Rise Chapter 202: Nothing exists

From an objective point of view, the performance of the blue side ADC Vayne in this game does not need to be subject to any criticism and criticism.

Because this is the ADC position of the blue side, both the living environment and the output environment of Vayne are indeed too bad.

The lineup brought out by the opponent’s purple army has too strong ability to cut the back row and second person. From the jungle prince to the assisting Japanese girl, there are also the mid laner Le Bran and the top laner Jess, almost any Either one can pose a deadly threat to Vayne.

In this purple lineup, there are four people who can threaten Vayne’s life.

Not to mention that the lineup on the blue side is indeed only one of Vayne’s late output large cores, but it is not in the ba

When choosing time to get enough protection system for Wei En——

A support Morgana alone is not enough.

Even Morgana’s personal strength level is lacking, and even the only E skill shield is not always able to be protected by his ADC partner in time.


It is the obvious strength gap between the two teams themselves.

The few small players on the peak team of the blue side may have worked hard and desperately enough, but after all, they are not as strong as their opponents. Sometimes they don’t say they can help their ADC teammates, or even drag their feet. It happens repeatedly.

A variety of objective factors are added together.

Being able to achieve such an amazing record in this game in such a bad situation, this Wien is enough to win the sincere admiration and admiration of everyone on the scene.

As for the heads that were given away for the fire?

In fact, let’s be more blunt. If any ADC player comes to this situation of Vayne, it is estimated that the number of deaths will have to be at least doubled. In fact, it will not let you die to super ghost People find it strange.

Any previous wave of team battles–

According to normal circumstances, Vayne should be a mortal situation.

However, this blue ADC Wei En has forcibly created more than one miracle by virtue of his personal ability.

Already an extremely remarkable achievement.


To sum up, it was all natural for Wei En to die; it was unexpected to come to life from a desperate situation and turn the tide.

It’s just…

Although I know these truths in my heart, but at this moment, when Wien has witnessed several waves of key team fights, death and death, and even various serious mistakes, the spectators of the various teams on the scene are still Some find it hard to accept this fact.

I was even in a dream–

Why did it suddenly become like this?

The night hunter, who is constantly creating miracles, is so unexpected that he suddenly “failed”?


If Vayne’s performance was mediocre from start to finish in this entire game, perhaps it would be more acceptable to the players who watched the game off the court.

After all, this in itself is a duel that has been known to be severely unbalanced from the beginning.

Weak teams play strong teams.

A group of junior high school students challenged the top leader in the Xiamen Division.

You also chose a hand of Wei En, facing the ace Wushuang Jianxian of the Tian’a team, the holy gun ranger Lucian.

No matter how you look at it, it is a downturn that is destined to be crushed.

By the way, the ADC Vayne of the Peak team played a jaw-dropping and even breathtaking operation in the first 20 minutes of the game, not only did it finish the matchup. Explosive, even almost one person to 1V5 to challenge a whole team.

Such a brilliant pioneering work once shocked the players of various teams off the court, and at the same time, they were infinitely close to believing that the final victory of the game would be won by the blue team.


But this is the ca for more than twenty minutes.

y after the audience.

Vayne’s performance suddenly went downhill.

It was really like a roller coaster, only to reach the top, and then swooped down to the bottom of the valley.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Wayne’s performance in the past few waves of team battles has gradually become weak.

Lost that calmness.

It even seemed a little embarrassed.

And this situation is manifested to the extreme in the wave of Tulong team battle——

Flash hits the wall?

This is an unexpected accident that the on-site spectators who have only seen the operation of the Vayne God level before killed them.

As for the great dragon team battle that just ended, Vayne made a mistake again in the face of the opponent’s purple army’s continued focus on fire, and was hit by Demon Ji’s E skill “Phantom Chain”. Live, resulting in a spike in the outbreak……

The moment when Wayne lost her head for the fourth time.

The dazzling costume worn by the night hunter of the Blue Fang Pinnacle Team seems to have finally faded away.

Lost the brilliance of creating miracles.

Along with the camera’s perspective after death, it becomes darker together.

Not long ago, I was still cheering and cheering for Vayne, and now the players who watched the match could not help but start to feel confused, wondering what happened to Vayne.

Or maybe…

The truth is just like the words that the captain of Team Tian’a Wushuang Jianxian yelled out in a spirited manner. It only needs four simple words to explain:

He’s gone.


The situation really turned upside down in an instant.

One second, the peak team, which was clearly still the blue side, carried the first big dragon buff, imposing like a rainbow, and pushed forward to the purple side’s upper road highland tower.

In the next second, the Tian’a team, which was already on the purple side, won two rounds of team battles between the earth dragon and the big dragon. Now they are carrying the buff of the second big dragon and the line of soldiers blessed by the buff. Push in the wave.

The second defensive tower on the Blue Square Middle Road was flattened and demolished into ruins.

The purple army is like a rainbow, and continues to advance.

Furthermore, there are four people in a group on the middle road, and Jace will be separated by one person on the route.

The two lines are involved.

Continuously put defensive pressure on the blue peak team.

At this point, the advantages of the Blue Army in the early stages of relying on Wei En to fight for life and death have disappeared.

Today’s opponent’s purple legion, just a single burst of Demon Ji Le Fulan is enough to directly squeeze Wei En’s second-space health bar, and even if the ADC Obama, who was completely exploded in the early stage, is now a piece of equipment. Has also fully developed.

The pinnacle team originally relied on the biggest center of gravity, and finally lost its original power.

Under such circumstances, facing the top team in the Xiamen Division, the personal deficiencies of several junior high school players have become more and more exposed.

The two-way **** line was operated by the purple side of the Tian’a team and pushed up the blue side to the middle high ground at the same time~IndoMTL.com~ The peak team that concentrated on the middle high ground defense had no time to take care of the top road.

The opponent’s top laner, Jace, almost effortlessly, single-player quickly flattened the top lane defense tower.

Break the road and summon the crystal.

Then Jess quickly circumvented towards the high ground of the middle road, and the purple side of the high ground assisted the female tank and the jungle prince to press forward.

Several members of the blue peak team were forced to retreat again.

The middle road high ground defense tower vacated.

Summon the crystal to give up.

Along with the announcement of the female voice of the system, the blue square midway summoning crystal burst into explosion.

Two Way Highlands…

Be broken one after another!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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