Rise Chapter 1924: It’s okay

? The atmosphere on the rooftop fell into a moment of silence.

Only the cool evening breeze is blowing gently, and the bright lights of the night view of Manchester in the distance.

“Four emperors go one step further…”

Nian Shisan suddenly sighed with emotion, as if trying to savor a concept that is extremely illusory even for most of the top professional players, including him, and then turned to look. Xiang Linfeng:

“Hey, what realm is that?”

The question was rather direct and unkind.

And Lin Feng was also a blank eye when he heard it, and he was equally unambiguous in reply:

“How do I know.”

“You have to ask Senior No. 1 for this question.”

Nian Shisan was stunned, and nodded: “That’s right, except Senior One…Everyone, even the other senior elders of the previous generation, are almost at that level.”

Lin Feng nodded:

“I heard Senior Three say before.”

“Back then, among the five of them, apart from Senior One, Senior Three should be the closest to that realm. Xiaowu Sister and Senior Two are a little bit behind. Senior Four’s words are similar to those in Europe. A few are similar.”

Nian Shishi interjected: “The Crow and J from Europe? And the two from Korea and the Lord Bullet from North America?”

Lin Feng touched his nose: “Oh, these are the same, but if you really want to say, Crow and the senior Li Dojae should be a little bit better than the others, including senior number three.”

“Then a little bit worse than the predecessor one.”

Nian Shi 13 thought and pondered for a long time, finally sorted out the relationship among them, and then opened his mouth slightly:

“Do it.”

“In other words, F is already a bit ahead of Crow and Lee Dojae?”

Lin Feng thought about it carefully and gave an answer cautiously:

“It’s hard to tell.”

“I don’t know the Lord Lee Dojae, but Crow, the previous encounters I have encountered in the European server king team rushing to the list-the feeling is similar to the current F gives me.”

Nan Shi 13 was relieved, and then frowned suddenly: “That’s also very scary… This hasn’t been done yet, it’s already reached this level, if it is really done-how about guy F? Isn’t it directly equal to Senior One?”

Lin Feng paused, and then slowly said “um”.

The atmosphere on the rooftop is quiet again.

Nian Shisan took a deep breath: “At that time…his title of the first person in the new generation of e-sports circles, but he really sits firmly.”


I didn’t get any more feedback from someone, read thirteen and then look at Lin Feng: “Hey, so you guys have been tossing about every night every night, what’s the situation, how are you going against him now?”

After all, he also knows the current state of Lin Feng’s strength, even if there is still a gap from the peak of the year, at least he has returned to the realm of the four emperors steadily.

But Lin Feng shook his head.

Reading thirteen eyebrows raised: “A lot of difference?”

Lin Feng nodded again.

I didn’t give more explanations about my specific experience in the training room every night recently.

Nian Shisan didn’t ask any more, just shook his head and looked at the night view in the distance on the rooftop, and exploded like a grumble:



Later on the rooftop, Lin Feng and Nian Shisan continued to chat for a long time.

Perhaps it is precisely because I have already lost a result of being eliminated from the group stage, so Nian Shi 13 on this evening can already put aside his original identity as the Assassins team’s jungler captain and shoulders more freely. The burden of hope for the entire LMS division carried by Shanghai, even more unscrupulously chatting with someone like this.

The two chatted about the past of the S1 season.

“I was so embarrassed that I lost to you in the S1 finals that year—”

“What is there to say, your strength was not as good as eleven, and the counterpoint was completely suppressed. Only if you can win will there be a ghost.”

“Hum, but it is reasonable that you let me use my current state to match the eleven at the peak of the year, I will never lose, believe it or not?”

“Well, that’s true. I admitted it on October 11 when I was watching the game offstage today.”

Also talked about the analysis and prediction of the follow-up schedule of this World Finals.

“Although it is said that all three teams in the LPL Division, which broke the record this year, have entered the quarterfinals, it is not easy to say that I feel that you are still not so optimistic about the situation. Even the quarterfinals are almost lucky in the draw. Except God, other KG and Hayami have trouble.”

