Rise Chapter 40: Get together

When Lin Feng walked out of the E-Sports Association building, it was time for 2:20 in the afternoon.

In Fang Hao’s office, the conversation between the two only lasted less than ten minutes.

Fang Hao asked a few questions.

Lin Feng answered a few words.

There does not seem to be too many new stories, and Chairman Fang did not reveal more information.

Only the last seemingly random command, someone keenly grasped some of it.

In the fall of the magic city, the afternoon sun is still dazzling.

Lin Feng subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his forehead, raised his head and looked at the sunlight leaking from the mottled leaves, slightly squinting:


I really need to hurry up.

After thinking about it, he took out his cell phone, dialed a series of phone numbers, and someone picked up the phone:


Lin Feng: “Zeng, did anything happen this afternoon? Well, if it’s okay, come to the God base. I will also pass by now. We will meet in half an hour.”

Hang up after a two-sentence conversation, and someone dialed the second number again.

When Tang Bingyao on the other end of the phone picked up, Lin Feng here could even hear the faint sounds of her roommates and girlfriends from the girl:

“Who is yours again?”

“Hurry up and let him come to treat us! It’s too much to take us Tangtang to Europe without seeing anyone for so long!”

“You must give an explanation! This is a problem that can’t be solved by a crayfish meal or two!”

It seems that the **** the other end of the phone hid in a quiet place with her mobile phone and whispered: “Fengzi?”

Lin Feng couldn’t help but scratched his hair:

“Oh…Are you with your roommates and others?”

The **** the phone gave an “um” cry, even if someone over the phone seemed to be able to imagine that the **** the other side was embarrassed and blushing: “That… they just talked nonsense, Don’t care-right, is there something?”

The girl turned to the subject, and someone went downhill:

“Ah, yes, I just called Azeng. Later, God will meet at the base. If you are free…”

I was interrupted by the girl before the words were finished:

“I’m free.”

“Coming soon.”

The call was hung up, Lin Feng looked down at the phone, slightly startled.

Shanghai International Studies University, beside the tree-lined road on the campus, Tang Bingyao, who hung up the phone, walked back to a few roommates and girlfriends. After a few simple explanations, he hurriedly said goodbye and left and hurried out of the school.

Looking at the back of the girls leaving in a hurry, the other three girls in the 312 bedroom looked at each other.

Zhou Xiaoyao sighed: “Hey, this Nizi, it’s hopeless–“

Zhang Jing curled her lips: “The ghost is so obsessed with my heart, there is only her “Maple” in my head.”

Chen Mo laughed: “You guys are envious. The relationship between the young couple is very good.”


It’s a coincidence.

Obviously their respective distances from the God club base are different, but the three reached their destinations at about the same time.

When getting off the taxi, Lin Feng looked up and saw two other taxis not far away also turning in from the corner of the street.

The three met, Zeng Rui looked at Lin Feng:

“Are people inside?”

It’s quite serious. It doesn’t sound like coming to see a teammate, but rather like visiting a prison…

Lin Feng gave a “um” cry:

“Eleventh should also be here.”

“Go in first.”

For the God club base, it is also familiar. Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui did not need Lin Feng to take them. The three of them walked through the front desk and entered the base hall. At this time in the afternoon, the living room of the God base was still empty. In the upper training room, there was a faint sound of percussive operation of the mouse and keyboard.

The three Lin Feng went upstairs and pushed the door in front of the training room.

Unsurprisingly, what I saw was the scene of God fighting each other in daily training.

Slightly different from the past is that in today’s God training game, there is an additional presence of Chen Ting.

At this moment, Chen Ting should be sitting on the side of the blue team. He has a couple of God second teams and substitutes. The opponent’s lineup is mostly the main team of the first team. Except for dawn, Morningstar did not play. Huang Xue Ye Ge is sitting in the purple position of ADC. At this moment, he is desperately operating while yelling in desperation:

“Save me, save me!”

“Damn, stare at their sword girl!”

“This man will kill when he sees me! It’s a beast!”

Lin Feng also saw Li Shiyi among a group of God players who were watching the game. The former was standing behind Chen Ting and looking attentively. Someone came up and patted him on the shoulder. Only then did he return to his mind and see that he was walking. Three people entering the training room:


“Tangtang and Azeng have also arrived.”

Zeng Rui smiled and said hello to Li Shiyi, and turned his mouth in Chen Ting’s direction, and gestured to Li Shiyi to ask:

“How is it?”

Li Shiyi breathed a sigh of relief:

“Very strong!”

There was a bit of excitement and joy in his tone. It seems that watching the game in the training room just now gave him an unexpected harvest.

Compared with Li Shiyi, it is not the first time that Tang Bingyao next to Chen Ting has seen Chen Ting. At this moment, the girl watched the blue square sword Ji Fiona’s operation, but still couldn’t help but her eyes lit up slightly:

“So fast.”

“Faster than before…”

For the sensitivity of operating hand speed, no one in the training room can beat Tang Bingyao at this moment.

It is naturally more rare to hear such a surprise from a girl.

Lin Feng touched his chin:

“Well, if you count it this way, we basically don’t have to worry too much about the individual operational response capabilities of our members…”

The last half of the sentence was thoughtful.

Someone glanced at him from the corner of his eye.

Zeng Rui: “…Don’t look at me, I will work hard.”


A training match is over.

Chen Ting got up from his seat, turned his head to see Lin Feng, and recognized Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao who had played against each other, and greeted hello with warm smiles on their faces, and everyone basically had a friendly relationship. Also save some long-winded polite.

Lin Feng looked at the four people in front of him, who were all the members of the team that did not come from home afterwards, and nodded in satisfaction:

“Well, then everyone will be there.”

“This is the first official gathering of our team.”

“Next, let’s hurry up to practice~IndoMTL.com~ At this time, No.3 walked in from the training room with a water cup, Lin Feng and others hurriedly said hello, No.3 waved his hand noncommittal and glanced in front of him. Five people from Lin Feng:

“Are you ready?”

“Then what are you waiting for, come on, let’s start a game.”

There is no sluggishness at all.

The five people looked at each other, and Lin Feng nodded happily:


“Make a game!”

*********************************************** **********************************

The update is sent, the next chapter looks like at about 11 o’clock, roll away and continue the codeword.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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