Rise Chapter 260: Run Tangtang!

Seeing that the Shanghai Telecom Association’s representative team was on the move, several members of the School of Finance team suddenly looked a little ugly.

In their view, the group of high school students opposite was provocative at all.

It’s great to win a round?

Also playing in another position?

“Their mid laner switched to support, right…”

As a member of the team’s ADC, Qiu Le narrowed his eyes:

“Old Xie, take some real skills, let him see that we are not just a soft persimmon on the road”

Assistant Xie Qing also snorted coldly, his eyes flickering:

“Don’t worry, I will teach that kid a lesson.”

After the first game, several members of the Shanghai Finance University team have admitted that Lin Feng’s mid laner strength is indeed very strong. They will not deny this.

But mid laner and support are two different things.

If you can turn the mid laner around, it doesn’t mean that your support level is strong enough.

What’s more, even if your support level is not bad, no one can carry more than a mid laner, no matter how strong it is.

“This group of arrogant little ghosts have to pay for their arrogance”

As the jungler of the team, Huang Yang sneered and turned his head to look at his captain Luo Yu:

“Team Luo, you should have no pressure at all in the middle this game.”

Indeed, not only was Lin Feng’s mid laner switched to a support position, but An Xin, who was originally in the jungle position, also changed to a mid laner position, directly facing Luo Yu.

Several members of the school team of Shanghai Finance University do not think that the girl opposite can compete with her own captain in the mid laner level

Rhythm that was properly suppressed to death.

Listening to the words of his jungler teammates, Luo Yu nodded slightly and let out an “um”.

But looking at the little mage on the purple side, his brows frowned subconsciously.

Because I don’t know what…

He always felt that this game would not be as simple as they thought.

(Is it difficult?)

(The girl opposite is really strong in mid laner?)


The second game started quickly.

Several members of the first team on the Shanghai Finance University school team soon became shocked and unspeakably aware of the mistakes they had just thought of.

It’s ridiculous.

Because the lineup on the opposite side was changed on the spot, it turned out to be the same strong!



On the middle road, Luo Yu’s face changed in just a few minutes.

The captain of the School of Finance, who is ranked No. 1 in the National Service and Electricity Service, has faintly oozing sweat from his forehead:

Why does he feel that the pressure on him by the little mage opposite is not even weaker than that of the boy’s swordsman Yasuo in the previous game?

Perfect positioning and line control compensation.

The grasp and control of the various distances between advances and retreats made the clockwork demon’s several flat A operations unexpectedly cancelled by the system, and several skill consumptions were all easily moved and dodged. .

The small and medium-sized mage who controlled him continued to steadily make up the knife online, but An Xin in front of the computer screen seemed calm and calm.

Mid order?

The corner of the girl’s mouth is filled with a slight arc of smile:

She never said…

She can only play wild.


However, if you really want to say it, on the Shanghai Finance University school team, it should be Qiu Le and Xie Qing who were on the road who were most affected.

They had already suffocated their anger. In this round, they had to give the opposite guy a little bit of color to the guy who didn’t know how to play in exchange for the support.

It didn’t take long for them to find out

It was themselves who were being taught.

In the 4th minute of the match time, the auxiliary Thresh under Lin Feng’s control flashed into the E skill “Doom Pendulum” to slow down and control the opponent’s auxiliary Fengnv.

Tang Bingyao’s ADC, Obama, rushed to follow up with his E skill immediately. He raised his gun to “boom” twice and evened A.

Q again, then A.

Feng Nu, who had already consumed a lot of blood in the front, turned [flashed] to escape for the first time, and at the same time twisted her body to avoid Thresh’s hook.

But did not hide.

The warlord of the Soul Lock Code controlled by Lin Feng threw out a “death sentence” and hit the target accurately. The cold metal chain dragged the wind girl Jana back, and another W skill lantern Tossing to Obama, at the same time the second stage Q rushed to follow.

Set [Ignite].

Go and cut to level A.

Tang Bingyao’s ADC Obama played the last two Aces, and easily completed the killing of the popular woman.

One blood is steady and steady.

“Oh nice!”

Lin Feng’s eyebrows are open and smiling: “Hahaha, my Thresh is still very strong, oh it’s not bad for Tangtang~”

Tang Bingyao, who was praised, nodded happily, “Yes.”

