Rise Chapter 2081: 60%

It’s not just for the purple team’s God team to win, this fire dragon is also extremely critical to the blue team’s SSK team.

“This lineup of both sides is actually clear at a glance.”

“The God team wins in agility. In the middle and late stages, they can make a four-to-one point belt or even a one-to-one advancement. They can play the **** line and make the opponent’s SSK exhausted. In the process of constantly pulling the opposing defense line. Then look for opportunities to create a wave of team battles with more people and fewer people.”

“Then the blue team’s SSK lineup is solid. As long as you can start a 5V5 team battle, you can basically win the game in a positive situation.”

On the Internet, there are specially invited commentators in the official live broadcast room of the game in this way:

“So for the God team, the first thing to consider for this fire dragon is not how much buff it can bring, but to avoid letting the opponent get it as much as possible.”

“But now… if you want to make a fuss about this fire dragon, regardless of the economic aspect, God has the advantage, but it is still very troublesome to fight.”

Lack of group control.

The shortage broke out.

This is the drawback of God’s lineup.

“Of course, if you really want to fight, you can still fight.”

“But you must first pull and let Jace and the card consume the poke.”

The 13th minute of the game.

The river channel, the Xiaolong Fjord, and the ten heroes of the blue and purple legions have all approached here.

The two sides opened up their positions and kept testing each other cautiously on the river.

It is indeed the same as the commentary commented by the commentator. In this case, it will not be the first choice of God team to make a frontal reception, but if you can use the poke advantage of the lineup before the start of the group will If the opponent’s blood volume is disabled, then this fire dragon’s battle can increase a lot of money.

Now, the top laner Jess and the card master on the God team have already acted like this.

Jace’s first QE shot in a row.

The sharp plasma cannon whizzed through the air and shot into the blue army formation in the distance.

One shot goes down and hits the opponent’s jungle excavator, knocking out a bit of blood.

At the same time, the card master stepped forward and raised a universal card with the Q skill. The sharp card drew three ballistic trajectories and shot it far away, forcing the opponents’ blue heroes to move quickly. Bit to avoid.

And the blue side’s support Nami just turned around and avoided the card’s Q skill poke, but was caught by the opponent’s ADC dictator, and a W skill’s “fatal colorful” shot far away. Hit.

The blood volume drops by a bit.

“Yes, you can! Just fight like this!”

At the scene, at the commentary in China, Lao Mi was excited to watch:

“The advantage of our lineup lies in the length of the hand, so we can play with the opponent slowly by opening the distance.”

“Just be careful not to let SSK catch the opportunity to force open, so this kind of Poke can play the opposite side without the slightest temper!”

Indeed, SSK’s lineup also has drawbacks, that is, it lacks enough first-hand ability. Although the formation is solid, it is also bulky. When facing the long-range poke of the God team, it is really helpless.

“The more important point is that the last wave of excavators ga

K Bottom Road has already used flash, and before the Summoner’s skills cool down, it is difficult to pose a threat to God. “

Mo Sheng answered the conversation quickly, his eyes gleaming:

“So now I only need to guard against the point opposite Narr.”

“As long as you don’t get around by Gnar, this wave of fire dragons should be able to win it steadily.”


God-Hands of God team has always been famous for being steadfast and unable to make mistakes.

This characteristic is particularly vividly reflected in the tug-of-war in front of the Xiaolong Fjord of the river at this moment.

Really make no mistakes.

Don’t give the opponent a chance.

Even after realizing the disappearance of Nar’s figure on the opposite side, Dawn Morning Star immediately opened the big move without hesitation, lighting up all the whereabouts of the five heroes on the opposite side in blue——

I don’t even fly when I drive. I just want to make all the conspiracies on your SSK side impossible to escape.

And this big trick lights up the whole picture, and indeed it just happened to take a photo of Wolf’s top order Nal on the SSK side. As expected, after preparing to do a detour, I had to choose to go back halfway. withdraw.

There was a round of cheers and applause.

Even several European and American commentators on the official commentary stage also exclaimed:

“Too stable!”

“This is God-God’s hand. The handling is too solid.”

“If SSK is the sharpest spear, then God is the strongest shield, so there is no chance for SSK this spear to be stabbed out.”

“It looks like the fire dragon should be taken down by God.”


The only one that can be counted on, after being circumvented by the opponent’s card, Gnar is broken by a big move.

The rest of the SSK team can only continue to be suppressed by the opposing purple Poke fire.

In the end, as a jungler and commander, Mafa reluctantly issued a retreat signal, leading several teammates to abandon the fight for the fire dragon, and turned and left.

After ten seconds, the fire dragon was steadily won by the God team.

The audience applauded again, especially the Chinese international student audience excitedly almost slapped their hands red without feeling, all of them showed unstoppable excitement and anticipation——

This one… really has a show!

From the beginning to the present ten minutes, even if there is a slight error in the middle, the overall rhythm has always been that God is playing on the opposite side.

Continue to keep this, the balance of victory will only tilt towards their LPL side little by little!

Offstage, back court area.

Zeng Rui also couldn’t hide the excitement on his face, turning his head to look at Lin Feng:

“How much do you think you have now?”

Lin Feng touched his nose:

“Sixty percent.”

Zeng Rui was taken aback: “Only 60%?”

Lin Feng’s gaze looked at the big screen on the stage, and his gaze fell on the blue center single mechanical pioneer, slightly squinting:


“Up to 60%.”


After Team God took the Fire Dragon, the rhythm of the game seemed to return to normal and calm.

The blue and purple heroes each return to their own line.

It’s another new round of complement line development.

It seems that as time slowly enters the mid-term stage, both teams on the field are playing more cautiously, and even the jungle heroes on both sides are not easy to make a reckless shot.

k, still waiting patiently and looking for a better time.

The 16th minute of the game.

Get on the road.

Jace’s set of QE hits Gnar for the second in a row, and the next moment he immediately switches to the hammer form and jumps up!

Another second.

A cold and treacherous one-eyed eye slowly opened above Gnar’s head, and the card opened wide.

An arc of spray quickly appeared on the ground in front of the tower behind Gnar, and Tam led his ADC dramatist and rushed to it.

A wave of four packs one at a time!

Even the Mafa jungle excavator on the SSK side expected to come to support in advance, but seeing the three people who came down instantly, they had no choice but to stop and choose to sell their own single teammates.

The head let the card down again.



ee (a hero has already been smashed)! “

The card record data came to 3/0/0.

The audience exclaimed!

China Interpretation Desk~IndoMTL.com~Lao Mi yelled out of breath:


Zeng Ruixi raised his eyebrows in the back court area: “Yes! The effect of this global flow is also played out! The outer tower can also be pushed off on the road!”

Then he looked at Lin Feng again:

“How is it now?”

Lin Feng nodded and shook his head:

“Sixty percent.”

Zeng Rui was stunned: “Still 60%?”

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The update is here, ah, try to see if we can make another chapter in the early morning.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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