Rise Chapter 185: Cannot return

Card VS Annie.

As a mid-lane hero, the card master belongs to the kind of AP that develops in line-swiping and performs various support wanderings after reaching level 6, and the online combat effectiveness is not strong.

And Annie is the opposite.

Whether it was in the past or the present, Lolita Annie is definitely one of the most terrifying heroes with explosive damage among the mid-lane AP heroes. The line is extremely strong.

For two heroes like this to align in the middle, there is no doubt that the cards will be suppressed in the early stage.

Yan Liang, who is a single card in the purple side, knows this very well.

But at the beginning, he didn’t feel too much flustered, because in his opinion, he was a master player in the master group, and the card master is still his best hero. Even if it does not help, at least it can stabilize the rhythm of development.

But he was wrong.

Great mistake.

Almost as soon as the game started, Yan Liang’s eyelids kept twitching wildly.

The mid laner on the opposite side brought him tremendous laning pressure from the beginning, whether it was the flat A consumption with a range of more than 600 yards, or the almost uninterrupted Q skill “Splitting Fire” All of his pokes are constantly consuming the blood volume of the blood bar on the head of his card master.

Boom! ——

A fire of shattering exploded on the card master.

Followed by was a small fireball with an ace.

After eating such a set of QA combos once again, Yan Liang’s HP status of the mid laner card master has only half blood left.

Yan Liang sweats slightly from the corner of his forehead, and looks at the blue Fang Zhongdan Annie in surprise:

This guy…

It’s so fierce!


After controlling Annie to the middle route, Lin Feng took the kind of unceremoniously strong suppression posture.

Annie’s Q skill “Fire of Fragmentation”, he didn’t use it to make up the knife at all. Every time he hits the level A, he can still steadily collect each of the minions into the bag. At the same time, once the Q skills are cooled down. Look for the opportunity to raise your hand directly on the target card.

The meaning is very clear–

It is to lower your card master’s health.

You have crushed your blood volume, and then you can’t make up for it?

Lin Feng didn’t care what the opponent thought, so the little Lori Anne, who directly controlled her, quickly began to push the line of troops under the opponent’s defensive tower.

The card master who was about to retreat ate the blood bottle at this time, but the health status was still only half blood, and at this moment, Liu Yue’s jungler suddenly came from the grass at the entrance of the river on the left side of the middle road. Get out.

The direct EQ Erlian displacement has suddenly arrived!

Fortunately, Yan Liang responded very quickly to hand over the summoner skill [Flash], and avoided the prince’s flying control in a thrilling manner. Otherwise, it is estimated that his card master will lose blood.

Rao is so, Yan Liang is still shocked in a cold sweat.

Looking at the large wave of soldiers advancing on the opposite side, Yan Liang gritted his teeth, reluctantly chose to return to the city, and then used [Teleport] to return to the line.

This is the safest and safest way.

Just this way…

The double summons of the card master were all forced out.


Yan Liang gritted his teeth and thought, he is already in an awkward and passive position in the middle of the road. Next, he can only resist the pressure and grow up. Otherwise, if the prince on the opposite side comes to gank again, his head A blood is still dangerous.

So, for the time being, I can only look at the rhythm on the other side of the road.

For his own team’s bot lane, Yan Liang is more at ease. After all, among their Shanghai Foreign Affiliated Middle School team, the strongest path is not even the mid lane where his mid laner is located, but it is Liu Zhengjie’s bottom lane.

What’s more, the opponent is just a little girl. If you play Draven, you really think you can carry the audience?

At least that’s what Yan Liang thinks at the moment.


The match-up on the bottom lane has also been extremely intense since the start.

As the purple ADC wheel mother, Liu Zhengjie has indeed shown his strength as the core trump card of the team. A wheel mother almost does not need the cooperation and help of his teammates, and he has already suppressed the opponent on his own. Delevingne and Bron are two heroes.

It’s true that Delevingne, the ADC, is very strong.

But it’s not really invincible on the line.

