Rise Chapter 1664: Fly’s first head

The 18th minute of the game.

Summoner Canyon hits the road, and the outer defense tower of the Blue Legion collapses into ruins in a rumbling sound.

The reminder of the female voice of the system sounded, which also caused a slight uproar among the audience members of the various clubs and teams off the court.

Because of this wave…

No head war broke out.

It was purely the female policeman Jialulu who changed lanes on the blue side and took the initiative to abandon the defensive tower and retreat, and then let the top laner Ike from the purple side directly lead the line up. The “Phase Dive” of the skill of ping A twice and then firing E will directly push down the defensive tower and demolish it.

This situation is really shocking.

Just now on the road, the duo of policewoman Jia Lulu suppressed the rhythm of the opposite Ike. Why did the Feng Shui suddenly reverse?

It’s equivalent to letting out an outer tower for nothing, not to mention that it was supposed to push the opponent’s purple side’s upper road outer tower, this time it was inexplicably lost a big wave.

But there are also some players and coaches who are aware of the problem.

It’s not that God’s team made a mistake in decision-making, and it’s not that Huangxue Yege and his supporting companions on the road took the initiative to let the tower.

I have to let it.

Because just now, the mid-laner snake **** the opposite side of Fly moved a little closer to the bottom lane, and the purple side EZ plus fan mother also pressed the line to the blue side God team’s bottom lane second tower. , The situation of Twilight’s Eye, who is defending the clear line alone under the second tower, is a bit dangerous, so that the jungle widows of the God team have to rush to the bottom to help defend.

As soon as my teammate of the jungler and widow went down the road, and the whereabouts of the opposite jungler Zac could not be seen on the minimap, the Huangxue Yege on the road had to be vigilant.

Of course, if the opposite Zach comes on the road, it looks like it is only 2V2, and he has Shen to provide a lot of support here, and he is defending under the tower, it seems that there will be no big problem——

If you really think so, then you are dead.

Not to mention that the policewoman in this period of time has not been equipped and has not much damage output. Lulu and Shen’s protection do not have much meaning, but even if the policewoman has been injured, Ike will always have a jungler on the opposite side. With the cooperation of teammates to help resist towers and control, they can easily complete spikes and even subsequent harvests in one wave.

3V2, they are still destined to be unable to beat the blue side.

Then you can only let it.

At any rate, it’s better to drop an outer tower than to be killed by a small harvest group if they fail to risk.

After listening to the analysis and explanation from the teammates or the club coach next to him, the other spectators who had not reacted to the game suddenly woke up, but immediately showed a little worried look:

“But in this case, there is more than one defensive tower.”



As soon as the outer tower on the road fell, the three towers on the map of Summoner’s Canyon on the blue side God team were all pulled down and demolished.

The visual field space and development space are compressed again.

Moreover, Ike from the purple Minx team cooperated with the jungle teammate Zach to push the tower and invaded the blue upper half wild area, and cleared all the wild resources including the blue buff wild monsters.

Even the EZ and Fan Mom who were on the road also pushed a wave of **** lines to the front of the opponent’s second tower, and ran into the lower half of the blue square.

It also cleans up all kinds of wild monster resources.

Fly’s mid-laner snake girl returned to the middle route. After pushing the line, she brushed up her own and opponent’s F6 wild monsters. Development and compensation are already slowly catching up to Verus.

At this moment, almost all the players who watched the game saw the problem.

Although no head war broke out in the past few minutes…

But the blue side is constantly backing down.

Various resources and visions still have room for development, and they are all invaded and plundered by the opponent’s purple army.

The team economy on both sides of the field has begun to gradually widen the gap.

“There is no way, now God can only bear it.”

The head coach of Hayami also looked at the OB screen on the wall at this time, and said in a deep voice: “If you can’t help but fight with the opponent at this time, that’s what your opponent is most happy to see. The result is definitely worse than it is now.”


It’s worse.

If it’s just for the resources of the wild area or some outer towers, it will have a head-on confrontation with the Minx team during this time period. There is no suspense waiting for the God team to be defeated or even collapsed by a strong wave.

Most of the spectators off the court can understand this truth after a little thought.

The problem is–

“This is too uncomfortable.”

A member of the Assassins team couldn’t help grinning, feeling a bit of toothache.


In the strong period of the opponent, you can’t do anything, step back, and watch the opponent as if the opponent can easily search and take away all the resources without blood. This feels really frustrating.

However, this complaint was exchanged for a rather rude horror of Nian Shisan who stood by:

“Fuck, you know a hammer.”

“Too uncomfortable?”

“This is ‘too difficult’!”

Really difficult.

It seems as if the God team of the blue team is just shrinking the defense line step by step and letting go of various resources, but in fact, people with real vision and judgment can see that even this kind of response is extremely challenging. The ability of the color side.

Don’t think this seems easy.

In fact, in this situation of retreat, the overall rhythm is still stable and will not collapse, and the development of several core C positions of its own is not left behind, and the situation is always in an acceptable subtlety. On the balance line, in addition to the things that you actively give up, even the slightest cheap opportunity will not easily catch the flaws for your opponents——

This kind of team’s cohesion and co-operation, as well as this stable and solid ability to deal with pressure in disadvantaged situations…

Looking at several major divisions, among the sixteen teams in this year’s S6 Finals, there may be no more than three teams capable of this level.

The God team is almost ranked first.


The players from the various clubs off the court felt uncomfortable for the God team in the blue side.

But in fact, the few God players on the blue side of the field are still in a stable state of mind, and there is not much morale change.

Because this is what they do best.

I have experienced this situation a long time ago in countless matches in the past.

So at this moment, the few God players have no distracting thoughts, just have the same goal idea, and drag the game time to the middle and late stages as much as possible, dragging their two core C-position equipment into shape. , The strong period dragged to the opposite side of the purple legion slowly passed.

On the contrary, the Purple Minx team started to feel uncomfortable.

Because they rarely played such deadlocked games.

Even if they met the top-seeded teams from the two major European and North American divisions in the morning, they had established a huge advantage early in the first 15 minutes or even 10 minutes, and they continued to rise and win the battle. —

Where is it like now, it is clear that Ike, who was on the list of The-Sword, is almost invincible, but it was abruptly that there was no gain in the few minutes since the last wave was ended~IndoMTL.com ~The most uncomfortable is Fly.

This one of his snake girls simply did not perform as much as he expected. Even if the overall situation is that their purple side dominates, his Cassiopeia is still only 0/2/0. The record data.

As a Minx core ace mid laner, this kind of thing is totally unbearable for him.



Soon, his mid laner Snake Girl won his first head in this competition.

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The update is sent, it looks like around 9 o’clock in the next chapter, it was too late last night and there was no time code word ORZ. .

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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