Rise Chapter 1824: His name

? After all, because he is only a 22-year-old student, his exposure to e-sports games began in the S2 season of the League of Legends. Although he can be regarded as an old game player, if he is a complete player of e-sports in the national server When measured by the historical timeline, it still seems immature.

If there are really experienced old e-sports players present, then when you see No.1 and others at the first glance, there is no unrecognizable situation.


It is exactly this kind of crooked beating.

It is precisely because they did not recognize these at the first glance that Lu Yang left a piece of capital in the future that would be enough to cheer and brag with everyone around him countless times, and this paragraph is legendary. The experience is also destined to make him unforgettable for a lifetime.

And even for the moment at this moment–

When Number One asked that question casually with a smile on his face, everything that happened after that was enough to make the young Chinese student completely sluggish on the spot.

“By the way, where are the special ID cards you mentioned just now?”

For this question, Lu Yang pointed his finger in the direction of the hallway to the hallway without any doubt, and spoke subconsciously:

“Oh, in the meeting lounge over there.”

“Just the largest one in the corridor.”

Number One nodded, stretched out his hand to pat the shoulder of the young compatriot in front of him, smiled and spoke:

“Thank you.”

“There will be no trouble for the rest, we will just go over by ourselves.”

Lu Yang nodded subconsciously: “Oh yes…”

The next moment, watching the few people in front of him have passed in front of him and walked toward the conference room, he suddenly felt shocked and hurriedly prepared to reach out to stop him:


“Then, you can’t just go over there.”

“Need that special identity…”

The last word “brand” just came to my lips.

But he stopped abruptly with the picture he saw in the next second.

No. One seemed to inadvertently pull out a tag from his arms, shook and motioned to the young compatriot who was almost dumbfounded in front of him, and smiled:

“This is it.”

“Don’t worry, yes.”

Then he took the other four people and turned towards the conference room.

Just when we were talking and talking, Lu Yang specifically and emphatically mentioned the identity card.

Said that the identity card is extremely rare and valuable. There are only seven dollars in the whole world.

The person who owns that identity card has almost the same status as the vice chairman in the World Telecom Association, and is equivalent to the leader of the major e-sports associations, super unique.

Two of them are F-Lee Dojae, the mythical first person of the generation in the Korean e-sports circle, and the other legendary M.

And just at that moment–

Number One seemed to take out the tag that was dangling in front of Lu Yang.

The shape, pattern, text, material and specifications are no different from the special identification card with a total of only seven pieces. They also have the red seal of the World Telecom Association headquarters personally confirmed by the chairman.

It’s just…

The serial number shown on this identity card——

is “1”.

Looking at the backs of the number one and several people, Lu Yang only felt that his mind was almost blank and confused, and he couldn’t think of anything at all in his ears.

Only one thought keeps spinning.


It turned out to be too! ?

The holders of this kind of identity card are at least Lee Dojae and M. They are legends with great names in the world e-sports circle, but those few just now are clearly his compatriots. His nationality, and their national service, when did a person of this level appear?


As if a bright electric light pierced my mind.

Hardly thinking about memories, finally made Lu Yang find some textual data fragments that were once just scanned on the Internet in the depths of his memory.

Then the next moment, the young guest in the lobby of the Telecom Association headquarters suddenly showed an expression of incredible ecstasy and shock. He suddenly raised his head and looked towards the back of the few people, almost exclaiming:

“He is!—”

At this moment, a few people have come to the door of the conference lounge that Lu Yang just pointed out.

Number One reaches out and grasps the doorknob.


Then, opening the door in a very natural and random manner.

As soon as I walked into the meeting room, everyone in the room suddenly looked up, looking at Number One in unison.

Number One smiled:


“It’s all here.”

A greeting that seems to be an understatement.

It’s as simple as just saying good morning to a neighbor at will.

On the long table in the meeting room, on the sofa chair in the middle of the door, are Lee Do-jae and M. The former saw the moment when the door 1 was pushed in and his eyes were suddenly cold, while the latter was right. No.1 and No.3, No.5 and others who entered the door afterwards slightly nodded their heads in greeting, showing an apologetic and helpless smile.

Bullet stood leaning against the corner of the wall, staring coldly and solemnly:

“You were late.”

No.1 smiles:

“Just catch up.”

Speaking, he turned his gaze to the end of the long table in the conference room. At the end of the long table, there were five figures. Some were burly and majestic and quiet like a mountain, and some were hiding in the shadow of the corner. It was gloomy, some people were standing behind the chair but still could not hide the fierce aura, some people had their hands on their backs and they were as straight as a javelin——

There are also people, just sitting quietly in their seats.

The skinny figure seems to be almost completely plunged into the large and soft sofa chair.

Also until this moment.

The man slowly raised his head, his deep gaze seemed to have a palpable chill and calmly greeted the line of sight cast by No.1 without any emotion, and a cold arc of smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

“Long time no see.”


Number One squinted slightly, then laughed:

“No one has called me that for a long time.”


Because he is familiarly referred to as “Number One” for friends and friends who are familiar and close.

If it is Lin Feng, An Xin, or Tian Tian, ​​Dawn Morning Star and other junior guys, they will respectfully call “Senior”.

Even his old rivals of his generation and the same generation, such as Bullet, basically just put the name “you guy” on their lips with a bit of disgust, as if they regarded themselves as Lee Do-jae, who was an old enemy who had to be eliminated at all costs, was even more unwilling to mention his existence.


It’s true.

This is his name. It is the ID he chose for himself when he first came into contact with e-sports. The name “Number One” came from it.

Then everything is taken for granted.

It’s as if he was the leader and captain among the teammates behind him~IndoMTL.com~ Just like he led the team to the top of the world in e-sports, in the generation of gods. Invincible.

It is also as if he was named the tallest legendary first person by the World Telecom Association.

Also, for example, the head of the seven-person honorary advisory group is also logically owned by him.

Because he was originally number one.

Because of his ID, it’s called Zero One.


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It is the first time to hit all the ID of No.1, and the next two chapters feel like it will be very difficult. . Have to think about it.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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