Controlling her own ADC, the wheel mother seized the opportunity to throw a Q-skill’s whirling crossblade, and the two damages were superimposed at the limit distance at almost the same time and knocked out a cut of the target Draven’s health, Liu Zhengjie The corners of his mouth evoke a sharp arc:

In front of his mother of wheels, Draven can only shrink.

At the same time, both Tang Bingyao and Wei Dong of the blue thirteen high team are under greater pressure.

Wei Dong’s expression is particularly dignified and ugly:

Mom, the wheel on the opposite side, really had a good time.

Although Liu Zhengjie is arrogant, but his strength is really nothing to say, he is also the core trump card of the Shanghai Foreign Affairs Affiliated Middle School.

His own support Bron tried to use the Q skill to hit that wheel mother several times, and he was almost easily avoided by the opponent. On the contrary, he himself was chased by the opposite wheel mother for several clicks and consumption. Lost a lot of blood.

If it hadn’t been for the hero Bron to be able to carry it, his HP would be dangerous now.

Tang Bingyao’s expression is extremely serious and focused.

That wheel mother, it’s amazing.

Now that she is playing with Delevingne, she rarely encounters passive restraint, but the opponent’s strength in this round is indeed very strong, relying on flexible positioning and extremely accurate Q skills to cast poke, Suppressed her Draven.

This is the strength of the real ADC players in the Dianyi Master Group.

(Very powerful.)

Tang Bingyao gave such a serious evaluation in her heart.

Seeking truth from facts has always been her best quality.

But even though she recognizes the opponent’s strength, it doesn’t mean that she will give up willingly.

At this moment, the light in Tang Bingyao’s eyes is particularly serious and persistent:

(To win.)

(Can’t disappoint everyone’s hope.)

(And the promise I just made.)

(Next Road——)

(I will hand it over to her!)


The line of troops in the bottom lane has been pressed under the blue defensive tower.

At this position, the purple ADC wheel mom can better use the ability of their Q skill poke, because the skill has a long casting distance, so as long as the opportunity is right, it can easily consume the opponent’s Blood volume.

If it is a two-stage damage back and forth, it is almost a Q that can take away a small half of the blood.

As the blue ADC Delevingne, if he tries to avoid missing the knife when he makes up the knife under the tower, he will inevitably lose his blood.

On the contrary, the creeps’ compensation will be missed.

Just like right now, Tang Bingyao’s ADC Delevingne has missed a few minions, and his blood volume has also been consumed to a half-blood state.

“Next to the road…The wheel is pressed very strongly.”

Mo Sheng in the commentary gave such a compliment.

West Wind on the side took the conversation and commented: “Well, the ADC player of the Shanghai Foreign Affairs Affiliated Middle School is indeed very strong. He has fully displayed the superior characteristics of the hero of the wheel mother. Now Delevingne and Bron are indeed Very passive.”


Quite passive.

At this time, Wei Dong’s forehead was already sweating, and he reminded nervously:

“Tangtang doesn’t work like this. If the blood volume is a little bit less, the female on the opposite side can be forced to open it first, and it may be forced to kill under the tower.”

Tang Bingyao pressed her lips vigorously.

She also knows the current situation.

At this time, Liu Yue’s jungler was far too late to come to the bottom lane for support. Shen Ze’s top lone rock man was hit by his opponent Jian Ji on the top lane, and it was also impossible to teleport, so she can only play at the moment. Road works hard.

Can’t go back to the city~IndoMTL.com~ Once you go back and come back again, you will lose most of the **** line, and you will not be able to keep up with your opponent in terms of level experience. Then the opponent will be the first to open a wave of 6 levels, and it is still very likely to go wrong.

A step back means a step back.


Cannot return.

Cannot return!

Tang Bingyao took a deep breath, his eyes became more focused and serious, and he stared at the ADC wheel mother and auxiliary Japanese **** the opposite side, thinking quickly about the countermeasures——

At this moment, when the opposite supporting Japanese woman stepped forward, Wei Dong’s supporting Bron just hit the target with a Q skill backhand.

Slow down and control!

In an instant, Tang Bingyao’s eyes suddenly brightened:

Just…right now!

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