Speaking of which, Tang Bingyao has already worked with many auxiliary partners, but whether it is Wei Dong, Zeng Rui or An Xin, compared with Lin Feng, she is still more accustomed to getting down with the latter’s partner.

Leave aside some personal reasons, simply because Lin Feng’s style of play and Tang Bingyao are tacitly compatible, this is enough.

Two people…

They all belong to the type that doesn’t leave one’s way back at all when they get down the road.

It’s easier to say

“Just do it hahahaha!”

Fortunately, Lin Feng’s haha ​​laughter was not heard by the two people on the opposite side of the school team from the School of Finance, otherwise it is estimated that Qiu Le and Xie Qing’s faces would be green.


In fact, the expressions of Qiu Le and Xie Qing at this moment are not much better.

Basically, it’s as dark as the bottom of the pot.

They killed them. They didn’t expect that the kid who was playing mid laner on the opposite side could change to the auxiliary position and play Thresh.

It’s really “a hundred Q and a hundred middle” literally.

Under the stage, on the second team of the School of Finance in the front row of the auditorium, the support members were stunned:

“What a special…”

“Is this Thresh hanging open!?”

In the 6th minute of the game time, the blue side jungler went down the road, a Q skill “Tian Yinbo” hit the target Obama, almost at the same time Lin Feng’s auxiliary Thresh had begun to retreat, a W skill The “Soul Yinzhi Lantern” flung to Tang Bingyao.

The second stage of the blind monk Q rushed forward.

After calculating the time, Tang Bingyao quickly put on the lantern so that his holy gun ranger brought the blind monk back by the lantern.

The pupils in Huang Yang’s eyes suddenly shrank.

The sense of crisis suddenly struck, but fortunately, he reacted very quickly to manipulate the blind man directly into the eye to help him, and he just avoided the danger of being taken by the lantern on the opposite side and flying under the opponent’s tower.

But before the boxwood breathed a sigh of relief, a sour metal rubbing sound was heard.


I don’t know when, a cold metal sickle chain has been shot to, and the blind monk who is supporting the eye position is wounded to death.

The next moment Huang Yang watched in amazement that the opponent’s auxiliary Thresh had already opened the second Q, and quickly rushed towards him.

(What, what is the situation?)

The idea in his mind just emerged, and then Huang Yang suddenly noticed that in the direction of the river crossing of the lower road, the opponent’s purple jungler and the mid-lane little mage had also rushed to support him.

A wave of counterattack!


The two heads all fell into the hands of Tang Bingyao’s ADC Obama.


The tempo gets faster and faster.

In just seven or eight minutes, the bottom lane combination of the School of Finance school team has been suppressed completely, and the bottom lane outer tower was directly broken.

“Tangtang continues to push, and the soldiers line is over!”

Lin Feng urged excitedly.

Tang Bingyao is also unambiguous at all. Obama, who controls himself, continues to push the line strongly, and pushes into the second tower along the way towards the opponent’s Blue Army Corps.

Squeezed the line of troops, and then went to the wild area to sweep two waves.

But at this time, all the members of the Blue Square School of Finance team couldn’t bear it anymore. How could it be possible to let the opponent go down so arrogantly! ?

It was also at this time that Lin Feng’s auxiliary hammer caught the opposite auxiliary wind girl who also came to make eyes in the wild. No hooks were needed. An E skill sticks to the face to slow down and control, and the big move directly opens “Netherworld.” “Prison” trapped Feng’s girl in it.

Tang Bingyao, who has already made the Storm Sword, controls Obama to come up, hit a set of damage, and [Flash] catches up with it and hits the head twice.

“Rampage (a hero has run away)!”

Holy Gun Ranger Lucian, record 4/0/0.

And at the same time

On the blue side, the boxwood gritted his teeth and controlled his jungler blind monk to kill!

The unbearable Shangdan Gnar directly teleported to come!

Luo Yu calmly manipulated the clockwork demon from the middle to enter the wilderness, outflanking Thresh and Obama’s retreat!

Count in the ADC Jinks who came from the bottom road by Qiu Le~IndoMTL.com~ This wave is the situation where the four members of the Blue Legion outflanked and slayed!

Obama and Thresh will almost die!


Lin Feng reacted and exclaimed:

“This wave seems to be a bit too big”

Then he yelled directly without even thinking about it:



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