“Anyway, anyone who smokes has to bite the bullet, A Xing, Lao Shi, and Fatty should all be prepared.”

“Hey, it’s still a bit painful to say…this year our LMS division has done it like this. After going back, it is estimated that the entire Taiwan server professional e-sports circle will be fluctuating again. Thinking about it is troublesome.”

“If you don’t break or stand, your division has been at ease for too long. Just relying on your assassin family to support the scene in the World Tournament, the people below will also get along. This time it’s like this, for the LMS division. It may not be a good thing.”

It also includes the outlook for the new season next year.

“I hope so…hey, I can’t care about the affairs of the division, and I don’t bother to care about it. Anyway, I will go back and sink my heart to rectify the team, and I will come back next year.”

“Well, next year–“

“Fuck! I’m going to have **** with you next year, right? Damn it’s getting worse and worse these days…”

“Hahahaha, did you admit it so early? It’s not like you!”

“Who admits to farting? See you next year in the arena. It’s up to you to see if you can bring the team into the Worlds first-don’t even make it into the LPL.”

“Tsk tsk, let’s go and see.”

“Just wait and see!”

The two talked so habitually when they talked.

The atmosphere on the rooftop has become relaxed and cheerful again.

Originally, one is not good at comforting, and the other has never liked the hypocritical temperament of mother-in-law, and it has always been like this when we get together.

And maybe.

This is enough.

I had a lot of fun, and finally when I was about to leave the rooftop, Nian Shisan suddenly stopped and looked back at Lin Feng:

“That’s right.”

“Since I heard such a news from you–“

“Then I have something here that I should talk to you.”

Lin Feng is slightly startled:



Leaving the rooftop, I took the elevator all the way to the floor of the hotel’s own room. When the elevator door opened, Lin Feng happened to hit An Xin head-on from the elevator next door.

“You came back after chatting with Shisan?”

The girl held a pile of clothes and raised her eyebrows to look at someone.

Lin Feng nodded honestly:

“Oh yeah, just finished talking.”

Speaking, he glanced at the clothes in the girl’s arms, wondering: “Why did you go?”

The girl pouted her lips: “Stupid, wash the clothes, there is no washing machine in the room, I asked the hotel to help wash it, just came downstairs and got it back from the front desk.”

“Oh…” Someone scratched his head suddenly and looked around: “Where are the others, have they all gone back?”

If it’s the same as the previous few days, then it’s still early tonight, the three players in the LPL Division should still be training and preparing for the game.

An Xin nodded: “Yes, I went back. Just after the group stage, I always have to rest and adjust, and I have to get up early tomorrow-tomorrow morning is the quarterfinal draw.”

After An Xin reminded Lin Feng to remember:


“We are going to draw lots again.”

Compared with the group lottery of the group stage, tomorrow’s eight-final lottery will be a more critical highlight.

An Xin smiled: “So, so do you, go back early to rest, and go watch the fun tomorrow morning together—”

Speaking, the girl stretched out her hand to cover her mouth and yawned: “I’m also sleepy. I went back to the house to take a bath and sleep. Good night and good night.”

“Well—” Lin Feng nodded subconsciously, then watched the girl turn around and leave, but suddenly said, “Baozi.”

An Xin stopped, and looked back at someone, her eyebrows raised slightly:


This time, Lin Feng hesitated for a while, shook his head~IndoMTL.com~ showed a smile:

“Oh, it’s okay, just call it.”

“Pig.” The girl gave someone an angry look, and left with a pile of washed clothes.

Only Lin Feng remained standing still.

Silent look at the girl’s back.

I remembered the last words I had said while reciting the 13th and myself on the rooftop.

Then he shook his head.

Leaving those words behind for a while, stepped forward and followed up.

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The update is sent, the next chapter looks like at about 10 o’clock, roll away and continue the codeword.

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