Rise Chapter 1702: Slow 1 slow

After the respective rhythms of the upper and lower lanes, the current headcount of the blue and purple legions has become 4 to 2.

It is still the blue assassin team that dominates.

But the current rhythm of the situation has already caused some commotion among the members of the club players who watched the game off the court.

There is nothing to say about the wave of killing Jace in front of the purple square crown team on the top road. The blind man’s early developmental rhythm is very smooth, and with Shang Shen’s taunting control, he kills an opponent who is pressing on the line, Shang Dan Jie. Sis can only be considered quite satisfactory, as expected.

However, what really attracted attention and discussion… was the botched wave.

The policewoman cooperated with the killing of Bull Head.

This wave of operations really made the players of the various clubs who are not too familiar with the Crown team off the court to stop being horrified, and even a little shocked.

You must know that even in a regular starting match, the combination of policewomen and bull heads should only be used to suppress the consumption of the match. After all, heroes such as the Pi City Policewomen want to fight directly. It’s still a bit difficult to get the head from the thread.

But just now…

The situation of the Crown team is that the jungle mantis who reads 13 were madly targeted at the start of the game and lost two heads and more than one wave of **** line economic experience.

But in such a disadvantaged situation, the policewoman actually completed the counterattack abruptly.

Badly took the head of the opposite EZ.

Although this is inseparable from the control of Bull Head WQ Erlian, but there is no doubt that the most important thing in this wave is still the personal operation of the female police.

“Slow half a beat won’t work—”

Someone sighed like this.


Any step of the policewoman’s operation just now, as long as the hand speed is a little slower, it is enough for the ADC Izreal on the side of the blue assassin team to surrender at least E skills and [Flash] escape, at most Was beaten back to the city.

The Picheng policewoman, who can be controlled, has achieved a set of operations combo in the shortest amount of time and hit EZ’s face with the maximum damage in an instant.

All the damage was done in an instant.

In order to achieve such an explosive result in seconds.

Such a scene makes people subconsciously feel a little familiar, because just not long ago, the training match between God vs. Minx was held in the first training room downstairs, Huang Xueye Song also relied on a single ADC policewoman to achieve a laning kill with her own personal operation in the early laning stage.

It seems that heroes such as the Pi City Policewoman have reached the hands of top-level professional ADC players…all the demeanours they can display have the same goal in different ways.

It just so happens that Huangxue Yege and the two are also the most representative professional ADs with strong offensiveness in the world’s professional gaming circles.

Then it is inevitable that people will make a comparison.

“What do you think of Xiaofeng?”

Number 5 looked at Lin Feng and asked with a smile, and then Li Shiyi, Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao and Su Xue Anxin who were next to him all fell on someone.

Lin Feng touched his nose:


“For the time being…I can’t see it yet.”

“With just this wave of killing operations, Lao Ye should be able to fight it too.”

As if he had already expected such an answer, No.5 only nodded slightly, and then turned to Tang Bingyao who was aside, smiling:

“What do you think of Tangtang?”

“For you, can you do that now?”

Suddenly the girl who was named was stunned for a while, and was a little at a loss after she recovered: “I, me…I can’t…”

Speaking of speaking, for Tang Bingyao, the ADC heroes she is most familiar with and good at are all violent types, and the policewoman Caitlin, who is like continuous output and line consumption suppression, is not her best. one of.

So just seeing this wave of killing operations in the next road, it also made the girl feel dizzy. It is rare that a hero like the original policewoman Caitlin can also play such a powerful and explosive style. .

However, the girl was unavoidably flustered when she was suddenly asked about herself at this moment.

Lin Feng touched his chin:


“The operating speed should be sufficient.”

“However, it is still a bit difficult for her to complete such a delicate operation in such a short time.”

It is true that because I am familiar enough with the strength and operation of the girl, the analysis and evaluation given by someone at this moment is also hit the nail on the head——

Hand-speed operation can meet the requirements.

But the level of detail in this operation may not be achieved.

The more important point is…

If Tang Bingyao was on the court just now, he might not even be able to think of this wave of killing opportunities.

“Tangtang’s consciousness and experience still need to be supplemented.” Zeng Rui nodded in agreement.

However, Su Xue couldn’t see it, and stood up and spoke up for the girl: “Hey, it’s all right. There are so many opinions. How long has Tangtang been in contact with the League of Legends? How can she talk to other people so quickly? This kind of top professional player? Give her a little more time, and I will definitely surpass everything and the Song of the Wild Snow Night!”

An Xin smiled and echoed: “Yes, Sister Xue is right.”

On the 5th, she looked at Tang Bingyao with a smile:

“Of course, don’t worry too much. Tangtang, you just need to practice slowly now, but…Although it’s reassuring to give it to Bullet for teaching, you can watch the operation for a while now. It can help you learn something more intuitively.”

“It can be seen that he was indeed carefully directed by Bullet.”

“Then there is enough value for Tangtang you to observe and learn.”

“It is not for you to copy and imitate unconditionally, but to some extent, what is shown now is actually the path you will generally follow in the future.”

This is teaching and pointing, Tang Bingyao also nodded seriously.


The training competition on the field continues.

Although it seems that I intend to go to the bottom road and continue to engage in several waves of military training, but after the wave of female policemen killed and obtained the EZ head in the bottom road, the blue side assassin team reads the 13th jungler. However, the mantis did not go directly to the bottom road again.

Kazk the praying mantis returned to the wild area and began a round of his own wild development.

Such a situation also made the few capable spectators off the court nodded slightly with a look of approval.


This wave of praying mantises really can’t be impatient.

Even a hunger strike-type jungler like Nian 13~IndoMTL.com~ still has to consider various objective factors and act calmly.

Don’t look at the ADC policewoman on the opposite side of the road. It seems to have handed over [Flash] for the wave of kills just now, but if you gank rashly at this moment, the opponent’s purple army can naturally expect this, and be careful. Having reached level 6 to learn the big move, you can open a big support to the bottom lane at any time to form an equal number of at least 3V3.

In addition, at this time, the level of the praying mantis Khazik is already too low, and he must first make up for growth, otherwise, with the current level of the praying mantis, it is even more likely to be a wave of opponents when he goes to the bottom lane. Anti-kill take away.

“It is estimated that we have to slow down for a while.”

From the front row of the crowd off the court, Li Shiyi gave his judgment.

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The update is sent. The next chapter looks like around ten o’clock. Roll away and continue the codeword.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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