Rise Chapter 413: Pushing

There are a total of six exits in the Tianhe District Stadium, which are placed on weekdays. If some large-scale events are held here, all six entrances and exits are open, but even so, if there are too many spectators entering the stadium, It will cause some crowding when entering and exiting.

Like this National College League, during the knockout round of the 36th round two days ago, the entire stadium was full of seats. In order to ensure safety, the sponsor’s E-Sports Association branch in Guangzhou was also dedicated. Sufficient staff are arranged to guide and maintain order before the entrance and exit.

But today, because the number of spectators entering the venue is not large, only three exits are open.

At the same time, the staff of the Guangzhou Telecom Association Branch is also a little slack. I feel that with this number of viewers, there should not be much order problems when entering and leaving the venue, so they did not come in advance to maintain order like the previous two days. Arrange the queue.

This has led to the current congestion in front of the three exits.

“Hey, hey, don’t squeeze!”

“Damn, who squeezed me!?”

“Go ahead faster!”

“What are you pushing, don’t you see the block in front?”

Before the exit, a scene of chaos and congestion, all kinds of noisy noises constantly sounded from the crowd, and the humming made people feel a little annoying.

Especially at Exit No. 1, where many viewers took the shortcut for convenience, which resulted in a large number of people jammed here. People in front walked out slowly, and crowded in from behind. There are more and more people.

“Be careful, don’t get lost”

Chu Fangnan tried his best to shout to the members of the Shanghai Telecom Association in the crowd, and at the same time, he squeezed the two people in front of him and approached Lin Feng and An Xin with a wry smile:

“This order… is really bad.”

Lin Feng was also a little surprised:

“There are so many people.”

“How long will it take to get out if so blocked”

An Xin didn’t get angry and gave Lin Feng a look: “I made you rush to leave, see now you are stuck in the middle. I might as well wait a while on my seat just now.”

Speaking, the girl turned her head and looked behind her:

“Are Tangtang and Azeng behind?”

At this time, Zhang Hao also tried his best to squeeze up from behind, and replied quite pantingly: “Yes, the two of them and Sister Xue are behind me. It’s really too crowded here…”

Chu Fangnan frowned and suggested: “Let’s not follow the front, let’s get out a little later, otherwise it will be inconvenient to get separated later.”


At the same time, several members of the Guangzhou Telecom Association team, coaches, and translators also came to Exit 1.

They moved a little slower, and they were also squeezed into the crowd at this time.

Glee frowned and looked a little disgusted. The most annoying thing about him was the situation in China where many people could squeeze everywhere. Didn’t you know how to be modest? The quality of the Chinese is really not the same as that of the Korean people. Fabi.

And Seo was equally annoyed to find that strange crowds were everywhere around him, and he yelled impatiently in Korean:

“Squeeze what?”

“Go away!”

“Unqualified things.”

Although the Korean language is incomprehensible, the bad tone and attitude are not difficult to distinguish.

The surrounding crowd couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable: What is the arrogance of the **** Korean stick? Who squeezed you on purpose? Now that the exit is narrow and there are many people, it is unavoidable to squeeze it a little bit. Can’t understand each other?

Thinking about this in my heart, the eyes of people around me looking at Seo became a little uncomfortable.

However, Seo didn’t pay any attention at all when he looked at it like this. With his character, how could he care about the thoughts of these unqualified Chinese, especially at this time, he was very impatient, and he was very impatient. He stretched out his hand and gave a brutal push to the person in front of him:

“Go faster!”

“Can’t you walk anymore!?”


At the same time, Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui, and Su Xue of the Shanghai Telecom Association team fell slightly behind Lin Feng and the others, separated by a few people who also squeezed in the direction of the exit.

Squeezed among the crowd, Tang Bingyao looked a little strenuous, and sweat was dripping from her forehead.

Some of the former Zeng Rui turned around and looked over:

“Tangtang, okay?”

Tang Bingyao tried hard not to fall behind, while reluctantly replied: “Well, it doesn’t matter”

But at this moment, Tang Bingyao suddenly heard a cry of anger behind him:

“Keep behind, don’t push!”

Immediately before she could react, she felt a force suddenly spread from behind. It seemed that someone staggered and hit her directly, and her hands were also subconsciously pushed on her back to keep her balance. .

But in this way, Tang Bingyao, who was completely unprepared, instantly lost her balance and center of gravity. She couldn’t help but exclaimed, but she staggered forward and fell to the ground in front of her.


The sudden impact and the muffled sound of the landing made the surrounding crowd cast their gazes subconsciously, but saw a beautiful girl knocked to the ground.

In this environment, falling to the ground is absolutely dangerous.

Seeing that the crowd behind couldn’t help but continue to walk forward, Zeng Rui’s entire back was cold, but fortunately, he reacted extremely quickly and immediately reached out and pulled Tang Bingyao up, so that she was thrilled to avoid the girl. The danger of being stepped directly on by people behind him.

Su Xue also saw this scene, and was suddenly angry:

“Still squeezed!?”

“Do you know someone fell down!”

“Don’t squeeze!”

This rage finally stopped the crowd around him for a while, abruptly stopping the trend of pushing forward, and all his eyes couldn’t help but look over here.

“Get out, get out!”

Su Xue squeezed two people and hurriedly came to Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao:

“Is there anything wrong with Tangtang?”

“Have you fallen yet?”

Tang Bingyao bit her lip, and tears were about to come out because of the pain that she had just dropped, but she tried her best to hold back the emotion of crying, and shook her head and replied in a low voice:

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Just now, the danger was that she subconsciously reached out and supported the ground, so she didn’t fall completely.

But, even so…

Su Xue saw the abrasions and scratches on Tang Bingyao’s right hand at a glance, and took the girl’s right hand to the front of her eyes. She was so angry that her eyebrows were about to stand up:

“I said it’s okay!”

“Look, it’s been rubbed and bleeding!”

The expression on Zeng Rui’s face also became extremely cold in an instant, and suddenly turned his head to look behind Tang Bingyao:

“Who pushed it just now!?”

In the tone, it is rare to be full of anger.

Behind Tang Bingyao, there was a boy who was tall. At this time, he was also full of confusion and guilt, and he hurriedly apologized:

“Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

“I kept my distance just now, I didn’t even want to squeeze forward.”

“But someone behind me suddenly pushed me a bit~IndoMTL.com~ I didn’t control my balance and I was pushed forward and hit me”

Zeng Rui frowned when he heard it. In fact, just now he saw that this tall boy has been carefully keeping the distance between him and Tang Bingyao, especially since he also heard the “don’t push back” Excited and shouted, so the boy’s explanation in front of him should be credible.


Who the **** is so wicked, pushing and shoving in such a crowded situation?

The sharp and cold gaze crossed the boy in front of him, and Zeng Rui continued to look to the back. As far as he could see, he immediately caught a figure that was quietly retreating.

This one is the real culprit.


Zeng Rui’s anger came up directly, and he shouted angrily:

“I want to leave after pushing someone!?”

The update is sent. The next chapter is at half past nine. In the new week, I will continue to ask for flowers and red envelopes.

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