Rise Chapter 1395: To fight!

As the blind jungler of the purple side, when the resources in his wild area were all cleaned up by the opposite wood, mk’s decision to wander the gank was not wrong—because in fact he did. There is only one thing left to do.

But the mistake he made was that he chose the wrong target.

Whoever chooses should not choose the road.

First of all, from a purely level perspective, the mid-laner fox on the purple side of the opposing side has already been overwhelmed by the blue side’s Annie for nearly a level and a half, and the mk’s jungle blind monk is because of the early stage. All the wild monsters were reversed for two full rounds, and the level at this time was even closer to 3 levels worse than the best-grown Dark Girl on the opposite side.

Level 7 on one side.

One side is level 10.

In this way, I dared to go around alone and then prepare to force it away. It really is no different from looking for death.

Of course, if he can let the blind monk put out a set of combo moves first, and use the fox’s ultimate move to enter the field to receive the e-skill charm control, and set fire to a whole set of damage, there is indeed a chance to complete This wave of gank killed.

The problem is that with someone’s speed of operation and reaction, how could it be possible to give the opponent’s blind jungler a set of time and opportunity to finish the first move with a boo?

Not to mention…Almost all the whereabouts of the blind monk Li Qing from beginning to end are within the insight of the opposite girl.

You blind come to the middle.

The jungler, Amumu, has already prepared to squat on the wall of the f6 field earlier.

Just an Annie 1v2, it is estimated that it can easily complete the anti-kill, and if Mumu’s anti-squatting is also included, then this wave of midfielder with gank on the purple side is actually doomed from the beginning.

Mk’s blind man died unjustly.

But it was stupid enough to die.

For Lin Feng, I don’t mind if I pick up my head. Of course, even without this wave of rhythm, his mid-laner Annie is well developed. The important thing is the next wave of fire dragons. war.

So when he just killed the blind monk, he didn’t even hand in the ultimate move.

Keep it.

Besides killing such a blind man with almost the lowest level in the audience, there is no need for a big move. The damage of a few common skills and two defensive tower shots are enough to kill a person-oh yes, this blind man I just carried the tower…

There are so many slots that people don’t know where to start vomiting.

“European service’s diamonds are at this level…” Someone shook his head and sighed: “I don’t think it was like this before.”

He was talking about when he was alone in the single ranking in the European server king group.

At that time, the high-ranking players he met in the European server were all of a little level. Why are they just like this?

An Xin couldn’t help but smile: “It’s your own strength that has improved, and people’s eyes have become more critical.”

This is true.

Someone touched his nose, and he was still far from recovering to his current state. If he was in his current state and then went to the European server king team… it would be easier than before. many.

Speaking of it, if we can once again compete with the top professional powerhouses in Europe, and even the Europeans of the same generation as the predecessor No. 1, it will make people a little eager to look forward to it.

When you have a chance, you can open a large size and then go shopping.

Someone made the decision.

However, we still have to focus on the ongoing game. Lin Feng glanced at the time in the upper right corner of the screen:

“Little dragon is coming soon, right?”

An Xin nodded: “One minute.”


Time passed by little by little.

The mood of the Internet cafe guests watching the game in the audience finally became nervous again a little bit.

This one…

Up to now, it’s almost a balance of power.

But it can only be said that this situation is almost relied on the advantages established by their mid laner and jungler positions on the blue side of the field to forcibly equalize, because in addition to opening the middle field, the purple on the opposite side of the road The top laner Riven on the side and the adc policewoman on the bottom lane are still far better developed than the Rockman or ez on their blue side. Especially in this period of time, the endless work of the policewoman has been done, and the damage has initially taken shape, but the tears of the goddess produced by the adc explorer on the blue side have not yet been stacked, and they are far from being reached after the synthesis of the Demon Sword Blade. At the time of magic cutting-it is equivalent to saying that ez’s combat effectiveness will take at least another ten minutes to take shape.

Not to mention the current combat power gap between the adcs on both sides, the top lone rockman in the blue side is far less developed than Riven, and the blade of exile has already had three or four heads…The mid-term just happened to be the strongest point of time. , Plus everyone’s understanding of the strength of that tod, Riven only needs to seize the opportunity… the mid-term teamfight may be carried directly by himself.

Of course–

The situation is fairly stable now.

If it can be so stable, the situation on their blue side will be much clearer after more than ten minutes, and the power of the lineup will be gradually exerted.

The problem is that, at this time, he fought a fire dragon terribly.

It’s simply what the opponent’s purple legion likes to see most.

Because if this fire dragon blue team wants to grab, then they must bite the bullet and go to fight with the purple team, which is entering the strongest time period, just a wave of frontal team battles, which is extremely dangerous.

And if the blue party does not plan to pick up…

The opponent’s purple team can easily take down the fire dragon, and the overall combat power will increase again, which will also put further pressure on the blue team.

Neither choice falls well.


Answer or not?

The audience of the Internet cafe guests under the stage was so nervous that they couldn’t make a choice, but when they saw the blue army on the field, they seemed to have made a decision. The stone man on the road had already leaned toward the middle. After returning to the city, ez and Bron also started to walk in the middle.

This is…

To fight!

Seeing that the Blue Army made such a choice, but it only made the audience of the Internet cafe guests even more nervous and anxious–

It is true that the fire dragon cannot be released, but team battles at this time are not easy to fight.

The fire dragon is set off… Maybe it has increased the pressure on my own side~IndoMTL.com~ But if this wave of teamfights fails, almost this game will immediately lose hope.

On the side of the purple legion on the stage, the Shangdan Riven who controlled her was also slowly approaching towards the Xiaolong Fjord of the river. He noticed the movements of the opponent blue heroes on the minimap, tod There was a sneer on his face:

“Can’t help it?”

Everything was in his expectation.

The opposite is really unwilling to give up this dragon.

But in this way, it happened to fall into his trap–

All you want is you to take over the group!

This wave is the strongest point in time for the purple side on their side. If the opponent chooses to temporarily avoid the edge and force time later, maybe he really has no better way, but since the opponent is stupid to this degree I naively thought that this wave of groups could fight head-on and even had a knack for this fire dragon…

Then don’t blame him for being rude.


tod ​​glanced coldly across the blue heroes, his eyes filled with chill:

Nor should you be too ignorant of the enemy.

The big move of the opponent’s lineup, bo, is still enough for them to drink a pot.


It can’t be really straightforward and stunned to open up front with the opponent 5v5, it is better to let the opponent reduce one person and two people first.

In this case, you need to use your brain…make some other arrangements.

The thoughts turned, and tod quickly spoke in the voice channel of his team:

“This group will listen to my arrangements later.”

“I’m looking for opportunities…”

“Go around!”

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