Rise Chapter 228: Why do you want to kill?

Vayne’s record data came to 3/0/0.

Big Kill!

Such a situation is definitely a huge surprise for the audience members of the 13th High School in the audience or the audience of the 13th High E-Sports Team on the court.

In the first three games, their team’s bot lane has always been in a passively disadvantaged situation in the early stage, but in this game, Tang Bingyao and An Xin’s bot lane actually took the lead in playing the advantage. Rhythm.

The head count on the field has become 4 to 2.

But in addition to driving on the road, Lin Feng’s Zhongdan Lulu on the middle side can still stabilize the situation even if he loses a head.

After all, the back-ups against Yasuo in the early stage have already been suppressed a lot, giving one head away, and now the economics of the midlaners on both sides are still flat.

Furthermore, in this game, the fairy witch selected by Lin Feng was not meant to rely on her mid laner AP hero to carry the rhythm of the audience like the mid laner fox in the previous game.

He only needs to be able to protect ADC Vayne in team battles, put on big moves in time, and add some poke consumption.

“The tactical ideas of the 13th High Team are slowly being implemented”

The West Wind in the commentary is commenting:

“Zhongdan Lulu has developed well. In the early stage, he also suppressed the opponent’s sword tyrant Yasuo. In the team battle, the big move is given to Sword Sister or Vayne, and the protection ability is very impressive.”

“Then in terms of output, the 13th high team in this game should mainly rely on Wei En to develop and reap the team.”

Speaking of this, Xifeng paused, then glanced at the 3/0/0 record of Wayne, and sighed:

“Moreover, the current Wayne…”

“I’m actually up!”



A dark hunter in the early ten minutes with a record of 3/0/0.

It’s just a rhythm of development.

In the current bot lane, once the ADC auxiliary combination on the blue side seizes an opportunity, it will not be a problem to open it directly. At this moment, the purple ADC’s Vengeance Spear is not well developed in terms of damage output. Against the sky’s opponent Wei En

In terms of support, unless the Japanese girl can control a complete set of skills to play perfectly, don’t even think about the idea of ​​counterattack.

“So just now I did a good job in giving someone a head in the middle of the road.”

Lin Feng’s cheeks are not red and heart beats, asking for credit for herself:

“If the Japanese woman on the opposite side did not come, Tangtang would not kill Calista solo after he got off the road, right.”

(Never seen such a brazen person!)

All the members of the e-sports team came up with such a comment.

An Xin is not angry: “So it’s reasonable for you to give someone a head? You don’t have a good view of the pressure line, and I am embarrassed to divide the credit for the sugar. It’s obviously that Tangtang himself has caught the opportunity just now. >

Tang Bingyao nodded in agreement:


Speaking, she added another comment to Lin Feng:


Lin Feng still looks beaming:

“Wayne of Tangtang is up anyway”

“Next, just play around her!”


“Vayne will be the first to start the group.”

On the Shanghai Middle School team, Zeng Rui, the auxiliary captain, made a decisive decision without hesitation.

In the blue army on the opposite side, ADC Wayne can already become the core output position. Once the run-down is done in this time period, the damage output has basically taken shape.

Moreover, Zeng Rui also knows very well that the opposite Wien has a record of 3/0/0. The rhythm is too smooth. If you really let the night hunter take a few more heads…

It is estimated that this game will only take about 20 minutes, and the purple legion on their side will explode and collapse.

The 12th minute of the game.

The first wave of team battles broke out between the blue and purple legions around Xiaolong Fjord.

After the single wine barrel on the purple side was teleported around, it landed directly with an E skill “meat bomb impact” displacement and then [flashing] burst in, and the fat and huge body slammed into Shan Lulu’s body in the blue side. .

Immediately, a big move “exploded the wine barrel” was thrown out like lightning.

The lavender boiling air wave slammed to the surroundings, directly blasting the three blue heroes, and at the same time blasting the blue ADC Wei En to the front row.

The mid laner Yasuo of the Shanghai Middle School team immediately caught up with the big move, and the bitter sword light of “Fresh Wind” fiercely penetrated the target Wei En back and forth.

However, at the moment Wei En landed, Lin Feng had already reacted extremely quickly and immediately used Tang Bingyao’s dark-night hunting gloves with a big move.

“Wild and wild”!

