Rise Chapter 431: Really on top?

The ending of the first game was really unexpected, so before the start of the next second game, the front row players in the audience were watching the battle, and the players from various college teams couldn’t bear it. There was a lot of discussion about the place of residence.

“The main issue should be the lineup.”

On the Shenyang Ligong University team’s side, the team’s jungler captain calmly gave his opinion.

Several other members of the Shenyang Ligong team also subconsciously nodded in agreement.

In their view, the victory of the purple side’s Shanghai Telecom Association representative team in this game has a considerable relationship with the advantage of their lineup.

The ice **** the top laner can very well target the enchantress’s advance.

Blon protects the plane.

The keg ult is used to divide the battlefield.

“With this kind of lineup, in mid-to-late team battles, the opposite demon girl can’t come in at all.”

The mid-single player from a college team in the Southwest Division couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

In fact, in the eyes of the vast majority of college team players on the scene, the mid laner Glee of the Guangzhou Telecom Association, the blue side of the game, was actually targeted by the opposing lineup too severely, resulting in the inability to obtain personal operational strength The most perfect play.

Otherwise, the first wave of single-kill male knives in the previous opening is enough to see that Yao Ji’s personal strength is absolutely incomparably powerful.

As for the mid laner of the Shanghai Electric Association team

“Strength is also very good.”

A player from a college team gave an objective evaluation, but shook his head to add:

“But in fact, the male swords accounted for too much advantage in the lineup.”

“And the purple side’s support for the middle lane is also very timely. Otherwise, in the wave of the three blue men besieging the middle lane, if there is no ice girl and Bron on the male knife side, it is estimated that it will be bombed directly. Got it.”

“When it comes to team battles, the male swords have also developed, and they can cut the back row without thinking. Anyway, the burst damage can be a set of seconds. Basically, there is no need for technical content.”


The vast majority of the audience also thought so.

Although in this game, the purple mid laner also played several beautiful single kills, but in the eyes of the audience and the players of various colleges and universities, it should be the Guangzhou telephony in terms of strength. The mid laner Glee of the National Association team is stronger.

After all, they are the top hanbok kings whose strength evaluation index has reached the A+ level.

You are the mid laner of the Shanghai Telecom Association…

Wandering down the road, the wave of gank dying Deleving twice, seems quite scheming, and the sense of team battle is also very good, but… if it is purely about the ability to operate

It’s still going to be close?


This is actually a kind of thinking inertia, or stereotyped thinking, of many people.

Because most people know that Glee is the top mid laner in the Hanbok Kings category, and the A+ strength evaluation index is also there, so people think that the level of foreign aid in Hanbok is definitely very strong. of.

As for Lin Feng from the Shanghai Telecom Association…

Even if it was “Edici” who defeated the Zhejiang team before, after all, not everyone had witnessed the five thrilling matches at the time, so Lin Feng’s strength was still not in the audience. A clear understanding is formed in the mind.

Fengyun, one of today’s live commentators, inevitably thinks so.

Taking advantage of the break between the two games, Fengyun turned off the microphone and chatted with Su Xue next to him. He also talked about the game that just ended, and mentioned the mid laners of the two teams:

“In this round, Glee probably didn’t fully display the level he should have.”

“In the early stage, the male sword was not suppressed, and the later stage was weak.”

“So this one is really unexpected. The Shanghai Telecom Association team is indeed lucky. The middle lane should be the most stressful, but it was smoothly passed through the difficult period of laning, and the lineup was behind. Advantages, it’s not surprising to win.”

In words, Fengyun is obviously more optimistic about the strength of the Guangzhou Telecom Association and Glee.

However, listening to Fengyun’s evaluation, Su Xue curled her lips secretly in her heart:

Good luck?

She knows Lin Feng’s true strength.

Such things like “I didn’t fully display the level I should have”…Is it right to put this kind of thing on the dead boy?

Don’t forget that in this game, the male swordsman is always at a disadvantage in the early stage, and the opponent is also infinitely targeting the middle. Under such difficult circumstances, he can abruptly stabilize the situation and even launch an effective counterattack…

Isn’t this enough to show strength?


Compared with the overwhelming majority of the audience on the scene and the players from various college teams, the same point of view becomes simpler and more rude when it comes to the coach of the Guangzhou Telecom Association representative team:

“Well, Lin Feng, it’s impossible to compare to Glee you!”

“In the middle and late stages, he has developed a male sword to be able to cut the back row without a brain.”

“Where is the slightest operation!?”

Due to the unexpected defeat in the first game, Yin Zheng, the coach of the Guangzhou Telecom Association team, seemed a little frustrated at the moment:

“The opposite is just relying on a lineup advantage.”

“The next one must never let them take advantage of this kind of advantage!”

“Glee, the enchantress, was completely restrained by the opposing lineup. Otherwise, how could the opposing male knife cut so smoothly in the back row of team battles!? How could that aircraft stand and output so easily!?

Speaking, Coach Yin turned his head to look at Glee:

“Next hand, Glee, come up with the level you should have in the middle!”

“How can you easily suppress an opponent of this level!?”

At this moment, Glee’s face was also extremely gloomy. Hearing the coach’s words, he nodded slowly.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that the mid laner of the Shanghai Telecom Association representative team on the opposite side was definitely not as vulnerable as the coach said. Line, the strength displayed by the opponent made him a little bit jealous.


A icy light flashed in Glee’s eyes:

He still doesn’t think that guy will be his opponent.

It is true that this one is the opposite of him a little bit, and the early suppression was not fierce enough. Under the care of the male knife, his online suppression rhythm was broken, and there was another opponent in the mid-to-late team battle. Heroes such as Ice Girl and Bron made him unable to perform as much as he could.

But, the next game…

This will never happen again.

Then Coach Yin turned his attention to the ADC members of his team:

“Seo, your bot lane is not ideal. The ADC opposite is a girl. You are the king of Hanbok. Can’t you handle this kind of opponent?”

Understanding the coach’s meaning through the translation, Seo’s forehead blue veins jumped and took a deep breath, showing a hideous look on his handsome face:

“Don’t worry.”

“Next game, don’t think of the opposite side!”


Soon, the second game began.

The OB screen of the spectator screen showed the ban selection interface. In this round, the Shanghai Telecom Association team changed to the blue side, and the Guangzhou Telecom Association team was in the purple side.

The three ban rights on the blue side are still used a little understatement, and it seems that there is no plan to target them at all.

But the purple team’s Guangzhou Telecom Association team banned Bloom and Ice Girl in this round.

Obviously learned the lessons of the previous game.

Then the two sides alternately selected heroes to play~IndoMTL.com~The Shanghai Telecom Association representative team, the light flashed in the hero selection box on the first floor of the blue square, and a hero head icon lit up

Blade of Exile Riven!

A low exclamation and commotion suddenly sounded from the audience, and in the commentary booth, Fengyun looked refreshed:

“Are you single Riven?”

“This top laner of the Shanghai Telecom Association team is very confident!”

“It’s going to be directly against the opponent’s frontal rhythm!”

Su Xue, who is sitting next to Fengyun, has a slight heartbeat:


Really…is it a top order?

The update is sent, 9:30 in the next chapter~ Rolling for red envelopes and flowers

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