Rise Chapter 2095: Not right

Young people are always the ones who lack vitality and vigor.

So in the field they love most, they will also inject greater enthusiasm than adults.

Tonight’s convenience store is rarely so noisy and lively.

Several junior high school boys, from the first game of the BO5 decisive battle between God-God-Hand and SSK teams

Choose the link and start a lively discussion about excitedly twittering.

When the game officially started, God won his first victory, and the cheers erupted from a few junior high school boys. The whole street can be heard clearly from the inside of the store to the outside of the store, and it is also scared. The simple and honest young boss quickly reminded them not to disturb the neighbors nearby.

As the second and third games progressed, when SSK pulled two games in a row, the God team was forced into a desperate match point. The little guys headed by Zhang Xin were even better than the players on the field. The team members are even more nervous, the young and immature faces in front of the computer screen are almost pale and pale——

But the little guys continue to encourage and cheer each other up:

“It’s okay!”

“There is still a fourth and fifth inning.”

“Xinghuang and the Great God of Night Song, they can definitely come back! Trust them!”

In the fourth round, God team selected a hand of card master Drizzt who shocked the world in the mid laner position. At that time, Zhang Xin and a few friends were excited and excited: “Ahhh cards! “The star king’s trick!” “It must be God’s bottom of the box right!” “This game must be stable!”

In their excitement, several little guys spontaneously organized to shout slogans to the God team in front of the computer screen.

The young convenience store owner is so busy trying to persuade them to pay attention to the volume.

Of course, one side is a little bit helpless because of the uproar of these boys, on the other side, watching these young people so involved, as if wanting to rush to the London stadium to fight side by side with the idols of the God team The appearance of Zhou Mo also sighed.


He was actually like that back then.

Although among the five members of the team, he is the most stable one compared to the other companions, but he was nervous when he learned that they were finally about to enter the first World Finals. He is excited and will not be inferior to the other teammates.

It was a period of time that was still slightly young, and it was also the most precious and beautiful memory.

Just now–

Zhou Mo gently rubbed his incomplete palm, without showing too much heaviness or depression on his face, just gently shook his head and smiled:

He is probably not as passionate and passionate as he was back then.

Even if it wasn’t for the newly met children around him, perhaps he would never have thought that he would come into contact with this game again, and he would not have watched the finals with these children today in front of the computer. Of the war.

Of course, even if he was watching the game together, he couldn’t be so full-hearted as these junior high school boys, with the ups and downs of the battle, the mood was up and down to exclaim or cheer.

Compared with the past, he is now just an ordinary audience. His attitude towards such a battle has become more peaceful.

However, this does not prevent him from having a much clearer understanding and judgment of the current battle than the few children beside him.


“Brother Mo, you said, this God can definitely be taken down, right?”

Zhang Xin asked Zhou Mo so smoothly.

It’s not that I’m really humbly asking for advice. For Zhang Xin, he himself is the best player in the class. With diamond level strength, he never thought about this new-acquainted good-tempered convenience store. The boss can have his own level.

So this sentence is just a question, I just hope to get more recognition and support.

Zhou Mo hesitated.

For Zhang Xin’s question, he considered it very carefully and seriously for a while before shaking his head to give an answer:

“It’s hard to tell.”

Several junior high school boys, including Zhang Xin, couldn’t help but curl their lips with this answer. Of course, they didn’t think that Zhou Mo had any insights. They only thought that the three-character answer was just because of this Convenience store owners are limited in their skills and dare not speak more.

Then their attention was quickly drawn to the changing situation on the court in the next moment.

The blue buff in the upper half of SSK is refreshed.

Victor is ready to get the blue.

And the top laner Jace, the jungler prince and the assistant Tam of the God team, have quickly outflanked and rounded up.

At the moment when Mo Sheng screamed in surprise and moved on the commentary stage in China, several junior high school boys in the convenience store were all excited and excited:

“Have a chance!!”

“This wave can do big things!”

Coincidentally, it was also at this moment in the Lecheng Internet Cafe in Nanzhou City, Fujian Province.

In front of the large LCD screen in the competitive battle zone, the Internet cafe guests couldn’t help but clamor:


“I’m going to do something!”

Next to Xia Ziyou, her eyes brightened with excitement and she shook the young webmaster’s arm vigorously: “Hey, hey! God is about to make a move!”


In the convenience store, only Zhou Mo, who was standing by with a pile of snacks, frowned slightly looking at the OB picture from God’s perspective.

In the Internet cafe, Mu Qiu, who was dragged by Xia Ziyou’s arm in a mess, rarely took out his arm for the first time. His eyes fell on the large LCD screen. At this moment, his eyes tightened slightly and suddenly became a little sharp.

Different geographical spaces at the same time.

The two fellow teammates who fought side by side in the past had the same idea as if they had a tacit understanding.

(Not right.)

Farewell to the professional arena for many years, today they may not be able to make sufficiently specific and professional analysis and comments, but one thing is that both of them are very clear.

The calculations of this wave of God team are certainly good.

However, the prey of the target is Han Shihao.

In the impression of both of them, their biggest enemy in the S1 season has never been an existence that can easily be tricked into success.


“It’s on!”

London, England, Wembley Stadium, scene.

The audience didn’t know which audience could not hold back and took the lead in exclaiming.

At the same moment.

On the field, in the upper half of the blue side of Summoner’s Canyon, when the mid lane mechanical pioneer of SSK team walked to the blue buff and was about to start fighting the monsters, the purple side God team finally violently shot!

A sharp plasma cannon from Jess QE’s second company burst out like a lightning bolt from the wall!

The prince’s EQ Erlian German flag suddenly dropped behind the target Victor, and the dragon crashed right there!

Point to the target mechanical pioneer!

At this moment~IndoMTL.com~the whole network, almost all the audience of League of Legends players can’t help but sit up straight.

Fixed his eyes on the screen of the spectator.

Because of this wave…

Perhaps, we really have to decide the winner!

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The update is sent, and I feel that I might write another chapter before tomorrow morning. Now I will work overtime first. .

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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