to look at Su Xue.

   wiped out the chicken legs in his hand and solved it, Su Xue was content to belch:

   “Did you forget?”

   “It’s what, what…”

   “Nightingale is fighting in secret!”

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