Vayne’s body suddenly grew bigger, and suddenly shook Yasuo and the blind monk in front of him into the air. At the same time, Tang Bingyao immediately turned on the big move and controlled the Vine’s Q skill to roll and retreat into the darkness, and then Taking a breath from Yasuo’s body, he broke, and quickly started to output.

The top solo **** the 13th high team rushed into the enemy ADC’s revenge spear.

The prince’s EQ Second Company rushed forward to control the target Yasuo, and the big move was defeated.

At the next moment, the purple side’s auxiliary Japanese girl has been directly thrown up by teammate Calista’s ultimate, and entered the front row battlefield. A big move “Sunflare” crashed on the water in the center of the battle circle. Detonate the explosion.

The team battle was fierce and chaotic.

Tang Bingyao’s ADC Wei En was killed by Yasuo and Wine Barrel because he had eaten too much damage in front of him and Shuangzhao hadn’t cooled down yet.

But the purple side Shanghai Middle School team also paid the price of Yasuo and Spear of Vengeance.

In the end, the two sides played a two-for-three.

Because the jungler blind monk from the Shanghai Middle School team was also killed, the blue side of the 13th High Team finally took the first dragon into the bag.

“This wave is still made by the blue party.”

In the commentary, Mo Sheng commented on the results of this wave of team battles.

The west wind on the side nodded:

“Well, in fact, the purple side has played very well in the first hand, but the blue side is too capable of backhanding. Nami’s ults also include the prince’s ults, plus Lulu’s ults to protect the ADC. Just now the Shanghai Middle School did not lose Veen in the first time, it wasted too much time”


On this point, Zeng Rui from the Shanghai Middle School team is equally aware.

But he is also powerless now.

Because Vayne needs seconds.

But the backhand teamfighting lineup on the opposite side is really quite a headache, especially Lulu’s big move to save Vayn, really can toss people out of temper.

Zeng Rui’s brows have been frowned tightly:

Now they are not doing enough damage. When Yasuo makes a two-piece set of equipment and the wine barrel develops a little bit, it should still be able to seconds Vayne.

The problem is…

In this wave of team battles, the ADC Wei En on the opposite side was also in a situation where the dual summons were also absent. When Wei En’s [Flash] and [Healing] are all cooled down, then it is very likely to let her Show the operation again.

The 17th minute of the game time.

The second dragon is about to spawn, and at this time, there is a sudden wave of battle on the lower half of the river.

After receiving the purple ADC Vengeance Spear of the Three Wolf Wild Monsters, I am going to the Xiaolong Fjord of the river to make eyes.

It just happened that Tang Bingyao’s ADC Wei En finished a wave of pawns down the road and was about to walk towards the middle road.

Two ADC heroes met at the intersection in front of the river in the purple field.

Both sides froze for a moment subconsciously.

The ADC members of the Shanghai Middle School team immediately manipulated their spear of revenge to turn around and retreat.

Tang Bingyao tilted her head cutely, and then her eyes lit up:

(Have… chance!)

The R key on the keyboard was hit and pressed quickly and crisply.

“The Ultimate Moment”!

The body of the night hunter was instantly enveloped in a dark atmosphere, holding a demon short crossbow in his hand and quickly chasing the target Calista.

Level A, then level A.

Take a mouthful and decelerate, and in the third round, draw A to play the passive effect of W skill.

At this moment, the support heroes of both sides are also rushing, but Zeng Rui’s support Japanese female action seems to be a step faster, being pulled directly from behind by ADC teammate Calista’s big move, and suddenly The target in front, Vayne, threw away fiercely!

The lightning flashes for a moment

The summoner skill key on the keyboard was tapped and pressed by Tang Bingyao like lightning!


Vayne’s figure jumped straight forward, letting the opponent, the Japanese girl who was flying from the incarnation shell, directly hit the air~ IndoMTL.com~ The moment Zeng Rui directly controlled his own goddess of dawn backhand. The E skill “Zenith Blade” hits a beam of sunlight towards Vayne.

But the night hunter under the control of Tang Bingyao’s fast Q skill “Dodge Assault” dodges the Japanese girl’s E skill, lifting the crossbow is a “devil trial” that almost blasted Calista’s body. .

Boom! ! !

Repulse the target directly and control it on the wall of the wild area!

Just decisively and neatly.

If you want to go up, you will be strong, and there is no slightest retreat.

The two commentators in the commentary booth were stunned.

Under the stage, the audience of the 13th High School in the audience suddenly made a sensation!


This wave of Wei En is so special to kill! ! ?

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