Rise Chapter 304: Exceptions

An Xin, who is the jungler of the team, is not there, but the training must continue as usual.

However, for several members of the Shanghai Electric Association representative team, An Xin’s absence has indeed slightly affected the mood of these people.

The four-person blackout is not only the addition of passersby teammates randomly matched by the system, which will reduce the tacit cooperation and tactical execution of the four-person team, but also even including Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao and Tang Bingyao. Zhang Hao also failed to perform at his best.

Because of An Xin’s existence as a jungler of the team before, he did a great job of connecting all parts of the team.

Intimate and meticulous.

Almost meticulous and comprehensive.

Always be able to support at the most timely opportunity to the most due position, even in the most fierce and chaotic battle situation, can calmly make the most sensible and critical decisions with a gentle smile.

Jungling is rhythmic.

When everyone in the team has adapted to the rhythm led by An Xin, and suddenly loses such an important core, it will suddenly feel empty and uncomfortable.

Similarly, the poor performance is also because several members of the team have unstoppable concerns about An Xin.

Especially for Zeng Rui and Zhang Hao, although it was only a short time to get along, An Xin’s elf-like temperament and incomparable friendly atmosphere made people unable to help but want to go. Get in touch with it.

After such a period of time, even people with indifferent temperament like Zeng Rui have subconsciously regarded An Xin as a trustworthy partner…

Even friends.

It’s just that Zeng Rui’s psychological quality is good enough and self-control ability is strong enough, so he can still maintain his stable performance during training.

But in today’s training, it was Lin Feng who played the most stable.


For the five training games, Lin Feng selected five different mid lane heroes to play.

Little murloc, robbery, clockwork, card and ice girl.

In each game, the record data is almost overwhelmingly leading the audience, double kills, triple kills, and even super gods. It can be said that in today’s combat training, the team’s other three players are in normal conditions. , It’s all carried by Lin Feng alone.

It’s the kind of carry that rushes forward.

Like a galloping wild horse neighing and roaring, the companion behind him rushed forward fiercely.

“Why are Feng and Fengzi so fierce today?”

Not only Zhang Hao was stunned, even Zeng Rui couldn’t help being slightly moved because of Lin Feng’s performance tonight.

He clearly felt that someone’s condition today has actually improved compared to before.

Furthermore, the more you fight, the more fierce you are, and the more you fight, the more powerful you are.

But with a calmness that made him faintly start to feel palpitations.

Aggression is like fire.

Not moving like a mountain.

Zeng Rui’s mind suddenly flashed these eight words subconsciously. Today, Lin Feng’s performance in mid laner is completely impossible to pick out the slightest flaw. He was even criticized and criticized by him for “too radical and out of the team. “Something like that, there is no shadow at all today.

Suddenly Zeng Rui remembered the words An Xin smiled and said to herself before

The current Lin Feng is just continuing to find his status.

The core ace mid laner of their Shanghai Telecom Association team will only get stronger from now on.

Thinking of this, Zeng Rui glanced at Lin Feng who was sitting in front of the computer screen with some complicated eyes. At this moment, the latter was looking at the game screen on the computer screen with a serious and intent expression, as if his mentality was not affected by any outside world. influences.

Without distraction.

Concentrate on it.

On weekdays, this will be a quality that Zeng Rui appreciates.

But at this moment, Zeng Rui couldn’t help but another question popped up in his mind:

(The sweet bun of childhood sweetheart is sick…)

(As the closest person, don’t you feel worried at all?)


Lin Feng’s condition is indeed very good.

And it is indeed getting better and better.

The reason is very simple. Over there, the burden on him is getting heavier and heavier and the pressure is getting heavier.

The greater the pressure, the more able to arouse people’s fighting spirit and fighting spirit, as well as all their potential.

A certain “Senior One” who is on vacation in Thailand at this moment is very aware of Lin Feng’s quality.

National College League Championship.

The Hanbok Kings Group ranked in the top five.

Two things, any of them can be as difficult to take out alone, let alone doing these two things together at the same time.

Almost impossible.

However, for Lin Feng, the more impossible it is, the more he has to work hard to achieve it.

So he needs to maintain his most perfect mental state. From this moment on, he can’t have the slightest slack, and absolutely can’t cause any interference and influence on himself due to any external factors.

For this reason, only Lin Feng himself knows.

But in the eyes of outsiders, it will be puzzled.

For example, Tang Bingyao.


Going home at night, it was still Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao who walked along the side street together.

Tang Bingyao, carrying her schoolbag, stepped forward step by step on the square grid, lowered her head and said nothing, as if thinking about something in her heart.

For a while, Tang Bingyao stopped.

Looking sideways and tilting his head, Tang Bingyao looked at Lin Feng, asking with a serious expression on her small face:

“Why are you in such a good state today?”

Lin Feng stayed for a while, scratching his hair and replied:

“Oh…because I was so good.”

The question was endless and the answer was inexplicable. The rhythm of the two people’s thoughts was not on the same channel at all.

Tang Bingyao, who didn’t get the answer she wanted and found that someone had misunderstood her question, shook her head annoyedly. After thinking for a long time, she carefully reinterpreted her meaning after considering the words for a while:

“Everyone… is worried about buns.”

“But depending on your performance during training today, it doesn’t seem to be affected at all.”


“Are you not worried about the body of the bun?”

Such words should be asked from Tang Bingyao’s mouth. It will indeed make her feel a little nervous and cramped, who has always been thinking about it, but it is still because of her incomprehension and doubts about this issue that she will bear it. I kept asking.

But when I asked, Tang Bingyao regretted it a little:


Why ask this kind of question.

There is no need for her to ask.

Will it be weird.

Fortunately, Lin Feng’s thick-lined character doesn’t think so much at all. He was taken aback by Tang Bingyao’s question. After thinking about it, he shook his head:


“If you are sick, you will be worried about the buns, right?”

Tang Bingyao: “Then you pay it back”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Feng waved his hand: “But worry has nothing to do with the training state. I am worried about the buns, but the training still needs to be trained in the most serious state. This is not possible. It’s too weak.”

Lin Feng said this in a serious tone.

Tang Bingyao nodded her head as if she understood it~ IndoMTL.com~ Although she understood this, she still couldn’t help feeling that it was too difficult to do this kind of thing in her heart

If something happened to someone close to her, she would probably be in a state of disarray, right?

Thinking about it subconsciously, Tang Bingyao immediately saw Lin Feng wave his hand again, haha ​​laughed:

“And don’t underestimate the buns.”

“She has been in good health.”

“Her fellow… but never has to worry about it hahahaha!”

Although he said so confidently, in fact, there may be something that even Lin Feng himself did not realize at this moment

Even with his personality, he can do his best to work hard without being affected by any external factors, but if this so-called “external factor” is related to his childhood sweetheart bun…

There will still be exceptions to this state of mindlessness.

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