Rise Chapter 1673: Crazy?

In the well-known detective novel, Holmes said this to his partner Watson. When you have eliminated all impossible situations, the rest, no matter how unbelievable, are the truth and the answer.

When several people from the SSK team in the front field were talking and discussing, according to the current situation of the blue side God team on the field, the players and heroes in the four positions of top laner, jungler, ADC and support were successively screened out. So although the last sentence is not directly pointed out, in fact, the remaining responsibility for breaking the game can only fall on one person.


Dawn Morningstar’s mid laner Verus.

Although it has an excellent ability to consume poke, the “corrupt chain” of the arrow of punishment is also a weapon for opening the group, especially in this round of the blue army lineup. The ability of the big move to start a group can almost be ranked in the top three.

It’s just as evaluated by the support Cube of the SSK team, even if the blue mid laner Verus is the only one who has the ability to break the game, he really wants to break the game and come back. It’s still difficult.

The difficulty lies in the actual operation.

Veros’s big move certainly has strong hard control ability, but after all, as a crispy mid laner AD hero, it is easy to not stand too far in the situation where the two sides are in a stalemate and confrontation. If you are standing in the back row of your own formation, you will be short of distance if you want to make a big move, and it is very likely that the opponent will react and avoid directly.

In addition, the C hero of the opponent’s purple army is not stupid. He must also stand in the back row of his own. Under normal circumstances, Verus can only drive to the opposite front row at most, so the meaning and effect are not great. , Will give the opponent enough reaction time and counterattack opportunities.


Although it is difficult.

However, there is still the possibility of a successful operation on a theoretical level.

The only Verus who can take responsibility.

There is only one way and means to break the game.

Han Shihao saw the only possibility of this method, and someone on the other side of the crowd and Autumn made a time limit for the specific implementation of this method when they were talking.

Because beyond this time frame, Verus’s only means of breaking the game will not be used.


Just like what Han Shihao said, what he would definitely be able to do when playing Verus, in his eyes, the mid laner of the God team…now he can do it too.

So Dawn Morning Star really did it.


The game time is 27 minutes and 50 seconds.

There is about five seconds left within the time limit for Lin Feng and Autumn to discuss the results.

When the second tower of the Blue Army’s bottom defense tower collapsed in the announcement of the system’s female voice.

When God’s top laner, Twilight Eye, seemed to retreat because of residual blood, and happened to choose a wave of return to the city.

On the side of Summoner’s Canyon on the road, move forward and accumulate energy. A Q skill “piercing arrow” hits the distant target snake girl, and Verus just seems to be ready to stop and walk back. .

The purple team Minx who saw Verus retreat took advantage of the situation and prepared to push forward a few more points.

This is the moment.

A wave of operation screens enough to be rated as the most shocking today came into the eyes of everyone in the audience.

For the other members of the Blue Army God team on the field, their clearest and deepest impression of this moment is destined to be the sudden loud shout of their captain on the voice channel of their own team:


Then Verus, who pretended to retreat, turned back in a flash and returned to the Summoner skill [Flashing] accompanied by a spatter of golden light bursting forward and moving forward!

The big move “Chain of Corruption” is hit!

In the sensation that suddenly shocked the entire training room, Verus flashed a big move to control the single snake girl in the purple square who was caught off guard!

Stay in place.

I can’t move!


Just like the wave of Fly’s mid laner R Flash in the middle of the road ahead, everyone in the audience couldn’t predict it.

And this wave of mid laner Verus under the control of the dawn and morning star flashed a big move to control the player first, and it almost exceeded the limit of everyone’s imagination!


This is Verus!

Except for the flash, there is no other crispy mid-laner Verus with any life-saving ability!

Such a big move can reach people, but doesn’t it also put yourself into a mortal situation?

The Minx team of the purple army on the field was also stunned for a moment by all the players including Fly, because their tactical idea was to divide the quarters, and the task of pushing the tower with the line was handed over to The-Sword. Shan Ike, their other four-man army only needs to be responsible for containment on the road side.

So they didn’t plan to start a group hastily.

If you don’t start a group, you will always be prepared for the other side’s uncontrollable force.

But they guarded against Shan Shen’s teleportation from the opposite side, and prevented the jungle widow from wandering around on the side, but they did not expect that they had to prevent the flashing of the opposite Shan Verus.

This, isn’t this crazy! ?

At the moment when Verus’s ultimate hit and control, Fly himself was blank for a moment, but his instinct for operation was to make him unthinkingly backhand and direct a big move “petrified stare” toward the front. The distant target, Verus, swept away.

The moment Fly made her big move, she felt as if she was dreaming unreal, and even had a sense of indescribable comicality and absurdity in her heart——

He actually… was forced by the flashing big move by the opposite Verus?

Not to mention that his snake girl is in danger, but Verus, who rushed up from the suicide road, was backhanded by him and directly let several other teammates in his family set fire. Where else could he survive?


It is precisely at this moment.

Almost at the moment when the snake girl Cassiopeia’s ultimate petrochemical light shot out, the flow of the whole world seemed to suddenly slow down.

Off-field spectators with sharper eyesight can see clearly and unmistakably. When Verus flashed into the big move to control the person, when the big move shot, Verus suddenly leaned back. Retreated a small step diagonally.

Prejudged as if superbly.

It seems to be prepared in advance.

It’s this step.


Snake girl Cassiopeia’s backhand big move “Petro Stare”, which was almost synchronized with lightning strikes, was staggered and avoided the frontal hard control of petrochemicals-Fly’s face in front of the computer screen on the purple side was suddenly shocked. A look of horror:

“What the hell!”

Although it is still hung with the slowing buff.

But it did not prevent Verus from turning around and aiming at the remnant blood snake girl in the next moment, the firepower output continued to pour out suddenly!


On the side of the KG team off the field, the demon, who is the main mid laner of the team, suddenly widened his eyes and blurted out with a burst!

The exclamation of the audience then burst like a tide!

The girl who walks and hides the snake has a big face!

This is the perfect combination of delicate operation and sharp hand speed!

It’s still the same moment~IndoMTL.com~ Another draw of Verus’s A strike knocked the blood volume of the snake girl to the endangered blood line, and the other players of the two teams on the field seemed to have finally reacted suddenly— —


Team God’s reaction speed is much faster!

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The third one is sent. Congratulations to RNG for winning the summer championship. IG is also very exciting. This year’s S8 World Finals, I feel I have seen the hope of LPL, for eight years, I hope the glory can belong to the LPL division. .

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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